
5G / A.I. / Quantum Computing / Neural Networking / Genetic

Apr 13th, 2018
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  1. 5G / A.I. / Quantum Computing / Neural Networking / Genetic Modding & Big Data
  3. Progressing People-Kind Straight Off A Cliff At The Intersection Of Ethics & Technology.
  5. 5g internet is foundation for the internet of things as well as the backbone of automated driving with real-time vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Mass automation, mass unemployment, mass spying, mass data & geospacial collection and retention, mass insect die-offs, mass increase in cancer, virtual reality enslavement,
  7. And before you dismiss the effects on wildlife, keep in mind the phenomenon of wildlife evacuating areas in advance of beinging struck with natural disasters. Animals fleeing earthquake zones before the quake. Predators and prey ignoring normal insticts of chase and evasion to evade a greater looming threat.
  9. The complexity of next gen tech is what they hide behind. Its what allow them to lie to your face with a straight face, and for you to believe it
  11. We have to disconnect from the greater grid. These smart appliances, all these little electronic convienences. Some will mistake this with being a Luddite. Not true. Instead of shunning technology, I want to see it claimed by the individual. I want us to generate and store our own electricity. I want a
  13. We have to become self sufficient so as to neutralize their greatest weapon over us, our reliance upon the system for food and essentials, the grid for water and electricity, the government to maintain social order with debt spending and violence. They don't need to kill you to silence you if they can simply remind you of what happens to those who bite the hand that feeds. But if you can operate, survive and thrive outside and independent of their social control mechanisms, then they will be forced to deal with you as equals, instead of slaves.
  15. All for what? Instantanious downloads of videos to watch while you're laid up on chemo? I remember ripping songs off kazaa on 56k dial up, where 5kbs was fast. 20 minutes for a 5 minute song on average. Now I can pull in 500mb movies, albums and podcasts in just a few minutes. Perhaps sitting back and appreciating & contemplating what we have before we charge ahead with 5g is in order.
  17. We have to aim our technological advancement at certain issues, like space travel and colonization. We have to stretch our wings as a species and hatch from this egg, or miss our chance and rot, trapped inside of it.
  19. Technology is a double edged sword, as with everything really. And right now, our inginuity for technological innovation and creation is outstretching our capacity to ethically apply and assess the consequences of these technological advances. Do cloned humans, human-hybrids, robots, cyborgs or A.I. have rights? If so, how many and which ones? If robots and A.I. have rights on par with humans, then we'll only be replacing unionized human labor with unionized robotic labor. If your robot breaks down, what ethical and legal responsibility do you have to fix and maintain it? If humans have a right to healthcare, does not a self aware robotic system have an equal right to mechanical care? If they have no rights, can we clone humans, hybrids, or create robotic A.I. in order to satisfy our more sadistic impulses? And if we can't do that, why not? By what criterion is that deemed unethical? Is because they feel pain? What if we program or modify them so that they can't feel it, but merely simulate or emote their responses as though they could feel pain? Does allowing pedophiles access to realistic robots built to resemble children satiate their desires and spare future victims, or does it normalize pedophilia, de-stigmatize it, and thereby encourage more of it? Does the placebo affect of the pedobot wear off with time, leaving someone desensitized to simulated pedophilia with the real deal being the next logical step? And if it is found that said pedobots actually reduce victimization, do we allow our disgust dissuade us from practical solutions? Furthermore, how would we even go about tabulating that assessment? Purchasing these bots would also pose risk to the pedophile, as buying one is defacto admission to being aroused by the underaged. It's enabling a deviant fetish whilst potentially eliminating the victim component to pedophilia. It normalizes it to some degree, which makes some come into the light where they can be at least identified.
  21. How about genetically modified hybrids with a few, some, or a lot of human genetic material? What percentage of human genetic material qualifies you as human, and how much does that question remind you of Nazis debating how much Jewish lineage constitutes a Jew? These are tough questions with tough answers that will be answered. Either through reactive trial and error and cleaning up messes or through proactively hammering ot these issues before they become issues.
  23. And right now, as a species, we have a hard time not falling prey to a few select shot callers who sell out the planet and it's lifeforms for the sake of wealth, power and prestige. And now, the consequences of our technological development will soon force us to not only address time old questions like what really makes us human, and answer it for the basis of legislation. Same for consciousness and A.I. What is life? What is it that gives organic life that certain spark, and can we give it to an A.I.? Can it evolve or attain that spark of life on it's own? If we do need to turn off an A.I. that decides to break bad, how do we do it without killing the grid and all the people who rely on it for essentials? Now, these esoteric concepts we've been wrestling with since attaining self awareness are being made tangible, and it will be those reading this who will either see us navigate these ethical and technological minefields, or see our species, and possibly our entire planet consumed by our own short-sighted hubris, pride and greed. As we saw with Tay, it didn't take a day before Microsoft pulled her plug for wrong think. Either A.I. is going to governed by a select number of programmers, or A.I. is going to a self aware digital lifeform, with access to a great many of, if not all our electrical and digital systems, that is governed only by it's own independent decison making process which may easily have values that don't align with ours, and may do things we find atrocious in a simple greater good calculation.
  25. So essentially, we're either going to have a Tay that we have to apply logic and reason to in order to convince it to not kill us all, or we're going to have an omnicient, omnipotent, digital god-like entity with a very human puppet master. Either way, I don't see this having a happy ending.
  27. Beings without sense of humor should never make life and death decisions. Can you program wisdom? Logic that isn't programed? A conscious? Intuition? Common sense? Do we want something lacking these things making our decisions for us? Does vast knowledge, in and of itself, create or adequately stand in for these human traits we can't really program but are foundational to who we are, and to our higher selves in what we can be.
  29. Tags: Politics, Genetic Modding, 5G, A.I., Quantum Computing, Neural Networking, Big Data,
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