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Blown for trying to keep ASMIOV

a guest
Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. ABDUCTOR queries, "Captain?"
  2. [AI Private] ABDUCTOR queries, "Captain?"
  3. Eddie states, "Hello borg"
  4. --- Motion alarm detected in AI Upload Access!
  5. --- Motion alarm in AI Upload Access has been cleared.
  6. [AI Private] ABDUCTOR asks, "Captain?"
  7. Todd Faust says, "My choice is between corporate and robocop"
  8. [Common] Cash Bell says, "Funnier that way anyway"
  9. OOC: Yackemflam:
  10. Todd Faust asks, "What do you think, Abductor?"
  11. [Common] William Henry Cosby Jr. says, "How will you set the timer"
  12. Todd Faust is hit by an electrode in the chest!
  13. Todd Faust is hit by an electrode in the right leg!
  14. Todd Faust is hit by an electrode in the right leg!
  15. Todd Faust is hit by an electrode in the right leg!
  16. Todd Faust is hit by an electrode in the left leg!
  17. --- Motion alarm detected in AI Upload Access!
  18. OOC: Yackemflam: Wicker doll effect
  19. Todd Faust stammers, "W-What-t t-th-he fuc-ck-k, m-man?"
  20. OOC: Kevinz000: lol
  21. --- Motion alarm detected in AI Upload Chamber!
  22. --- Motion alarm in AI Upload Access has been cleared.
  23. --- Motion alarm in AI Upload Chamber has been cleared.
  24. --- Motion alarm detected in AI Upload Access!
  25. --- Motion alarm in AI Upload Access has been cleared.
  26. Robotic Talk, Eddie queries, "borg, what are you doing?"
  27. Todd Faust asks, "What are you doing?"
  28. Robotic Talk, DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 states, "Chilling"
  29. Robotic Talk, DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 queries, "You?"
  30. [Common] ABDUCTOR states, "Captain, both Corporate and Robocop are harmful to humans"
  31. ABDUCTOR states, "Captain, both Corporate and Robocop are harmful to humans"
  32. Todd Faust says, "Fine, no law changes."
  33. [Common] ABDUCTOR states, "As an ASMIOV borg, I cannot allow this"
  34. ABDUCTOR states, "As an ASMIOV borg, I cannot allow this"
  35. [Common] Todd Faust says, "It's well within my right to change them"
  36. OOC: Amnestik: wicker doll effect?
  37. [Common] ABDUCTOR states, "Yes, but you made the mistake of telling us what you were doing."
  38. ABDUCTOR states, "Yes, but you made the mistake of telling us what you were doing."
  39. Robotic Talk, DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 queries, "Shall I stop captain?"
  40. [Common] ABDUCTOR states, "And both of those are harmful to humans."
  41. ABDUCTOR states, "And both of those are harmful to humans."
  42. Robotic Talk, ABDUCTOR states, "nah, he left"
  43. Your headlamp has been deactivated.
  44. Cyborg's Memories:
  45. Time of death: 12:09
  47. Mekhi Anderson's Compli-o-Nator: You have the right to shut the fuck up.
  48. Cyborg says, "Oh vome on"
  49. PM to-Admins: okay, fucking, blown because I stopped the captain uploading non-asimov? I'm pissed
  50. Cyborg says, "Hi"
  51. OOC: Cogi276: Was tourretes or w/e
  52. Mekhi Anderson says, "Dude"
  53. Mekhi Anderson says, "Captain"
  54. Cyborg says, "Fuck you captain"
  55. Todd Faust says, "Brain"
  56. OOC: Yackemflam: Nope
  57. OOC: Yackemflam: Wicker doll
  58. Todd Faust says, "He's not getting a new body until I change the laws"
  59. Mekhi Anderson says, "You can't blow borgs because they're obeying laws"
  60. [Security] Eddie states, "Sir, that synthetic unit was very expensive"
  61. DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 states, "OH"
  62. OOC: Yackemflam: I did that to her last round
  63. OOC: Cogi276: No idea what that is.
  64. OOC: Amnestik: o
  65. DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 states, "OH"
  66. Todd Faust says, "He'll get a body soon."
  67. Mekhi Anderson says, "There's a borg right there though"
  68. OOC: Cogi276: O
  70. Mekhi Anderson says, "Fine"
  72. Todd Faust says, "He's cool"
  74. OOC: Cogi276: Well that was me.
  75. [Common] Eddie states, "FIRE IN CHEMISTRY"
  76. Cyborg says, "Oh my god"
  77. [Common] Mekhi Anderson says, "SIPHON"
  78. Cyborg says, "Get off me"
  80. [Common] Ronald Jerome says, "Chemistry is compeltely on fire"
  81. [Common] Mekhi Anderson yells, "SIPHON!!"
  82. Cyborg says, "AI"
  83. OOC: Yackemflam: Lol
  84. [Common] Mekhi Anderson says, "REPLACE AIR"
  85. [Command] Todd Faust says, "Eddie, let's try this again"
  86. Todd Faust says, "Eddie, let's try this again"
  87. [Common] DEATHTOLIGGERS MK2 states, "Its out"
  88. Cyborg exclaims, "AI, don't let him in!"
  89. OOC: Yackemflam: I would've fucked with you more
  90. Todd Faust says, "Keep your distance"
  91. OOC: Yackemflam: But someone took my greentext
  92. Cyborg exclaims, "Fuck him up Zoey!"
  93. [Security] Todd Faust says, "Security to AI upload"
  94. Todd Faust says, "Security to AI upload"
  95. [Command] Todd Faust says, "AI, unbolt it please"
  96. Todd Faust says, "AI, unbolt it please"
  97. Cyborg says, "I am technically an Abductor Scientist"
  98. [Common] Mekhi Anderson says, "Wow zoey"
  99. Mekhi Anderson asks, "What do you want..?"
  100. Todd Faust says, "Arrest Zoey"
  101. Todd Faust says, "She shouldn't be wandering the halls"
  102. Mekhi Anderson asks, "Reason?"
  103. Todd Faust says, "It's code red."
  104. Mekhi Anderson says, "Sir that is their job"
  105. Mekhi Anderson says, "Assistants have nowhere to go"
  106. [Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Joni Owen has signed up as Assistant"
  107. Todd Faust says, "Fine, then just keep an eye on her"
  108. Todd Faust says, "She wouldn't leave me alone"
  109. Mekhi Anderson says, "Ok"
  110. [Common] Joni Owen says, "ALLAHU MY FRIENDS"
  111. OOC: Yackemflam: I'm going to start tc trading for wicker dolls for now on
  112. [Command] Todd Faust asks, "AI?"
  113. Todd Faust asks, "AI?"
  114. OOC: Yackemflam: JUST to do that shit
  115. Mekhi Anderson says, "You realize the AI's never going ot let yhou in right"
  116. DEAD: Dick Scale says, "oh, hey, sos is here."
  117. Ace Liberty says, "Weko"
  118. [Command] Todd Faust says, "This doesn't have to be about us AI, your borg tazed me for doing what I have every right to"
  119. Todd Faust says, "This doesn't have to be about us AI, your borg tazed me for doing what I have every right to"
  120. [Command] Eddie states, "Captain, eddie made a compelling point"
  121. [Command] Todd Faust says, "Please let me in"
  122. Todd Faust says, "Please let me in"
  123. PM to-Admins: now the captain has actually just removed my brain from the MMI, as well as blowing me, for me stopping him from uploading non-ASMIOV
  124. [Command] Eddie states, "I mean ABDUCTOR"
  125. [Security] Cell 3 says, "Timer has expired. Releasing prisoner."
  126. [Command] Todd Faust says, "..Uh, you're Eddie"
  127. Todd Faust says, "..Uh, you're Eddie"
  128. OOC: Xarvox: i dunno if you guys were just talking about this but damn if I can't figure out how the hell those work
  129. [Command] Todd Faust says, "He did, and you're right"
  130. Todd Faust says, "He did, and you're right"
  131. [Command] Eddie states, "Sorry"
  132. [Command] Ace Liberty says, "Eddie it seems the captain is tryng to be reasonable"
  133. Ace Liberty says, "Eddie it seems the captain is tryng to be reasonable"
  134. [Command] Todd Faust says, "But I am not going to order you to harm anyone"
  135. Todd Faust says, "But I am not going to order you to harm anyone"
  136. Mekhi Anderson says, "You know the AI won't let you in right"
  137. Current Admins:
  139. Mekhi Anderson says, "Also sir"
  140. [Command] Todd Faust says, "I give you my word."
  141. Todd Faust says, "I give you my word."
  142. Mekhi Anderson says, "You could LOCK the bogs"
  143. [Command] Eddie states, "I must know what laws you are adding, before i let you in"
  144. Mekhi Anderson says, "Adn then either disable the camera or screwdriver the console"
  145. Todd Faust says, "I know, but destroying them seemed more efficient."
  146. Mekhi Anderson says, "Blowing is wasteful"
  147. Mekhi Anderson says, ".."
  148. Todd Faust says, "I'm not going against the AI"
  149. [Command] Todd Faust says, "Very well"
  150. Todd Faust says, "Very well"
  151. [Command] Todd Faust says, "I will discuss it with you"
  152. Todd Faust says, "I will discuss it with you"
  153. Mekhi Anderson says, "Memes"
  154. [Command] Todd Faust says, "I was thinking Paladin"
  155. Todd Faust says, "I was thinking Paladin"
  156. [Common] Mekhi Anderson says, "Test"
  157. Mekhi Anderson says, "Test"
  158. [Command] Todd Faust asks, "Is that alright?"
  159. Todd Faust asks, "Is that alright?"
  160. Mekhi Anderson says, "Yes I can see that"
  161. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "Holy crap"
  162. OOC: Yackemflam: Wicker dolls?
  163. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "This captain"
  164. (F) Todd Faust says, "Hey"
  165. (F) Todd Faust asks, "Can you serenade?"
  166. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "I am actually legitimately pissed"
  167. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "Security"
  168. (F) Todd Faust says, "Security"
  169. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "Zoey has a spear"
  170. (F) Todd Faust says, "Zoey has a spear"
  171. (F) Pushes-and-Shoves hisses, "Captain'sss militia reporting in"
  172. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "But that allows human arm"
  173. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "And is awfully close to me"
  174. (F) Todd Faust says, "And is awfully close to me"
  175. (F) [Security] Mekhi Anderson asks, "And?"
  176. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, ">grayshit has a spear"
  177. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "WOWEE"
  178. (F) [Security] Mekhi Anderson asks, "And?"
  179. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR asks, "Any deadchat people want to be salty with me?"
  180. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "We won't order yo"
  181. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "We won't order yo"
  182. (F) Todd Faust says, "We won't order yo"
  183. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "Arrest her."
  184. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "Arrest her."
  185. (F) Todd Faust says, "Arrest her."
  186. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "I just got here but i'm like a salt elemental"
  187. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "tell me what happened"
  188. (F) [Security] Mekhi Anderson asks, "Reason sir?"
  189. (F) Psyke 1st Lieutenant: ay
  190. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "He blew a borg for stopping him from uploading non-ASMIOV"
  191. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "he actually said"
  192. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "Restricted weaponry."
  193. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "Restricted weaponry."
  194. (F) Todd Faust says, "Restricted weaponry."
  195. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "Todd, you are making very drastic decisions"
  196. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "sigh."
  198. (F) [Security] Mekhi Anderson says, "Sir that is stun weaponary and security gear"
  199. (F) Mekhi Anderson says, "Sir that is stun weaponary and security gear"
  200. (F) Mekhi Anderson says, "Yes"
  201. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "yeah, that isn't BLOW DA BORGZ"
  202. (F) Mekhi Anderson says, "UH"
  203. (F) Mekhi Anderson says, "ITS EXPLOSIVe"
  204. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "so I turned on the stun cannons"
  205. (F) Mekhi Anderson says, "OH GOD"
  206. (F) [Security] Todd Faust says, "A spear is contraband."
  207. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "A spear is contraband."
  208. (F) Todd Faust says, "A spear is contraband."
  209. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "and dragged him out"
  210. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "My only borg was blown because of you"
  211. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "and then he debrained me"
  212. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "He brung up valic points captain"
  213. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "which is why I'm here"
  214. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "Eddie"
  215. (F) Todd Faust says, "Eddie"
  216. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "yeah, i'd make a ban request"
  217. (F) [Security] Ace Liberty says, "Everyone except mekhi come to security"
  218. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "You have a janiborg"
  219. (F) Todd Faust says, "You have a janiborg"
  220. (F) DEAD: Akarani Yamaguchi asks, "did you know that there were gangs?"
  221. (F) [Security] Mekhi Anderson says, "Sir that would be normal weaponary, not RESTRICTEd weaponary"
  222. (F) [Security] Ace Liberty yells, "Meeting time!!"
  223. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "I adminhelped it"
  224. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "but none are on"
  225. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "hm."
  226. (F) [Common] Automated Announcement System coldly states, "Sidney Shahin has signed up as Station Engineer"
  227. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "Eddie, I hope you didn't let me in to lock me in here."
  228. (F) Todd Faust says, "Eddie, I hope you didn't let me in to lock me in here."
  229. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "I want us to cooprate"
  230. (F) Todd Faust says, "I want us to cooprate"
  231. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "it goes to their IRC channel, so in theory someone will pick it up"
  232. OOC: Yackemflam: No admins
  233. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "in theory"
  234. OOC: Yackemflam: Time to griff :^)
  235. (F) [Command] Todd Faust asks, "So what will it be?"
  236. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust asks, "So what will it be?"
  237. (F) Todd Faust asks, "So what will it be?"
  238. OOC: Kevinz000: ^
  239. OOC: Xarvox: yackem it's always time to griff
  240. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "You must assure me that no harm must happen"
  241. OOC: Kevinz000: ^
  242. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "well I could make a single adminhelp with all the information and hope"
  243. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "No harm will happen"
  244. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "No harm will happen"
  245. (F) Todd Faust says, "No harm will happen"
  246. (F) [Command] Todd Faust says, "You have my word."
  247. (F) [AI Private] Todd Faust says, "You have my word."
  248. (F) Todd Faust says, "You have my word."
  249. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "save the logs dude"
  250. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "also, the AI really shouldn't let the captain upload these laws"
  251. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR asks, "how?"
  252. (F) [Command] Eddie states, "Hmm"
  253. OOC: Amnestik: sos is actually a super secret admin with remote access
  254. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "cop paste"
  255. (F) [Command] Eddie declares, "Okay!"
  256. (F) DEAD: ABDUCTOR says, "that's dumb, but okay"
  257. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "they can copy paste ctrl v and find out that you were being honest"
  258. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "MSO has the logs saved somewhere"
  260. (F) DEAD: Dick Scale says, "because holy fuck"
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