
August 4, 2011 - #ClubPenguinWiki

Aug 4th, 2011
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  1. [07:33:36] Cp_kid does anybody noez when zee penguin style will comez out?
  2. [07:34:09] Rath|Ultimatrix Probably later today
  3. [07:34:16] Rath|Ultimatrix at 12 (noon) PST
  4. [07:34:39] Cp_kid AHHHHH!
  5. [07:34:57] Cp_kid I've been waiting for it for 12 hours!
  6. [07:35:41] Cp_kid because I really want to make articles for all of the new clothes
  7. [07:35:47] Cp_kid so please
  8. [07:35:52] Brookelas NO I WANT TO
  9. [07:35:57] Cp_kid nobody else make them
  10. [07:36:04] Cp_kid please
  11. [07:36:08] Brookelas sorry
  12. [07:36:10] Brookelas I am going to
  13. [07:36:15] Cp_kid why do u want to brookelas?
  14. [07:36:26] Brookelas i want to make the 4000 page
  15. [07:36:26] LordMaster96 he had a controversial 1000th article
  16. [07:36:36] Cp_kid No
  17. [07:36:37] LordMaster96 he said he made it, but TN said he made it
  18. [07:36:44] Brookelas we pretty much tied
  19. [07:36:45] Brookelas but
  20. [07:36:47] Brookelas Whatever
  21. [07:36:48] Rath|Ultimatrix V-I-C-K-Y! The sound of her name makes the little kids cry,
  22. [07:36:50] Cp_kid IM making the 4000th ARTICLE
  23. [07:36:52] LordMaster96 but whoever gets it now is whoever gets it
  24. [07:36:59] LordMaster96 I'm not stopping anyone from making it
  25. [07:37:02] -->| CPMaster ( has joined #ClubPenguinWiki
  26. [07:37:03] |<-- CPMaster has left freenode (Changing host)
  27. [07:37:03] -->| CPMaster (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/cpmaster) has joined #ClubPenguinWiki
  28. [07:37:03] =-= Mode #ClubPenguinWiki +o CPMaster by ChanServ
  29. [07:37:06] LordMaster96 hi CPMaster
  30. [07:37:07] Brookelas Cp_kid: Don't tell me what to do
  31. [07:37:07] Rath|Ultimatrix Welcome, CPMaster
  32. [07:37:30] CPMaster Hi
  33. [07:37:32] CPMaster ....
  34. [07:37:38] CPMaster Is there a fight going on?
  35. [07:37:43] Cp_kid BRookelas: Im not telling you what to do
  36. [07:37:49] Brookelas no, just who will make the 4000 article
  37. [07:37:50] Brookelas AND IT WILL BE ME
  38. [07:37:56] Cp_kid i'm telling you wats gonna happen
  39. [07:38:12] Cp_kid and it will be ME
  40. [07:38:17] Brookelas are you sure?
  41. [07:38:20] Rath|Ultimatrix I say CP_kid will do it
  42. [07:38:24] Rath|Ultimatrix I'm rooting for him, or CPMaster
  43. [07:38:26] Cp_kid Yay!
  44. [07:38:29] CPMaster .....
  45. [07:38:30] CPMaster Does it matter who makes the 4000th article...?
  46. [07:38:31] CPMaster It's such a small thing....
  47. [07:38:34] CPMaster .....
  48. [07:38:43] Rath|Ultimatrix I want to see who makes the 5,000th and 10,000th,
  49. [07:38:43] Brookelas I was so close to 1000, I made 999 and 1001
  50. [07:38:50] Brookelas I was so disappointed
  51. [07:38:56] CPMaster It doesn't matter who makes the article....
  52. [07:38:58] Cp_kid I really want to make it though
  53. [07:39:02] CPMaster It's about the quality of the article....
  54. [07:39:12] Rath|Ultimatrix I can't remember, but I think I made 2,000 on Wikia, but I think an article got deleted to it dropped to 1999 ._.'
  55. [07:39:19] CPMaster "Quality, not quantity" --admins in the spring of 2009
  56. [07:39:20] Rath|Ultimatrix 2000th*
  57. [07:39:26] Rath|Ultimatrix That's '09
  58. [07:39:28] Rath|Ultimatrix Its '11
  59. [07:39:30] Rath|Ultimatrix Things change
  60. [07:39:34] CPMaster ......
  61. [07:39:43] CPMaster So you're saying "Quantity, not quality"?
  62. [07:39:48] Cp_kid I O__o
  63. [07:39:51] Rath|Ultimatrix "You must seek quality, not quantity" is what I'm saying,
  64. [07:39:59] Rath|Ultimatrix It needs to sound better
  65. [07:40:06] Cp_kid but um
  66. [07:40:06] LordMaster96 it's a milestone, but it's also ONE article
  67. [07:40:07] CPMaster ....
  68. [07:40:11] LordMaster96 just ONE
  69. [07:40:16] CPMaster Exactly
  70. [07:40:19] Cp_kid i wont be disappointed if i dont make it
  71. [07:40:30] LordMaster96 every article is a milestone
  72. [07:40:44] LordMaster96 the "000" ones are just a flag counter
  73. [07:40:47] CPMaster I feel that making a hundred articles is better than trying to make one that you think makes a big difference
  74. [07:40:50] Cp_kid but i was really hoping that i could do it
  75. [07:41:02] Cp_kid actually
  76. [07:41:04] Cp_kid i
  77. [07:41:07] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: If they want to make the 4000th article to feel good about themselves, let them
  78. [07:41:19] Rath|Ultimatrix They can think its a good thing if they want
  79. [07:41:24] Cp_kid i've made 200 articles on the wiki
  80. [07:41:26] Rath|Ultimatrix Its /their opinion/
  81. [07:41:31] CPMaster As long as you guys don't argue about it, I guess it's good
  82. [07:41:57] Cp_kid but only about 180 of them aren't redirects or deleted pages
  83. [07:41:58] CPMaster I'm just waiting for this to come out....
  84. [07:42:00] CPMaster
  85. [07:42:14] Rath|Ultimatrix What is it?
  86. [07:42:16] CPMaster In one hour and 19 minutes
  87. [07:42:17] Rath|Ultimatrix I have no sound
  88. [07:42:19] CPMaster It will come out!
  89. [07:42:21] CPMaster Yay!
  90. [07:42:27] Rath|Ultimatrix what is it, CPMaster?
  91. [07:42:36] CPMaster
  92. [07:42:46] Rath|Ultimatrix Uh, okay..
  93. [07:42:55] Rath|Ultimatrix you could have just said the name instead of posting links
  94. [07:43:05] CPMaster You wanted to know what it was
  95. [07:43:11] Cp_kid )_)
  96. [07:43:12] CPMaster There's a description on that link
  97. [07:43:16] Cp_kid 0__0
  98. [07:43:19] Rath|Ultimatrix I meant the name, not the history of it
  99. [07:43:24] CPMaster oh
  100. [07:43:26] Cp_kid Hong kong music?
  101. [07:43:31] CPMaster Japanese
  102. [07:43:40] CPMaster For some reason, produced in HK though....
  103. [07:43:48] Cp_kid that's neat
  104. [07:44:10] CPMaster 27 CDs that were originally record/LPs
  105. [07:44:14] Rath|Ultimatrix Anyone remember "A Series of Unfortunate Events"?
  106. [07:44:19] CPMaster Re-released in a special CD formats
  107. [07:44:27] CPMaster Looks like a record but is a CD
  108. [07:44:35] CPMaster I have the whole Chinese collection already
  109. [07:44:38] Cp_kid wow
  110. [07:44:40] CPMaster Must have Japanese too!!!!!!
  111. [07:44:52] Cp_kid hey cpmaster
  112. [07:44:57] LordMaster96 CPMaster,
  113. [07:45:03] Cp_kid what state do you live in?
  114. [07:45:10] LordMaster96 I'm thinking of deleting it, your thoughts?
  115. [07:45:11] Cp_kid if it's not to personal
  116. [07:45:12] CPMaster NY
  117. [07:45:16] Cp_kid cool
  118. [07:45:18] CPMaster Not going any further though
  119. [07:45:23] Cp_kid yeah
  120. [07:45:25] Rath|Ultimatrix Anyone remember "A Series of Unfortunate Events"??
  121. [07:45:30] CPMaster I think we should delete it
  122. [07:45:35] LordMaster96 the books?
  123. [07:45:37] CPMaster Rath, Chill imported it
  124. [07:45:51] Rath|Ultimatrix Yes, LM
  125. [07:45:53] CPMaster Oh
  126. [07:45:55] Rath|Ultimatrix CPM: Imported what?
  127. [07:45:59] CPMaster I thought you meant the ones on Shosp
  128. [07:46:01] CPMaster Shops*
  129. [07:46:04] LordMaster96 oh yea I remember the series
  130. [07:46:05] Rath|Ultimatrix Oh
  131. [07:46:13] Rath|Ultimatrix I have the books soundtrack
  132. [07:46:17] Rath|Ultimatrix I don't remember why I bought it
  133. [07:46:28] Rath|Ultimatrix 13 tracks for 13 books
  134. [07:47:15] -->| Cp_kid_ (a228d6e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ClubPenguinWiki
  135. [07:47:17] LordMaster96 CPMaster, check my channel
  136. [07:47:19] Cp_kid_ back
  137. [07:47:20] Rath|Ultimatrix "If you see Count Olaf, count to 0, and scream and run away!"
  138. [07:47:51] Cp_kid_ i'm on cp in the gift shop with brookelas
  139. [07:48:06] Cp_kid_ were waiting for the PS to come out
  140. [07:48:34] Rath|Ultimatrix Run, run, run, run, run, run or die, die, die, die, die, die, die!
  141. [07:49:00] Rath|Ultimatrix I can't remember all the books' titles
  142. [07:49:22] CPMaster Wow....
  143. [07:49:26] CPMaster Four articles away....
  144. [07:49:33] Rath|Ultimatrix I remember the The Reptile Room, The Ersatz Elevator, The Grim Grotto, The End, The Penultimate Peril, The Hostile Hospital
  145. [07:49:51] |<-- Cp_kid has left freenode (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  146. [07:49:55] Rath|Ultimatrix LordMaster96: You remember 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9?
  147. [07:50:00] LordMaster96 yea
  148. [07:50:01] Rath|Ultimatrix I remembered 10 is The Slippery Slope
  149. [07:50:06] Rath|Ultimatrix What are the names?
  150. [07:50:22] Rath|Ultimatrix 7 is about crows, I remember that
  151. [07:50:24] LordMaster96 isn't 10 the Penultimate something?
  152. [07:50:31] Rath|Ultimatrix No
  153. [07:50:36] Rath|Ultimatrix 12 is the Penultimate Peril
  154. [07:50:41] LordMaster96 oh...
  155. [07:50:49] LordMaster96 8 is the hostile hospital
  156. [07:50:57] Rath|Ultimatrix I said that,
  157. [07:51:42] LordMaster96 1 the something beginning, 2 involves reptiles, 3 had that aunt josephine person
  158. [07:51:53] LordMaster96 can't remember too much - didn't read it for a long time
  159. [07:52:05] LordMaster96 5 was some academy
  160. [07:52:57] Rath|Ultimatrix The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, The Wide Window, The Miserable Mill, The Austere Academy, The Ersatz Elevator, The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, The Carnivorous Carnival, The Slippery Slope, The Grim Grotto, The Penultimate Peril, and The End
  161. [07:53:02] LordMaster96 3 articles till 4000
  162. [07:53:30] CPMaster Brook, where are you getting these names?
  163. [07:53:36] CPMaster It's not in the local_crumbs anymore
  164. [07:53:39] Brookelas i know
  165. [07:53:43] Brookelas they are on a website
  166. [07:53:48] Brookelas
  167. [07:53:51] CPMaster Oh
  168. [07:53:55] Rath|Ultimatrix LordMaster96, this is the CD I have
  169. [07:54:10] Brookelas I will add more quality later
  170. [07:54:17] CPMaster .....
  171. [07:54:23] CPMaster It's not about quantity....
  172. [07:54:24] LordMaster96 wow...
  173. [07:54:26] CPMaster It's about quality
  174. [07:54:37] |<-- Cp_kid_ has left freenode (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  175. [07:54:47] CPMaster Brook
  176. [07:55:00] LordMaster96 deleted 2 already per duplicate pages
  177. [07:55:04] Brookelas ?
  178. [07:55:17] CPMaster CPMaster It's not about quantity....
  179. [07:55:20] CPMaster LordMaster96 wow...
  180. [07:55:21] CPMaster CPMaster It's about quality
  181. [07:56:00] CPMaster Anyways
  182. [07:56:10] CPMaster I'm gonna go back to working on my TT song checklist
  183. [07:57:02] Brookelas I MADE IT
  184. [07:57:05] Brookelas I think
  185. [07:57:08] CPMaster .....
  186. [07:57:12] CPMaster Not that big of a deal....
  187. [07:57:21] Brookelas
  188. [07:57:22] Brookelas YAY
  189. [07:57:23] Brookelas WOOT
  190. [07:57:48] Brookelas Why no cheers?
  191. [07:57:59] LordMaster96 it's 3999
  192. [07:58:13] Brookelas oh
  193. [07:58:49] Brookelas NOW IT IS 4000
  194. [07:58:57] Rath|Ultimatrix Who made it?
  195. [07:59:07] Brookelas ME
  196. [07:59:40] Brookelas
  197. [07:59:41] Rath|Ultimatrix Damn.
  198. [07:59:42] Brookelas I AM FAMOUS
  199. [07:59:47] CPMaster .....
  200. [07:59:49] CPMaster Not really
  201. [07:59:49] LordMaster96 ....
  202. [07:59:50] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: Poor quality, I presume?
  203. [07:59:50] CPMaster Book
  204. [07:59:52] CPMaster Brook*
  205. [07:59:53] Brookelas
  206. [07:59:54] Brookelas WPPT
  207. [07:59:56] Brookelas WOOT
  208. [07:59:56] CPMaster Why do you crave for so much power and fame?
  209. [07:59:57] Brookelas WOOT
  210. [07:59:58] Brookelas WOOT
  211. [08:00:01] Brookelas WOOT
  212. [08:00:02] CPMaster You're clearly power hungry
  213. [08:00:06] CPMaster Or just what fame
  214. [08:00:08] CPMaster want*
  215. [08:00:23] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: His power hungry side was exhibited on the CPSW, remember
  216. [08:00:32] CPMaster Exactly
  217. [08:00:37] CPMaster And now he also wants fame
  218. [08:00:50] CPMaster Making the 4000th article is not that big of a deal
  219. [08:00:51] Rath|Ultimatrix Let's just make him infamous instead of famous?
  220. [08:01:02] Rath|Ultimatrix Now, you make the 1,000,000th article, then we'll talk
  221. [08:01:15] Brookelas Zip it
  222. [08:01:26] CPMaster Brook
  223. [08:01:32] CPMaster You're the one who started it by screaming
  224. [08:01:35] Rath|Ultimatrix ^
  225. [08:01:38] Brookelas In excitement
  226. [08:01:40] CPMaster I'M GONNA MAKE THE 4000TH ARTICLE
  227. [08:01:51] CPMaster NOW IT IS 4000
  228. [08:01:54] Rath|Ultimatrix and then you posted the poorest quality articles ever.
  229. [08:01:55] CPMaster I AM FAMOUS
  230. [08:01:58] CPMaster WOOT
  231. [08:02:00] CPMaster WOOT
  232. [08:02:02] CPMaster WOOT
  233. [08:02:10] Brookelas GUYS
  234. [08:02:11] Brookelas STOP
  235. [08:02:16] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: Are you unleashing your Brookelas Side?
  237. [08:02:30] CPMaster Even LM agrees with me
  238. [08:02:31] CPMaster Brook
  239. [08:02:33] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas, you'd fit in with the Wikia Staff.
  240. [08:02:39] CPMaster Why don't you start thinking about the people besides yourself
  241. [08:02:41] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: Since when am I LM?
  242. [08:02:45] Rath|Ultimatrix and I do agree with you
  243. [08:02:48] CPMaster And start being selfless instead of selfish
  244. [08:02:52] Brookelas I don't care about any of you
  245. [08:02:53] CPMaster LM even said it on his channel
  246. [08:02:56] CPMaster See
  247. [08:02:57] Rath|Ultimatrix Ah
  248. [08:02:58] CPMaster Selfishness
  249. [08:03:10] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas, you're just a stuck-up snobby brat.
  250. [08:03:12] Brookelas you are mean jerks, and I only care for people I know in real life anyways
  251. [08:03:20] CPMaster How are we mean?
  252. [08:03:35] Brookelas Ben: You are an ***hole who can't let things go!
  253. [08:03:36] CPMaster List five ways we are mean?
  254. [08:03:39] LordMaster96 You know, even Sea, Shark, agree with your poor behaviour at times
  255. [08:03:42] CPMaster You are too Brook
  256. [08:03:55] CPMaster You're always like
  257. [08:03:57] LordMaster96 Drama
  258. [08:03:59] CPMaster This wiki will fall soon
  259. [08:04:09] CPMaster This wiki is dictated by the admins
  260. [08:04:10] Brookelas It will
  261. [08:04:16] Brookelas it is
  262. [08:04:21] CPMaster NO IT ISN'T
  263. [08:04:23] Brookelas GOD GUYS
  264. [08:04:35] LordMaster96 it's dictated by the admins because we don't need 1000 admins like Wikipedia
  267. [08:04:47] CPMaster BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GO
  268. [08:04:47] LordMaster96 quality
  269. [08:04:50] CPMaster OH MY GOD
  270. [08:04:56] CPMaster I MADE THE 4000TH ARTICLE
  271. [08:04:58] Brookelas
  272. [08:04:59] CPMaster WOOT WOOT WOOT
  273. [08:05:00] CPMaster I AM FAMOUR
  274. [08:05:02] CPMaster FAMOUS*
  275. [08:05:04] Brookelas SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  276. [08:05:06] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: He was a hypocrite when he dictated the CPSW
  277. [08:05:11] CPMaster I know....
  278. [08:05:31] Rath|Ultimatrix So, let's see Hypocrite, Selfish, Brat, Stuck-Up, Spammer. What else describes him?
  279. [08:05:45] CPMaster power hungry
  280. [08:05:49] Rath|Ultimatrix ah, yes
  281. [08:06:01] Rath|Ultimatrix Brooke should join the Wikia Staff, he'd fit in perfectly
  282. [08:06:08] Brookelas SHUT UP!
  283. [08:06:12] Brookelas I AM NORMAL PERSON IN REAL LIFE
  284. [08:06:20] Rath|Ultimatrix Yeah, sure.
  285. [08:06:21] CPMaster SO WHY DON'T YOU ACT LIKE IT?
  286. [08:06:37] CPMaster Instead of being the immature and power-hungry person right now
  287. [08:06:54] Brookelas NO
  288. [08:06:59] Brookelas I AM AN AMAZING PERSON IN REAL LIFE
  289. [08:06:59] LordMaster96 Ok end this guys
  290. [08:07:01] LordMaster96 END THIS
  291. [08:07:03] CPMaster pfft....
  292. [08:07:05] Rath|Ultimatrix Ah, yes, immature, we forgot that
  293. [08:07:12] LordMaster96 it's just a 4000 article, we dont' need to go any further
  294. [08:07:12] Rath|Ultimatrix Lordmaster96: Its time he heard the truth
  295. [08:07:17] Rath|Ultimatrix So what if the truth hurts
  296. [08:07:22] Rath|Ultimatrix He needs a taste of reality.
  297. [08:07:30] CPMaster LM, I believe that Brook should be taught a lesson right now though
  298. [08:07:31] Brookelas Ben: I could say a LOT of things about you too
  299. [08:07:37] Rath|Ultimatrix Reality check for Mister Brookelas the Power hungry, immature, stuck up, selfish, brat.
  300. [08:07:42] CPMaster Seeing that he has had a long list of problems for us in the past
  301. [08:07:45] Brookelas CPMaster: You are not hurting me at all
  302. [08:07:51] -->| Nando144 (c9520d19@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ClubPenguinWiki
  303. [08:07:52] Brookelas rolls eyes
  304. [08:07:53] CPMaster idc
  305. [08:07:57] Brookelas Say what you want
  306. [08:08:01] Brookelas I do not give a sh*t
  307. [08:08:04] CPMaster I said that you need to learn a lesson right now
  308. [08:08:13] CPMaster I also don't want to see cursing
  309. [08:08:16] CPMaster Even if it is censored
  310. [08:08:19] Brookelas I wasnt
  311. [08:08:33] Brookelas Well, it is ok for people like Ben to curse when it is sensored
  312. [08:08:36] Brookelas censored*
  313. [08:08:41] CPMaster When did Ben say it?
  314. [08:08:43] Rath|Ultimatrix Actually, I said damn, and that's not that bad.
  315. [08:08:54] Rath|Ultimatrix Its not as bad as some of the things brooke wants to say
  316. [08:09:06] Brookelas Yesterday you called me dip**** , ***hole
  317. [08:09:14] Rath|Ultimatrix Where's the proof?
  318. [08:09:19] CPMaster Oh yeah
  319. [08:09:21] Brookelas you did
  320. [08:09:22] CPMaster I remember that
  321. [08:09:29] Brookelas thank you
  322. [08:09:32] Rath|Ultimatrix CPM: For all we know, Brooke could be a 50 year old virgin who stalks kids
  323. [08:09:32] CPMaster I was on for like a minute before my internet zapped out
  324. [08:09:44] CPMaster Ok
  325. [08:09:49] Rath|Ultimatrix Although highly unlikely, its still a possibility in this world we live in
  326. [08:09:50] CPMaster I kinda agree with LM now
  327. [08:09:56] CPMaster I really think we should stop this now
  328. [08:10:03] Rath|Ultimatrix He still needs his reality check
  329. [08:10:12] Brookelas fine
  330. [08:10:16] Brookelas Want my reality check?
  331. [08:10:19] Brookelas go for it
  332. [08:10:31] Brookelas I will ignore you internet freaks who I don't even know
  333. [08:10:35] Brookelas You guys think you know me
  334. [08:10:44] Brookelas Well, you haven't met the real me
  335. [08:10:50] Brookelas And I WILL NOT shhow my real me online
  336. [08:10:53] Brookelas PERIOD
  337. [08:11:08] CPMaster Brook
  338. [08:11:10] CPMaster
  339. [08:11:12] CPMaster Remove this now
  340. [08:11:18] CPMaster I don't want that to be the only thing right now
  341. [08:11:22] CPMaster And not in caps
  342. [08:11:29] CPMaster You're not the center of the wiki
  343. [08:11:34] Rath|Ultimatrix Someone's full of themselves
  344. [08:11:41] Brookelas It is my page, I can do what I want thank you very much
  345. [08:11:49] Brookelas If you don't like it, DO NOT look at it
  346. [08:11:52] CPMaster ....
  347. [08:11:57] Rath|Ultimatrix You got asked by an admin, do it or else
  348. [08:12:07] CPMaster I am about to block you for immature behavior
  349. [08:12:11] Brookelas ...
  350. [08:12:13] CPMaster Rath, he can do whatever he wants
  351. [08:12:21] LordMaster96 Welcome to #ClubPenguinWiki-Iraq
  352. [08:12:22] CPMaster I'm not a dictator
  353. [08:12:25] Brookelas I want to keep it on there though
  354. [08:12:30] Brookelas Why can't I?
  355. [08:12:39] CPMaster Brook, for the last time, it makes you sound like the center of the wiki
  356. [08:12:43] CPMaster You are not?
  357. [08:12:47] CPMaster You are not.*
  358. [08:12:53] CPMaster We all help the wiki
  359. [08:12:55] CPMaster It's not just you
  360. [08:13:11] Brookelas I know that
  361. [08:13:24] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas is being irrational.
  362. [08:13:33] CPMaster So please remove it
  363. [08:13:41] CPMaster Or make it less important on your page
  364. [08:14:18] Rath|Ultimatrix He's obviously not going to do it
  365. [08:14:36] LordMaster96 [08:12:07] CPMaster I am about to block you for immature behavior <-any additional reason? There's no policy for that, so if you want to block him you have to use the other block policy
  366. [08:14:48] Brookelas ...
  367. [08:14:57] CPMaster Other block
  368. [08:15:03] LordMaster96 where we need a majority of admins to approve of it
  369. [08:15:10] CPMaster k
  370. [08:15:12] CPMaster Let's start now
  371. [08:15:15] Brookelas ...
  372. [08:15:15] LordMaster96 what now?
  373. [08:15:17] CPMaster LM, do you agree?
  374. [08:15:24] LordMaster96 I'm neutral
  375. [08:15:28] LordMaster96
  376. [08:15:28] CPMaster k
  377. [08:15:31] Brookelas
  378. [08:15:32] CPMaster I'm for the block
  379. [08:15:43] CPMaster Let's wait until Sea, HP, and TN gets on
  380. [08:15:52] CPMaster I have a strong feeling HP is going to say neutral
  381. [08:15:55] CPMaster Sea will say for
  382. [08:16:00] CPMaster And TN will say for
  383. [08:16:08] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: I wouldn't be so sure about HP
  384. [08:16:10] CPMaster Just what I think will happen
  385. [08:16:24] LordMaster96 HP hasn't been on for days
  386. [08:16:27] Rath|Ultimatrix ^
  387. [08:16:30] CPMaster yeah....
  388. [08:16:31] Rath|Ultimatrix That's what I was about tos ay
  389. [08:16:32] CPMaster
  390. [08:16:38] CPMaster TN is hardly on either
  391. [08:16:47] LordMaster96 I would need to log this chat for Sea and TN if they are to vote
  392. [08:16:58] Brookelas You guys are the only ones giving me a hard time, so I am arguing back
  393. [08:17:09] CPMaster Brook
  394. [08:17:12] Brookelas what?
  395. [08:17:17] CPMaster We can't ignore your immature behavior on the wiki and IRC
  396. [08:17:24] Brookelas so what?
  397. [08:17:31] Brookelas I created the 4000th article, I am happy
  398. [08:17:33] CPMaster So we are going to use the other block policy
  399. [08:17:34] CPMaster .....
  400. [08:17:37] CPMaster Big ego....
  401. [08:17:38] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas, you overreact a lot
  402. [08:17:48] Brookelas well I am sorry
  403. [08:17:51] Brookelas my gosh
  404. [08:17:52] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: Where's a giant pin when you need one? I want to pop that sucker
  405. [08:18:17] Brookelas try and reach me
  406. [08:18:29] Brookelas You live FAR away from me
  407. [08:18:37] Rath|Ultimatrix Nah, if I tried to reach you, I'd get some sort of nasty disease.
  408. [08:18:37] Brookelas so what are you going to do
  409. [08:18:45] Brookelas type in
  410. [08:18:51] Brookelas pokes Brookelas
  411. [08:18:53] Brookelas I would LOL at that
  412. [08:18:56] Rath|Ultimatrix NAh
  413. [08:19:16] Rath|Ultimatrix You have a family that can do that
  414. [08:19:27] CPMaster .....
  415. [08:19:29] CPMaster Ok
  416. [08:19:32] Brookelas nothing you are saying is hurting me
  417. [08:19:33] CPMaster Move this to a different chat already
  418. [08:19:48] CPMaster Read the top of the channel please
  419. [08:20:08] CPMaster LM, did you log the chat?
  420. [08:20:11] Brookelas ok fine
  421. [08:20:13] LordMaster96 logging it
  422. [08:20:15] Brookelas I will stay silent
  423. [08:20:24] Brookelas if you want me gone, then FINW
  424. [08:20:26] Brookelas FINE*
  425. [08:20:46] Rath|Ultimatrix Sayonara.
  426. [08:21:06] Brookelas I will not leave
  427. [08:21:24] Rath|Ultimatrix you just said "if you want me gone, then FINE" so, you just said you would
  428. [08:21:35] Brookelas you guys can say you want me gone
  429. [08:21:38] Brookelas I will not leae
  430. [08:21:44] Brookelas leave*
  431. [08:22:16] Rath|Ultimatrix one day you will
  432. [08:22:19] CPMaster YOU JUST SAID
  433. [08:22:21] LordMaster96 chat being logged
  434. [08:22:24] CPMaster rookelas if you want me gone, then FINW
  435. [08:22:25] CPMaster Brookelas FINE*
  436. [08:22:28] Rath|Ultimatrix Unless you want to be a 50 year old idling on this chat stalking little kids
  437. [08:22:29] CPMaster And now you say you're not
  438. [08:22:32] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: I already pointed that out?
  439. [08:23:17] LordMaster96 started almost an hour ago
  440. [08:23:19] LordMaster96
  441. [08:23:20] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas yeah sure
  442. [08:23:22] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas I live in a MANSION
  443. [08:23:23] Rath|Ultimatrix Rath|Ultimatrix Yeah, SURE
  444. [08:23:25] Rath|Ultimatrix Brookelas We have a theatre room
  445. [08:23:27] Rath|Ultimatrix Really believable
  446. [08:23:33] Brookelas It is true
  447. [08:23:40] CPMaster .....
  448. [08:23:43] Rath|Ultimatrix CPMaster: what would a rich kid be doing on here instead of spending their money on some fancy yacht to go out on?
  449. [08:23:47] CPMaster sure.....
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