Guest User


a guest
Jul 9th, 2013
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text 10.20 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Initialize EditColourSet .....
  2. Initialize EditColourSet: done.
  3. Loading menubar...
  4. Abbreviations: loaded
  5. AStylePlugin: loaded
  6. Autosave: loaded
  7. AutoVersioning: loaded
  8. BrowseTracker: loaded
  9. BYOGames: loaded
  10. CB_Koders: loaded
  11. Cccc: loaded
  12. ClassWizard: loaded
  13. CodeCompletion: loaded
  14. CodeSnippets: loaded
  15. CodeStat: loaded
  16. Compiler: loaded
  17. copystrings: loaded
  18. CppCheck: loaded
  19. Cscope: loaded
  20. Debugger: loaded
  21. FilesExtensionHandler: loaded
  22. DevPakUpdater: loaded
  23. DoxyBlocks: loaded
  24. cbDragScroll: loaded
  25. EditorConfig: loaded
  26. EditorTweaks: loaded
  27. EnvVars: loaded
  28. Exporter: loaded
  29. FileManager: loaded
  30. FortranProject: loaded
  31. HeaderFixup: loaded
  32. HelpPlugin: loaded
  33. HexEditor: loaded
  34. IncrementalSearch: loaded
  35. cbKeyBinder: loaded
  36. lib_finder: loaded
  37. MouseSap: loaded
  38. NassiShneidermanPlugin: loaded
  39. OpenFilesList: loaded
  40. Profiler: loaded
  41. ProjectsImporter: loaded
  42. RegExTestbed: loaded
  43. ReopenEditor: loaded
  44. rndgen: loaded
  45. ScriptedWizard: loaded
  46. SmartIndentCpp: loaded
  47. SmartIndentFortran: loaded
  48. SmartIndentHDL: loaded
  49. SmartIndentLua: loaded
  50. SmartIndentPascal: loaded
  51. SmartIndentPython: loaded
  52. SmartIndentXML: loaded
  53. SpellChecker: loaded
  54. SymTab: loaded
  55. ThreadSearch: loaded
  56. ToDoList: loaded
  57. ToolsPlus: loaded
  58. wxSmith: loaded
  59. wxSmithMime: loaded
  60. wxSmithAui: loaded
  61. wxSmithContribItems: loaded
  62. wxsSmithPlot: loaded
  63. WindowsXPLookNFeel: loaded
  64. Abbreviations plugin activated
  65. Source code formatter (AStyle) plugin activated
  66. Autosave plugin activated
  67. AutoVersioning plugin activated
  68. BrowseTracker plugin activated
  69. BYO Games plugin activated
  70. Koders query plugin activated
  71. Cccc plugin activated
  72. Class wizard plugin activated
  73. Code completion plugin activated
  74. Code snippets plugin activated
  75. Code statistics plugin activated
  76. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler"
  77. ClassBrowser::UpdateClassBrowserView(): No active project available.
  78. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Updating class browser...
  79. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Class browser updated.
  80. Added compiler "Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003"
  81. Added compiler "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008"
  82. Added compiler "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010"
  83. Added compiler "OpenWatcom (W32) Compiler"
  84. Added compiler "Cygwin GCC"
  85. Added compiler "LCC Compiler"
  86. Added compiler "Keil C51 Compiler"
  87. Added compiler "Keil CX51 Compiler"
  88. Added compiler "IAR 8051 Compiler"
  89. Added compiler "Intel C/C++ Compiler"
  90. Added compiler "GDC D Compiler"
  91. Added compiler "GNU Fortran Compiler"
  92. Added compiler "G95 Fortran Compiler"
  93. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for ARM"
  94. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for AVR"
  95. Added compiler "Borland C++ Compiler (5.5, 5.82)"
  96. Added compiler "LLVM Clang Compiler"
  97. Added compiler "Digital Mars Compiler"
  98. Added compiler "Digital Mars D Compiler"
  99. Added compiler "LLVM D Compiler"
  100. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for MSP430"
  101. Added compiler "*No Compiler*"
  102. Added compiler "PGI Fortran Compiler"
  103. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC"
  104. Added compiler "Small Device C Compiler"
  105. Added compiler "Tiny C Compiler"
  106. Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for TriCore"
  107. Added compiler "TDM GCC Compiler x86"
  108. Added compiler "TDM GCC Compiler x64"
  109. Compiler plugin activated
  110. Copy Strings to clipboard plugin activated
  111. CppCheck plugin activated
  112. Cscope plugin activated
  113. Debugger plugin activated
  114. Files extension handler plugin activated
  115. DevPak updater/installer plugin activated
  116. DragScroll plugin activated
  117. EditorConfig plugin for Code::Blocks plugin activated
  118. Editor Tweaks plugin: Building menu
  119. Editor Tweaks plugin: making the menu 14
  120. EditorTweaks plugin activated
  121. Environment variables plugin activated
  122. Source Exporter plugin activated
  123. FileManager plugin activated
  124. FortranProject plugin activated
  125. Header Fixup plugin activated
  126. Help plugin plugin activated
  127. HexEditor plugin activated
  128. IncrementalSearch plugin activated
  129. Keyboard shortcuts plugin activated
  130. Library finder plugin activated
  131. MouseSap plugin activated
  132. NassiShneidermanPlugin plugin activated
  133. Open files list plugin activated
  134. Code profiler plugin activated
  135. Foreign projects importer plugin activated
  136. Regular expressions testbed plugin activated
  137. ReopenEditor plugin activated
  138. rndgen plugin activated
  139. Project wizard added for 'Empty project'
  140. Project wizard added for 'Fortran application'
  141. Project wizard added for 'Fortran library'
  142. Project wizard added for 'Fortran DLL'
  143. Project wizard added for 'Console application'
  144. Project wizard added for 'D application'
  145. Project wizard added for 'Direct/X project'
  146. Project wizard added for 'Dynamic Link Library'
  147. Project wizard added for 'Kernel Mode Driver'
  148. Project wizard added for 'FLTK project'
  149. Project wizard added for 'GLFW project'
  150. Project wizard added for 'GLUT project'
  151. Project wizard added for 'GTK+ project'
  152. Project wizard added for 'Irrlicht project'
  153. Project wizard added for 'Lightfeather project'
  154. Project wizard added for 'Matlab project'
  155. Project wizard added for 'OpenCV project'
  156. Project wizard added for 'OpenGL project'
  157. Project wizard added for 'Ogre project'
  158. Project wizard added for 'Code::Blocks plugin'
  159. Project wizard added for 'QT4 project'
  160. Project wizard added for 'SDL project'
  161. Project wizard added for 'SFML project'
  162. Project wizard added for 'SmartWin project'
  163. Project wizard added for 'Static library'
  164. Project wizard added for 'STL port application'
  165. Project wizard added for 'Shared library'
  166. Project wizard added for 'Win32 GUI project'
  167. Project wizard added for 'wxWidgets project'
  168. Build-target wizard added for 'Console'
  169. Build-target wizard added for 'Static library'
  170. Build-target wizard added for 'Dynamic Link Library'
  171. Build-target wizard added for 'wxWidgets'
  172. Project wizard added for 'ARM Project'
  173. Project wizard added for 'AVR Project'
  174. Project wizard added for 'TriCore Project'
  175. Project wizard added for 'PowerPC Project'
  176. Project wizard added for 'MCS51 Project'
  177. File(s) wizard added for 'Empty file'
  178. File(s) wizard added for 'C/C++ source'
  179. File(s) wizard added for 'C/C++ header'
  180. File(s) wizard added for 'Fortran source'
  181. Scripted wizard plugin activated
  182. SmartIndentCpp plugin activated
  183. SmartIndentFortran plugin activated
  184. SmartIndentHDL plugin activated
  185. SmartIndentLua plugin activated
  186. SmartIndentPascal plugin activated
  187. SmartIndentPython plugin activated
  188. SmartIndentXML plugin activated
  189. SpellChecker plugin activated
  190. Symbol Table Plugin plugin activated
  191. ThreadSearch plugin activated
  192. Todo List plugin activated
  193. ToolsPlus plugin activated
  194. wxSmith - MIME plugin plugin activated
  195. wxSmith - Aui plugin activated
  196. wxSmith - Contrib Items plugin activated
  197. wxsSmithPlot - Curve Plotting plugin activated
  198. Windows XP Look'n'Feel plugin activated
  199. Loading toolbar...
  200. Initializing plugins...
  201. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[922][&Close file Ctrl-W]
  202. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[923][Close all files Ctrl-Shift-W]
  203. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[933][Cu&t Ctrl-X]
  204. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[932][&Copy Ctrl-C]
  205. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[934][&Paste Ctrl-V]
  206. KeyBinder failed UpdateById on[1140][Remove all breakpoints Ctrl-Shift-F4]
  207. Loading project file...
  208. Parsing project file...
  209. Loading target Debug
  210. Loading target Release
  211. Loading project files...
  212. 1 files loaded
  213. Done loading project in 31ms
  214. Project's base path: D:\coding\projects\prv\ocv\
  215. Project's common toplevel path: D:\coding\projects\prv\ocv\
  216. Mozilla universal detection engine detected 'Pure *ASCII*'.
  217. Final encoding detected: Windows Western European (CP 1252) (ID: 33)
  218. Conversion succeeded using wxEncodingConverter (buffer size = 2616, converted size = 2620.
  219. Editor Open
  220. Project data set for D:\coding\projects\prv\ocv\src\main.cpp
  221. Top Editor: D:\coding\projects\prv\ocv\src\main.cpp
  222. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++
  223. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\mingw32
  224. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\backward
  225. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include
  226. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\include
  227. NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(): Caching GCC default include dir: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include-fixed
  228. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Adding three kind of files to batch-parser
  229. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Add priority header file: 'C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\cstddef'
  230. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Add priority header file: 'C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\include\w32api.h'
  231. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Add priority header file: 'C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\iostream'
  232. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Add priority header file: 'C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\iomanip'
  233. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Add 4 priority file(s) for project 'ocv'...
  234. NativeParser::DoFullParsing(): Added 1 header&source file(s) for project 'ocv' to batch-parser...
  235. ClassBrowser::UpdateClassBrowserView(): No active project available.
  236. NativeParser::CreateParser(): Finish creating a new parser for project 'ocv'
  237. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Updating class browser...
  238. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Class browser updated.
  239. NativeParser::OnParserStart(): Starting batch parsing for project 'ocv'...
  240. NativeParser::OnParserEnd(): Project 'ocv' parsing stage done!
  241. Project 'ocv' parsing stage done (116 total parsed files, 11032 tokens in 0 minute(s), 0.889 seconds).
  242. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Updating class browser...
  243. ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Class browser updated.
  244. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\opencv\2.4.4\include\ , 150
  245. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\ , 598
  246. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\mingw32\ , 21
  247. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\c++\backward\ , 8
  248. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include\ , 49
  249. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\include\ , 412
  250. SystemHeadersThread: C:\GNU\mingw\x86\4.7.2\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.2\include-fixed\ , 3
  251. SystemHeadersThread: Total number of paths: 7
  252. Removed ocv from all deps
  253. Deinitializing plugins...
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