
music joke

Oct 3rd, 2017
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  1. A long time ago, there was an Emperor who was obsessed with playing music.
  2. However, everyone in his palace and all his subjects thought his music was terrible.
  3. The Emperor could not find one person who understood him in the palace.
  4. He was very nervous and upset.
  5. One day, he went to the prison and found a prisoner in the death row.
  6. He said to him, "I will play some music for you. If you like it, I shall pardon you."
  7. Then, the Emperor brought out the instrument and started to play.
  8. After he finished, the prisoner kneeled down in front of him and crying hopelessly.
  9. He said, "I am not afraid of death." "I have realised my sins.Please put me to death by dismembering my body."
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