

Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. at 6 pm:
  2. broadcast "夜6"
  3. set {blood.moon} to random integer between 1 and 1
  4. if {blood.moon} is 1:
  5. broadcast "&cThe Blood Moon is rising..."
  6. broadcast "&cブラッドムーンが昇っている…"
  7. set {blood} to true
  9. at 6 am:
  10. broadcast "朝6"
  11. if {blood} is true:
  12. broadcast "&cThe Blood Moon is ended"
  13. broadcast "&cブラッドムーンは終わった…"
  14. set {blood} to false
  16. on explode:
  17. if {blood} is true:
  18. if event-entity is creeper:
  19. spawn primed tnt at location 10 meter above
  20. spawn primed tnt at location 10 meter above
  21. spawn primed tnt at location 10 meter above
  22. push player upwards at speed 2
  23. on damage:
  24. if {blood} is true:
  25. if attacker is a spider:
  26. increase the damage by 2
  27. chance of 10%:
  28. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /effect %attacker% 10 3 127"
  30. on damage:
  31. if attacker is zombie:
  32. increase the damage by 3
  33. chance of 10%:
  34. apply weekness to the victim for 10 seconds
  35. increase the damage by 1
  36. send "&aゾンビはスキルを使った!" to victim
  37. on right click on a bed:
  38. if {blood} is true:
  39. cancel event
  40. send action bar "&cブラッドムーン中は寝ることはできません" to player
  41. on damage:
  42. if {blood} is true:
  43. if attacker is a skeleton:
  44. increase the damage by 2
  45. chance of 10%:
  46. apply slowness to the victim for 20 seconds
  47. increase the damage by 1
  48. send "&aスケルトンはスキルを使った!" to victim
  49. command /night [<text>]:
  50. trigger:
  51. if arg-1 is "blood":
  52. set {blood} to true
  53. send "blood"
  54. if arg-1 is "delete":
  55. set {blood} to false
  56. send "normal"
  57. every 1 second:
  58. if {blood} is true:
  59. execute console command "/execute @e[type=skeleton] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[type=skeleton] 1 100000 1"
  60. execute console command "/execute @e[type=skeleton] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[type=skeleton] 11 100000 0"
  61. execute console command "/execute @e[type=zombie] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[type=zombie] 11 100000 1"
  62. execute console command "/execute @e[type=spider] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[type=spider] 11 100000 0"
  63. execute console command "/execute @e[type=spider] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[type=spider] 1 100000 1"
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