amor prohibido • form

Feb 9th, 2018
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  1. ( HYUNA‼ )
  2.    ━ USERNAME » xNISAx
  3. ━ PASSWORD » Hyuna's Red
  5. ( BUBBLE POP‼ )
  6. ━ NAME » Go Shinyoung
  7. ━ NICKNAME » Cupid, Lonely Shin
  8. ━ BIRTHDATE » August 2nd, 1996
  9. ━ AGE » 21 years old
  10. ━ WEIGHT » 53 kg
  11.    ━ HEIGHT » 164 cm
  13. ( ICE CREAM‼ )
  14. ━ FACE CLAIM » Twice's Sana
  15. ━ BU FC » Gugudan's Sejeong
  16. ━ 2 BU FC » Gfriend's Yerin
  18. ━ FAMILY »
  19. | Father : Go Hitomi, 56 years, lawyer
  20. | Mother : Go Youngmin, 55 years, architect
  21. ━ BACKGROUND » She was born in a medium class household, and her parents got really happy because she was their first child. They actually wanted to have another one but they got busy and that couldn't be possible; they also had to travel to Japan and lived there for about two years. Because they were really busy when they went back to Korea, they had to hire someone to take care of Shinyoung. Her caretaker was a really good storyteller and adviser, she always tried to help Shinyoung and wanted to see her happy; she also had a bunch of failed love stories and she led Shin know about them. When Shinyoung entered school, they would always talk of Shin's classmates, because the little girl thought they were funny. Her childhood was almost normal: she rode bikes, played with dolls and watched cartoons. She met her best friend when she was nine years old, and since then, they are inseparable. Once she grew up and became a teenager, her interests didn't change at all because she wanted to stay the same, but some things around her did. When her best friend fell in love with a guy, Shinyoung's mission started. She put together all the experiences she got from her caretaker's and tried to advice her best friend. She helped her friend making anonymous letters to the guy and made dates for them until they became a couple. A few months later, another friend of hers fell in love with someone and Shinyoung felt the urge of advice him too. When his friend got that girl as his girlfriend, he was so happy and he told everyone that Shinyoung was really good with love advices. She became famous at school and got the nickname of 'Cupid'. Suddenly, she was helping everyone with their love problems... And she didn't realize something important until she graduated from high school: she didn't have a boyfriend yet. Since then, she has talked non stop about how much she wants to get a boyfriend, so her friends gave another nickname: Lonely Shin. She just keeps wondering if her time to be happy will arrive someday.
  23. ( RED‼ )
  24. ━ NATIONALITY » Korean
  25. ━ ETHNICITY » Korean-Japanese
  26. ━ BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea
  27. ━ HOMETOWN[S] » Akita, Japan | Seoul
  28. ━ LANGUAGES » Korean - fluent | Japanese - fluent | English - basic
  29. ━ PERSONALITY » Shinyoung is normally someone quiet, but when her friends are around, she becomes noisy. She is helpful but she also tends to be exaggerated and a little bit lazy. Everyone describes her as the kind type because she likes to help people with their problems. She likes to be friends with everyone, so she tries to not be harsh. She is educated and a little bit shy sometimes. She doesn't get frustrated easily but when there's something going on in her mind she gets really stressed. Sometimes she acts like a child, she's not serious at all. By the way, she gets really nervous around new people and that's why it's difficult to know her. She's good with words and talks a lot when is around people who can understand her. She has good confidence about herself but when it comes to love life, it goes to the trash, she gets shy easily around guys. She'd like to apply the advices that she gives to her friends but it's just impossible. She is afraid because she thinks that no one will ever love her, just like what happened with her caretaker.
  31. ( ROLL DEEP‼ )
  32. ━ LOVE INTEREST ≡ Monsta X's Minhyuk
  33. ━ BU LI ≡ Seventeen's Hoshi
  34.    ━ 2 BU LI ≡ Seventeen's Jeonghan
  35. ━ HIS/HER PERSONALITY ≡ He's a bright person with a big heart and a positive mind. He talks a lot too and likes to tell jokes, that's the reason why everyone is comfortable around him. He's sometimes like a kid and seems to enjoy life because is always smiling. When he's sad or angry he doesn't talk and stays with a poker face. By the way, he's a good person and is really sociable. He's also funny, cute and a bit clumsy sometimes.
  36. ━ HOW DOES SHE DISCRIBE HIM? » She describes him as someone with whom you can have a long conversation without interruptions, besides being very handsome and gentle.
  37. ━ HOW DID SHE REACT WHEN SHE SAW HIM? » It would be wrong to say that she was out of breath, because she wasn't. Shinyoung at first thought he was a normal guy... Then, she remembered the app and she almost passed out.
  39. • The two of them having a cute and strange conversation about videogames or something.
  40. • Meeting Shinyoung's caretaker.
  41. • LI piggy-backing Shinyoung when she's tired of walking before a date.
  43. ( HOW'S THIS‼ )
  44. ━ HOW DID SHE FIND THE APP? » She was surfing the Internet as always, because she wanted to buy a new videogame. For some reason, she pressed the wrong button and she ended in some strange page that she hadn't ever saw. She scrolled and saw an add, pressed and it led her to another page. She got mad when the full anounce appeared and it said something about a love-mate. Shinyoung searched the official web page because she felt really curious about it.
  45. ━ WHAT DID SHE THINK AT FIRST? » She thought it was a joke because she always searches things like "how to be loved", "will I ever get a boyfriend?", etcetera, so she thought that Google was pranking her.
  46. ━ WHAT CONVINCED HER TO MAKE HER PARTNER? » She was feeling really lonely, but she thought it for a few minutes. She decided to try because she really wanted to have a relationship, since all her current friends have couples.
  48. ━ WHAT DID SHE FEEL WHEN MAKING HER PARTNER? » She felt nervous because she was afraid that the things wouldn't go as she wished. But she also felt happy because she was finally getting a boyfriend.
  50. ( BABE‼ )
  51. ━ LIKES »
  52. • Watching movies.
  53. • Reading and taking pictures.
  54. • Phone cases.
  55. • Rings.
  56. • White color.
  57. • Children.
  58. • Talking.
  59. • Going to sleep early.
  60. • Clouds; she thinks they're like cotton.
  61. • Playing RPG and online games.
  62. • Helping people.
  63. • Wearing sweaters.
  64. • Autumn.
  65. ━ DISLIKES »
  66. • Being left alone.
  67. • Red lipstick.
  68. • Being pressured.
  69. • People smoking.
  70. • Being forced to do something.
  71. • Being shy around guys.
  72. • Spring.
  73. • Flowers.
  74. • Being harsh to others.
  75. ━ TALENTS »
  76. • She's good giving advices.
  77. • She's a good photographer.
  78. • She's good taking care of children.
  79. ━ FLAWS »
  80. • She isn't good talking to new people.
  81. • She isn't good with sports.
  82. • She speaks really fast sometimes and no one can understand her.
  83. ━ TRIVIA »
  84. • Her father is Japanese.
  85. • She's now at college but she doesn't work yet. She is given money from her parents. Also, she studies Photography.
  86. • She's allergic to polen.
  87. • She has never got a boyfriend but got a crush on some boys.
  88. • Her favorite game is Undertale.
  89. • She actually likes being called Cupid.
  90. • She would like to learn some languages.
  91. • She always wanted to have a little brother or sister.
  92. • She's thinking about applying to work as babysitter.
  93. • She's still in contact with her caretaker, and talks with her when needs some advices.
  94. • She would like to have a white cat.
  95. • Her current favorite song is Stray Kids' "Young Wings".
  96. • She can't spend too much time playing videogames now because of college so she's sad about that.
  97. • She's not a friki but knows a lot about videogames.
  98. • Sometimes, she goes to high places to photograph the city. She does a great job searching the perfect angle for her photographs.
  99. • Her passion with photography started actually a few years ago, because she got a camera from his best friend and wanted to use it, so she started taking pictures.
  100. ━ FASHION STYLE »
  101. for college: goo.gl/fSqgT3
  102. casual: https://goo.gl/mk4gX6
  103. formal: https://goo.gl/MY7QDq
  104. for dates: https://goo.gl/ZYmLjD
  106. ( LIP & HIP )
  107. ━ EXTRA » Shinyoung's caretaker's name is Ahn Joohee and her best friend's name is Lee Yunji, just if you want to name them in some part of the story.
  108. ━ NOTE TO ISEUL » Hello! Um, this is my first time applying in English, so I'm really sorry if there is something mistaken. I want you to pick my character as the other appliers do, but if I don't get in I would also be happy reading the story because it has an interesting plot. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I hope everything is in order. If you want me to change or add something, please tell me and I'll do it ^^
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