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a guest
Jul 31st, 2015
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  1. /*Margonem Mobile v1.3 ==> Valius->Jaruna (absflg) */
  2. mobile = {} ;
  3. mobile. showItem = function (index ){
  4. if ( $ ("#item" + index) . css( "top" )== "469px" ) { return ; }
  5. if ( $ ("#item" + index) . is( "#base .item" )) { return ;}
  6. if ( $ ('#shop' ) .css ("display" ) =='block' ) { return; }
  7. if ( $ ('#auctions' ). css( "display" ) =='block' ) { return; }
  8. if ( $ ('#mails' ) . css( "display" ) =='block' ) { return; }
  9. mobile. showItemMenu (index ) ;
  10. } ;
  11. mobile. createFunc = function ( id){
  12. return function () { mobile. showItem ( id) ; };
  13. } ;
  14. mobile. startAddon = function (){
  15. eval ( "newEquip = " + ( ""+ newEquip ) . replace('$("#item" +{left: eq.
  16. eval ( "newEquip = " + ( ""+ newEquip ) . replace('ft: 25 + g.bag * 33});$("#bag").
  17. eval ( "newItem = " + ( ""+ newItem) . replace( '" + d).css({backgroundImage: "url("
  18. $( "<center id=itemmenu><br></center>" ) . css({ position :'absolute' , height : 194,
  19. $( "<center id=itemmenu_use onclick='mobile.moveItem(1)'><div>UŻYJ / ZAŁÓŻ</d
  20. $( "<center id=itemmenu_drop onclick='mobile.moveItem(-1)'><div>WYRZUĆ</div><
  21. $( "<center id=itemmenu_delete onclick='mobile.moveItem(-2)'><div>ZNISZCZ</di
  22. $( "<center id=itemmenu_bag >TORBY: <span id=itemmenu_bag1 onclick='
  23. $( "#itemmenu_bag1" ) . css({ border: '1px gold solid' }) ;
  24. $( "#itemmenu_bag2" ) . css({ border: '1px gold solid' }) ;
  25. $( "#itemmenu_bag3" ) . css({ border: '1px gold solid' }) ;
  26. $( "#itemmenu_bagK" ) . css({ border: '1px gold solid' }) ;
  27. $( "<center id=itemmenu_close onclick='$( \"#itemmenu \").toggle()'><div>ZAMKNI
  28. $( "#itemmenu" ). toggle () ;
  29. setTimeout( function (){
  30. $ ( "#panel div.item" ). each ( function ( index){
  31. $ (this ) . click ( mobile. createFunc( $( this ) . attr ( "id"
  32. }) ;
  33. }, 1000 )
  34. } ;
  35. mobile. moveItem = function (st ) {
  36. _g ( "moveitem&st=" +st + "&id=" + $ ( "#itemmenu" ) .attr ( "iid" )) ;
  37. $( "#itemmenu" ). toggle () ;
  38. } ;
  39. mobile. showItemMenu = function (id ) {
  40. $( "#itemmenu" ). fadeIn ('fast' ) . attr ("iid" , parseInt (id ) );
  41. } ;
  42. $ ( "#lagmeter" ) . click( function (){
  43. _g ( 'chat&c=' + esc( $ ( "#inpchat" ). val() )) ;
  44. $( "#inpchat" ) .val ('' ) ;
  45. }) ;
  46. g. loadQueue. push ({ fun: mobile. startAddon, data : ''}) ;
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