
Senri's Character Profile (Marvel Heroes RPG)

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. [div align="center"][font size=4][b]Gust Front[/b][/font]
  2. [img][/img][/div]
  4. [b]Full Name:Senri Mizushima[/b]
  5. [b]Super Hero/Villain Name: Gust Front[/b]
  6. [b]Gender: Female[/b]
  7. [b]Age: 28[/b]
  8. [b]Occupation: Medical Resident[/b]
  9. [b]Team Affiliation: None at present, but complied with SRA under code name[/b]
  11. [div align="center"][IMG][/IMG][/div]
  12. [b]General Appearance:[/b] Just scraping the five foot mark and a bit over one hundred pounds, Senri is lean and fit, her limbs corded with muscle. Her black hair is long and well cared for, falling to her waist when let down but most often put up in some fashion. Her skin has a natural olive tone, and her diamond face frames dark brown eyes over a small nose.
  14. Her preferred outfits tend toward comfortable hoodies, cargo pants, and lightweight running shoes. When out and about, she often wears a black heavy duty web belt and matches her outfits accordingly. Attached to the belt and strapped to each leg are several matching drop leg pouches emblazoned with the international green cross on a white circle, each a first aid kit in their own right and treated with waterproofing. Her work outfits, by contrast, are sharp business casual and good pairs of flats.
  16. [b]Personality:[/b] Senri is a driven young woman possessed of boundless energy. Very much an extrovert, she is at her happiest when surrounded by people. About the only thing quiet about her is the deep integrity and fortitude at her core. She is a Christian, identifying as a fundamental Baptist. It is a source of strength for her and a strong influence on every aspect of her life. While going out of her way not to be overbearing, she is not shy about her affiliation. With such things as magic and physical deities being a legitimate part of the world, this can be cause for some awkwardness, never mind more mundane conflicts. She tries to avoid the latter by letting her actions speak for themselves, preferring to let others start conversations concerning them but responding enthusiastically if they do. That faith and her passion for parkour, with its philosophy of efficiency, have melded with her basic transparency to make her a very direct person with an exuberance for living that she does her best to make contagious.
  18. Aside from parkour, she is deeply committed to medicine, seeing it as the single most effective means by which she can contribute to society. She is musically inclined, though toward singing rather than an instrument. She at least recalls her lessons in music class to the point of acquiring a musician's aversion to discordance. Her tastes in music outside of sacred tend more toward orchestral and ethnic and less toward pop and rock, though she is far from immune from earworms regardless of genre. Due to the enforced moderation imposed upon her by her body chemistry, she is highly adverse to alcohol and caffeinated beverages, preferring mild herbal teas, alternatives such as chai, and even plain hot water in a pinch. Social creature though she is, she also prefers to avoid being placed in situations that would expose her to the former.
  20. [div align="center"][IMG][/IMG][/div]
  21. [b][i]Aerokinesis[/b][/i]
  23. Senri is a broad-spectrum aerokinetic, a power she's channeled toward enhancing her speed and agility, as well as her escape and evade skills. Given her creativity and penchant for pushing herself, however, she is far from limited to those avenues of power usage. Her powers are both physically and mentally taxing, though the latter more so. The longer she uses her powers, the easier it is for her concentration to break. When her endurance runs out, anything she has set into motion with her powers will be freed to play itself out in a natural manner. She loses the ability to use her powers until she recovers from the backlash.
  24. [b]Note:[/b] This is Senri's core power. It does give her a very small effective boost to her reactions beyond her physical training, but only when she consciously applies it toward that end.
  27. [i]Direct[/i]
  29. The ability to create gusts of wind, including microbursts, vertical drafts, tornadoes, and pinpoint bursts. Their force ranges from a breeze to EF2 strength. At their strongest, the winds she can create can pick up and throw a large adult, and the winds themselves are more than capable of wreaking small-scale or finely targeted mayhem. While she can influence atmospheric pressure within natural bounds and temperature to a more limited extent, other meteorological phenomena such as humidity and lightning are outside her control and changes may only be brought about as an indirect extension of her efforts. Without a direct target and in favorable conditions, she can influence enough of the surrounding atmosphere to directly create a respectable supercell. She can directly target anything she can make out clearly within line of sight.
  31. [i]Enhanced Mobility[/i]
  33. Senri always has the wind at her back. Though she prefers the methods of motion employed by parkour and freerunning, she is not limited to the normal axes of movement nor to the ground itself. She can traverse the air as if it was solid ground, up to and including the simulation of a ground-based obstacle course. This can speed her passage considerably, up to about 150 miles per hour, though any 'running' past about 30 is mostly pretense. When she abandons that pretense, this becomes full-fledged flight, with the ability to turn and stop on a dime and the attendant resistance to the g-forces created. She instinctively manipulates the air around her to keep herself comfortable and safe from impacts. Theoretically, her speed is limited only by the speed of the tailwind she can give herself, but she can only go so fast before her speed begins to necessitate the cruising altitudes for aircraft. Her limit is consciously imposed with regards to the obstacles she can expect to face when traveling nap-of-the-earth. In addition, the air giving her a push still obeys the laws of physics, needing to build momentum. In practice, this means that if she is going 100 miles per hour, a correspondingly fast wind is following her and tearing up everything in her vicinity as she passes.
  35. [i]Mirage Creation[/i]
  37. By instinctively manipulating air molecules, Senri can create an area of heat haze (with the attendant heat, of course) a half mile in diameter at most. She uses this ability to impose short-lived mirages either upon the affected area or as independent images. This is also how she can keep herself comfortable against wind chill and cold in general. This ability creates a temperature gradient by vibrating air molecules either erratically, for the area effect, or very precisely to change their reflection and refraction index in a way that creates the desired image. She cannot raise the air temperature any higher than necessary for the desired effect, and when using this ability to warm herself, it is always accompanied by a visible heat haze around her.
  39. [i]Sound Manipulation[/i]
  41. Senri's ability to manipulate air extends to creating and dampening sound waves. She can effectively silence the sound of her passage, as well as selectively silence a person or people. She can throw her voice with ease, and even play music. Sound is her plaything. It can, however, be turned to offensive use. She can create and sustain pure noise at incapacitating levels with extreme precision, providing openings for restraint or for more serious offensive measures, but not permanently damaging of itself. However, as noise of that level is more overpressure than sound, she must take care to avoid inflicting more serious injuries. Unlike most of her abilities, this is limited to line of sight by the naked eye.
  43. [b]Weaknesses:[/b]
  45. [i]Butterfly Effect[/i]
  47. Senri is not a trained meteorologist by any stretch. While she has an instinctive grasp of cause and effect when using her abilities, her ability to compensate for the disturbances she makes is both basic and limited to the immediate present. A sufficiently powerful display of her abilities can quickly cascade into far greater effects beyond her control. As such, 'reasonable use of force' is more important for her to observe than for most heroes, and not always something that she remembers.
  49. [i]Centipede's Dilemma[/i]
  51. Senri's power usage is largely instinctive. Much like directing a person's attention to the process of breathing, being made to ponder the mechanics of her powers is enough to distract her from their easy use, complete with the accompanying backlash.
  53. [i]Drug Hypersensitivity[/i]
  55. Though generally in good health, Senri's body is highly sensitive to changes in its chemistry. While this was true before her manifestation, it is a condition that was greatly exacerbated afterward. As such, it rejects many drugs outright, and the adverse effects of drugs (prescription or otherwise) hit her sooner, harder and longer, greatly restricting the options available to her when the need arises. This extends even to holistic remedies, though to a lesser extent. Of the prescriptions she can tolerate, their warning labels are dogma rather than a friendly suggestion and the possibility of overdose is a real and consistent threat. This extends to recreational drugs. While she wouldn't dream of doing hard or even most soft ones, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are all substances that will throw her for a loop. While she can tolerate caffeine in careful moderation, second-hand smoke and spiked drinks will both make her life thoroughly miserable.
  57. [i]Perfectionist[/i]
  59. Senri is big on getting the details just right and is capable of intense focus on completing a task. However, this is often at the expense of neglecting other tasks completely, and her situational awareness goes out the window.
  61. -[i]Power Gained By:[/i] Mutation
  62. -[i]If mutant, what class?[/i] Alpha
  64. [b]Abilities:[/b]
  66. [i]Bilingual[/i]
  68. Born of first-generation Japanese parents, Senri was raised speaking both Japanese and English fluently. Consistent practice has largely eliminated an accent for either language.
  70. [i]Keen-Eyed[/i]
  72. Senri doesn't miss much. She has a very strong sense of situational and spatial awareness. She's learned to pick out and catalog exits, routes of passage and escape, potential danger, and things of interest or suspicion on an almost instinctual level. As a paramedic, this watchfulness was extended to evaluating health at a glance and a constant vigilance toward medical emergencies. More importantly, perhaps, is that she has learned to do all this without giving outward signs of it.
  74. [i]Medical Resident[/i]
  76. After years of dedication, Senri has achieved a doctorate in medicine, and now haunts the halls of Bellevue Hospital as a resident. She has built upon the foundation laid by a paramedic certification, maintained on both state and national level, and added pathology to her repertoire. As a result, she is considerably less squeamish concerning all kinds of injuries and illnesses.
  78. [i]Street Trained[/i]
  80. A runner to her bones, Senri's body is in top form. Years of zipping around the city, as well as participating in track and field, have significantly honed her dexterity and fitness. She can think and react intelligently on the fly. The many inevitable falls and accidents and consistent, dedicated training have left her about as tough as she can get. There's room for improvement, but then, isn't there always?
  82. [i]Strong Mind[/i]
  84. Between the discipline needed to exercise her powers and granted by her study of aikido, the mental state of 'the flow' learned and perfected through parkour, and an unassailable faith, this unique blend has granted Senri both an impressively resilient will and a variety of means to defend herself from both psychic and mystic forays against it. Add to that a natural stubborn streak, and most mental assaults are considerably blunted. Mass debilitation attacks will slow her, but can eventually be tuned out. Directly targeted attacks stand more chance to keep her down but require most assailants to work for it.
  86. [i]Traceuse[/i]
  88. Senri has been learning and refining her skill in parkour for almost two decades, starting at around the age of 8. One of her biggest passions, the movements and habits it has taught her have saved her life on multiple occasions.
  90. [i]Unarmed Combat[/i]
  92. Senri is well-versed in defending herself. She has learned to take advantage of anything she can use to get an edge on an opponent. Her study of anatomy had aided this even further. In addition, she has taken up the art of aikido, finding that it meshes well with her skills as a traceuse. Through consistent practice in conjunction with the rest of her skills and abilities, she has managed to achieve the mental discipline she sought to build in the first place. Incidentally, this has also left her with the rank of shodan, or first-degree black belt.
  94. [b]Weapons:[/b] None
  96. [div align="center"][IMG][/IMG][/div]
  97. A native of New York City, Senri has been a runner ever since her earliest memories. She was an eternal worry to her parents, as she would constantly disappear, wandering off to explore (often at a run). To her delight, her third grade P.E. teacher decided to introduce parkour as an optional activity, and she was hooked from then on, seizing on every chance she got to practice. Starting in middle school, she was a member of her schools' track teams, thriving on the competition and giving a good account of herself. In her sophomore year of high school, she took a part-time job at a nearby pizzeria, starting as an insider. This coincided with a childhood interest in the medical field she never outgrew, and the earnings that were not saved up went toward funding her Basic Life Support certification.
  99. Heeding the advice of her parents and teachers, she applied for college in her senior year. As a result, she was able to begin the trek toward paramedic certification immediately upon graduation, with the eventual goal of becoming a doctor. Though she successfully acquired her driver's license, she decided to save her money by using the road bike she received as a graduation present, becoming a delivery girl at the pizzeria. Between it and every means of financial assistance she could get her name attached to, she graduated with a B.S. in Emergency Services and certification on both the state and national level. While she was able to secure a position in FDNY's EMS, the workload swept away thoughts of further education for a good year. Only after becoming accustomed to the frenetic schedule did she consider herself up to the challenge of juggling work and school once again. Armed with both certification and experience, she was able to apply successfully for medical school. Between work and stubbornly persisting to apply herself to her studies, she ran herself ragged. In the midst of all that, she manifested rather quietly the day after her twenty-third birthday while out for a run. So quietly, in fact, that it took her a good week to figure out that something had happened. After that, though, she set to solving the puzzle presented by her own body, applying her imagination toward testing her limits. Three years later and much more frazzled, she emerged with her MD and exchanged a place in EMS for a medical residency slot. Superheroism is a very distant priority for her, but she's found time to grow comfortable with her powers regardless.
  101. [b]Other Information:[/b]
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  104. It was a cold morning, and a wet one. But it wasn't a work day, so for Senri's purposes, it was beautiful. She takes her time going through her morning routine, and her little apartment was filled with the sound of her cheerful humming. Breakfast, still pajama-clad, comes first: Cream of wheat cooked in a small pot over the stove, eaten after a quick prayer at the round café style table in the combined kitchen/dining room. Her bowl, pot, and utensils go into the sink and are given a good scrubbing before being neatly placed on the drying rack just to the right. A quick detour on her way through her bedroom to the attached bathroom procures her clothes for the day, and then it's her turn to be scrubbed. Before that, though, was her hair. It was a shampoo day, and she had time to do things right. Her hands move through the ritual of shampooing and conditioning with the ease and surety of long practice. Her mind, meanwhile, is occupied with anticipation for the run to come. She dons her shower cap and finishes her shower, removing it for a final rinse under cool water before shutting off the spray. She dries off and dons her chosen outfit: Well-worn khaki cargo pants and an unadorned long-sleeved cotton top of pastel blue. Sparing a small grimace in the mirror for the state of her hair, she plucks up her wooden wide-toothed comb and carefully brings the strands back under control. That done, she trades her comb for her toothbrush. The brushing and flossing go much more quickly but are no less thorough than the rest of her routine. She returns brush and floss to their places and, as a finishing touch, ties up her hair in a simple ponytail with a bright blue flat silk ribbon. "No sense in drying my hair just yet," she thinks. "Not when it's about to be rained on."
  106. With a last inspection and nod of approval, she pulls on a pair of white ankle socks with her bathroom slippers, crosses to the threshold and immediately trades them for house slippers, eliciting a small grin of amusement that is as much a part of her daily routine as brushing her teeth is. She retraces her steps through the bedroom, pausing to grab and shrug into a clear plastic poncho, walks through the kitchen and stops before her front door. She places the slippers on the shoe rack to the right of the door and slips on her favorite pair of black running shoes instead. She grabs key and wallet from the sideboard to the left, dropping the wallet into a leg pocket as she heads out and locks up behind her. The key joins the wallet, and she closes the flap over them both, giving it a small pat and bouncing a few times on the balls of her feet to assure herself that it is closed securely. Her preparations complete at last, she makes her way to the stairwell, greeting neighbors she passes with a bright smile and humming as she goes. When she reaches the stairwell, the humming gives way to quiet singing instead. As she descends, she matches her steps to the rhythm of the song. "A-me a-me, fu-re fu-re, kaa-san ga/ja-no-me de o-mu-ka-e u-re-shi-i na./Pi-cchi pi-cchi, cha-ppu cha-ppu, ran ran ran!" Still singing by the time she reaches the ground floor, she practically skips through the lobby and out the door, at which point she goes tearing off at a full sprint.
  109. [b]Are you a returning member?[/b] No
  111. [b]Other Claimed Characters:[/b]
  112. N/A
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