
canon chars

Jun 2nd, 2015
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  4. [big]Name[/big]
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  6. [small]"Quote"[/small]
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  9. [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][collapse=                                        Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Iɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ][hr]
  10. [color=white][color=white]NAME:[/color]
  11. [color=white]NICKNAMES:[/color]
  12. [color=white]SERIES:[/color]
  13. [color=white]GENDER:[/color]
  14. [color=white]SPECIES:[/color]
  15. [color=white]LOCATION:[/color]
  16. [color=white]AGE:[/color]
  17. [color=white]BIRTH DATE:[/color]
  18. [color=white]HEIGHT:[/color]
  19. [color=white]WEIGHT:[/color]
  20. [color=white]EYES:[/color]
  21. [color=white]HAIR :[/color]
  22. [color=white]OCCUPATION:[/color]
  23. [color=white]PERSONALITY:[/color]
  24. [color=white]ALIGNMENT:[/color]
  25. [color=white]INTERESTS:[/color]
  26. [color=white]DISLIKES:[/color]
  27. [color=white]ABILITIES:[/color] [/color] [hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][collapse=                   Bᴀᴄᴋɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ]
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  34. @source
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  44. [color=pink]NSFW[/color][indent]
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  52. [color=red]COMICS[/color][indent]
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  69. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]GUIDELINES[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color]
  70. [indent]►This section of the profile is the 'out of character' information, which is found on every character profile. The purpose of this section is to give a bit of information in what I'm looking for and some basic rules I have. The most important thing is that I'm on here for myself and to have an enjoyable time here. I enjoy talking to people and engaging in role play on this site, whether its private play or public play. I do ask if you're interested in my profile that you skim through this section, just to get an idea of what I'm generally looking for.
  72. ►If you're interested in my profile, please feel free to bookmark me, note me, or message me on the chat when I'm online. I don't mind if you send out a friend request either, because if I'm uninterested I will simply deny it. I only accept friend requests if I'm interested in the character that sent them to me. I do appreciate getting a message from you along with the friend request if you do decide to send one.
  74. ►If you see me online in the chat room, don't assume I'm looking unless the status says I am. If I am looking please read the status, because sometimes I'm looking for one individual character, but sometimes I'm looking for something on all of my characters. There are times when I'm set to looking, but I'm not looking for something right away, and my status will say that if I'm just idle looking while doing something else. I have other reasons for being online in the chat besides private RP and that includes lurking around and checking out other profiles, chatting or RPing within a room, or just talking with a few friends.
  76. ►When I'm set too looking and you're someone who is contacting me, I will let you know if I'm interested in RPing with you or not. Even if your intentions are not to set up a scene with me, I'd rather be straight up with you than try to lead you on.
  78. ►When I log into chat, I ask that you give me a minute or two before contacting me. I like to let the channels load up and see whats going on with the rooms, and I may already have plans when logging in. Its just a small peeve that I don't like getting jumped on as soon as I log in.
  80. ►If I decline interest in something, please don't continue to push it onto me. If I say 'no' to something, than that means I don't want to do it. If I don't want to role play, don't want to play a certain character, and partake in a certain kink then I don't have too. If you get whiny, aggravated, and upset with me because I don't want to do something, then I won't want to do [b]anything[/b] with you.
  82. ►Unless the character is 'verified', then all of the artwork doesn't belong to me. The artwork for the characters, even the verified ones where not drawn by me. If art is being used that the artist doesn't want on here, then I will gladly take it down.
  84. ►I don't ask that you send me a paragraph explaining your interest to me when its your first time contacting me, but when you are messaging me, try to tell me something you like about the profile. I don't mind IC introductions, but be warned I'm not always going to respond IC with those introductions. Try to come up with something more interesting than "Hi.....How are you?" because while it is 'friendly', its just way too quiet of an introduction.
  86. ►I have many characters, many different scene ideas, and different moods and interests. Which means it sometimes takes me a while to get into an RP, and the process to continue on with it may be a bit slow. I do have a life outside of f-list as well, so that also blends in with the schedule. Overall the amount of ERP I see in a week isn't that high, but I do try to get it in when I can. (?)
  88. ►This is a pretty obvious rule, but ya know please be nice to me and not be an asshole. Respect goes both ways and what not. If for some reason you start becoming rude and unfriendly, I will lose any interest with you, and if it keeps up I may have to block you. I only block people who give me trouble and show unfriendliness towards me.
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  90. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]PROFILE CHECKLIST[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color]
  91. [indent]►There are a few things I look for in a character profile, and this is the standard checklist I use for when I'm looking to see if a profile meets my interest. If a few box's aren't checked off, that doesn't always mean I'm not interested in your profile, it just means I'm not 'as interested'. Even if the profile has all the boxs marked doesn't always guarantee my full interest in someone either.
  92. [indent][small]☐ - The character is[b] attractive to me[/b]
  93. ☐ - The character has a [b]visual reference for their appearance or a well written description of what they look like[/b]
  94. ☐ - The characters [b]profile is detailed enough to where I can get an idea of who this character is[/b]
  95. ☐ - The character has an [b]icon (this is a pet peeve of mine)[/b]
  96. ☐ - The player has a [b]a good number of compatible kinks[/b]
  97. ☐ - The player is able [b]to write as much as the scene asks for [/b]
  98. ☐ - The player is [b]friendly ooc[/b][/small][/indent]
  100. ►There are a few types of profiles that don't appeal to me and they include blank profiles with little to no information on it, hub profiles (hub profiles that link off to other characters they have are fine), profiles that only spotlight one kink (usually these profiles have names like footlover7, voreisgreat, or filthsub) and nothing else, and profiles where the character has nothing about them besides "just your average girl/guy".
  102. ►When playing as or with a canon character I don't mind if they aren't played entirely to canon. There are preferences with how people like to play their character and how they interrupt them. I don't need a lot of detail on a page for a canon character, as chances are they have a information page on some wiki out there. There are many ways a character can be played, as well as many AUs for the character and different headcanons. I even understand if you are basing your profile off of a canon character and changing them around to where they are an OC that is loosely based off of a canon character.
  104. ►I don't exactly care for profiles that try to transition their appearance completely in order to try to appeal to me. If I go to your profile and I see that you are an anthro-wolf. I don't want you to play as a human, even if you have a picture hidden away on your profile with your 'human form'. The character that your profile presents to me is who I'm going to see.
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  106. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]KINKS[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color]
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  108. ♡[big][color=red]❤[/color][/big]♡ - [b][color=cyan]Favorite[/color][/b] - If the kink is listed in the favorite column then that means I heavily enjoy these kinks and would like to see some of them happen within the RP.
  109. ♢[big][color=pink]♦[/color][/big]♢ - [b][color=green]Yes[/color][/b] - If the kink is listed in the yes column then that means I do enjoy these kinks, but there may be situations where I'm not in the mood for a kink in the yes column or that it needs to be done in a certain way to catch my interest.
  110. ♧[big][color=gray]♣[/color][/big]♧ - [b][color=yellow]Maybe[/color][/b] - When a kink is listed in the maybe column then that means it is highly situational to whether I would enjoy it or not. These kinks are not necessarily a no, but it is highly unlikely that I would be seeking these out.
  111. ♤[big][color=black]♠[/color][/big]♤ - [b][color=orange]No[/color][/b] - I only have a few kinks that I don't enjoy or have any interest in doing. I would not like to see these in the RP.
  113. ►There are a lot of kinks in my favorites and yes list, and I only have a few limits in my maybe and no list. I do enjoy some kinks that are often categorized as 'extreme' or 'the common nos' but I do not require anyone who plays with me to participate in any kink they don't want too. I'd rather work around the kinks that we all can agree on, rather than kinks that go against someones interest.
  115. ►I only have a few kinks in my maybe and no list, and most of the kinks that are in that list are based around preference relating to appearance and species. Kink wise the only true offenders that I don't enjoy include [b]bestiality, infantilism, and birthing[/b]. There are a few situations where I don't mind these nos being done, but its usually done in the background of the scene, done in a very certain way, or is combined with other kinks in order for me to find it appealing.
  116. [indent][small][b]Bestiality[/b] - I can enjoy this kink if its done with smaller creatures such as any species that is 'snake/worm/eel' shaped, some fish, squids, insects, spiders, and other ones similar to the ones I listed.
  117. [b]Infantilism[/b] - I don't like this kink when it becomes the focus of the scene, but there are a few elements to this kink that I don't mind. Things like diaper usage, treating someone like a child, and taking on the role of a parent for someone else even if their is no relation are some of the things I would enjoy.
  118. [b]Birthing [/b]- Not a fan of the realistic form of this kink where the mother is pushing out babies. I don't mind this kink if its being done with eggs (oviposition) or if its done with people that aren't newborns. [/small][/indent]
  119. ►The rest of my maybes and no list has to relate to preferences I have in relation with appearance and types of furry/anthro species that I either find hard to find appealing, or just completely turn me off. If I'm uninterested in someone because of something that turns me off with their appearance, then there is a high chance that I'm not interested. It is a little bit shallow to be so picky with how a character looks, but its really hard for me to enjoy ERP when it involves someone I don't find attractive.
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  121. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]OTHER CHARACTERS[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color]
  122. [indent]►I have a large selection of characters to chose from besides this one and the other ones listed to the side on the profile. I have original characters and characters that are original but belong in with a canon realm, Homestuck charachters, League of Legend characters, and a lot of other miscellaneous characters as well.The characters listed here are only a sample of what my full roster is, and for a full list that shows everything you can check out [url=]this[/url] page.
  124. ►If you find yourself interested in the character then feel free to bookmark them, throw out a friend request, and send a message my way expressing your interest. If you're trying to contact me, the best characters to reach me at are Pepper, Stocking, Sona, and Porrim (the first characters). I'm frequently online in the chat with one of these characters, but if I'm not online as on of them, then you're more than welcome to send a note to any one my characters.
  126. [b]◆Original Characters◆[/b]
  127. [icon]Pepper Rainglow[/icon][icon]Estella Savium[/icon][icon]Delana Gardevoir[/icon][icon]Cherry Sugarcakes[/icon][icon]Zuzanis Sylvian[/icon][icon]Vixxy Tinkerspella[/icon]
  128. [b]◆Canon (Misc.)◆[/b]
  129. [icon]Stocking Anaki[/icon][icon]Harleyquinn[/icon][icon]Kunoichi Temari[/icon][icon]Peachy Peach[/icon][icon]Korrasami[/icon][icon]Hatsune Miku 01[/icon]
  130. [b]◆League of Legends◆[/b]
  131. [icon]Sona Buvelle[/icon][icon]Nine tailed ahri[/icon][icon]Orianna Clockwork[/icon][icon]Janna wind force[/icon][icon]solari leona[/icon][icon]anarchy jinx[/icon]
  132. [b]◆Homestuck Characters◆[/b]
  133. [icon]Porrim Maryam[/icon][icon]rose lalonde[/icon][icon]Aradia[/icon][icon]Aranea Serket[/icon][icon]Jane crocker[/icon][icon]grimAuxiliatrix[/icon][/indent][hr]
  134. [collapse=IDEAS & ADVERTISEMENTS ]
  135. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]IDEAS[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color]
  136. [indent]►Idea 1
  138. ►Idea 2[/indent]
  139. [hr][color=black][big]〖[/big][color=gray]--[big][color=white]ADVERTISEMENTS[/color][/big]--[/color][big]〗[/big][/color][quote]
  140. ►This advertisement is not for this character, but rather all of my characters! My full list of characters can be found [url=]Here[/url]. I have[b] OCs[/b] and Characters that belong to [b]League of Legends, Homestuck, and Various Canons[/b]. I'm a switch that does both doming and subbing! I'm intrested in a number of kinks and only have a few kinks I'm not interested in. Please feel free to message me with an idea if you are interested in any of my characters and would like to set up a scene. [i](If for some reason I don't respond, feel free to send me a note and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!) [/i]
  142. ►Ad 2
  143. [/quote][/collapse]
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