
RCO Council Meet 11/30/2015

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. LordCainKnightLord: we need too go over the Rules for the Tournament
  2. RaduBarvon: ok
  3. LordCainKnightLord: will someone get Xendra
  4. RaduBarvon: she's on dnd
  5. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'll get her...
  6. LordCainKnightLord: alright we will start when everyone is in here
  7. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: There we go.
  8. LordCainKnightLord: Shini is port of the Council Yes?
  9. RaduBarvon: I think she's asleep.
  10. RaduBarvon: I messaged her on FB a while ago and never heard back
  11. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu
  12. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  13. LordCainKnightLord: alright i call this meeting of the Rose Crose Council for us too go over the Tournament rules,Now i got the T1 battle rules we can take from too stay with in the T1 rules for the judges
  14. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Alright, who are the judges?
  15. LordCainKnightLord: well there is KnightWolf's friend whitch we got too meet when he comes on,then there is my old daughter hubby ,then we need one more,
  16. RaduBarvon: Now I do have a question about that.
  17. LordCainKnightLord: im thinking maybe us with ion the Order should be the judges Isaak too be truthful,the officers
  18. LordCainKnightLord: ask away Radu
  19. LordCainKnightLord: is Xendra here ?
  20. RaduBarvon: -nods- How much time will we get to know this friend of KnightWolf's? I'm simply curious to see if there will be a biased judgement from him or her.
  21. QueenXendra: I am here.
  22. LordCainKnightLord: we got untill the 6th of next month
  23. QueenXendra: Today is the 30th Lord Cain.
  24. LordCainKnightLord: i know Xendra i get paid tomorrow *dose a happy dances *
  25. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Which means we have only until Saturday to get to know him.
  26. RaduBarvon: lol
  27. LordCainKnightLord: this is why i think the judges need too be in the Order,this way its the Order judgeing ,and being fair,but too be truthful i wouldnt know what im looking for too judge
  28. RaduBarvon: I do for the most part. Although a lot of people like to argue and vary on what makes a good warrior.
  29. QueenXendra: I have a suggestion if I may?
  30. LordCainKnightLord: well WonRose gave me the rules too T1 battle,that helps alot but too me its like reading stereo instructions
  31. LordCainKnightLord: plz Xendra
  32. LordCainKnightLord: share
  33. QueenXendra: Have the tournament, and then tell them a week is needed to go over everything. Because if you have a large number wanting to battle, it's going to be a massive chatlog, and we need to be careful that the wrong person isn't being given the position. Having a few people go over it provides additional eyes, so if one doesn't catch something, another might do so.
  34. RaduBarvon: -nods and raises hand- I have the resources to save chatlogs and go over them with multiple people later
  35. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So, have the judges there, but not make a decision right away?
  36. LordCainKnightLord: this can go on forever
  37. RaduBarvon: Well if you wish, there can be a deadline for it.
  38. LordCainKnightLord: this is something all council memembers need too vote over
  39. LordCainKnightLord: i mean its a good ideal ,that can take a very long time too do ,is that something the Order is willing too go thrw too get its Captain ?
  40. RaduBarvon: I personally think that there should be time for the judges to sit and discuss such things however there should be a time limit on HOW LONG they're allowed to sit afterwards. Such as 3 days or something.
  41. QueenXendra: Which is fine.
  42. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think it could be done within 3 days, maybe even two.
  43. LordCainKnightLord: like we hold the tournament on sunday and the judges got untill wednesday too decide?
  44. RaduBarvon: Yeah
  45. QueenXendra: It would give people an opportunity to rest after if the Tournament is in the evening.
  46. QueenXendra: if it is*
  47. LordCainKnightLord: alright i think we can do it this way,it will almost give us more time too pull in judges if needed,
  48. RaduBarvon: Makes perfect sense
  49. LordCainKnightLord: also
  50. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu ,your first mission for the Order,you get too write the Email and tell them what we have decided,
  51. RaduBarvon: Yessir. And the rules that WonRose gave you... should those be included as well or are those still being saved for the day of the tournament?
  52. LordCainKnightLord: thats is something ill post in a min,becuz the T1 rules are for us,whitch we got too make the tournament rules out of
  53. RaduBarvon: ok
  54. LordCainKnightLord: is everyone ready for rule number one
  55. RaduBarvon: = ____ = -kicks internet- move faster
  56. RaduBarvon: But yes. I know I am
  57. QueenXendra: Alright
  58. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak you ready?
  59. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am sir.
  60. LordCainKnightLord: 1.Both opponents must agree upon the death match. and or just the spar or competition and one is out through elimination while the other advances
  61. RaduBarvon: So basically the contestants must both agree to the terms that the winner will advance in the tournament?
  62. LordCainKnightLord: well yes,but its rules we post up for the tournament not her rules
  63. RaduBarvon: -nod-
  64. LordCainKnightLord: 2.Must be in an authorized KZ. Or the room is zoned for whatever is happening at that time. In your case a match elimination so again there are no kills there***** Judges will be looking for these things so be careful they do not happen
  65. LordCainKnightLord: so the winner i think we should make it by how good they post and how mush detail they put in a post
  66. RaduBarvon: -nod- Alright. Is there a limit to how rough they can get with their opponents or will a judge step in and all it when they've seen enough?
  67. QueenXendra: I'd say if they started getting too rough the match is ended for them.
  68. LordCainKnightLord: we let them go thrw with the mash untill one is nock out or gives up
  69. RaduBarvon: Alright.
  70. RaduBarvon: So basically for a K.O or a yield
  71. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then they better stop if this is claimed.
  72. LordCainKnightLord: they just leave the T1 battle area
  73. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sir, what I am saying is, if someone says they yield, their opponent has to drop his/her weapon?
  74. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  75. LordCainKnightLord: thats why we need too write out the rules
  76. QueenXendra: Alright, that's a good idea.
  77. LordCainKnightLord: so Rule number one is?
  78. RaduBarvon: Both opponents must agree that the winner of the match shall advance in the tournament and agree to the rules of the tournament.
  79. QueenXendra: That's what I have
  80. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Same for me.
  81. LordCainKnightLord: rule number one is for the tournament
  82. LordCainKnightLord: ok something Liz suggested 1. your chara must be described in fuldetail.know your species and post each weapon and what ur avi is wearing
  83. RaduBarvon: That can get exceptionally EXTENSIVE, but I can see how it can be helpful for opponents. Is there a god mode rule?
  84. QueenXendra: I would hope so.
  85. LordCainKnightLord: yes no godmoding i got a T1 rule on it for why
  86. LordCainKnightLord: 6, Godmodding, taboo in roleplay. Godmodding is when a character cannot be killed or be brought back from the dead, this is not true for there always is a way to kill someone, even if you play a God you can still be killed. If your character dies he/she cannot be returned, not by any reason or explanation, it isn't legit. Please keep that in mind for it makes good roleplay. Powerplaying is also a form of godmodding, letting your char do everything and anything while it's not possible due to restrictions of a character and its abilities.
  87. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lord Cain, I have something to bring forward. Petros and Jackson are the only humans in the tournament, and Petros has a massive time difference.
  88. LordCainKnightLord: then we make the humans Crusnik and let them studdy up on the Crusnik powers
  89. QueenXendra: We can't force them to be crusniks if they don't want to be sir.
  90. LordCainKnightLord: and you can fight a dragen as a human,you just got too put alot of detail into your post,the reason for the juges is too make them really get into what is happening,and alot of detail helps you win the judges
  91. RaduBarvon: Alright. Then is there something a judge can say if they see god moding?
  92. RaduBarvon: Or at least will there be something where somebody can say "This is unfair?" Because I know that some people can god mode that they're impervious to 'human attacks'
  93. LordCainKnightLord: well thats why we are here too think up something
  94. RaduBarvon: Alright
  95. LordCainKnightLord: i think we can let the judges step up and say,thats god moding,
  96. RaduBarvon: Because I'd be pretty pissed if I was in a tournament using a human character and somebody was acting like a god-modder and not letting ANY ATTACK hit.
  97. LordCainKnightLord: and remine them by posting the rule of godmoding up
  98. QueenXendra: Then I would at least allow opponents the chance to say I am not posting because I feel so and so is godmodding
  99. QueenXendra: That way it's looked at right then and there.
  100. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  101. RaduBarvon: I can see that as fair.
  102. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Agreed.
  103. LordCainKnightLord: then it is a greement on that
  104. RaduBarvon: And then will the match be ended? Or how about a strike system? God-mode 3 times and you're out?
  105. RaduBarvon: Or at least 2 tiems?
  106. RaduBarvon: times*
  107. QueenXendra: And watch, if it's called on Kiara or Leon there's going to be a damn fight.
  108. LordCainKnightLord: i was thinking on that,BUT three point thing like in boxing,when a boxer hits a low blow there is a warming,we just dont give warmings,if they get down too one point ,they either got too knock ther preason out or give it up,if they loos that last point the other preason wins by disqualification
  109. RaduBarvon: -nods- So then we DON'T call them when they god mode?
  110. RaduBarvon: Or will the judges also be in a different room talking about what they're seeing?
  111. QueenXendra: I reccomend that
  112. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I was thinking about that myself.
  113. LordCainKnightLord: ok we got too get thes things str8 in our mines how we are going too do this ,im geting cunfuss here
  114. RaduBarvon: lol same
  115. LordCainKnightLord: rule number one each post must be in fuldetail that covers everything that you are wearing,your weapons,the powers, do we agree
  116. RaduBarvon: yes
  117. QueenXendra: Yes.
  118. RaduBarvon: In my notes, it's bullet number 4. I can move it up to 1 if you want
  119. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yes.
  120. LordCainKnightLord: alright,im going too let you Radu keep the rules but ill need a copy when your done
  121. RaduBarvon: Of course
  122. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  123. RaduBarvon: Once we're done, I can send you a copy
  124. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu and thank you
  125. RaduBarvon: mhm
  126. RaduBarvon: Do you want me to go over what we have so far?
  127. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  128. RaduBarvon: 1. Both opponents must agree upon the terms of the match and agree that the winner shall advance in the tournament. 2. This is not an authorized Kill Zone. You are not permitted to kill your oponent and the match is over when one combatant yeilds or is knocked unconsious. OR DEEMED OTHERWISE BY THE JUDGES! 3. You must describe your character (garb,armor, species, etc) and weapons (magic as well) in detail. This will prevent the change of such things later in the match as well as give a fair chance for an opponent to learn. 4. Absolutely no god moding. A judge will step up and speak if they see what they consider god moding.You will be warned the first time, however if the judges catch god moding 3 times, they will call the fight.
  129. LordCainKnightLord: alright i like that
  130. RaduBarvon: -nosd- Alrighty
  131. LordCainKnightLord: anything eless
  132. RaduBarvon: How about. 5. Do not argue with the judges call or...... -shrugs- Something happens. xD I don't know what people want to happen if people start to argue with the judges call.
  133. LordCainKnightLord: 12. you can keep that or not do it, but for rude people who interupt or one opponent is cussing where the judges finds them offensive, they too can be eliminated for not respecting the judges and calls
  134. RaduBarvon: I like that
  135. LordCainKnightLord: then that is rule 5 i think?
  136. RaduBarvon: Yes
  137. RaduBarvon: 5. Be respectful. Give your opponent time to post in full. Do not use foul language. Do not argue with the judges; their call is final.
  138. RaduBarvon: does that sound good?
  139. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  140. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sir do you want me to handle the guy in your room?
  141. LordCainKnightLord: yes plz
  142. LordCainKnightLord: 11. If for any reason one opponent is booted from a room,the opponent remaining in the room is autokilled. Room owners must put up with arrogance or crude fighting methods. Booting both fighters results in a draw,and b
  143. LordCainKnightLord: do we have this one
  144. LordCainKnightLord: Both Opponents must state their ready. (in this case they do have to say they are ready)
  145. RaduBarvon: Hmm... there SHOULDN'T be any booting in general. Should it just be "No booting any one participant. However if both are booted, the fight ends in a draw"
  146. RaduBarvon: But no we don't have that. -adds it-
  147. LordCainKnightLord: yes on both of them
  148. LordCainKnightLord: what number are we at
  149. RaduBarvon: and we are at 7 rules now
  150. LordCainKnightLord: 8. now keep the OOC to a minimum
  151. RaduBarvon: -nodnod- Got that
  152. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  153. RaduBarvon: Now, I know there will be shapeshifters in the tournament. Is there a limit on that at all?
  154. LordCainKnightLord: yes they can only shapeshift 4 times
  155. RaduBarvon: Is there a post limit in there? Like you're only allowed to shift every OTHER post?
  156. LordCainKnightLord: alright now here is one ,No powerplaying and ill show you why
  157. LordCainKnightLord: Powerplaying is letting your character do the impossible or have so much power that it is unreal. It is true that some races have a lot of different powers like a Necromancer for example, that race can control almost every element but it's powers weaken by each element. If you use all of them at 100% or can create a tornado as big as the size of Texas within the blink of an eye you are powerplaying, aka not valid and not legit. Every race is bounded to certain limits, such as a max of three elements and a mix of two different species. Some species cannot be mixed, such as Light Beings and Darkness beings, they can turn however, example: An Angel becoming a Fallen Angel, going from Light to Darkness, but there must be certain rules followed to make this happen ic. Please limit your character and don't make him too overpowered
  158. QueenXendra: I have a feeling this is something that is going to be heavily challenged
  159. LordCainKnightLord: you just got too know the stuff
  160. RaduBarvon: Alright. Can I copy and paste that into the T1 rules area on the forum? Just so I can say 10. No powerplaying; please refer to the post I have made in the T1 Rules forum section of the groups.
  161. LordCainKnightLord: yes you may
  162. RaduBarvon: TY
  163. LordCainKnightLord: brb
  164. RaduBarvon: tyt
  165. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  166. QueenXendra: tyt
  167. RaduBarvon: What do you two say about this image as well as the text posted?
  168. RaduBarvon: No mary sues?
  169. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  170. RaduBarvon: I honestly think that it can help weed a few people out in the tournament
  171. RaduBarvon: The judges can debate about if a character is a Mary Sue or not
  172. QueenXendra: Good thing I'm not a judge for this
  173. RaduBarvon: It'd also help with the god moding
  174. LordCainKnightLord: yes it dose
  175. LordCainKnightLord: sorry everyone i had too put some warm clothes on the sun went down and its geting cold in here lol
  176. RaduBarvon: That's quite alright
  177. RaduBarvon: RL comes first
  178. LordCainKnightLord: ok what number are we at
  179. RaduBarvon: we're at 10 now
  180. LordCainKnightLord: can anyone think up anything eless
  181. RaduBarvon: What about a rule of something RL comes up?
  182. LordCainKnightLord: thats a good ideal
  183. LordCainKnightLord: and here is one 9.T1 Combat, paragraph posts, continuing with (c) and finishing with (e), this is where two fighters will face each other in combat. A turn based system where one will reply when the other is done. There are a lot of things important when doing a T1 Textfight and I will explain everything you need to know to become a good T1 fighter. The most important things are Fairplay and Details. Once again a T1 fighter can have a max of three elements.
  184. RaduBarvon: So how would you like that put in the rules for this tournament?
  185. LordCainKnightLord: we need too put this in a rule right here T1 Combat, paragraph posts, continuing with (c) and finishing with (e),
  186. RaduBarvon: So at the beginning of the post they put (c) for continuing an attack the (e) when ending an attack? Or only if it's multiple paragraphs?
  187. LordCainKnightLord: at the end of there atack they put (e)
  188. RaduBarvon: ok
  189. RaduBarvon: 11. Use (c) for continuing an attack and (e) for ending an attack to help with clarification on your attack posts.
  190. LordCainKnightLord: and they must put the other preasons hit in just say i did this (C) i need over and kiss Xendra on her beautiful lips and turns back around and sits down(E) she would have too come back at me starting with (C) and ending with (E)
  191. RaduBarvon: O _O
  192. RaduBarvon: well then
  193. QueenXendra: The FUCK?
  194. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: LOL You caught her off guard
  195. QueenXendra: XD
  196. LordCainKnightLord: just showing a example is all
  197. RaduBarvon: >u> shalalalala you know you wanna.... kiss dee gurl...
  198. QueenXendra: Right right. -pats his head-
  199. LordCainKnightLord: my dinner is ready, lets take a break for 20mins and return
  200. RaduBarvon: >u> alrighty. teehee
  201. QueenXendra: XD
  202. LordCainKnightLord: brb
  203. RaduBarvon: tyt
  204. QueenXendra: tyt
  205. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  206. QueenXendra: I still can't believe he did that lol
  207. RaduBarvon: >u>
  208. RaduBarvon: Somebody likes you
  209. QueenXendra: You think? XD
  210. RaduBarvon: >u> tee hee. It's cute
  211. QueenXendra: lol
  212. RaduBarvon: >w<
  213. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  214. QueenXendra: XD
  215. QueenXendra: -Braids Cain's hair-
  216. LordCainKnightLord: just think,it could have ben a deep passion wet with tongues kiss
  217. RaduBarvon: ;//w//; so cute
  218. QueenXendra: o.o
  219. LordCainKnightLord: well it could have ben
  220. RaduBarvon: >u> He's right...
  221. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: True...
  222. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But technically now Lord Cain is siting there with his hair done and he isn't fighting it. XD
  223. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: sitting*
  224. LordCainKnightLord: she is doing a wifes duty already
  225. RaduBarvon: =w= yep
  226. RaduBarvon: She's a keeper
  227. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Braiding you hair is one of thse duties sir?
  228. QueenXendra: Cain has an instruction manual?
  229. LordCainKnightLord: yes ,next she will be shaveing me and places that we will not say ,not just my chain
  230. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think one needs to be made.
  231. RaduBarvon: OxO
  232. QueenXendra: <.<
  233. RaduBarvon: So where were we....? 8'3 Before I die of the giggles?
  234. LordCainKnightLord: i dont remember
  235. QueenXendra: oops
  236. RaduBarvon: Alright well we have the (c) and (e) rule in there
  237. RaduBarvon: Is there something you want to do about crashes, disconnections and RL issues that come up?
  238. LordCainKnightLord: Forced hitting is taboo in T1 Combat. A forced hit is when you say you actually hit a player without letting the other reply to it, for example: -Draws his sword and chops his head off- , this is impossible for the other player always has the right to respond to it, what you can do is this: -Draws his sword and attempts to chop his head off- See the difference ? Always make an 'attempt' or use the word 'try'. However in certain situations a player must take damage for the attack that had been either prepared or planned cannot be avoided, even so use an attempt and let the other one reply to it, this is where fairplay comes into play, be a good sportsman and know when to deal and take damage.
  239. LordCainKnightLord: and ill address what you are talking about Radu after this one,i got too think on how too put the rule
  240. RaduBarvon: ok
  241. LordCainKnightLord: i gess that kiss was a forced hit
  242. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  243. RaduBarvon: >u> was it now?? tee hee
  244. RaduBarvon: But I basically put.... 12. No auto-hitting. They opponent must accept the hit, block/defend or dodge. It will count against you.
  245. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: She didn't object it lol
  246. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu
  247. LordCainKnightLord: If one Crashs,they only have 3mins too log back on or they forfeit the mash,if one haves too leave do too rl they must step up and say so but it is also a forfeit of the mash
  248. RaduBarvon: -nod-
  249. LordCainKnightLord: alright ,dose that cover everything
  250. RaduBarvon: I quite literally copied and pasted that.
  251. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think so.
  252. RaduBarvon: -nod- I can go ahead and add in the magic post; You have to prep your spell in a seperate post before actually casting it. The more powerful the magic, the more preperation it will take.
  253. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu do that
  254. RaduBarvon: ok. that's 14 rules so far
  255. QueenXendra: Damn.
  256. QueenXendra: But you do want to be thorough.
  257. LordCainKnightLord: well if we have covered everything ,too make this Tournament fair then let stop, but plz Radu copy and past them and send them too all the council memebers here so they have a copy,but nun of the rules are too be told untill the day of the first mash
  258. RaduBarvon: Alright. I can do you one better on that.
  259. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  260. RaduBarvon:
  261. RaduBarvon: That's all of them
  262. RaduBarvon: I can go in and edit things then send it out when the time comes
  263. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  264. RaduBarvon: Is there anything I need to change now while we're thinking about it?
  265. LordCainKnightLord: i cant think of anything
  266. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Neither can I.
  267. RaduBarvon: ok. Well that's a permanent link if you need to send it to anybody. ^^
  268. LordCainKnightLord: Xendra what about you?
  269. QueenXendra: So no one can resurrect themselves or anything like that right?
  270. LordCainKnightLord: right ,
  271. RaduBarvon: Well if there's no KILLING in the match.... there wouldn't be a need to resurrect anything
  272. QueenXendra: Because people could start auto healing and make it so they haven't a scratch on them.
  273. LordCainKnightLord: true
  274. RaduBarvon: oooh...
  275. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak, i need all the names of the Guards
  276. QueenXendra: Like a booster...are boosters allowed?
  277. RaduBarvon: oooh like potions and stuff?
  278. RaduBarvon: Like the fire-flower in Mario?
  279. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am working on that sir...
  280. LordCainKnightLord: no ,we do not auto healing in the Tournament,
  281. RaduBarvon: -nods and adds that in- Just in case people try to use it
  282. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  283. LordCainKnightLord: and alright Isaak
  284. QueenXendra: So technically since each fiht is different, no matter what, things reset.
  285. LordCainKnightLord: brb need a drink
  286. QueenXendra: tyt
  287. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  288. RaduBarvon: tyt
  289. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: ...Really...maybe I need to seperate people.
  290. RaduBarvon: -nods a bit- Jackson never mentioned anything about having a thing for Fiona...
  291. LordCainKnightLord: alright im back
  292. RaduBarvon: wb
  293. LordCainKnightLord: ty
  294. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: No, he did not.
  295. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Wb sir.
  296. QueenXendra: wb
  297. LordCainKnightLord: ok,dose anyone know how too make a tournament bored
  298. LordCainKnightLord: ty all
  299. RaduBarvon: Well Jackson PC'd me the other day and started spilling his guts and basically dubbed me big brother.
  300. RaduBarvon: Like a scorecard or a bracket tree?
  301. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I have no idea
  302. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  303. QueenXendra: Never done it so this is new to me
  304. RaduBarvon: Yes
  305. QueenXendra: At least not on here
  306. RaduBarvon: xD I can do it!
  307. RaduBarvon: Just need names of all the competitors
  308. LordCainKnightLord: illumination tournaments and we got too keep in track on who faces who
  309. RaduBarvon: -nodnod-
  310. RaduBarvon: I just need names of people participating
  311. LordCainKnightLord: theres Jeason,KightWolf,everyones fav Kiara, who eless
  312. RaduBarvon: Leon?
  313. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Petros
  314. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Indigo?
  315. RaduBarvon: EloraIndigo
  316. LordCainKnightLord: thats 6 right there
  317. LordCainKnightLord: 7
  318. LordCainKnightLord: whos the new guy in the Throne room a guard
  319. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: He won't give me an answer.
  320. LordCainKnightLord: what was the qeustion?
  321. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I didnt tell him about the tournament either. I figured we had a good amount.
  322. RaduBarvon: Right now we have 6 people in it.
  323. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I offered the two week trial as per usual...
  324. LordCainKnightLord: its only right too tell him of the tournament becuz he might be the right one for the Captains job
  325. RaduBarvon: -nod-
  326. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: He keeps beating around the to speak
  327. LordCainKnightLord: BUT Isaak,let him say he wants a guards job first
  328. RaduBarvon: He hasn't mentioned really anything about wanting a job other than "What do you got for me?" Then he gets distracted too easily
  329. LordCainKnightLord: this way he aint just signing up too be a guard becuz we are haveing a tournament
  330. LordCainKnightLord: then silents everyone and say we got opening for Guards and Crusnik Vampire Wifes,
  331. RaduBarvon: e _ e
  332. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am trying sir
  333. RaduBarvon: God... where's Petros
  334. RaduBarvon: xD
  335. LordCainKnightLord: if he says he wants too be a crusnik wife ,send him too lily lol
  336. QueenXendra: I'll go in there. XD
  337. RaduBarvon: lol I think Issy got it now
  338. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak im in there and ill say something if you need me too ,but there going too get me bitching at them for disrespecting my General whitch is you
  339. RaduBarvon: o -o its a Kate
  340. LordCainKnightLord: Greetings Kate,Plz sit in one of the council Thrones
  341. Guest_SisterKateScott: Alright. ^^ I should be loaded here in a moment
  342. Guest_SisterKateScott: I cannot stay too terribly long though.
  343. LordCainKnightLord: understood,Kate, Radu would you plz fill her in on what we have ben doing
  344. RaduBarvon: Yessir. We have been going over the rules and regulations of the tournament that is going to be held for the position of Head Guard. this is what we have so far.
  345. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o Alright
  346. QueenXendra: Hey Kate ^.^
  347. Guest_SisterKateScott: ^^ Hello Xendra deary
  348. QueenXendra: How are you?
  349. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Evening Kate.
  350. Guest_SisterKateScott: I'm alright. ^^ Those look like good rules. And good evening Isaak dear
  351. LordCainKnightLord: i think Xendra is still in shock over that kiss Radu lol
  352. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sorry if I'm moody....
  353. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o Kiss? And you are always moody, Isaak. This is nothing new. ^^
  354. QueenXendra: Well I can admit I didn't see it coming? :3
  355. RaduBarvon: >u> I think she is... and damn
  356. RaduBarvon: =w=
  357. LordCainKnightLord: it was our first kiss Kate and we can say i took her breath away lol
  358. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I know, I'm an asshole...
  359. LordCainKnightLord: you are not,im going too make a rule that no one can look down on thereselfs
  360. QueenXendra: No, you are not an asshole, sounds like people aren't being too decent.
  361. RaduBarvon: No... And I'm annoyed that Fiona went off. "You guys need to hook me up!" then "I'm not stupid. Geez" after I said that the empire wasn't a dating service.
  362. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o
  363. Guest_SisterKateScott: Well congrats. ^^
  364. QueenXendra: She said what?
  365. RaduBarvon: yep
  366. LordCainKnightLord: well it aint a dateing service. if they want too do something in pc thats up too them,long as they dont bring the drama along with it into the order after words
  367. RaduBarvon: exactly
  368. RaduBarvon: And I do have a question about the rules.
  369. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu
  370. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It would seem Jackson and Fiona may have something.....
  371. RaduBarvon: Are power-up items allowed? for example the mushroom from Mario?
  372. LordCainKnightLord: long as they take it outside the Order i dont care,and long as they keep doing there job,that should come first when they are at ther post
  373. RaduBarvon: -nod-
  374. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o oh my
  375. LordCainKnightLord: i think its alright,long as they have a ilmit on how meny times they can use it
  376. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then I may reccomend that they don't have duty together.
  377. RaduBarvon: What should the limit be?
  378. LordCainKnightLord: that might be going aginst rl tho Isaak
  379. LordCainKnightLord: two times Radu
  380. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: ..Point taken.
  381. RaduBarvon: ok
  382. LordCainKnightLord: let them whisper Isaak,that way they can talk But when it starts steping in on there duty say something too them
  383. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Fair enough.
  384. LordCainKnightLord: they got too put the Order and its Emperor then Officers first over there lust
  385. RaduBarvon: I can help keep Jackson in line if anything happens
  386. Guest_SisterKateScott: o .o
  387. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then I am going to have you help me.
  388. LordCainKnightLord: this is y there must be a captain of the Guards,becuz when a guard messes up we go too the Captain and let him or her deal with it
  389. LordCainKnightLord: it will take alot of stress off of us
  390. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  391. Guest_SisterKateScott: Indeed. So far people have seemed to have a relatively poor response to Isaak though despite his ability to handle people.
  392. QueenXendra: He's doing an exceptional job
  393. LordCainKnightLord: thats why he is the General,if i speak up on the matter for one disrespecting one of my officers there not going too like it,thats y i told Kiara that night too be careful she is a guard in the order not a empress,
  394. LordCainKnightLord: i can make her life in the order a liveing hell if i wish
  395. RaduBarvon: -nodnod- Petros re-stated that and she didn't like it lol
  396. RaduBarvon: xD
  397. RaduBarvon: yes
  398. RaduBarvon: xD
  399. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Invite sent
  400. LordCainKnightLord: KillZone said he will give a class IF needed too the Guards on how too do things if we decided they needed it
  401. RaduBarvon: Is one of the lessons keeping the penis in the pants?
  402. Guest_SisterKateScott: lol
  403. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Please. Oh please YES. Give them a class.
  404. QueenXendra: XD
  405. LordCainKnightLord: it can be yes,thats disrespecting the Throne room
  406. RaduBarvon: 8'3 and loooook who shows up
  407. LordCainKnightLord: speak of the devil lol
  408. QueenXendra: I thought that was my job lol
  409. LordCainKnightLord: no its Kates job,too run the devil off
  410. Guest_SisterKateScott: lol
  411. LordCainKnightLord: get it,shes a nun lol run the devil off lol
  412. QueenXendra: XD
  413. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I have a good girl. ^.^
  414. LordCainKnightLord: New girl? what about Kate?
  415. Guest_SisterKateScott: <.<
  416. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That's who I was referring to.
  417. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: >.>
  418. RaduBarvon: -whispers to Isaak- You kiss her ass. You kiss it good
  419. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am telling the truth.
  420. LordCainKnightLord: are you saying Isaak is a brown noser ?
  421. Guest_SisterKateScott: lol
  422. RaduBarvon: <u< I'm saying I advise him to do it
  423. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak dont seem like the type Radu too brown noses anyone ,it was a joke too mess with Isaak we all laught so lets leave it alone lol
  424. RaduBarvon: lol okay
  425. Guest_SisterKateScott: ^^ It's alright. He is forgiven.
  426. RaduBarvon: =w= oh good
  427. LordCainKnightLord: i think most would bight at Isaak if he decided too playt around on you Kate ,and im just being truthful here
  428. LordCainKnightLord: bitch*
  429. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I do my best to keep everyone happy and to keep order.
  430. Guest_SisterKateScott: ^^ I would skin his testicles and make him wear it as a ball-gag.
  431. RaduBarvon: O _ O
  432. QueenXendra: Oh my....
  433. LordCainKnightLord: *bens over in pain from Kates statement*
  434. Guest_SisterKateScott: ^^ tee hee. Don't screw with me is all I say.
  435. RaduBarvon: o -o; that's for sure
  436. QueenXendra: But sadly I agree with Cain on that. But Isaak should be allowed to have some time for himself, if that's at all possible. Otherwise he may burn out.
  437. RaduBarvon: seriously lol
  438. RaduBarvon: I don't mind bein' a hardass sometimes. xD
  439. Guest_SisterKateScott: Although I must get going. ^^
  440. QueenXendra: Aww
  441. LordCainKnightLord: well dose he want a day off besides his birthday and labor day lol
  442. RaduBarvon: loooooool
  443. LordCainKnightLord: alright Kate be safe and blessed be
  444. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Take care dear....
  445. Guest_SisterKateScott: And you as well. ^^ Congrats again, Cain. *giggles* And I will, Isaak. *kisses his cheek*
  446. LordCainKnightLord: on what is ConGrats for?
  447. RaduBarvon: o .o -shrugs-
  448. LordCainKnightLord: maybe it was on Xendra kiss earlyer
  449. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think so sir.
  450. RaduBarvon: >u> yeah
  451. RaduBarvon: probably
  452. LordCainKnightLord: well maybe next time ill just lick between xendra's toes instead lol
  453. RaduBarvon: xD
  454. QueenXendra: NO!! -Hides feet- XD
  455. RaduBarvon: >u>
  456. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  457. LordCainKnightLord: alright if everything is taken care of are we ready too deport from this meeting?
  458. RaduBarvon: -nods and saves the log for a change- 8'3
  459. LordCainKnightLord: anyone eless?
  460. LordCainKnightLord: then this meeting of the Order Council is over
  461. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Um..
  462. LordCainKnightLord: what is it Isaak
  463. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: When it comes to the tournament yes..
  464. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  465. LordCainKnightLord: do we got new besiness too talk about
  466. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Is any announcement to be made about you and Xendra?
  467. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Or is this to be kept hush hush? Cause Jackson was asking about it...we had to kind of...act like we knew nothing?
  468. LordCainKnightLord: we are just friends Less she wants too be my Date
  469. QueenXendra: And did you not hear me the other night when I said I would be willing to give things a try?
  470. LordCainKnightLord: then we are dateing,anyone makes a move on Xendra its me they face
  471. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Strictly rp?
  472. LordCainKnightLord: we are just friends in rl,i think she haves someone in rl as beautiful and hot as she is
  473. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am merely asking so when people ask...
  474. RaduBarvon: d'awwws
  475. RaduBarvon: =w= and I'm over here like a rainbow potato. x'D
  476. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then I suggest
  477. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You sir
  478. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: SAY SOMETHING.
  479. LordCainKnightLord: when it comes too rl i dont jump into things
  480. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: No one really listens to what I have to say on here other then a few people.
  481. LordCainKnightLord: i do think shes a HOTie ,and beautiful,seXy,smart,and would turn any gay man str8 and any str8 woman gay
  482. RaduBarvon: ; w ; I can be straight? lol
  483. LordCainKnightLord: and i do think Xendra is very shy too
  484. RaduBarvon: >u>
  485. LordCainKnightLord: but the shy ones are usely the wild child lol
  486. RaduBarvon: Hard to tell with a witt that sharp
  487. RaduBarvon: lol
  488. QueenXendra: I admit I am shy. It's how I am.
  489. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- nothing wrong with that
  490. LordCainKnightLord: no there isnt
  491. RaduBarvon: • w • I admit I'm an awkward turtle
  492. LordCainKnightLord: brb
  493. RaduBarvon: tyt
  494. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  495. QueenXendra: tyt
  496. LordCainKnightLord: i mean Xendra is so shy i only talk too her on text ,we have never called each other lol
  497. RaduBarvon: >u> d'awwwws
  498. QueenXendra: o.o''
  499. QueenXendra: I text more then I talk? I admit it
  500. RaduBarvon: I can see why some people do it if they have shitty talk plans
  501. LordCainKnightLord: i bet Xendra you got a sexy voice
  502. QueenXendra: I wouldn't know?
  503. RaduBarvon: >u> lol
  504. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: lol
  505. LordCainKnightLord: i got a good talk plann,i got everything for free long distance,texting ,internet all for free for 40dollars amonth
  506. RaduBarvon: oh nice
  507. RaduBarvon: that's pretty good o - o
  508. LordCainKnightLord: Xendra im playing hun,when you are ready too talk about the phone feel free too call
  509. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yeah that is
  510. QueenXendra: I figured that. Usually once I get to know people a bit better, It's easier.
  511. RaduBarvon: lol mhm
  512. RaduBarvon: =w= I'm sorry, but this Petros guy.... ;_; such grace... such dignity.... such poise....
  513. RaduBarvon: damn the Italians... lol
  514. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I love how KIARA is only interested in talking and associating with Fiona.
  515. RaduBarvon: 8'3 -shrugs-
  516. LordCainKnightLord: oooooh kiara's next fling i take it
  517. QueenXendra: -.-
  518. RaduBarvon: >u> perhaps. lol
  519. QueenXendra: I should go in there and sit on Cain's lap
  520. LordCainKnightLord: long as she dose her job i gess its alright too be a slut lol
  521. RaduBarvon: xD
  522. LordCainKnightLord: ill put a siting spot up there just for you Xendra
  523. RaduBarvon: >u> D'AWWS
  524. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You going to make an announcement? I'll shut up if you want me to in there.
  525. LordCainKnightLord: you are alright , im hopeing with me in there they will not start shit
  526. RaduBarvon: LMFAO
  528. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Let me-
  529. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -.-
  530. RaduBarvon: pft... xD
  531. RaduBarvon: she ain't gettin' my sausage
  532. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Nor mine....
  533. RaduBarvon: xD
  534. QueenXendra: Is it getting that bad?
  535. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak IF it is alright with Xendra,tell everyone that Xendra is Dateing me,whitch makes her off limmets too everyone less ,they way they STOP asking Questions
  536. RaduBarvon: >u> i'm sorry, but Kiara is just that cock-hungr
  537. RaduBarvon: hugry*
  538. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I need to know Xendra's position.
  539. RaduBarvon: it's none of their damend business what the details are
  540. RaduBarvon: They want to question it, they can answer to Cain or Xendra and I don't think it will be taken well
  541. LordCainKnightLord: Kiara never haves never ben fatisfied ,when Kiara become Fatisfied will be the reason she merries
  542. LordCainKnightLord: she is the Queen of a nother Empire that i am dateing,
  543. LordCainKnightLord: they dont need too know anything less
  544. RaduBarvon: -nodnod-
  545. RaduBarvon: Do you want Issy to say that?
  546. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: .............I am saying nothing.
  547. LordCainKnightLord: no ill say it if they start
  548. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sir.
  549. RaduBarvon: brb
  550. LordCainKnightLord: Yes
  551. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Does Xendra really mean that much to you?
  552. QueenXendra: O.O
  553. QueenXendra: What is going on?
  554. LordCainKnightLord: she dose Isaak
  555. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It's been brought to my attention that this isn't really the case and that you are playing her.
  556. LordCainKnightLord: and why would i play her?
  557. RaduBarvon: Hold on....
  558. QueenXendra: ........
  559. LordCainKnightLord: Xendra,do i not try too help you and look out for you on here and Rl?
  560. QueenXendra: I'm really confused now
  561. QueenXendra: And I believe you do
  562. QueenXendra: That's what friends do, right?
  563. LordCainKnightLord: How can i be playing her if i do thes things?
  564. RaduBarvon:
  565. LordCainKnightLord: right
  566. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: A chatlog has come up...
  567. LordCainKnightLord: i seen it
  568. LordCainKnightLord: and im about too loos my temper
  569. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I am asking because this just came up
  570. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Like literally in the past few minutes
  571. RaduBarvon: hold on
  572. RaduBarvon: Can I bring Jackson in here to discuss this?
  573. LordCainKnightLord: who gave the chatlog Jeason?
  574. RaduBarvon: It was given to him by Kiara
  575. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So then Jackson isn't to blame.
  576. RaduBarvon: I am pulling Jackson in to clear things up
  577. RaduBarvon: He wants to be kept out of this, but he wants to come in here to clear thigns up
  578. Guest_JacksonLector: Before i speak
  579. Guest_JacksonLector: I want to make it clear why i am
  580. Guest_JacksonLector: May i have the floor?
  581. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I don't see why not, but I think you understand why no one is happy, but it isn't because of you.
  582. Guest_JacksonLector: I know
  583. Guest_JacksonLector: I just want it to be known that i care about this kingdom
  584. Guest_JacksonLector: I care about you guys
  585. RaduBarvon: I believe you because I know you wouldn't have come forward otherwise
  586. Guest_JacksonLector: and to betray the trust of a friend for this kingdom is a sacrifice upon my integrity
  587. Guest_JacksonLector: I ask for no fancy titles
  588. Guest_JacksonLector: Kiara feels bullied, and abused. By all of us
  589. Guest_JacksonLector: Indeed she is annoying, and isnt fair in most cases
  590. Guest_JacksonLector: But still
  591. Guest_JacksonLector: she is one of us
  592. Guest_JacksonLector: and should be trested with respect
  593. Guest_JacksonLector: *treated
  594. RaduBarvon: Jackson
  595. Guest_JacksonLector: That is why she wants to sabatoge the kingdom
  596. RaduBarvon: .....
  597. LordCainKnightLord: i got one Question for you Jeason? do you think im playing Xendra?
  598. Guest_JacksonLector: My lord, I cannot answer that. I trust in you and serve you. I will do whatever I can do to help you.
  599. LordCainKnightLord: i see
  600. Guest_JacksonLector: I do believe you truly care for miss xendra
  601. Guest_JacksonLector: I have seen how you guys act around one another
  602. Guest_JacksonLector: but i cannot give you a answer to something i do not know
  603. LordCainKnightLord: alright Jeason
  604. LordCainKnightLord: but this chatlog haves came from you?
  605. RaduBarvon: Yes. I gave him the link to patsebin and he copied the chatlog into that like I did with the tournament rules
  606. LordCainKnightLord: so Jeason ,Kiara came too you and told you all this am i right?
  607. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir, She puts faith in me. Unfortunatly I betrayed that faith
  608. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: How long ago was this discussion?
  609. Guest_JacksonLector: Sir?
  610. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: How long ago did this happen?
  611. Guest_JacksonLector: Not long ago
  612. LordCainKnightLord: That she haves Done Jeason is treasoning her Emperor and Lord,you did right by bringin it too us ,it shows how loyal you are Jeason
  613. Guest_JacksonLector: As soon as she told me i pulled radu aside and told him
  614. RaduBarvon: -nod-
  615. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So she just did it?
  616. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir
  617. RaduBarvon: Apparently she whispered to WonRose about the tournament before she left the throne room as well
  618. Guest_JacksonLector: Like i said i show her sympathy, she tells me secrets
  619. RaduBarvon: Secrets are one thing... lying like this and wanting to cause problems is another.
  620. LordCainKnightLord: yes i know ,WonRose haves told me seen as she did it
  621. RaduBarvon: -nods- alright
  622. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: This disgusts me.
  623. RaduBarvon: Same
  624. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Because this is the second attack in a sense at Xendra.
  625. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Someone who as well has her own Kingdom, looks out for the rest of us, bothers to check in and see how everyone is doing no matter their status.
  626. LordCainKnightLord: I charge Kiara with treason a witness haves came forword and haves prof of the treason
  627. RaduBarvon: Then I'll save the link to the chatlog
  628. Guest_JacksonLector: Sir, why dont we just talk to Kiara
  629. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Jackson....I have a question for you.
  630. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir
  631. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Do you know Kiara wasn't being decent with anyone else to begin with?
  632. Guest_JacksonLector: I do
  633. Guest_JacksonLector: I understand both sides
  634. Guest_JacksonLector: But you dont fight fire with fire.
  635. RaduBarvon: No, although can I say something in Isaak's defence?
  636. RaduBarvon: Cain appointed Isaak a higher rank than Kiara. If she didn't like that, she could have stepped down in her position as guard.
  637. RaduBarvon: It was HER own choice to join and be a guard. As a human being, she had every right to leave if she wanted rather than talk disrespectfully towards others.
  638. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I did not ask to be appointed my position.
  639. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak is a General of the Order,Kiara is just a Guard that was fighting in the Tournament for Captain of the Guards,
  640. Guest_JacksonLector: All im saying is, is that you guys are my only family on here
  641. Guest_JacksonLector: And oddly enough she is apart of that family
  642. RaduBarvon: -nods- I know, Jackson.
  643. Guest_JacksonLector: You dont have to be brutal
  644. Guest_JacksonLector: You can talk to her and if she dosnt like it then politly ask her to leave
  645. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Then this question.
  646. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Why step down from her own thrne to become a guard in another Empire when she could have come as Queen and offered to try and alliance herself with Lord Cain?
  647. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Throne*
  648. Guest_JacksonLector: I cannot aswer questions that i have no knowledge of an answer sir
  649. RaduBarvon: But you can see where our suspicions run high, correct? Particularly with how she's behaved towards others?
  650. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And now of all times when something was to be announced...
  651. Guest_JacksonLector: I do understand sir, Im not doubting your suspiciouns...Im just hoping that we can be civil about things and try to work them out in hopes of benifiting everyone
  652. RaduBarvon: -frowns and stands- What the hell....? Leon showed up in the throne room asking LeonCruxAngel: Was Kiara accused of attacking someone?
  653. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: <_<
  654. RaduBarvon: yes
  655. RaduBarvon: I shit you not
  656. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Jackson.
  657. LordCainKnightLord: there is Leon atacking someone in the Throne room brb
  658. Guest_JacksonLector: Sir if i may
  659. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Do you realize how this makes you look right now to us?
  660. Guest_JacksonLector: She already knew i was in here
  661. Guest_JacksonLector: I didnt tell her that
  662. RaduBarvon: So she's been watching rooms
  663. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But we have been in here for a few hours.
  664. RaduBarvon: mhm
  665. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: We were originally discussing the Tournament and setting up the rules.
  666. RaduBarvon: mhm
  667. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Xendra is a part of this Council, so she is allowed to be here.
  668. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So I will ask again, why did you bring this up?
  669. Guest_JacksonLector: Why did i bring this up to you guys?
  670. RaduBarvon: mhm
  671. Guest_JacksonLector: Loyalty
  672. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  673. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: This is not your fault, but the damage is severe.
  674. Guest_JacksonLector: If you would want me to resign sir. I will
  675. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It isn't that.
  676. RaduBarvon: I say you did the right thing. This could have been a lot worse
  677. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: My concerns lie for Lord Cain because he has some very serious health issues that could kill him if agitated.
  678. Guest_JacksonLector: I understand sir
  679. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Do you?
  680. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir
  681. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Honest words from you?
  682. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir
  683. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Do you have any idea why this was suddenly being brought up?
  684. Guest_JacksonLector: No sir
  685. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You swear you are telling this did just occur within the past hour and not a few days ago?
  686. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir
  687. Guest_JacksonLector: As soon as it was said i told radu
  688. Guest_JacksonLector: I have nothing to gain from lying
  689. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So you swear you have never had any ill will toward the woman sitting in that chair right there? -Points to Xendra-
  690. Guest_JacksonLector: Are you questioning my loyalty sir?
  691. RaduBarvon: No. I think he's just playing 100000 billion questions so that he can sleep like a baby tonight. 8'I
  692. Guest_JacksonLector: -Stand up straight- I have no reason to have any animosity for Xendra
  693. Guest_JacksonLector: Nor do i have any reason or desire to cause any harm or misunderstanding
  694. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But you are very aware this has hurt her?
  695. Guest_JacksonLector: I do not doubt is sir
  696. RaduBarvon: It's not your fault though, Jackson
  697. Guest_JacksonLector: I wasnt trying to hurt her, but to tell you guys something that endangers the integrety of my Lord
  698. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: No, it is not.
  699. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And it is highly appreciated that you said something as it happened.
  700. RaduBarvon: -nods- And I thank you deeply for that
  701. Guest_JacksonLector: You dont have to thank me sir, Its my duty for our kingdom and my lord
  702. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Most never would say anything, or they would wait for a long time then throw it back at someone.
  703. RaduBarvon: No need to thank me... You are my Tovarisch
  704. Guest_JacksonLector: -smiles- Yes sir
  705. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I would dismiss you, but I don't know if Lord Cain is going to want to speak to you further.
  706. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods- Anything i can do to help sir
  707. RaduBarvon: 8'3 A vicodin
  708. LordCainKnightLord: you may go jeason keep up the good work
  709. Guest_JacksonLector: Yes sir, I will do my best
  710. Guest_JacksonLector: -Salutes and leaves-
  711. LordCainKnightLord: ok can someone bring Xendra back
  712. QueenXendra: I am here.
  713. RaduBarvon: buttmuch cat
  714. LordCainKnightLord: i didnt see you
  715. QueenXendra: I crashed out, I came back as soon as I could.
  716. LordCainKnightLord: alright Radu dont talk about Isaak like that lol JK JK JK JK
  717. RaduBarvon: o -o xD
  718. RaduBarvon: lol
  719. QueenXendra: lol.
  720. LordCainKnightLord: alright we got anymore besieness
  721. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I hope not...
  722. QueenXendra: Same...
  723. RaduBarvon: No. I don't think we do
  724. LordCainKnightLord: ok let dismiss this meeting
  725. RaduBarvon: -nods and saves chatlog again- 8'3
  726. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So be it.
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