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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. % (c) 2018 Hennadii Madan, using as a template a thesis
  3. % (c) 2006,2007 Tomaz Vrtovec
  4. % PhD Thesis
  5. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. %--------------------------
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  289. %-------------------------
  290. %%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HENNADII!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  291. usepackage{amsthm}
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  323. %% ACRONYMS
  324. usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}
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  327. %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOR CHAPTER 2 (AUTO_GS_ARTICLE)
  328. newacronym{32R}{32R}{3D/2D image registration}
  329. newacronym{23R}{32R}{3D/2D image registration}
  330. newacronym{R32R}{R32R}{rigid 3D/2D image registration}
  331. % Despite Franjo's notes 23R is used somewhat more frequently used than 32R
  332. newacronym{IB23R}{IB23R}{image-based 3D/2D image registration}
  333. newacronym{IB32R}{IB32R}{image-based 3D/2D image registration}
  334. % newacronym{RWT}{RWT}{regression without truth}
  335. newacronym{SR}{SR}{success rate}
  336. newacronym{TRE}{TRE}{target registration error}
  337. newacronym{mTRE}{mTRE}{mean target registration error}
  338. newacronym{FRE}{FRE}{fiducial registration error}
  339. newacronym{FLE}{FLE}{fiducial localization error}
  340. newacronym{mPD}{mPD}{mean projection distance}
  341. newacronym{OR}{OR}{operating room}
  342. newacronym{IGI}{IGI}{image-guided interventions}
  343. newacronym{IGRT}{IGRT}{image-guided radiation therapy}
  344. newacronym{SM}{SM}{similarity measure}
  345. newacronym{GSC}{GSC}{gold standard creation}
  346. newacronym{DM}{DM}{detected markers}
  347. newacronym{PM}{PM}{detected markers}
  348. newacronym{AVM}{AVM}{arteriovenous malformation}
  349. newacronym{3D-DSA}{3D-DSA}{3D digital subtraction angiogram}
  350. newacronym{DSA}{DSA}{digital subtraction angiogram}
  351. newacronym{2D-DSA}{2D-DSA}{2D digital subtraction angiogram}
  352. newacronym{XA}{XA}{X-ray angiography}
  353. newacronym{CBCT}{CBCT}{cone-beam computed tomogram}
  354. newacronym{CT}{CT}{computed tomography}
  355. newacronym{MR}{MR}{magnetic resonance}
  356. newacronym{3D}{3D}{three-dimensional}
  357. newacronym{2D}{2D}{two-dimensional}
  358. newacronym{DRR}{DRR}{digitally reconstructed radiograph}
  359. newacronym{AHC}{AHC}{agglomerative hierarchical clustering}
  360. newacronym[firstplural=regions of interest (ROIs)]{ROI}{ROI}{region of interest}
  361. newacronym[firstplural=volumes of interest (VOIs)]{VOI}{VOI}{volume of interest}
  362. newacronym{rms}{rms}{root mean squared}
  363. newacronym{SVD}{SVD}{singular value decomposition}
  364. newacronym{WHO}{WHO}{World Health Organization}
  365. newacronym{dof}{DoF}{degrees of freedom}
  366. newacronym{SOD}{SOD}{source to object distance}
  367. newacronym{SID}{SID}{source to detector distance}
  368. newacronym{PA}{PA}{primary angle}
  369. newacronym{SA}{SA}{secondary angle}
  370. newacronym{WP}{WP}{working projection}
  371. newacronym{OP}{OP}{orthogonal to the working projection}
  374. newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root mean square error}
  375. newacronym{mcmc}{MCMC}{Markov chain Monte-Carlo}
  376. newacronym{ef}{EF}{left-ventricular ejection fraction}
  377. newacronym{qib}{QIB}{quantitative imaging biomarker}
  378. newacronym{qiba}{QIBA}{quantitative imaging biomarker alliance}
  379. newacronym{mle}{MLE}{maximum likelihood estimate}
  380. newacronym{map}{MAP}{maximum a posteriori}
  381. newacronym{mri}{MRI}{magnetic resonance image}
  382. newacronym{ms}{MS}{multiple sclerosis}
  383. newacronym{tll}{TLL}{total lesion load}
  384. newacronym{ct}{CT}{computed tomography}
  385. newacronym{cns}{CNS}{central neural system}
  386. newacronym{ls}{LS}{least squares}
  387. newacronym{mvg}{MVG}{multivariate Gaussian}
  388. newacronym{umcl}{UMCL}{University Medical Centre Ljubljana}
  389. newacronym{iprg}{IPRG}{Interdisciplinary Pharmacogenomics Review Group}
  390. % newacronym{cod}{COD}{coefficient of determination}
  393. %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOR CHAPTER 4 (PRACTICAL PRIORS)
  394. newacronym{csf}{CSF}{cerebrospinal fluid}
  395. newacronym{cr}{CR}{credible region}
  396. newacronym{ci}{CI}{credible interval}
  397. newacronym{nuts}{NUTS}{No U-Turn Sampler}
  398. newacronym{rwt}{RWT}{regression without truth}
  399. newacronym{lkj}{LKJ}{Lewandowski Kurowicka Joe}
  400. newacronym{std}{STD}{standard deviation}
  401. % newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root mean square error}
  402. % newacronym{mcmc}{MCMC}{Markov chain Monte-Carlo}
  403. % newacronym{ef}{EF}{left-ventricular ejection fraction}
  404. % newacronym{qib}{QIB}{quantitative imaging biomarker}
  405. % newacronym{qiba}{QIBA}{quantitative imaging biomarker alliance}
  406. % newacronym{mle}{MLE}{maximum likelihood estimate}
  407. % newacronym{map}{MAP}{maximum a posteriori}
  408. % newacronym{mri}{MRI}{magnetic resonance image}
  409. newacronym{mr}{MR}{magnetic resonance}
  410. % newacronym{ms}{MS}{multiple sclerosis}
  411. % newacronym{tll}{TLL}{total lesion load}
  412. % newacronym{ct}{CT}{computed tomography}
  413. % newacronym{cns}{CNS}{central neural system}
  414. % newacronym{ls}{LS}{least squares}
  415. % newacronym{mvg}{MVG}{multivariate Gaussian}
  416. % newacronym{umcl}{UMCL}{University Medical Centre Ljubljana}
  417. newacronym{umcm}{UMCM}{University Medical Centre Maribor}
  418. % newacronym{iprg}{IPRG}{Interdisciplinary Pharmacogenomics Review Group}
  419. % newacronym{cod}{COD}{coefficient of determination}
  420. newacronym{mm}{MM}{measurement method}
  421. newcommand{mm}{glspl{mm}}
  422. newacronym{gs}{GS}{gold standard}
  423. newcommand{gs}{gls{gs}}
  424. newacronym{wm}{WM}{white matter}
  425. newacronym{gm}{GM}{grey matter}
  426. newacronym{mae}{MAE}{mean absolute error}
  430. %% END ACRONYMS
  431. %% MY WHIMS
  432. newcommand{noun}[1]{textit{#1}}% Original formatting of nouns
  433. DeclareMathOperator*{argmin}{arg!min}
  434. DeclareMathOperator*{argmax}{arg!max}
  435. % shortcuts to save typing
  436. % newcommand{gs}{gold standardxspace}
  437. newcommand{Gs}{Gold standardxspace}
  438. newcommand{IGI}{gls{IGI} }
  439. newcommand{IGRT}{gls{IGRT} }
  440. %%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END HENNADII!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  442. %--------------------------
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