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- object Form1: TForm1
- Left = 190
- Top = 110
- Width = 386
- Height = 335
- Caption = 'BotNet 2.0.5 - UCC Release'
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- Menu = MainMenu1
- OldCreateOrder = False
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- OnResize = FormResize
- DesignSize = (
- 378
- 289)
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 14
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 129
- Top = 8
- Width = 9
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taCenter
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = ':'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label3: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 32
- Width = 73
- Height = 17
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Socket Status:'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = 3618615
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 80
- Top = 32
- Width = 298
- Height = 17
- Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'None'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 193
- Top = 8
- Width = 9
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taCenter
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = ':'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 48
- Width = 378
- Height = 169
- Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 0
- object Splitter1: TSplitter
- Left = 249
- Top = 0
- Width = 5
- Height = 169
- Cursor = crHSplit
- AutoSnap = False
- Beveled = True
- MinSize = 40
- ResizeStyle = rsUpdate
- end
- object ListView1: TListView
- Left = 254
- Top = 0
- Width = 124
- Height = 169
- Align = alClient
- Color = 15921906
- Columns = <
- item
- Caption = 'Nickname'
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Caption = 'Data'
- Width = 0
- end>
- ColumnClick = False
- MultiSelect = True
- ReadOnly = True
- RowSelect = True
- ShowColumnHeaders = False
- TabOrder = 0
- ViewStyle = vsReport
- OnClick = ListView1Click
- OnResize = ListView1Resize
- end
- object PageControl1: TPageControl
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 249
- Height = 169
- ActivePage = TabSheet2
- Align = alLeft
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MultiLine = True
- ParentFont = False
- TabIndex = 1
- TabOrder = 1
- TabPosition = tpLeft
- object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'Information'
- object Memo3: TMemo
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 222
- Height = 161
- Align = alClient
- Color = 15921906
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- ReadOnly = True
- ScrollBars = ssVertical
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'Chat'
- ImageIndex = 1
- object Memo1: TMemo
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 222
- Height = 161
- Align = alClient
- Color = 15921906
- ReadOnly = True
- ScrollBars = ssVertical
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 224
- Width = 33
- Height = 17
- Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
- Caption = 'All'
- Checked = True
- TabOrder = 1
- TabStop = True
- end
- object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
- Left = 40
- Top = 224
- Width = 17
- Height = 17
- Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
- Caption = 'RadioButton2'
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object ComboBox1: TComboBox
- Left = 56
- Top = 220
- Width = 195
- Height = 22
- Style = csDropDownList
- Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
- Color = 15921906
- ItemHeight = 14
- ItemIndex = 0
- TabOrder = 3
- Text = 'Selected Bots Only'
- Items.Strings = (
- 'Selected Bots Only'
- 'Bots Starting With'
- 'Bots Containing'
- 'Bots Ending With')
- end
- object Edit4: TEdit
- Left = 254
- Top = 220
- Width = 124
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- Color = 15921906
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object Button3: TButton
- Left = 329
- Top = 245
- Width = 49
- Height = 20
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- Caption = '&Send'
- TabOrder = 5
- OnClick = Button3Click
- end
- object StatusBar1: TStatusBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 271
- Width = 378
- Height = 18
- Panels = <
- item
- Text = '0 Bots'
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Text = 'Client: Offline'
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Text = 'Server: Offline'
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Text = 'Timer: 00:00:00'
- Width = 50
- end>
- SimplePanel = False
- end
- object Edit1: TEdit
- Left = 0
- Top = 8
- Width = 129
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
- Color = 15921906
- TabOrder = 7
- Text = ''
- end
- object Edit2: TEdit
- Left = 137
- Top = 8
- Width = 57
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Color = 15921906
- TabOrder = 8
- Text = '6668'
- end
- object Button2: TButton
- Left = 313
- Top = 8
- Width = 65
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Caption = '&Connect'
- TabOrder = 10
- OnClick = Button2Click
- end
- object Panel2: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 378
- Height = 2
- Align = alTop
- BevelOuter = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 11
- end
- object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
- Left = 257
- Top = 248
- Width = 65
- Height = 17
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- Caption = 'Rawdata'
- TabOrder = 12
- end
- object bGate: TCheckBox
- Left = 264
- Top = 8
- Width = 49
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Caption = 'Gate'
- TabOrder = 13
- end
- object Edit3: TEdit
- Left = 201
- Top = 8
- Width = 57
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Color = 15921906
- TabOrder = 9
- Text = 'AdminNick'
- end
- object Memo2: TEdit
- Left = 0
- Top = 245
- Width = 251
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
- TabOrder = 14
- end
- object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
- Left = 64
- Top = 56
- object FIle1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&File'
- object Config1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Config'
- OnClick = Config1Click
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Client1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'C&lient'
- object Start1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Start'
- OnClick = Start1Click
- end
- object Stop1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'S&top'
- OnClick = Stop1Click
- end
- end
- object Server1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Server'
- object Start2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Start'
- OnClick = Start2Click
- end
- object Stop2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'S&top'
- OnClick = Stop2Click
- end
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Exit1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Exit'
- OnClick = Exit1Click
- end
- end
- object About1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&About'
- object BotNet1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&BotNet'
- end
- object BotPage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'B&otPage'
- end
- end
- end
- object Timer1: TTimer
- Enabled = False
- Interval = 10
- OnTimer = Timer1Timer
- Left = 32
- Top = 56
- end
- object ServerSocket1: TServerSocket
- Active = False
- Port = 6667
- ServerType = stNonBlocking
- OnListen = ServerSocket1Listen
- OnClientConnect = ServerSocket1ClientConnect
- OnClientRead = ServerSocket1ClientRead
- OnClientError = ServerSocket1ClientError
- Left = 96
- Top = 56
- end
- object ClientSocket1: TClientSocket
- Active = False
- ClientType = ctNonBlocking
- Port = 0
- OnConnecting = ClientSocket1Connecting
- OnConnect = ClientSocket1Connect
- OnDisconnect = ClientSocket1Disconnect
- OnRead = ClientSocket1Read
- OnError = ClientSocket1Error
- Left = 128
- Top = 56
- end
- object Timer2: TTimer
- Interval = 1
- OnTimer = Timer2Timer
- Left = 160
- Top = 56
- end
- end
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