
new aooni

May 20th, 2018
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  1. #青鬼ごっこのprefixを指定します
  2. options:
  3. aooni: &3[&b青鬼&3]&f
  4. server: &c[&3Server&c]&f
  5. permission: &cYou dont have permission
  6. prefix: &c[&3Server&c]&f
  7. alert: &c&l[Alert]
  9. command /aooni [<text>]:
  10. permission: aooni.admin
  11. permission message: {@permission}
  12. trigger:
  13. if arg 1 is not set:
  14. send "{@aooni} &3/aooni start &a青鬼ごっこを始めます"
  15. send "{@aooni} &3/aooni close &a青鬼ごっこを終了します"
  16. send "{@aooni} &3/aooni wp &a青鬼を決めます"
  17. if arg 1 is "start":
  18. broadcast "&b青鬼ごっこスタート!"
  19. set {aooni.start} to true
  20. loop all players:
  21. set {aooni.lobby.%loop-player%} to false
  22. wait 15 second
  23. execute console command "setblock 28 28 50 air"
  24. if arg 1 is "wp":
  25. execute console command "tp @r[x=28,y=28,z=51,dx=3,dy=1,dz=-3] 20 20 20"
  26. execute console command "scoreboard teams join aooni @p[x=28,y=28,z=51,dy=1]"
  27. wait 1 tick
  28. execute console command "tellraw @a ["""",{""text"":""今回の青鬼は"",""color"":""blue""},{""selector"":""@p[x=28,y=28,z=51,dy=1]"",""color"":""blue""},{""text"":""さんです"",""color"":""blue""}]"
  29. wait 1 tick
  30. execute console command "setblock 28 26 50 redstone_block"
  31. if arg 1 is "close":
  32. broadcast "&b青鬼ごっこ終了!"
  33. set {aooni.start} to false
  34. execute console command "fill 33 53 64 33 52 64 sand"
  35. execute console command "scoreboard players set 残り時間: 情報 900"
  36. execute console command "setblock 28 28 50 wool"
  37. execute console command "resetblock"
  38. loop all players:
  39. teleport loop-player to {lobby}
  40. if arg 1 is "give kakuredama":
  41. set slot 4 of player to 1 slimeball named "&3隠れ玉"
  42. add 10 to {aooni.kakuredama.%player%}
  43. set {aooni.kakuredama.use.%player%} to true
  44. if arg 1 is "give tika":
  45. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&3地下の鍵""},""CanPlaceOn"":[""minecraft:gold_block""]}"
  46. if arg 1 is "give 5kai":
  47. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:lapis_block 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&b5階の鍵""},""CanPlaceOn"":[""minecraft:snow""]}"
  48. if arg 1 is "give escape":
  49. give player diamond named "&7&l館の鍵"
  51. command /banticket <offline player>:
  52. permission: banticket:admin
  53. permission message: &cYou dont have permission!
  54. usage: &c/banticket <player>
  55. trigger:
  56. broadcast "{@alert} &f%player%さんが'%arg-1%'を処罰しました"
  57. kick the arg-1
  58. ban the arg-1
  60. command /resetblock:
  61. permission: aooni.admin
  62. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  63. trigger:
  64. loop {rollback::*}:
  65. set block at loop-value to air
  67. command /kakuredama:
  68. trigger:
  69. send "&6&l残り時間: %{aooni.kakuredama.%player%}%"
  71. command /setlobby:
  72. permission: aooni.admin
  73. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  74. trigger:
  75. set {lobby} to location of player
  77. command /ban <offline player>:
  78. permission: ban.admin
  79. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  80. trigger:
  81. broadcast "{@alert} &f%player%さんが'%arg-1%'さんにbanを試みましたが失敗しました"
  82. wait 5 tick
  83. kick the player
  85. command /broadcast <text>:
  86. permission: bc.admin
  87. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  88. aliases: /bc
  89. trigger:
  90. broadcast "{@alert} &f%colored arg 1%"
  92. command /setescape:
  93. permission: aooni.admin
  94. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  95. trigger:
  96. set {escape} to location of player
  97. send "&7Complete"
  99. every second:
  100. if {aooni.start} is true:
  101. wait 1 second
  102. execute console command "scoreboard players remove 残り時間: 情報 1"
  103. loop all players:
  104. if {aooni.kakuredama.use.%loop-player%} is true:
  105. if loop-player's held item is slimeball:
  106. wait 1 second
  107. remove 1 from {aooni.kakuredama.%loop-player%}
  108. hide loop-player from all players
  109. execute console command "effect %loop-player% invisibility 1 0"
  110. execute console command "effect %loop-player% slowness 1 3"
  111. if {aooni.kakuredama.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
  112. remove 1 slimeball named "&3隠れ玉" from loop-player's inventory
  113. reveal loop-player from all players
  114. set {aooni.kakuredama.use.%loop-player%} to false
  115. else:
  116. reveal loop-player from all players
  118. on place:
  119. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  120. add event-location to {rollback::*}
  122. on death of player:
  123. if attacker is a player:
  124. if victim is a player:
  125. if attacker is set:
  126. if {aooni.op.%attacker%} is true:
  127. set the death message to "&9%victim%は%attacker%に食べられた"
  128. else:
  129. set the death message to "&9%victim%は青鬼に食べられた"
  131. on damage:
  132. if attacker is a player:
  133. if victim is a player:
  134. if {aooni.lobby.%attacker%} is true:
  135. cancel event
  137. on death of player:
  138. damage was caused by fall
  139. set the death message to ""
  141. on death:
  142. clear player's inventory
  143. teleport player to location (10, 27, 1)
  145. on right click on emerald block:
  146. if player is holding a diamond named "&7&l館の鍵":
  147. teleport player to {escape}
  148. remove 1 diamond named "&7&l館の鍵" from player's inventory
  149. broadcast "&b%player%さんが青鬼の館から脱出しました"
  151. on right click on nether wart block:
  152. cancel event
  153. broadcast "&d%player% さんが復活しました"
  154. teleport player to location (0, 28, 51)
  155. hide the player from all players
  156. execute console command "effect %player% speed 4 2 true"
  157. wait 4 second
  158. reveal player to all players
  160. on right click on sign:
  161. line 1 of clicked block is "&a運営用"
  162. set the player's gamemode to creative
  163. execute console command "pex user %player% group set admin"
  164. set {aooni.op.%player%} to true
  165. send "{@aooni} &a運営になりました"
  166. stop
  168. on right click on sign:
  169. line 1 of clicked block is "&5ひろし"
  170. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  171. execute console command "pex user %player% group set hiroshi"
  172. set {aooni.op.%player%} to false
  173. send "{@aooni} &3ひろしになりました"
  174. stop
  176. on place stone pressure plate:
  177. name of held item contains "&3地下の鍵"
  178. broadcast "&d%player% さんが地下室を開きました"
  180. on place lapis block:
  181. name of held item contains "&b5階の鍵"
  182. broadcast "&d%player% さんが5階に行けるようにしました"
  184. on first join:
  185. loop 1 times:
  186. set the join message to "{@server} &e%player%&bさんは&cサーバーに初参加です"
  187. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  188. if {aooni.op.%player%} is true:
  189. execute console command "pex user %player% group set admin"
  190. else:
  191. execute console command "pex user %player% group set hiroshi"
  193. on join:
  194. loop 1 times:
  195. set the join message to "{@server} &e%player%&bさんがサーバーに参加しました"
  196. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  197. clear player's inventory
  198. if {aooni.op.%player%} is true:
  199. execute console command "pex user %player% group set admin"
  200. else:
  201. execute console command "pex user %player% group set hiroshi"
  203. on quit:
  204. loop 1 times:
  205. set the quit message to "{@server} &e%player%&bさんがサーバーから退出しました"
  207. options:
  208. # Set the permission required to execute this command.
  209. perm: is.admin
  210. # Set the message if the player has not gotten that permission.
  211. noperm: &cYou don't have the permission to do that!
  212. # The least amount of items that a chest can get.
  213. minitems: 3
  214. # The maximal amount of items that a chest can get.
  215. maxitems: 3
  217. # Don't edit the information below.
  218. author: Efnilite
  219. copyright: MillenniumUS
  220. version: 1.0
  222. # Set all of your custom items here.
  223. on load:
  224. clear {ritem::*}
  225. # You can add as many things as you like. You just need to repeat what I am doing here multiple times.
  226. # This adds 1 diamond boots to the random item list. In the text you will atleast need the parts of the list and the add.
  227. # COPY AND PASTE THIS: add (amount of items you want) (type of item) to {cheloc::*}
  228. # NOTE :: If there is only one item in the stack then you can just type: add (type of item) to {cheloc::*}
  229. # If you don't want to edit this, then I have already made a half decent setup, for mostly SkyWars and SurvivalGames use.
  230. # If you don't want all this extra stuff, then just remove all of it.
  231. add 1 cooked porkchop to {ritem::*}
  232. add 1 cooked porkchop to {ritem::*}
  233. add 1 cooked porkchop to {ritem::*}
  235. # Actual command. Not recommended to edit.
  236. command /mchest [<text>]:
  237. trigger:
  238. if arg 1 is "add":
  239. if player has permission "{@perm}":
  240. if target block is chest:
  241. add location of target block to {cheloc::*}
  242. message "{@prefix} Succesfully executed &3AddChest"
  243. loop {cheloc::*}:
  244. if loop-value is location of target block:
  245. message "{@prefix} This chest has already been checked as a mCHEST!"
  246. stop
  247. else:
  248. message "&b{@prefix} You need to select a chest!"
  249. else:
  250. message "{@noperm}"
  252. if arg 1 is "remove":
  253. if player has permission "{@perm}":
  254. if target block is a chest:
  255. remove location of target block from {cheloc::*}
  256. message "{@prefix} Succesfully removed the selected chest!"
  257. clear inventory of target block
  258. stop
  259. else:
  260. message "{@prefix} You need to select a chest!"
  261. else:
  262. message "{@noperm}"
  264. if arg 1 is "refill":
  265. if player has permission "{@perm}":
  266. loop {cheloc::*}:
  267. set {_cheslot::*} to ""
  268. loop 27 times:
  269. add loop-number to {_slotnum::*}
  270. clear inventory of block at loop-value
  271. wait 1 tick
  272. set {_loop} to a random integer between {@minitems} and {@maxitems}
  273. loop {_loop} times:
  274. set {_cheitem} to a random element out of {ritem::*}
  275. set {_cheslot} to a random element out of {_slotnum::*}
  276. add {_cheitem} to slot ({_cheslot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1
  277. else:
  278. message "{@noperm}"
  280. if arg 1 is "about" OR "version":
  281. message "&3&lmChests &r&b> Currently running version &3{@version}&b, copyright &3{@copyright} &band was created by &3{@author}"
  283. if arg 1 is not set:
  284. if player has permission "{@perm}":
  285. message "{@prefix} You need to specify a command! Usage: /mchest <add/remove/refill>"
  286. else:
  287. message "{@noperm}"
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