
SciCraft Mesa Quarry blockstats

Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. +---------------------------------+-----+------+-----------------------------+----------+
  2. | NOTE: The Block ID is for very specific low-level purposes only! |
  3. | It WILL be different in every world since Minecraft 1.7, |
  4. | because they are dynamically allocated by the game! |
  5. +---------------------------------+-----+------+-----------------------------+----------+
  6. | Registry name | ID | meta | Display name | Count |
  7. +---------------------------------+-----+------+-----------------------------+----------+
  8. | minecraft:acacia_door | 196 | 0 | minecraft:acacia_door | 1 |
  9. | minecraft:acacia_door | 196 | 2 | minecraft:acacia_door | 3 |
  10. | minecraft:acacia_door | 196 | 3 | minecraft:acacia_door | 1 |
  11. | minecraft:acacia_door | 196 | 8 | minecraft:acacia_door | 2 |
  12. | minecraft:acacia_door | 196 | 9 | minecraft:acacia_door | 3 |
  13. | minecraft:acacia_fence | 192 | 0 | Acacia Fence | 42 |
  14. | minecraft:acacia_stairs | 163 | 0 | Acacia Wood Stairs | 38 |
  15. | minecraft:acacia_stairs | 163 | 1 | Acacia Wood Stairs | 36 |
  16. | minecraft:acacia_stairs | 163 | 3 | Acacia Wood Stairs | 1 |
  17. | minecraft:air | 0 | 0 | minecraft:air | 93743243 |
  18. | minecraft:beetroots | 207 | 3 | minecraft:beetroots | 28 |
  19. | minecraft:bone_block | 216 | 0 | Bone Block | 231 |
  20. | minecraft:bone_block | 216 | 4 | Bone Block | 204 |
  21. | minecraft:bone_block | 216 | 8 | Bone Block | 249 |
  22. | minecraft:brown_mushroom | 39 | 0 | Mushroom | 823 |
  23. | minecraft:cactus | 81 | 0 | Cactus | 1685 |
  24. | minecraft:cactus | 81 | 8 | Cactus | 1 |
  25. | minecraft:cactus | 81 | 10 | Cactus | 2 |
  26. | minecraft:cactus | 81 | 11 | Cactus | 2 |
  27. | minecraft:carrots | 141 | 7 | minecraft:carrots | 32 |
  28. | minecraft:clay | 82 | 0 | Clay | 9650 |
  29. | minecraft:coal_ore | 16 | 0 | Coal Ore | 1400164 |
  30. | minecraft:cobblestone | 4 | 0 | Cobblestone | 9408 |
  31. | minecraft:concrete | 251 | 0 | White Concrete | 6513 |
  32. | minecraft:crafting_table | 58 | 0 | Crafting Table | 2 |
  33. | minecraft:dark_oak_fence | 191 | 0 | Dark Oak Fence | 10030 |
  34. | minecraft:deadbush | 32 | 0 | Dead Bush | 35776 |
  35. | minecraft:dirt | 3 | 0 | Dirt | 2856507 |
  36. | minecraft:dirt | 3 | 1 | Coarse Dirt | 48116 |
  37. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 1 | Lilac | 79 |
  38. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 2 | Sunflower | 1265 |
  39. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 3 | Large Fern | 24 |
  40. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 4 | Rose Bush | 39 |
  41. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 5 | Peony | 37 |
  42. | minecraft:double_plant | 175 | 10 | Sunflower | 1444 |
  43. | minecraft:double_stone_slab | 43 | 0 | minecraft:double_stone_slab | 10 |
  44. | minecraft:farmland | 60 | 7 | Farmland | 192 |
  45. | minecraft:fence | 85 | 0 | Oak Fence | 6671 |
  46. | minecraft:flowing_water | 8 | 5 | minecraft:flowing_water | 1 |
  47. | minecraft:glass_pane | 102 | 0 | Glass Pane | 33 |
  48. | minecraft:gold_ore | 14 | 0 | Gold Ore | 682894 |
  49. | minecraft:grass | 2 | 0 | Grass Block | 316927 |
  50. | minecraft:grass_path | 208 | 0 | Grass Path | 580 |
  51. | minecraft:gravel | 13 | 0 | Gravel | 1678694 |
  52. | minecraft:hardened_clay | 172 | 0 | Terracotta | 6179506 |
  53. | minecraft:iron_block | 42 | 0 | Block of Iron | 7 |
  54. | minecraft:iron_ore | 15 | 0 | Iron Ore | 764892 |
  55. | minecraft:ladder | 65 | 4 | Ladder | 4 |
  56. | minecraft:lapis_ore | 21 | 0 | Lapis Lazuli Ore | 9352 |
  57. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 0 | minecraft:lava | 24636 |
  58. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 2 | minecraft:lava | 1979 |
  59. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 4 | minecraft:lava | 1696 |
  60. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 6 | minecraft:lava | 1569 |
  61. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 10 | minecraft:lava | 1401 |
  62. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 12 | minecraft:lava | 441 |
  63. | minecraft:lava | 11 | 14 | minecraft:lava | 249 |
  64. | minecraft:leaves | 18 | 0 | Oak Leaves | 172140 |
  65. | minecraft:leaves | 18 | 1 | Spruce Leaves | 1113 |
  66. | minecraft:leaves | 18 | 2 | Birch Leaves | 93518 |
  67. | minecraft:leaves | 18 | 6 | Birch Leaves | 43 |
  68. | minecraft:leaves | 18 | 8 | Oak Leaves | 182 |
  69. | minecraft:leaves2 | 161 | 0 | Acacia Leaves | 17040 |
  70. | minecraft:leaves2 | 161 | 1 | Dark Oak Leaves | 314 |
  71. | minecraft:leaves2 | 161 | 9 | Dark Oak Leaves | 1 |
  72. | minecraft:log | 17 | 0 | Oak Wood | 15390 |
  73. | minecraft:log | 17 | 1 | Spruce Wood | 152 |
  74. | minecraft:log | 17 | 2 | Birch Wood | 10914 |
  75. | minecraft:log | 17 | 4 | Oak Wood | 45 |
  76. | minecraft:log | 17 | 8 | Oak Wood | 23 |
  77. | minecraft:log2 | 162 | 0 | Acacia Wood | 2669 |
  78. | minecraft:log2 | 162 | 1 | Dark Oak Wood | 83 |
  79. | minecraft:mossy_cobblestone | 48 | 0 | Moss Stone | 3293 |
  80. | minecraft:netherrack | 87 | 0 | Netherrack | 17 |
  81. | minecraft:observer | 218 | 1 | Observer | 146 |
  82. | minecraft:observer | 218 | 3 | Observer | 26 |
  83. | minecraft:observer | 218 | 4 | Observer | 150 |
  84. | minecraft:obsidian | 49 | 0 | Obsidian | 32 |
  85. | minecraft:planks | 5 | 0 | Oak Wood Planks | 10213 |
  86. | minecraft:planks | 5 | 4 | Acacia Wood Planks | 305 |
  87. | minecraft:planks | 5 | 5 | Dark Oak Wood Planks | 12836 |
  88. | minecraft:potatoes | 142 | 7 | minecraft:potatoes | 56 |
  89. | minecraft:pumpkin | 86 | 0 | Pumpkin | 1 |
  90. | minecraft:pumpkin | 86 | 1 | Pumpkin | 4 |
  91. | minecraft:pumpkin | 86 | 3 | Pumpkin | 1 |
  92. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 0 | Rail | 3891 |
  93. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 1 | Rail | 3077 |
  94. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 2 | Rail | 5 |
  95. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 3 | Rail | 3 |
  96. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 4 | Rail | 3 |
  97. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 5 | Rail | 3 |
  98. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 6 | Rail | 6 |
  99. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 7 | Rail | 4 |
  100. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 8 | Rail | 6 |
  101. | minecraft:rail | 66 | 9 | Rail | 6 |
  102. | minecraft:red_flower | 38 | 0 | Poppy | 415 |
  103. | minecraft:red_flower | 38 | 1 | Blue Orchid | 29 |
  104. | minecraft:red_mushroom | 40 | 0 | Mushroom | 357 |
  105. | minecraft:redstone_block | 152 | 0 | Block of Redstone | 160 |
  106. | minecraft:reeds | 83 | 0 | minecraft:reeds | 683 |
  107. | minecraft:sand | 12 | 0 | Sand | 540240 |
  108. | minecraft:sand | 12 | 1 | Red Sand | 484558 |
  109. | minecraft:sandstone | 24 | 0 | Sandstone | 265117 |
  110. | minecraft:sandstone | 24 | 2 | Smooth Sandstone | 127 |
  111. | minecraft:sandstone_stairs | 128 | 1 | Sandstone Stairs | 1 |
  112. | minecraft:sandstone_stairs | 128 | 2 | Sandstone Stairs | 20 |
  113. | minecraft:sandstone_stairs | 128 | 3 | Sandstone Stairs | 15 |
  114. | minecraft:slime | 165 | 0 | Slime Block | 19 |
  115. | minecraft:stained_glass | 95 | 0 | White Stained Glass | 8 |
  116. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 0 | White Terracotta | 983664 |
  117. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 1 | Orange Terracotta | 5739034 |
  118. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 4 | Yellow Terracotta | 3905895 |
  119. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 8 | Light Gray Terracotta | 496172 |
  120. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 12 | Brown Terracotta | 1179246 |
  121. | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | 159 | 14 | Red Terracotta | 965875 |
  122. | minecraft:stone | 1 | 0 | Stone | 87147242 |
  123. | minecraft:stone | 1 | 1 | Granite | 5184210 |
  124. | minecraft:stone | 1 | 3 | Diorite | 4956580 |
  125. | minecraft:stone | 1 | 5 | Andesite | 5387196 |
  126. | minecraft:stone_slab | 44 | 8 | Stone Slab | 577 |
  127. | minecraft:stone_stairs | 67 | 0 | Cobblestone Stairs | 2 |
  128. | minecraft:stone_stairs | 67 | 1 | Cobblestone Stairs | 2 |
  129. | minecraft:stone_stairs | 67 | 3 | Cobblestone Stairs | 1 |
  130. | minecraft:tallgrass | 31 | 1 | Shrub | 60135 |
  131. | minecraft:tallgrass | 31 | 2 | Shrub | 57 |
  132. | minecraft:torch | 50 | 1 | Torch | 23 |
  133. | minecraft:torch | 50 | 2 | Torch | 13 |
  134. | minecraft:torch | 50 | 3 | Torch | 17 |
  135. | minecraft:torch | 50 | 4 | Torch | 13 |
  136. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 1 | Vines | 1903 |
  137. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 2 | Vines | 1886 |
  138. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 3 | Vines | 22 |
  139. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 4 | Vines | 1776 |
  140. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 5 | Vines | 12 |
  141. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 6 | Vines | 28 |
  142. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 8 | Vines | 1836 |
  143. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 9 | Vines | 32 |
  144. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 10 | Vines | 17 |
  145. | minecraft:vine | 106 | 12 | Vines | 30 |
  146. | minecraft:water | 9 | 0 | minecraft:water | 6523734 |
  147. | minecraft:water | 9 | 1 | minecraft:water | 6986 |
  148. | minecraft:water | 9 | 2 | minecraft:water | 4929 |
  149. | minecraft:water | 9 | 3 | minecraft:water | 4072 |
  150. | minecraft:water | 9 | 4 | minecraft:water | 3432 |
  151. | minecraft:water | 9 | 5 | minecraft:water | 2848 |
  152. | minecraft:water | 9 | 6 | minecraft:water | 2393 |
  153. | minecraft:water | 9 | 7 | minecraft:water | 2112 |
  154. | minecraft:water | 9 | 8 | minecraft:water | 1751 |
  155. | minecraft:water | 9 | 9 | minecraft:water | 6281 |
  156. | minecraft:water | 9 | 10 | minecraft:water | 1324 |
  157. | minecraft:water | 9 | 11 | minecraft:water | 643 |
  158. | minecraft:water | 9 | 12 | minecraft:water | 400 |
  159. | minecraft:water | 9 | 13 | minecraft:water | 216 |
  160. | minecraft:water | 9 | 14 | minecraft:water | 176 |
  161. | minecraft:water | 9 | 15 | minecraft:water | 119 |
  162. | minecraft:waterlily | 111 | 0 | Lily Pad | 998 |
  163. | minecraft:web | 30 | 0 | Cobweb | 3647 |
  164. | minecraft:wheat | 59 | 7 | minecraft:wheat | 68 |
  165. | minecraft:wooden_door | 64 | 3 | minecraft:wooden_door | 1 |
  166. | minecraft:wooden_door | 64 | 8 | minecraft:wooden_door | 1 |
  167. | minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate | 72 | 0 | Wooden Pressure Plate | 4 |
  168. | minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate | 72 | 1 | Wooden Pressure Plate | 1 |
  169. | minecraft:wool | 35 | 15 | Black Wool | 1 |
  170. | minecraft:yellow_flower | 37 | 0 | Dandelion | 968 |
  171. +---------------------------------+-----+------+-----------------------------+----------+
  172. | Registry name | ID | meta | Display name | Count |
  173. +---------------------------------+-----+------+-----------------------------+----------+
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