
Mekton: Episode 4: Critically Acclaimed

Nov 7th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Thursday, November 07, 2013
  3. 8:34 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: wots dis rubbish
  4. 8:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Let me get a few things, and we'll start up soon enough
  5. 8:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Dan, I told you we were playing tonight
  6. 8:34 PM - Smas: u wot m8
  7. 8:34 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ehwot
  8. 8:35 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: it's fursday ya fink
  9. 8:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yes
  10. 8:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I know
  11. 8:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I said we were playing today
  12. 8:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Ya fink
  13. 8:35 PM - Smas: I love Thursdays
  14. 8:35 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I didn't get no memo
  15. 8:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I said so several times last time the group was together
  16. 8:35 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: But I tink me boy Perseus is down
  17. 8:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also, Devon should be joining us tonight, but a bit later than expected
  18. 8:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: kcool
  19. 8:39 PM - Smas: K
  20. 8:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: where's that ye olde plebe trog
  21. 8:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: e
  22. 8:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Trying to reach him now
  23. 8:40 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and what of the pleb Tim who I'll bet hasn't even opened let alone finished his sheet
  24. 8:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yup
  25. 8:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He's probably out
  26. 8:41 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Good news, this means Friggle is probably in
  27. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: out being a pleb
  28. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ehwot
  29. 8:41 PM - Smas: Friggle?
  30. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: The Frigman is joining us?
  31. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: woo
  32. 8:41 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Possibly
  33. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: leprechaun mechas!
  34. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Can't wait
  35. 8:41 PM - Smas: Oh god no
  36. 8:42 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: We should get him a leprechaun mecha sized tophat and cane and he can tapdance on other mechas to deal damage
  37. 8:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He is not being a leprechaun again :V
  38. 8:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: damn
  39. 8:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: wow gr8 game guys
  40. 8:52 PM - Smas: much game, much play
  41. 8:52 PM - Smas: wow
  42. 8:52 PM - Smas: so good
  43. 8:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ^^^
  44. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: such crit wow dise rol
  45. 8:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I know, we're waiting for either Trog or Dev
  46. 8:53 PM - Smas: you should beat up one or both of them
  47. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: did you guys see how kawaii internet explorer became
  48. 8:53 PM - Smas: with ur fists
  49. 8:53 PM - Smas: yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah
  50. 8:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I did
  51. 8:53 PM - Smas: I saw
  52. 8:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Still sticking with Opera
  53. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: IE is now a magical girl
  54. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: what people use Opera
  55. 8:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: didn't even know people used that
  56. 8:54 PM - Smas: Man, I've only used Opera with my Wii
  57. 8:54 PM - Smas: and it was bad
  58. 8:54 PM - Smas: probably cuz the wii is bad
  59. 8:55 PM - Smas: so I can't quite blame the web browser
  60. 8:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: It actually uses less CPU than Chrome
  61. 8:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Chrome does each tab seperately, so the more tabs you have open, the more CPU its using
  62. 8:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Opera does it all in one process
  63. 8:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And saves a fuckton of CPU
  64. 8:56 PM - Smas: yeah, I suppose
  65. 8:56 PM - Smas: I use FireFox mostly though
  66. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: aye
  67. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Chrome doesn't like my computer
  68. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and I've been using FF for years now so it'd feel like an insult to change
  69. 8:57 PM - Trogdor entered chat.
  70. 8:57 PM - Smas: eh Trog
  71. 8:57 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right then
  72. 8:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Ladies Gentlemen and Trogdor
  73. 8:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shall we begin
  74. 8:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: no
  75. 8:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I gotta piss
  76. 8:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: c:
  77. 8:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: brb m8
  78. 8:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Fak u
  79. 8:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  80. 8:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: As you recall, the group ended its journey last session at the wreck of the Mercy, with new found team mate Brick after a hard fought victory, it is time to investigate, and hopefully try and find out as much as you can from the wreck
  81. 9:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: back
  82. 9:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: also I'd say I need to get a drink too but I always have a stash of like 5 water bottles next to my bed so I'm good
  83. 9:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: :v
  84. 9:00 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shh, we're starting, Ill make the OOC caht
  85. 9:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus.
  86. 9:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: -------------------------
  87. 9:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: : As you recall, the group ended its journey last session at the wreck of the Mercy, with new found team mate Brick after a hard fought victory, it is time to investigate, and hopefully try and find out as much as you can from the wreck
  88. 9:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well Brick, I'd love to stick around and chat, but we have a wreck to search."
  89. 9:03 PM - Perseus: "And not tear apart with lasers."
  90. 9:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Perseus, how likely do you think it is that we'll find anyone in here? I mean, Brick got here before us, and I guess he had a permit or something to tear this thing up."
  91. 9:05 PM - Cedric: "I doubt it, unless they were good at hiding"
  92. 9:05 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Right comrades, if you wish, I can stay out here and keep an eye on radar, local authorities don't take kindly to people illegally gathering scrap or exploring these things"
  93. 9:05 PM - Cedric: "the cathedral would probably have rounded them all up or something"
  94. 9:06 PM - Perseus: "I suppose it depends on how long the wreck has been here too. We don't know what course of action the survivors would have taken, though it's probable they would have stayed with the wreck."
  95. 9:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Skyren, you picking up any life signs on your sensors?"
  96. 9:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: "All I have are analysis charts for the ship, and I'm not sure if I'm picking up anything."
  97. 9:07 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"The metal plating is blocking my ssssssignal"
  98. 9:08 PM - Perseus: "Standing around and discussing a course of action will further nothing. Let's see for ourselves. Brick, if you would be so kind as to watch the outside?"
  99. 9:08 PM - Perseus: "Alert us if anything comes up."
  100. 9:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: " Alright Cedric, you ARE the demolitions man, see if you can get us in there."
  101. 9:08 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B:"Affirmitive comrades"
  102. 9:08 PM - Cedric: "My pleasure"
  103. 9:09 PM - Cedric: "FINALLY something simple!"
  104. 9:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Do try and not make a mess."
  105. 9:09 PM - Cedric: "Whats the fun in that?"
  106. 9:09 PM - Perseus: "Can we not just pry our way in? I doubt if using explosives would be any more safe than lasers..."
  107. 9:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmm, we COULD try that first."
  108. 9:09 PM - Cedric: "Alright fine, you have the charts locate me a point i can access that won't have people nearby it.
  109. 9:10 PM - Cedric: "
  110. 9:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If that doesn't work, I vote on blowing a hole in it."
  111. 9:10 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"If you're looking for a way in, the only thing I can pick up on radar is some sssssort of cargo bay, on the other side of the ship"
  112. 9:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah, why didn't I see that before!" Bishop face palms.
  113. 9:11 PM - Cedric: "Sounds good to me"
  114. 9:11 PM - Perseus: "Seems like the least likely place for people to be, I suppose. Cedric, do try not to blow the entire thing sky high."
  115. 9:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I really should learn how to read this thing properly."
  116. 9:11 PM - Perseus: "A simple entry point will suffice."
  117. 9:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"I ssssshall wait out here, this is your mission, not mine"
  118. 9:12 PM - Cedric: "Yea yea, trust me. I was actually hired for stuff like THIS not blowing up other mechs"
  119. 9:13 PM - Cedric: "While were around we should check if there is anything we can actually salvage though. If the cathedrals been through these parts i doubt anything real good will be left behind but we might as well take what we can get."
  120. 9:15 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right, Bishop's rolling to scan, 1d10+ Analysis+ Int
  121. 9:15 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Awareness*
  122. 9:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright guys, before we start blasting holes, let me get one last look at the analysis."
  123. 9:15 PM - Perseus: "Better safe than sorry. Though, make it quick. I'm willing to bet Cedric's trigger finger is itching."
  124. 9:16 PM - Cedric: *preps the site for explosives*
  125. 9:16 PM - Cedric: "There are times when more boom is best, other times it requires a bit more finesse to produce the best possible bang"
  126. 9:17 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With the scan, you reveal a person sized hole in the vessel leading into the habitation decks. Seems to be the safest entry point
  127. 9:18 PM - Perseus: "Like the amount of finesse required to catch a speeding scrapheap of a mecha crumpled into a ball and then proceed to use that to slam through an armored cockpit?"
  128. 9:18 PM - Cedric: "..."
  129. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright, no need for the explosives Half-Pipe, there's a hole that we can enter in if we leave the Mechas."
  130. 9:19 PM - Cedric: "I'm not so sure i like the sound of that"
  131. 9:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I know, I don't like it either, but we've got Skyren and Brick as back up."
  132. 9:20 PM - Perseus: "I have my blade and my fists. I can defend us, if need be, since our mechas won't be fitting through that entryway."
  133. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I think I can trust Skyren. Not sure about Brick so far, but he's seems to be a man of his word."
  134. 9:20 PM - Cedric: "We could still make an opening to get the mechs through in case of something being wrong and then get out"
  135. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Don't worry Cedric, it should be fine."
  136. 9:20 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (You are going to blow up the part of the ship where all the passengers could be?)
  137. 9:20 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (Not going to stop you, but this is about to get hilarious)
  138. 9:21 PM - Cedric: *mech shrugs in defeat* "Alright, if you say so"
  139. 9:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Just make sure you grab all those demo-charges before you forget about them."
  140. 9:22 PM - Cedric: "...Right right..."
  141. 9:22 PM - Perseus: I walk Ken Kare over to the ship, hop out, then head to and stand by the entrance mentioned before, waiting for the others
  142. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Pers, do you do any actual boxing, by the by? You said you were into mecha sports, so I kinda figured you might possibly be into physical sports too."
  143. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop collapses the Aoi's legs, and folds down to the ground.
  144. 9:23 PM - Cedric: *Stumbles out of his mech*
  145. 9:23 PM - Perseus: "I do have some training with physical boxing, but moreso with using Ken Kare as my fists than my own."
  146. 9:23 PM - Cedric: *stretches*
  147. 9:24 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You await outside the hole and look into the ship, hallways still brightly lit
  148. 9:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, I figured as such. And you Cedric, what do you do when you aren't blowing shit up?"
  149. 9:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah, it's nice to see that the power's still on."
  150. 9:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "At least in this area of the ship."
  151. 9:26 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Does the party enter?
  152. 9:26 PM - Perseus: "Backup generator for this local part of the ship, most likely. This is only a small part of the ship, after all."
  153. 9:26 PM - Cedric: "Not much in the way of combat, if thats what your asking"
  154. 9:26 PM - Perseus: "It must have fragmented and split the remains across the continent, at least, judging from the trajectory."
  155. 9:27 PM - Perseus: I draw me energee bladee and enter cautiously
  156. 9:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Nah, not really. But yeah, wanna team up Pers? I've got some skill with a sword as well, albiet it's not much."
  157. 9:27 PM - Perseus: "Gentlemen, shall we?"
  158. 9:27 PM - Perseus: "That settles it, then. Let's head in."
  159. 9:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright, we're riiiiiiiight behind ya."
  160. 9:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: As you walk into the ship, all you hear is the buzzing of the flourencent lighting, not a single other sound as far as you can hear. At the end of the hall is one of the many interactive map screens that littered the massive ship.
  161. 9:28 PM - Perseus: Would my Navigation skill have any effect against checking that map?
  162. 9:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yup
  163. 9:28 PM - Perseus: noice
  164. 9:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also, brb, phone
  165. 9:29 PM - Perseus: "Allow me to check this. I'll be sure to not delete the data this time," he chuckles self-depreciatingly
  166. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop glares with the intensity of a thousand suns.
  167. 9:29 PM - Perseus: 14
  168. 9:30 PM - Cedric: "Yea be sure not to do that..."
  169. 9:30 PM - Perseus: "I said it was an accident, no need to glare. And besides, we got to where we needed to, didn't we?"
  170. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... I suppose."
  171. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop turns his gaze away.
  172. 9:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: As perseus activates the map, it seems to be bugging out, confused by the ship's condition, but through fine manipulation, Perseus manages to bring up the data
  173. 9:31 PM - Perseus: "See? No harm done."
  174. 9:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: According to the map, the Medbay and Emergency generator are to the North, the Officer's Mecha Bay to the south
  175. 9:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah yeah Pers, I see it."
  176. 9:31 PM - Cedric: "Hmmmm officers mech bay huh..."
  177. 9:32 PM - Perseus: "So, shall we head to the Medbay, emergency generator or mecha bay?"
  178. 9:32 PM - Perseus: "I say the Medbay has the best chance of holding survivors."
  179. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That kinda peaked my interest as well. However, I doubt anyone is going to be there."
  180. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, you're right on that."
  181. 9:33 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You head to the Medbay?
  182. 9:33 PM - Perseus: "Cedric? Objections? Suggestions?"
  183. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmm... does anyone want to split up?"
  184. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We could cover more ground that way, but it's dangerous, no doubt."
  185. 9:33 PM - Cedric: "Well the officers bay may have something nice but if we are looking for survivors first medbay seems like the best choice"
  186. 9:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Eh, fuck it, let's go to the Medbay."
  187. 9:34 PM - Cedric: "We could also check the generator to make sure things aren't about to go haywire"
  188. 9:34 PM - Perseus: "We should all check the medbay first. Depending on what we find, we'll head back here and split up if need be to check the other locations."
  189. 9:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose it's settled for the most part."
  190. 9:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But Cedric brings up a point. No need to get ourselves electricuted and blown up."
  191. 9:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Just be careful."
  192. 9:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: So, Medbay?
  193. 9:35 PM - Perseus: aye
  194. 9:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And do take note of any strange fluctuations of energy."
  195. 9:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop keeps mumbling safety tips to himself.
  196. 9:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The group heads into the medbay, and upon first look, things are grim
  197. 9:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Blood is everywhere, from the briefing tables, walls, desks, even the ceiling.
  198. 9:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Sweet Jesus and all of his disciples."
  199. 9:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And Mary too."
  200. 9:36 PM - Cedric: "Damn"
  201. 9:36 PM - Perseus: "..."
  202. 9:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Surely this is just ketchup, right? Everyone hates that stuff!"
  203. 9:37 PM - Perseus: "Does any of the automated medical equipment look like it malfunctioned? Keep on guard."
  204. 9:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Upon closer inspection, stranger yet is the fact that no bodies can be found.
  205. 9:38 PM - Cedric: "I've seen explosive deaths less messy than this, what the hell"
  206. 9:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop begins to shake.
  207. 9:38 PM - Perseus: "Blood, but no bodies. Not even a chunk of flesh that I can see. I doubt if that's a good sign."
  208. 9:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: As the party manages to actually shut up for once, they hear a beep coming from somewhere in the room, some sort of equipment is still working
  209. 9:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Gah! What was that, the smoke alarm?!"
  210. 9:39 PM - Cedric: "No smoke"
  211. 9:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyone wish to investigate?
  212. 9:40 PM - Perseus: but of course
  213. 9:40 PM - Perseus: beeping things in bloodied rooms are always good
  214. 9:40 PM - Cedric: (behind perseus sure)
  215. 9:40 PM - Perseus: it usually means progress in the story
  216. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10 + Int + Awareness
  217. 9:40 PM - Perseus: Dead Space taught me this
  218. 9:40 PM - Cedric: (both of us?)
  219. 9:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop stays where he is, slowly curling into a ball.
  220. 9:40 PM - Perseus: 18 bby
  221. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Just Perseus
  222. 9:41 PM - Cedric: (awww but i would've done good ;o )
  223. 9:41 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: After looking around, you find a console coming up out of the ground
  224. 9:41 PM - Perseus: I investigate further
  225. 9:42 PM - Cedric: *Moves slowly to keep behind perseus*
  226. 9:42 PM - Perseus: and push any necessart buttons
  227. 9:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: On said console is a touchscreen with the words "Cryostatis Status: Pod 1:Dead Pod 2: Dead Pod 3: Stable Pod 4: Empty"
  228. 9:42 PM - Cedric: "Whats that?"
  229. 9:42 PM - Perseus: "Cryostasis pod status. Two pods hold dead pilots, one is empty, and one looks to be in working shape."
  230. 9:43 PM - Cedric: *sidles up to perseus to get a look*
  231. 9:43 PM - Cedric: "Is it just me or is that a bit spooky"
  232. 9:43 PM - Perseus: "Either nobody was in Pod 4, or they managed to get out."
  233. 9:44 PM - Perseus: "Let's take a look in Pod 3 and see what we can find. Better than letting whatever poor bastard is in there sit until teh Cathedral gets here."
  234. 9:45 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You raise the pods?
  235. 9:45 PM - Perseus: since there seem to be no objections, yes
  236. 9:46 PM - Perseus: sword at the ready incase spooky spacespiders jump out and bind with my face
  237. 9:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop begins to rock back and forth.
  238. 9:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The pods rise, and first two offer chilling sights
  239. 9:46 PM - Perseus: "Cedric, go calm Bishop. I've got to make sure the po opens properly."
  240. 9:47 PM - Cedric: "I'm not so good at that calming things"
  241. 9:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One and two have a single bullet hole in the glass, the occupants shot in the head, and suffering from what appears to be freezer burn
  242. 9:47 PM - Cedric: "Tech and a little first aid that i can do"
  243. 9:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Pod three houses a bloodied man in a colorful uniform, still breathing, and pod four is covered in bloody hand prints
  244. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...she's a dead woman. I didn't have anything to do with it..."
  245. 9:48 PM - Perseus: "I'm going to hold you to that medical training of yours.:
  246. 9:48 PM - Perseus: "
  247. 9:48 PM - Cedric: "Medical training?"
  248. 9:48 PM - Perseus: If pod 3 doesn't open on its own, I pry it open
  249. 9:48 PM - Perseus: unless doing so will kill the guy
  250. 9:49 PM - Perseus: I think I'd know if it would do that or not with 5 Education and 8 Int
  251. 9:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The pod opens effortlessly and the man gasps getting his first breath of fresh air in a long time, almost collapsing
  252. 9:49 PM - Cedric: "I picked this stuff up after almost blowing off my own arm. I'm not doctor but i can try my best"
  253. 9:49 PM - Cedric: *pulls out mediscanner*
  254. 9:49 PM - Perseus: "Cedric, put that first aid skill of yours to work and help me here."
  255. 9:50 PM - Perseus: I hold the man upright as he lies on the ground.
  256. 9:50 PM - Cedric: *checks the medscanner to see whats up*
  257. 9:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He opens his eyes and looks around "Perseus, Bishop, that crazy drunk man who likes to blow up my repair bay?"
  258. 9:51 PM - Perseus: "Yes, yes and yes. You're in a bad way right now, so stop talking until we patch you up."
  259. 9:51 PM - Cedric: "Drunk man??"
  260. 9:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "..."
  261. 9:52 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He stood up and got his bearings "non-sense, just, dazed. Why am in the medbay though, what happened, did we land?"
  262. 9:52 PM - Cedric: "I don't even drink alcohol..."
  263. 9:53 PM - Perseus: "We landed, in a sense. Not a very good one."
  264. 9:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... You could say that..."
  265. 9:53 PM - Cedric: "...Atleast i don't remember drinking alcohol..."
  266. 9:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop picks himself off the floor.
  267. 9:54 PM - Perseus: "To make a long story short, this planet is inhabited by humans as well. A giant walking city-mecha called the Cathedral used similarly sized cannons to shoot us down. The ship split upon descent."
  268. 9:54 PM - Cedric: *looks distant with a far off gaze, deep in thought*
  269. 9:54 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: It took a moment to realize the beat up, shivering man, but as the color starts to return to his face, it is unmistakable, it is Captain Uyren, the leader of the expedition to the planet. "We, we were shot down?"
  270. 9:55 PM - Perseus: "Undoubtably."
  271. 9:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...With giant guns, yeah Captain."
  272. 9:56 PM - Perseus: "This is the first fragment of the ship we've managed to get information on, and we came as soon as we could."
  273. 9:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "God damnit, why did they put me in cryo, where is everyone? Why didn't I go down with my ship?"
  274. 9:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Just be glad that someone thought you were important enough not to shoot."
  275. 9:57 PM - Perseus: "If this part of the ship is intact, if only barely, it's likely the others landed in similar shape. There could be more survivors."
  276. 9:58 PM - Cedric: "THATS RIGHT i used being drunk as an excuse!"
  277. 9:59 PM - Cedric: *twitches when he realizes he has said this outloud*
  278. 9:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Get me to the mecha bay, if there are survivors out there, it is my responsibilty to find them"
  279. 10:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Hey Pers, is this the same mecha bay we jumped from?"
  280. 10:00 PM - Perseus: "I know the way, let's go. Follow me. Cedric, Bishop?"
  281. 10:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I assume not, but who knows."
  282. 10:00 PM - Cedric: "I would still like to check the captains health real quick, being covered in blood and all"
  283. 10:01 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((One second, about to bring player four in))
  284. 10:01 PM - Cedric: ((who))
  285. 10:01 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Devon))
  286. 10:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Captain, how are you unfazed to the deaths of two MURDERED officers, and the apparent bloody escape of another?"
  287. 10:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Because there are about nine hundred ninety seven other people that were on this ship that are unaccounted for, and that is a more pressing matter"
  288. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop glares knowingly.
  289. 10:04 PM - Cedric: *checks the captain with medical scanner*
  290. 10:04 PM - Perseus: "He's right, Bishop. We should find the living before we start mourning the dead."
  291. 10:04 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You find nothing to worry about, other than an increased heart beat, most likely due to stress.
  292. 10:05 PM - Cedric: "Well he checks out i guess."
  293. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's not the dead that I'm concerned with."
  294. 10:05 PM - Cedric: *stashes his medical scanner*
  295. 10:06 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Now then, I'm a bit disoriented, you boys know where my mecha bay is?"
  296. 10:07 PM - Perseus: I assume I do
  297. 10:07 PM - Perseus: since I fixed the map
  298. 10:07 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yup
  299. 10:07 PM - Perseus: "As I said, follow me." I lead him there, asking on the way, "Would there happen to be anything important in the emergency generator room?"
  300. 10:08 PM - Perseus: "That seemed to be one of the only other locations of note in this fragment of the ship."
  301. 10:08 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Unless its been over a year, the reactor should be fine for anything except for big tasks, dont expect the Mercy to take off, but she'll be working for a while"
  302. 10:09 PM - Cedric: "Good"
  303. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "..."
  304. 10:09 PM - Perseus: "I'd say we should keep any survivors here temporairly, but that probably wouldn't be a wise choice, considering the hostile nature some of the humans on this world have."
  305. 10:10 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He followed Perseus down the hall. "You found survivors here?"
  306. 10:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop whispers to Cedric.
  307. 10:10 PM - Cedric: "Nothing but you and a lot of blood"
  308. 10:10 PM - Perseus: "Cry your pardon, I misspoke. I meant for any survivors we may find."
  309. 10:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Be wary of the captain. I've got bad vibes."
  310. 10:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll be right back Cedric."
  311. 10:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He sighed "Well, they're out there somewhere." Upon reaching the door to the bay, he unlocked the finger print scanner and openned the massive door, revealing rows of high tech military mecha, all in parade paint schemes, bright, shiny, and impressive.
  312. 10:11 PM - Cedric: *looks confused*
  313. 10:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sneaks off in the other direction, towards the emergency generator room.
  314. 10:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop finds the door strangely open and steps in
  315. 10:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The room is mostly dark, except for a light glow from the reactor
  316. 10:13 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can taste the cancer you're going to get in the air
  317. 10:13 PM - Cedric: "Wow i didn't realize all these were in here"
  318. 10:13 PM - Perseus: "I suppose it is a small fortune that the mechas survived, though with no pilots they're as good as scrap."
  319. 10:14 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "The pilots are out there, somewhere, I will not let a man put a hand on any of these"
  320. 10:16 PM - Perseus: "But for the moment, only one can serve us any purpose, and that is for you. Assuming, of course, you're willing to risk life and limb against evangelical and xenophobic humans."
  321. 10:17 PM - Perseus: "And I also - Cedric? Where did Bishop go?"
  322. 10:18 PM - Cedric: "Uhm... beats me?"
  323. 10:19 PM - Perseus: "He always was too curious for his own good. First that abandoned dock town he insisted on investigating, and now this?"
  324. 10:19 PM - Perseus: I look around the mecha bay for anything noteworthy
  325. 10:19 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Other than the walls of mecha, there is an automated repair station in the middle of the bay
  326. 10:20 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: If the doors are still working, you can attempt to bring your mecha in
  327. 10:20 PM - Perseus: is Ken Kare still trashed? :v
  328. 10:21 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Very
  329. 10:21 PM - Perseus: welp, Imma need to bring the poor thing in
  330. 10:21 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Okay, so, bringing Devon in, though she's not joining in just yet))
  331. 10:21 PM - Perseus: "Cedric, were you damaged at all during our previous battle?"
  332. 10:22 PM - Cedric: "Nope, it seems everyone we fight has been content to let me sit by and try to blow them up"
  333. 10:23 PM - Perseus: "Well in that case, could you go search for Bishop? I'd like to get Ken Kare repaired before any more surprises show up, and there's an auto repair bay in here that still seems functioning."
  334. 10:23 PM - Perseus: "I'll introduce the Captain to our friends outside as well."
  335. 10:23 PM - Bianca entered chat.
  336. 10:24 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "I shall wait for your friend to come back, I will get the doors working while you do that."
  337. 10:25 PM - Cedric: "If you say so"
  338. 10:25 PM - Cedric: "Don't know why i gotta be the one to look out for him though..."
  339. 10:25 PM - Cedric: *huffs and walks out towards the generator room*
  340. 10:25 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Because the jackass decided to stare at a nuclear reactor for some reason, I heard him loud and clear"
  341. 10:26 PM - Cedric: *stops mid step*
  342. 10:26 PM - Cedric: "How did you hear that?"
  343. 10:26 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "Hearing implants, got them after a shell blew out my hear drums, I can hear a mouse shit from across this hangar, I can hear some damn whispers"
  344. 10:27 PM - Cedric: "Why didn't YOU stop him then??"
  345. 10:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He shrugged "It should be safe, worse case scenario, he's able to read in the dark without a light"
  346. 10:28 PM - Perseus: "Just go and make sure he doesn't break anything important. Though, if I wanted to avoid breaking things, I probably shouldn't send you..."
  347. 10:29 PM - Perseus: Perseus smiles a smile that does his 10 Cool proud
  348. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But just in time, Bishop walks back in
  349. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With a somewhat, unearthly glow
  350. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And a stolen rad suit
  351. 10:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: *cough*
  352. 10:29 PM - Perseus: "Ah, welcome back Bishop! You seem to be... glowing. And I don't think it's because you're in a happy mood."
  353. 10:30 PM - Cedric: "He heard you"
  354. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm not... exactly feeling well."
  355. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "However, I'd like to note that everyone in there is dead."
  356. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Again."
  357. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Seems to be an isotope leak of the larger variety."
  358. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The captain starts to open his mouth as a voice comes on over the comms
  359. 10:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But I can't find the source of it."
  360. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B:"Comrades, I'm getting some sort of reading from the east, it looks like a dot the size of my fist on the radar!"
  361. 10:31 PM - Cedric: "Thats a pretty big dot"
  362. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Shit."
  363. 10:32 PM - Perseus: "That must be a big dot, then. Captain, please hurry witht eh doors. I need to repair Ken Karen, adn quickly."
  364. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "..."
  365. 10:32 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Jesus dan are you wasted))
  366. 10:32 PM - Perseus: nope
  367. 10:32 PM - Perseus: just typing ludicrous speed
  368. 10:32 PM - Perseus: maybe some whiskey will improve my typing accuracy
  369. 10:33 PM - Perseus: now do your job
  370. 10:33 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The doors open as if on cue and the captain sighs. "Im in no shape for this after getting out of cyro, repair as fast as you can and get out there boys, sounds like there's trouble."
  371. 10:33 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Shh or I nerf the Ken Kare's super fists))
  372. 10:33 PM - Perseus: nuuuu ;_;
  373. 10:33 PM - Perseus: "Trouble seems to follow us on this planet," Perseus remarks as he runs out of the now-open doors and brings Ken Kare in for repairs
  374. 10:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Blah blah, your shit is repaired, and you head out to see Brick and Skyren scanning the skys, staring at something on the horizion.
  375. 10:35 PM - Perseus: "Something skybound? I can't very well box with any flying opponents. Report?"
  376. 10:35 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B: "This might just be errors, but, whatever it is, it's bigger than anything i've ever seen, and it's some how airborn"
  377. 10:36 PM - Cedric: "This isn't good"
  378. 10:36 PM - Cedric: (brb)
  379. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With that, the sand starts to shake as what appear to be giant missiles start to land, but, none of them explode
  380. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (Best fucking timing Trogdor)
  381. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (ouo)
  382. 10:36 PM - Perseus: Perseus takes a step back in Ken Kare as the missiles fall
  383. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: They drop their coverings to reveal massive drop pods, each containing mecha.
  384. 10:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "2 guess as to what those are supposed to be."
  385. 10:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: guesses*
  386. 10:36 PM - Perseus: "This can't end well."
  387. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then, combat will be split into two phases
  388. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Ground
  389. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And air
  390. 10:37 PM - Perseus: Ken Kare crouches, readying his four arms into a fighting stance
  391. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Air being taken care of by Bishop and Bianca, the rest of the party is grounded
  392. 10:37 PM - Perseus: woo
  393. 10:37 PM - Perseus: I can fist shit
  394. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Everyone, iniative
  395. 10:37 PM - Perseus: let the fisting begin
  396. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10 + your Ref
  397. 10:37 PM - Bianca: Bianca fucking materializes into the party, apparently.
  398. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: 8
  399. 10:37 PM - Perseus: 12
  400. 10:38 PM - Perseus: lousy rolls all around
  401. 10:38 PM - Perseus: Ryan never was very good at introducing new party members midgame :v
  402. 10:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You guys suck at dice
  403. 10:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also, shh, just watch
  404. 10:38 PM - Perseus: nigga did you forget my crits last time
  405. 10:38 PM - Perseus: I think the dice deserve a break
  406. 10:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Not as good as bricks Nat 1
  407. 10:39 PM - Perseus: shh
  408. 10:39 PM - Bianca: 13
  409. 10:39 PM - Perseus: I slam dunked the Brick himself, I think I'm entitled to a little smugness
  410. 10:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Floored by the noobie, now then, sky combat goes first
  411. 10:39 PM - Perseus: being beaten by 1 is hardly floored but ok
  412. 10:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop takes off, and as he climbs higher, he hears a new signal come on oer the radio
  413. 10:41 PM - Bianca: "I'm here to offer help. Where do you need me?"
  414. 10:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmm. Who is this? I don't recognize you."
  415. 10:42 PM - Perseus: "In the sky, it would seem! We have opponents on two fronts. Talk to Bishop for further details, he's our ariel combatant."
  416. 10:42 PM - Perseus: aerial I think
  417. 10:42 PM - Perseus: fuck spelling I give up
  418. 10:42 PM - Bianca: "Name's Bianca, and I'm caught in this wreck, same as you."
  419. 10:43 PM - Bianca: "I'm an aerial pilot and a tech, mostly."
  420. 10:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, it's good to be gunning with ya. Just don't slow me down ya hear?"
  421. 10:43 PM - Bianca: "Not a chance."
  422. 10:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And whatever you do, don't get involved with Short-Stack down there. He's as loony as they come."
  423. 10:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Just... ignore him when he brings up explosions."
  424. 10:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Or demolition projects."
  425. 10:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Or Koffee."
  426. 10:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop keeps listing things off.
  427. 10:44 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With that, Bishop reaches the Altitude of Bianca, catching sight of the massive bird mecha Kuso Hato, the first targets appearing over the horizon, several basic fighters
  428. 10:44 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The squad of fighters gets first strike
  429. 10:44 PM - Bianca: Bianca makes an attempt to write all this down, but runs out of room on both hands.
  430. 10:45 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (And yes, the operate as one unit, to save y'all time)
  431. 10:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: (k cool_
  432. 10:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: )
  433. 10:46 PM - Perseus: inb4 crits
  434. 10:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One crit
  435. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Five of the ten shots are on course to hit bishop, he can however evade
  436. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Which is 1d10+Ref+Mecha Piloting
  437. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Times five
  438. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Not as in
  439. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Multiplied by five
  440. 10:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But do it five times
  441. 10:48 PM - Cedric: (back)
  442. 10:48 PM - Perseus: so just type repeat 5 (formula)
  443. 10:48 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yeah
  444. 10:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop
  445. 10:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ?
  446. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Sorry, I just got back
  447. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: from sneaking around
  448. 10:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: No problem
  449. 10:49 PM - Cedric: (alright caught up with chat)
  450. 10:49 PM - Cedric: (god damnit bishop)
  451. 10:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: repeat 5 (1d10+ref+Mecha Piloting)
  452. 10:50 PM - Cedric: (trash talking me u fuk)
  453. 10:50 PM - Perseus: gj
  454. 10:50 PM - Perseus: gj
  455. 10:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: woops
  456. 10:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: what did I do
  457. 10:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: gj
  458. 10:50 PM - Perseus: gj
  459. 10:51 PM - Bianca: you put + twice
  460. 10:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You did 6+5++
  461. 10:51 PM - Cedric: gj
  462. 10:51 PM - Perseus: there you go
  463. 10:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also, due to crit fail, Cedric has iniative of -1
  464. 10:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He skips first turn
  465. 10:52 PM - Perseus: pfft
  466. 10:52 PM - Perseus: gj
  467. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: heh
  468. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: wow, you are unlucky. that happened last time too, didn't it
  469. 10:52 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You dodge every missile except for the critical hit, which slams into your wing, taking off a good amount of armor
  470. 10:52 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also, yes, it did IIRC
  471. 10:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bianca is next
  472. 10:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Two actions
  473. 10:53 PM - Cedric: *stares mindlessly remembering something for no reason*
  474. 10:54 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can attack or move
  475. 10:54 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Or do some sort of non-combat skill
  476. 10:55 PM - Bianca: Might as well go for an attack.
  477. 10:55 PM - Perseus: murderlize em
  478. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, this is why we can't have nice things."
  479. 10:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Your missiles, or try to get in and use the lazor talons
  480. 10:55 PM - Bianca: Missles!
  481. 10:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You have two pods of fifty
  482. 10:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And two attacks per turn
  483. 10:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Since they're in pods
  484. 10:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can, in theory, fire them all at once
  485. 10:56 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But then, youre shit out of luck
  486. 10:57 PM - Bianca: Nah, not a good idea. Fire 5 apiece.
  487. 10:57 PM - Cedric: "Huh? what?"
  488. 10:57 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Since you don't have any points in Mecha Missiles, roll 1d10 + your Ref (5)
  489. 10:57 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: So, repeat 10 1d10+5
  490. 10:58 PM - Perseus: ouch
  491. 10:58 PM - Perseus: dem rolls
  492. 10:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Three missiles hit
  493. 10:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One is a crit
  494. 10:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Which means roll another d10
  495. 10:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And add it on to the roll
  496. 11:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Due to luck, Bianac does not critfail
  497. 11:02 PM - Perseus: hurrah
  498. 11:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: woot, go her
  499. 11:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Three of the Squak Missiles slam into the fighter on the right, doing small amounts of damage, but the third shot bursts through the cockpit of the plane and forces the pilot to eject
  500. 11:02 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 2/3 pilots remain
  501. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: Also, what are the targets? A squadren of low level fighters and...?
  502. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: a giant bird?
  503. 11:03 PM - Perseus: she IS the giant bird
  504. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: o
  505. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: my bad
  506. 11:03 PM - Perseus: unless there's another giant bird
  507. 11:03 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Do not shoot at the giant bird
  508. 11:03 PM - Bianca: "The giant bird's me, ya prick."
  509. 11:04 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then, Bishop, your turn
  510. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Sorry about that, I've just consumed a slightly unhealthy amount of radiation."
  511. 11:04 PM - Perseus: remember your lessons, Bishop
  512. 11:04 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then, what will you do Bishop?
  513. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: Alright
  514. 11:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: what are the two ground mechas?
  515. 11:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: and where'd they come from?
  516. 11:05 PM - Perseus: nigga you're in the air shoot the air mechas
  517. 11:05 PM - Perseus: I can't punch things in the air
  518. 11:05 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Exactly
  519. 11:05 PM - Perseus: I guess I could rocket punch them
  520. 11:06 PM - Perseus: or have Brick throw me
  521. 11:06 PM - Perseus: or throw Brick
  522. 11:06 PM - Perseus: or all of the above at the same time
  523. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: I just wanna know, so I can analyze them or not for you guys T.T
  524. 11:06 PM - Cedric: throw me
  525. 11:06 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can target analyze them
  526. 11:06 PM - Cedric: and i will blow myself up
  527. 11:06 PM - Cedric: and do more damage to everyone around me
  528. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: Well, I'll analyze Ground Mecha #whichever one is more dangerous
  529. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: looking
  530. 11:07 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: -10 IP for using a hashtag
  531. 11:07 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 0u0
  532. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: not a hashtag
  533. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: I meant it for the number symbol
  534. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: but I guess it does look like a hashtag
  535. 11:07 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shh
  536. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: so int + analysis + 1d10?
  537. 11:08 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways, Awareness + 1d10 + Int
  538. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: ok
  539. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: close enough
  540. 11:08 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: + Mecha Tech
  541. 11:08 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Don't forget that
  542. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: k
  543. 11:08 PM - Cedric: (are you kidding i would ace this shit)
  544. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: nat 10
  545. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: go again
  546. 11:09 PM - Perseus: you reveal the pilots' deepest darkest secrets and know where they hide their porn
  547. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: 29 for analysis
  548. 11:09 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You going to luck that
  549. 11:09 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ?
  550. 11:09 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: FOR DOUBLE CRIT
  551. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: sure
  552. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: what the hell
  553. 11:10 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ROLL ONE MORE TIME
  554. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: 34
  555. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: for analysis
  556. 11:10 PM - Perseus: you also know wheir their mothers hide their porn
  557. 11:10 PM - Perseus: where*
  558. 11:10 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The sheer power of the scanner causes the mecha on the ground to malfunction, self destructing after you manage to get a complete scan
  559. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey, collection he's got installed..."
  560. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice^
  561. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: fuck
  562. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: whatevs
  563. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also
  564. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: too much powa
  565. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: By full scan
  566. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I mean you get to see it's stat sheet
  567. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Name: Typhoon
  568. Cost: 202.4 CP
  569. Weight: 75 t
  570. Scale: Mekton Scale
  572. Configuration MV Land MA Flight MA
  573. Avian -1 6 8
  575. Servos: Armor:
  576. Location Class Kills Space/Left Cost | Class Type SP Absorp DC Cost
  577. Torso AH 18 18 / 3 18 | AH Std 9 --- 1 9
  578. Head SH 10 10 / 10 10 | SH Std 10 --- 1 10
  579. R. Leg LH 8 8 / 0 8 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  580. L. Leg LH 8 8 / 0 8 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  581. R. Wing SH 10 10 / 0 10 | SH Std 10 --- 1 10
  582. L. Wing SH 10 10 / 0 10 | SH Std 10 --- 1 10
  584. Cost: 117 CP
  585. Weight: 58.5 t
  587. Sensors:
  588. Sensor Type Range Comm Kills Location Cost Space
  589. Main MH 26 km 2300 km 3 Torso 16 1
  590. R/R Analyzer -- 1 Torso 5 1
  591. Target Ana. -- 1 Torso 5 1
  593. Cost: 26 CP
  594. Weight: 2.5 t
  596. Weapons:
  597. Name Location WA Rng Dmg Sht BV Kills Space Eff. Cost Notes
  598. Lazer Talon R. Leg +0 Mel 9K --- --- 2 8 - 8.1
  599. Lazer Talon L. Leg +0 Mel 9K --- --- 2 8 - 8.1
  600. Squak Missiles R. Wing(10)
  601. Torso(8) -1 6 5K 50 --- 12 18 - 19.6
  602. Squak Missiles L. Wing -1 6 5K 50 --- 12 18 - 17.6
  604. Notes -
  606. Cost: 53.4 CP
  607. Weight: 14 t
  609. Subassemblies:
  610. System Location Space Cost Notes
  611. Cockpit Torso 4 6 Crew: 1; Vehicle Pod
  613. Cost: 6 CP
  614. Weight: 0 t
  616. <<End of Template>>
  617. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Whoops
  618. 11:11 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Wrong copy paste
  619. 11:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: -10 IP to myself for being a fucking moron
  620. 11:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Name: Dragoon
  621. Cost: 145.18 CP
  622. Weight: 57 t
  623. Scale: Mekton Scale
  625. Configuration MV Land MA Flight MA
  626. Humanoid 0 6 0
  628. Servos: Armor:
  629. Location Class Kills Space/Left Cost | Class Type SP Absorp DC Cost
  630. Torso MW 12 12 / 12 12 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  631. Head MW 6 6 / 4 6 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  632. R. Arm MW 7 7 / 0 7 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  633. L. Arm MW 7 7 / 0 7 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  634. R. Leg MW 7 7 / 7 7 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  635. L. Leg MW 7 7 / 7 7 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  636. Pod MH 0 16 / 4 8 | LH Std 7 --- 1 7
  638. Cost: 103 CP
  639. Weight: 47.5 t
  641. Sensors:
  642. Sensor Type Range Comm Kills Location Cost Space
  643. Main MW 15 km 1500 km 2 Head 6 1
  645. Cost: 6 CP
  646. Weight: 1 t
  648. Weapons:
  649. Name Location WA Rng Dmg Sht BV Kills Space Eff. Cost Notes
  650. Dragoon's Fang Pod +0 Mel 12K --- --- 12 12 - 12
  651. Dragon's Breath R. Arm(7)
  652. L. Arm(7) -2 7 * * 8 5 14 - 15.5
  653. Ammo: Standard Ext. -- --- 1 64 --- --- -- -- 7.68 Incendiary
  655. Notes -
  657. Cost: 35.18 CP
  658. Weight: 8.5 t
  660. Subassemblies:
  661. System Location Space Cost Notes
  662. Cockpit Head 1 1 Crew: 1; Ejection Seat(s)
  664. Cost: 1 CP
  665. Weight: 0 t
  667. <<End of Template>>
  668. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Some one should take that R/R analyzer once we're through here."
  669. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...If there's any of it left."
  670. 11:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One more action left
  671. 11:12 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Wat do
  672. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: Analyze the other one of course
  673. 11:13 PM - Perseus: shoot thing
  674. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: I kid
  675. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: I kid
  676. 11:13 PM - Perseus: shoot thing in air ???
  677. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: I won't take away your whole fight
  678. 11:13 PM - Perseus: I vote for shoot thing
  679. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: Ok, I fire my big dakka rifle at the middle man in the squadron
  680. 11:14 PM - Perseus: Wish I could have looted Brick's MESON beam :c
  681. 11:14 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10+Ref+Mecha Gunnery
  682. 11:14 PM - Cedric: If you get spiked claws i get meson beam
  683. 11:14 PM - Cedric: ;o
  684. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: isn't it got multiple shots?
  685. 11:15 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yes
  686. 11:15 PM - Perseus: I'll give you a MESON dick for all I care. We all need to be OP
  687. 11:15 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Repeat 8
  688. 11:15 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Also shh, the claws were to balance out the fact that stock, fists do 1 damage
  689. 11:15 PM - Perseus: c:
  690. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: double clicked
  691. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: go with first
  692. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: 12 ; 15 ; 9 ; 17 ; 9 ; 9 ; 13 ; 9
  693. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: hmm
  694. 11:16 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Four crit fails
  695. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: lotta crit fails
  696. 11:16 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 4 shots hit
  697. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: guess I'll lube those up
  698. 11:16 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  699. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: to not crit fails
  700. 11:16 PM - Perseus: the problem with shooting lots of things in a short time
  701. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: got 5 luck left
  702. 11:16 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Alright
  703. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: wait, I"ma crit the 17
  704. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: so 4 luck left
  705. 11:17 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Woo
  706. 11:17 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10 mate
  707. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: 25 altogether
  708. 11:18 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The first three shots batter the wings of the fighter, the fourth rips the wing clean off, leaving the jet to slam into the desert sands
  709. 11:18 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Land combat
  710. 11:19 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Perseus and Cedric against the two remaining Typhoon class mecha
  711. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: Hey, aren't Brick and Skyren there too?
  712. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: or did I miss something?
  713. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: :T
  714. 11:19 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh right
  715. 11:19 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shh
  716. 11:20 PM - Perseus: You clearly did not think this through well enough
  717. 11:20 PM - Perseus: How far are they from me
  718. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: I take it that they are having a collective pissing contest
  719. 11:20 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  720. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: ignoring the smoke clouds and explosions
  721. 11:21 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Brick has 18 Iniative, Skyren has 14
  722. 11:21 PM - Perseus: course they each got 10 Ref
  723. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: well, technically one of them is an animal
  724. 11:21 PM - Cedric: don't worry i got -1
  725. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: and the other is Skyren
  726. 11:21 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  727. 11:22 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways, Perseus, what is your Ref again?
  728. 11:22 PM - Perseus: I think he deserves an IP for that joke
  729. 11:22 PM - Perseus: 12
  730. 11:22 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop
  731. 11:22 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: +1 IP
  732. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: yay
  733. 11:22 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right, Brick runs the four hexes to the nearest Typhoon and punches it in the head
  734. 11:23 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh jesus
  735. 11:23 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One of the punches crits
  736. 11:23 PM - Perseus: god save the universe
  737. 11:23 PM - Perseus: god
  738. 11:23 PM - Perseus: save
  739. 11:23 PM - Perseus: the
  740. 11:23 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh jesus double crit
  741. 11:23 PM - Perseus: universe
  742. 11:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: DOUBLE CRIT
  743. 11:23 PM - Perseus: damn
  744. 11:23 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Damn his two luck
  745. 11:23 PM - Perseus: :v
  746. 11:24 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With the fury of a thousand Suns, Brick punches the head clean off of the Typhoon, it slams into the torso of the other mecha and blows a massive chunk of armor clean off
  747. 11:24 PM - Cedric: so the gm who has had a hilarious history of punching characters has a random npc become his self insert and that npc gets a double crit on its first punch
  748. 11:24 PM - Cedric: fuck
  749. 11:25 PM - Perseus: yep
  750. 11:25 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Brick is immortal
  751. 11:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: Brick is love; Brick is life
  752. 11:25 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Dan knows, he knows no limits, not even that of universes
  753. 11:25 PM - Perseus: and with good reason
  754. 11:25 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then
  755. 11:25 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Skyren's turn
  756. 11:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: so, he's like the 14th Doctor or something?
  757. 11:26 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S: "Perseus, I would be lying if I ssssssaid I did not want to combine once again"
  758. 11:26 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop
  759. 11:26 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Stop giving me ideas
  760. 11:26 PM - Perseus: "Then let it be so!"
  761. 11:26 PM - Perseus: Ken Kare's arms spread wide, awaiting the combination
  762. 11:26 PM - Perseus: the completely platonic combination
  763. 11:27 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With that, the Kingu Kobura launched out of the sand, and into the chest of the Ken Kare, combining the two into Kingu Kobura no Kobushi.
  764. 11:27 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Reworked combining
  765. 11:27 PM - Perseus: oh boy here comes ye olde nerfe
  766. 11:27 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Dan has 3 actions
  767. 11:27 PM - Perseus: yiss
  768. 11:27 PM - Perseus: I can live with this
  769. 11:27 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Instead of two characters having a single turn
  770. 11:27 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then
  771. 11:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: What do
  772. 11:28 PM - Perseus: so what's left? One ground unit damaged by Brick?
  773. 11:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: yup
  774. 11:28 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yup
  775. 11:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: and the air guy\
  776. 11:28 PM - Perseus: and it's 4 hexes away?
  777. 11:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: if you wanna shoot him with your acid lasers
  778. 11:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: of acidicness
  779. 11:28 PM - Perseus: no I'm going to fist things
  780. 11:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: good for you
  781. 11:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: just don't go telling your mother
  782. 11:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Dan has a fisting addiction
  783. 11:29 PM - Perseus: and perfectly platonic fisting addiction
  784. 11:29 PM - Perseus: how many actions would it cost to run up to and fist this thing
  785. 11:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: One to run up
  786. 11:29 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Then you have 4 punches
  787. 11:30 PM - Perseus: hmmm
  788. 11:30 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 2 actions 2 punches per action
  789. 11:30 PM - Perseus: I'll do it
  790. 11:30 PM - Perseus: time 4 rolls
  791. 11:30 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Time 4 4 rolls
  792. 11:30 PM - Cedric: punching op gm plz nerf
  793. 11:31 PM - Cedric: buff explosions plz
  794. 11:31 PM - Perseus: 1D10+10+6 => 18 ; 22 ; 22 ; 19
  795. 11:31 PM - Perseus: close but no critfails, so that's a relief
  796. 11:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yup
  797. 11:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The four fists slam into the mecha in several spots
  798. 11:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: By the time you finish, it is a compressed ball of scrap
  799. 11:31 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You feel bad for the pilot
  800. 11:31 PM - Perseus: welp
  801. 11:32 PM - Perseus: well fisted, my pancaked opponent
  802. 11:32 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Back to air combat
  803. 11:32 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: In a moment of panic, the last pilot fires all 40 of his remaining missiles, 20 at Bishop 20 at Bianca
  804. 11:32 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Rolling 20 for Bishop first
  805. 11:33 PM - Perseus: welp
  806. 11:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: I see a crit fail in there
  807. 11:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: gooooood
  808. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: gooood
  809. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: also
  810. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: a crit
  811. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 10 hits on Bianca, 4 crits
  812. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: which is bad
  813. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yees
  814. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 crit
  815. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bianca, roll to evade
  816. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 4critfails*
  817. 11:34 PM - Perseus: I don't see a critfail
  818. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: in the first one
  819. 11:34 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The sixes
  820. 11:34 PM - Perseus: oh I was looking for 5s
  821. 11:34 PM - Perseus: whoops
  822. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: and yeah
  823. 11:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: I guess there are two in mine as well
  824. 11:35 PM - Perseus: mine fists are all I need
  825. 11:35 PM - Bianca: welp
  826. 11:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: so to evade is r10 reflex+piloting+1d10?
  827. 11:35 PM - Perseus: also acid laser tails are pretty swag too
  828. 11:36 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yeah
  829. 11:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: no crit fails
  830. 11:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: nope
  831. 11:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: no sirry bob nope
  832. 11:37 PM - Perseus: sooo
  833. 11:38 PM - Perseus: no critfails, but I think I see a crit there
  834. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: 12+1 ; 16 ; 18 ; 15 ; 18 ; 21 ; 13 ; 20+1 ; 13 ; 13
  835. 11:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yeah
  836. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: two crits
  837. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: ;T
  838. 11:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But it doesnt matter, only the crit hits no matter what
  839. 11:38 PM - Cedric: *snores loudly*
  840. 11:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Your other wing has most of its armor blown off
  841. 11:38 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then, missiles hitting Bianca
  842. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 13 hits
  843. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 crit
  844. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 crit fail
  845. 11:39 PM - Bianca: oh whoops thought you already rolled mine
  846. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: That was bishops
  847. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Mixed it up
  848. 11:39 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  849. 11:39 PM - Bianca: once again
  850. 11:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10+Ref+Piloting
  851. 11:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 14 times
  852. 11:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Ref is 5, Piloting is 2 if you don't remember
  853. 11:40 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 14 times, not 40 you derp
  854. 11:41 PM - Bianca: im gonna punch a baby
  855. 11:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: don't do that
  856. 11:41 PM - Bianca: okay for real now
  857. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Don't take advice from the man who now glows in the dark after walking into a nuclear reactor chamber
  858. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 crit fail
  859. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10
  860. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 crit
  861. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10
  862. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: For the crit fail
  863. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  864. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Subtract what you roll from 8
  865. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: she has 7
  866. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: For the crit, add it to 17
  867. 11:42 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ?
  868. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: wait
  869. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: what
  870. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: I'm confused
  871. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: ignore me
  872. 11:43 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yeah
  873. 11:43 PM - Bianca: im confused as well
  874. 11:43 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shh
  875. 11:43 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Just roll repeat 2 1d10
  876. 11:44 PM - Bianca: 1 and 7.
  877. 11:44 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll another d10 since you crit failed the crit fail
  878. 11:44 PM - Perseus: gj
  879. 11:45 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You crit failed crit failing a crit fail
  880. 11:45 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll another d10
  881. 11:45 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh good god
  882. 11:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: what I thought you couldn't crit fail a crit fail
  883. 11:45 PM - Bianca: i crit failed /again/
  884. 11:45 PM - Cedric: and i thought i was unlucky for critfailing iniative twice in a row
  885. 11:46 PM - Perseus: holy dear god
  886. 11:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can, you cant crit a crit fail
  887. 11:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You crit fail crit failing the critical failure of a crit fail
  888. 11:46 PM - Bianca: lets hear it folks. one more roll!
  889. 11:46 PM - Cedric: rip bianca
  890. 11:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10
  891. 11:46 PM - Perseus: her mecha just stops working entirely and falls to china
  892. 11:46 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I was hoping for a one so badly
  893. 11:47 PM - Cedric: so it falls to another planet
  894. 11:47 PM - Cedric: impressive
  895. 11:47 PM - Perseus: yep
  896. 11:47 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You fail at dodging the missile so hard, you reach out your laser talons, grab it, and proceed to beat yourself in the chest with it
  897. 11:48 PM - Bianca: "Yes, that's a good birdy.
  898. 11:48 PM - Bianca: "
  899. 11:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You blow off almost all of your torso armor
  900. 11:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways, every other missile is expertly dodged
  901. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Bianca, am I seeing this right? Surely the radiation isn't given me tumors on my eyes."
  902. 11:49 PM - Perseus: Perseus whispers to himself, "I do believe we might be better off without her help..."
  903. 11:49 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Also, that was a 1 in 10,000 roll))
  904. 11:50 PM - Bianca: Bianca attempts to flip Perseus the bird, but one of her mecha's feet falls off.
  905. 11:50 PM - Perseus: I've said it before, and I'll say it again
  906. 11:50 PM - Perseus: gj
  907. 11:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I would roll damage, but that would be cruel
  908. 11:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then
  909. 11:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Two actions
  910. 11:50 PM - Perseus: just take it as is and get on with the show before she hurts herself further
  911. 11:50 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You still have 90 missiles
  912. 11:51 PM - Perseus: fire EVERYTHING
  913. 11:51 PM - Bianca: Fire all of them.
  914. 11:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh dear god
  915. 11:51 PM - Perseus: oh god I was kidding don't
  916. 11:51 PM - Perseus: there isn't even a big threat
  917. 11:51 PM - Bianca: What do i have to lose at this point
  918. 11:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yes, there are more enemies coming up :V
  919. 11:51 PM - Perseus: just shoot like 5
  920. 11:51 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: All of your ammo for one
  921. 11:51 PM - Bianca: okay w/e shoot 5
  922. 11:52 PM - Perseus: you could at least save the big dakkaoffs like that for the tough guys
  923. 11:52 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Repeat 5 1d10+5
  924. 11:52 PM - Cedric: *cedric continues to day dream but deep down feels sad, like a giant explosion that was about to happen was snuffed out by rational thought*
  925. 11:52 PM - Perseus: aaaand another critfail
  926. 11:53 PM - Perseus: but also a crit
  927. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Devon
  928. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll repeat 2 1d10
  929. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: First number is the crit
  930. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Second is the crit fail
  931. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10, not 1d10 +5
  932. 11:53 PM - Perseus: I think she's been officially enstated into the party by now
  933. 11:53 PM - Bianca: wait ignore that first one
  934. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh god
  935. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You almost double crit failed again
  936. 11:53 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Almost
  937. 11:54 PM - Bianca: Sews the "Official Party Member" badge onto my Kiddie Camper Haysash
  938. 11:54 PM - Cedric: wait isnt lower on the 2nd roll for the critfail better?
  939. 11:54 PM - Perseus: yaaay we'll be bffs forever
  940. 11:54 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yeah
  941. 11:54 PM - Cedric: except a 1
  942. 11:54 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  943. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: yeah
  944. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: those are bad
  945. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: like
  946. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: shooting at th 8 ball
  947. 11:55 PM - Perseus: not even
  948. 11:55 PM - Perseus: it's like
  949. 11:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Only two shots hit, but one of them blows the fighter's reactor, turning it into a bright orange fireball
  950. 11:55 PM - Perseus: you're playing pool, and you're the one to break
  951. 11:55 PM - Perseus: you get every single ball in
  952. 11:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: As the smoke clears and adrenalyn fades, you look out to the horizon again to where the red dot used to be
  953. 11:55 PM - Perseus: but they all turn into 8 balls
  954. 11:55 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: In its place, is the most marvelous sight youve ever seen
  955. 11:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: A fleet of massive ships, flying towards the crash site, the vessels larger than any sea fairing ships you've ever seen
  956. 11:58 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: In the center sits what appears to be the flag ship of the fleet, bright red and having a flat carrier deck on top
  957. 11:58 PM - Perseus: "This leades me to one simple conclusion: I need more fists."
  958. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Looks like someone called home. Hey Cedric, get your biggest guns out, we're going duck hunting!"
  959. 11:59 PM - Cedric: "These ARE my biggest guns!"
  960. 11:59 PM - Perseus: "We'll have to get you something for that later."
  961. 11:59 PM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With a grin, Brick proceeded to lift the Ken Kare off the ground "Comrade, I shall deliver you straight to the enemy!"
  962. Friday, November 08, 2013
  963. 12:00 AM - Cedric: "Well shit"
  964. 12:00 AM - Perseus: "Onwards! With all your might, my friend, throw!"
  965. 12:00 AM - Perseus: Ken Kare's two right arms extend in a Superman pose
  966. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Taking a running start, Brick proceeded to chuck the Kingu Kobura no Kobushi straight at the large carrier
  967. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right Dan, time to roll for that
  968. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Hope Brick doesn't crit fail
  969. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 23
  970. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You get to live another day
  971. 12:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Somehow
  972. 12:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The mecha smashes through a hangar door and arrives inside of the vessel as Brick lifts Cedric up.
  973. 12:02 AM - Perseus: Perseus*
  974. 12:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: No, he's lifting Cedric to throw him now ;V
  975. 12:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  976. 12:02 AM - Perseus: ooo
  977. 12:02 AM - Perseus: I see
  978. 12:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You just got thrown
  979. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Genius
  981. 12:03 AM - Perseus: well in that case I'm ready to wreck shit
  982. 12:03 AM - Cedric: *arms flail about uselessly*
  983. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B: "EXCELLENT COMRADE" And with that he chucked the mecha at the ship
  984. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh shit
  985. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 21
  986. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right
  987. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Brick has two luck
  988. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 22
  989. 12:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You live another day Comrade
  990. 12:04 AM - Bianca: Bianca, a dedicated and loyal citizen of the good ol' US of A distrusts the dirty communist scum.
  991. 12:04 AM - Perseus: wow rude
  992. 12:04 AM - Perseus: Brick is like brotier
  993. 12:04 AM - Perseus: if you can show him your fists are worthy
  994. 12:04 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You soon smash through the hole Perseus's mecha left, joining him in the hangar as Bianca and Bishop approach the fleet
  996. 12:04 AM - Perseus: "I see you decided to join us, Cedric!"
  997. 12:05 AM - Cedric: *continues flailing*
  998. 12:05 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: A few seconds later, Brick some how joins you in the hangar.
  999. 12:05 AM - Perseus: *sighs* Come Skyren, let's see what we can break in here
  1000. 12:05 AM - Perseus: shit forgot quotes
  1001. 12:05 AM - Perseus: welp
  1002. 12:05 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You would question it, but at this point, you know its best not to
  1003. 12:06 AM - Cedric: *Rights himself and orients himself*
  1004. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: He probably used the MESON beam to project himself into the air
  1005. 12:06 AM - Perseus: I look for the most breakable thing that isn't Cedric
  1006. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: or he used his junk launcher or somthin
  1007. 12:07 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You pick up an unpiloted fighter mecha and throw it out the hangar bay
  1008. 12:07 AM - Perseus: woo
  1009. 12:08 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Looking around, you see several other mecha waiting to be piloted
  1010. 12:08 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10 to
  1011. 12:08 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Fuck
  1012. 12:08 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Shit
  1013. 12:08 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Up
  1014. 12:08 AM - Perseus: awwwyeeee
  1015. 12:08 AM - Perseus: fuk
  1016. 12:08 AM - Cedric: *sounds almost hysterical from his near death experience*
  1017. 12:08 AM - Cedric: "THINGS EXPLODE NOW"
  1018. 12:09 AM - Perseus: that was a terrible fuck shit up roll
  1019. 12:09 AM - Cedric: (and that thing exploding is me)
  1020. 12:09 AM - Perseus: and Trog got even worse
  1021. 12:09 AM - Perseus: gj
  1022. 12:09 AM - Cedric: (shall i reroll?)
  1023. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: No
  1024. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You fuck nothing up
  1025. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: In fact
  1026. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You build a mecha out of spare parts
  1027. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: And hand it to the enemy
  1028. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You guys suck
  1029. 12:10 AM - Cedric: (fuck that shit)
  1030. 12:10 AM - Perseus: oi least I didn't critfail
  1031. 12:10 AM - Cedric: (can i use 9 luck right now?) ;o
  1032. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop, Bianca, intervene in this bullshit
  1033. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: No luck
  1034. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You people
  1035. 12:10 AM - Cedric: (rip)
  1036. 12:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Disappoint me
  1037. 12:11 AM - Perseus: I'm not even mad because of last week
  1038. 12:11 AM - Bianca: Bianca points and laughs to improve team morale.
  1039. 12:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Bianca, you should, like, help these idiots outs."
  1040. 12:11 AM - Cedric: *cedric presses his big button labeled explosions but nothing happens*
  1041. 12:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Or you could do that too."
  1042. 12:11 AM - Perseus: "And not beat yourself in the chest with a missile."
  1043. 12:11 AM - Cedric: "WHAT"
  1044. 12:12 AM - Bianca: "It's been an off day for everyone."
  1045. 12:12 AM - Perseus: "You're still glowing, I believe."
  1046. 12:12 AM - Cedric: *you hear irate and confused mutterings along with what sounds like someone pounding a dashboard*
  1047. 12:12 AM - Bianca: Wipes ashes out of cockpit
  1048. 12:13 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You slam through the hole in the ship, contemplating the security of this fleet
  1049. 12:13 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop adjusts the rearview mirror to get a good look at himself.
  1050. 12:13 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bianca, Bishop, fuck shit up?
  1051. 12:13 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm positively... glowing. Tch!"
  1052. 12:13 AM - Bianca: "I'm all for fucking shit up."
  1053. 12:13 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10
  1054. 12:13 AM - Perseus: helluva roll
  1055. 12:13 AM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  1056. 12:13 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Smooth
  1057. 12:13 AM - Perseus: I'd say you broke the entire planet
  1058. 12:13 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh dam
  1059. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10
  1060. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Again
  1061. 12:14 AM - Perseus: welp
  1062. 12:14 AM - Perseus: this game has too many crits
  1063. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can use a luck
  1064. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: To make that a crit
  1065. 12:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: what's that, a TEN I hear?
  1066. 12:14 AM - Perseus: I think the dice godsa are just fucking with us now
  1067. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bianca, use luck?
  1068. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You only have two
  1069. 12:14 AM - Perseus: why would she when she got a 10
  1070. 12:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: she has 10 already
  1071. 12:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: she got the crit
  1072. 12:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: it is her
  1073. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: She rolled another dice
  1074. 12:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: was a 9
  1075. 12:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: nope
  1076. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: that was me
  1077. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: I got the 9
  1078. 12:15 AM - Bianca: i accidentally typo'ed
  1079. 12:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh
  1080. 12:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Alright
  1081. 12:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bianca, roll another 1d10
  1082. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: which is now a 10
  1083. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: cuz I am just sooooo lucky
  1084. 12:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Double crits
  1085. 12:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Eat it Dan and Trogdor
  1086. 12:15 AM - Cedric: no
  1087. 12:15 AM - Cedric: i don't want that
  1088. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: 14 for fuck shit up
  1089. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: yis
  1090. 12:15 AM - Perseus: not hungry thanks
  1091. 12:15 AM - Perseus: I got crunch bars from halloween
  1092. 12:16 AM - Perseus: that's all the sustinence I need
  1093. 12:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: I bet they taste like disappointment.
  1094. 12:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Following the frankly embarassing preformance of the two ground mecha, Bianca and Bishop party so god damn hard that the ship flying beside this one catches fire
  1095. 12:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Oh right
  1096. 12:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Brick
  1097. 12:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 10
  1098. 12:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 12
  1099. 12:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: OH YIS
  1100. 12:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: GET IT ON
  1101. 12:16 AM - Bianca: Shit is going to be thouroughly fucked up.
  1102. 12:16 AM - Perseus: I'd say it's rigged, but it's Brick
  1103. 12:17 AM - Perseus: so yeah
  1104. 12:17 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He proceeds to stick an arm out the hangar doors, grabs a near by ship, and throws it into the ground
  1105. 12:17 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You three more than made up for Cedric and Perseus
  1106. 12:17 AM - Perseus: also I'm too cool to be embarassed
  1107. 12:18 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then
  1108. 12:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Standing in the hangar of this massive ship, you must ask yourselves a question
  1109. 12:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Wat do
  1110. 12:19 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright, this is the big bird, so expect heavy resistance."
  1111. 12:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B: Heavy resistance you say?
  1112. 12:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "
  1113. 12:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: "They should have some form of armed force on board, at least some sort of defense system in place to prevent parties that go on for too long."
  1114. 12:20 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Brick's eyes light up like a child in a candy store and he proceeds to run through the nearest wall screaming, you would follow him, but you surely wouldn't keep up
  1115. 12:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: "...Why is he here again?"
  1116. 12:21 AM - Perseus: "To break things, I presume?"
  1117. 12:21 AM - Perseus: "Also they're approaching the crash site, so they obviously have hostile intent."
  1118. 12:21 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I thought he was just a scrapper." Bishop thinks aloud.
  1119. 12:22 AM - Perseus: "I can tell by the ebb and flow of his soul, he is more than a simple scrapper."
  1120. 12:22 AM - Bianca: "He's here to be an assualt upon freedom and liberty, that's what he is. God bless the USA."
  1121. 12:22 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The doors are big enough for a mecha to fit through, and looking around the room there are several ways you can go. There is an elevator up to the carrier deck, and a door way labeled "Barracks"
  1122. 12:22 AM - Bishop Hemway: "...And I thought I was the loony one."
  1123. 12:22 AM - Perseus: "So, what did you say your name was, ma'am?"
  1124. 12:23 AM - Perseus: "Don't think I quite caught it after what happened before."
  1125. 12:23 AM - Bianca: "Bianca. My friends call me Bianca."
  1126. 12:23 AM - Cedric: *cedric seems to be calming down slightly*
  1127. 12:24 AM - Perseus: "Well then Bianca, welcome aboard. Thank you for your assistance. Shall we move onwards and break more things?"
  1128. 12:25 AM - Bianca: She nods eagerly. Party hard.
  1129. 12:26 AM - Perseus: "So now, we can go through these doors, in the elevator, to the barracks, or follow Brick's trail of broken walls. Any preferences?"
  1130. 12:26 AM - Cedric: "HOLD ON i gott fix my explosion button"
  1131. 12:27 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll repairs?
  1132. 12:28 AM - Perseus: :v
  1133. 12:28 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric please, there's no time to fix the..." Bishop shudders. "Button."
  1134. 12:29 AM - Cedric: (is that repair or mecha tech)
  1135. 12:29 AM - Perseus: yes
  1136. 12:29 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: (Repair :V)
  1137. 12:29 AM - Cedric: (20)
  1138. 12:30 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The button is fixed
  1139. 12:30 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Probably
  1140. 12:30 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You dont want to test it this close to team mates
  1141. 12:31 AM - Cedric: "BUTTONS' FIXED LETS GO"
  1142. 12:32 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Elevator, or door?
  1143. 12:32 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Alrighty, enough with the distractions. Pers, Skyren, you lead the way."
  1144. 12:34 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Hey, headache coming on, think this is where we stop tonight))
  1145. 12:34 AM - Perseus: good
  1146. 12:34 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Game tomorrow though, someone save the log))
  1147. 12:34 AM - Perseus: cause I got school tomorrow
  1148. 12:34 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop adjusts his rearview again, gives himself another look over. "You're a star, man!"
  1149. 12:35 AM - Bianca: "You're glowing like one. Probably performing as much internal nuclear fusion as one."
  1150. 12:35 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas disconnected.
  1151. 12:35 AM - Bianca: oh kk
  1152. 12:35 AM - Cedric: so um
  1153. 12:35 AM - Cedric: yea
  1154. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, being irradiated is a blast
  1155. 12:35 AM - Perseus: yep
  1156. 12:35 AM - Cedric: the explosion button is going to be my new thing
  1157. 12:35 AM - Perseus: game's over
  1158. 12:35 AM - Perseus: see u 2morro
  1159. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: kk
  1160. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: good thing too
  1161. 12:35 AM - Cedric: gonna shoot every explosion at once
  1162. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: gotta get up in 6 hours
  1163. 12:35 AM - Cedric: ;o
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