
Suicides make everyone suicidal

Mar 2nd, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood with her back leaned against the desk as she watched the group of girls stretch themselves out across the spring floor mat. Crossing her arms over her chest, she turned her head to look down at her phone on the desk, anticipating Felix any minute.-
  2. Covet: Felix had been dragging ass because he knew what tonight was going to be and he was already dreading it. He walked in and shook his head dry from the rain when he walked in. He saw Steph and the group of girls getting stretched out, and went to sit down on the chair to get his shoes and jacket off. He figured nobody would care if he just left his stuff there on the chair.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned when she heard the door open, watching Felix come into the building. She raised her voice a bit, not in a yell, but much more a stern projection. "Ladies! This is Felix. He'll be joining us for conditioning this evening. He's not used to this, so I don't want to hear any comments from the peanut gallery. Understood?" She glanced back at Felix, tipping her head to the side. "Get stretched out. You have five minutes." // The girls all perked up from their stretching when Felix came into the gym, calling out in unison to Steph. "Yes Coach."-
  4. Covet: Felix looked over the girls, expecting them to enjoy his torture regardless of Steph telling them not to comment. He made his way over to the spring mat and jumped a couple of times because it felt cool, then sat down so he could get stretched out in the five minutes he had. He brushed his hair back with his hand and smiled at the girls, "Thanks for letting me join you."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she watched the 15 girls in leotards all gawk at Felix because they're 13 and this is how this works. "We're starting off with five laps around the gym at a jogging pace to warm up. Return to the floor when your done and start forward arm circles until every single person is here doing arm circles." She paused, her eyes lifting to look up at the clock on the wall, because she times them. "Begin!" // All of the girls giggled when Felix spoke, snapping to attention when Steph started giving them directions for their work out. As soon as she told them to, they all jumped up from the mat and broke into a run, heading for the far wall to start running the perimeter of the gym.-
  6. Covet: Felix stood up and started to scramble a bit because he didn't realize his stretch time was already up. He wasn't behind them long because he's taller and legs, and kept a jogging for him pace bouncing on the spring floor as he ran his laps. He was one of the first ones finished and started doing the forward arm circles, while the other's finished up. He looked over at Steph and Stuck his tongue out at her, giving a cheeky fucking smirk.
  7. Alexithymiaa: (Shes going to kill him.)
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph watched them all begin to run back over to the floor, jumping back to the clock before leaning down to mark the time down in her notebook. "Five, four, three, two, one. Drop your arms." She said before clapping her hands together. "Good job. Alright, let's see the squats. Dip, hold, up." Glancing up at the clock, she waited until the second hand got to the twelve before calling out. "Begin!" // All of the girls groaned at the mention of squats, quickly falling into line and starting them.-
  9. Covet: Felix's arms were starting to burn byt the time the rest of the girls got back to the mat, that's what you get for beating them back,asshole. He gave a sigh of relief and dropped his arms shaking them out. When Steph mentioned squats and the girls all groaned he laughed, "They don't get any better as you get older." He told them then started doing squats, giving a wrinkle of his face when Steph didn't even responde to his facial expressions.
  10. Covet: *responded
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Thats the point. You finish running faster, you need to do the other thing for longer.)
  12. Covet: [XD He thought he was hot shit for a second]
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She narrowed her eyes on him when he made wise cracks to the girls, hearing their groans. "Ladies! Please remind me what happens when we complain about squats." // There was an echo of groans again, grumbling unison of small voices calling back. "An extra minute of squats...." // Steph eased off the desk and walked to the edge of the mat, raising her voice a bit more sternly. "Are we making it two extra minutes?" She yelled. // The girls all called back together in a much more respectful voice. "No coach!"-
  14. Covet: "Wait... so are we at an extra minute? Or no?" Felix asked as he stopped squatting for a second, because he wasn't sure. "And I'd like to state for the record that I was not complaining. I was mocking their complaining."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned when he stopped, stepping a bit closer to him. "I didnt realize that your ability to do squats was directly correlated with the use of your mouth. Now everyone gets an extra minute." She said as she continued to walk by them, crossing her arms over her chest. "We're a team. When one person fails, we all fail. We work towards making EVERYONE better, not just ourselves." // Literally every single thirteen year old girl in that room continued with their squats while shooting daggers at Felix.-
  16. Covet: "WHAT!? That's not even fair, I'm not even a part of their team, don't punish them because I suck." He said returning to his squats, trying to shy away from the dirty looks he was getting.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stopped short, turning slowly to look at Felix. "Today, you are a member of this time and you will act accordingly." She spoke sharply at him before walking to the desk. "Time. Relax your legs. One minute planks. Go." // All of the girls got down on the floor quickly, positioning their forearms underneath them and holding the position with ease.-
  18. Alexithymiaa: (team*)
  19. Covet: Felix bit the inside of his cheek and nodded his head mumbling, "Yes, Coach." He changed up so that he could plank with the rest of the team. Felix was starting to wish his punishment could have just been doing house chores. The conditioning wasn't bad, but not being able to joke around and have a little fun was killing his soul right now.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes watched everyone as they held their plank positions, glancing at the clock. "Relax. Count off your own burpees, to twenty, and then get some water. Go!' // The girls jumped up quickly from the floor, reaching their arms up over the heads before crouching back down and getting on the floor, continuing the motions and calling out their numbers as they raced through them.-
  21. Covet: Felix finished his planks and changed pace into doing Burpees, counting them off. He knew if he started off fast he'd be fucked by the end of them so kept it at a steady pace. When he was finished he walked over to the water cooler to get a drink because he didn't bring a waterbottle with him. When he was finished, he assumed they'd have a short break and walked over to Steph at the desk, leaning against it, "So far, not too different from Basketball conditioning."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Watching as the girls all finished up their burpees and scattered off for water, she turned to Felix when he approached her. "You're literally the worst. We're trying to keep a strict regimen here for Nationals next weekend and you're being a goofball." She let out a sigh, pushing her hands up through her hair. "I'm kind of cutting back on a few things theyd normally do because you'd never be able to do it. Not that I'm not all for torturing you, but something tells me you're not going to be able to do standing tuck drills or handstand drills."-
  23. Covet: "They're thirteen. They're kids... really awesome kids, but kids all the same. Let them be kids." Felix said, "But I'll tone it back, serious business all the way." He told her putting his hand out in a flat line. " Front flips and handstands? Really? Why couldn't I be able to do those?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "That's just it... they're kids outside these walls. In here? They're only a couple years away from the peak of their careers. It's a different world, babe. It sucks to think about it like that, but it's the truth. Trust me, I lived it." She exhaled deeply before giving him an unamused look. "Just because you can do one front flip doesnt mean you can do thirty back tucks in a row. Because when you dont do them properly, your form fails after a few. And when your form fails, you fall on your face. You're not doing back tuck drills without knowing how to properly do a back tuck. I'm not going to be responsible for you breaking your neck." She eased off the desk, calling out to them. "Ladies! Bring it in! Line it up at the edge of the mat." She waited for the girls to stand on the edge, beginning to walk along the length of it. "Suicides. A quarter of the way and back. Halfway and back. Three quarters and back. To the other side and back. And if I see anyone not reaching down to touch the floor at each pass, everyone starts over."-
  25. Covet: Felix looked at her, "I could still do handstands." He mumbled then made his way back to the mat so that he could run suicides, Those.. he was familiar with and comfortable doing and breezed through them, only having to cough a couple of times.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She stood with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched them, waiting for everyone to get back to the starting line. Waiting about ten seconds, she called out. "Again!" // The girls all pushed off the starting line, working into their second round of suicides across the mat.-
  27. Covet: "Wooh!" Felix called out as he picked up and went through another set. This time he was definitely coughing more, having to stop and bend over his knees to get it out of his system before he wheezed out, "Can I get another drink please?"
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Some of the girls giggled at Felix as they continued to run by him, which is essentially what Steph told them NOT to do. Stepping forward, she raised her voice. "You can add high knees to the end of training today for laughing. Thank your teammates." She said as she walked to put her hand on Felix's shoulder, pulling him out of the mess of running females so they didnt run into him and he didnt get in their way. "Get some water. Take it easy."-
  29. Covet: Felix nodded his head as Steph helped him get out of the way so he could get himself another drink of water. He snickered at the fact that they had to do high knee suicides, because that really sucks. He took a few deep breaths once he stopped coughing, his lungs on fire at the moment.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Walking away from the girls to make sure Felix wasnt going to drop dead, she looked into his face. "Can you breathe?" She asked him before glancing back at the girls. "Again with high knees!"-
  31. Covet: He nodded, putting his arms over his head, letting his hands rest on his head. "Yeah, it hurts, but I'll be fine. It will stop burning and feeling tight in a little bit." Felix told her as he closed his eyes, taking deep breaths while walking around.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Here, come here." She said as she walked back to the desk, reaching into her gym bag to dig around for the copy of the EP she'd done up specifically for him. Pressing it to her chest, she stretched her palms and fingers out across the plastic case to hide what it was from him until she actually put it in his hands.-
  33. Covet: He followed her back over to the desk with his arms still over his head. He watched her get into her bag and hold something to her chest. "Is this my gift? For conditioning so hard tonight?" He asked all giddy like, like he wasn't just dying not two minutes ago. He put his hands out, practically jumping in place, "Let me see, let me see!"
  34. Covet has left the chat
  35. Covet has joined the chat
  36. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh as she watched him. "Honestly you were going to get it anyway, but we can pretend it's for conditioning." She held out the album to him, the front signed by all five of them. The inside cover was neatly written in Steph's handwriting. 'Felix, you are the inspiration for so much of what I do and love. I owe this to you, my very own bit of defiance. Love Always, Red' She paused so he could look at it, twisting her fingers together. "It was the very first one printed..."-
  37. Covet: "Wait, if I get it anyways, then I should get something else as my actual gift for being here too then." Felix said as if he had ANY room to barter here. He looked at the album, and opened it up, seeing the signatures and the dedication. He smiled and pulled her in, so that he could give her a kiss, regardless if there was a room full of giggling thirteen year olds. "Thanks Red, This is awesome, I'm so fucking proud of you. And these look WAY better than the ones I burned for you for the tour."
  38. Alexithymiaa: "You get me not kicking your ass." She said quickly, smiling at him and stepping in to return the kiss, an eruption of giggling and oohing coming from the mats where the girls were. "Thanks. I couldnt have done this without you. It feels like a shared success." She turned quickly to the girls who had stopped running to gawk at them, sharply snapping at them. "I'm sorry, did anyone say stop? Because I'm pretty sure there's no stopping in the middle of Nationals. Line up for tuck jumps!" Turning back to Felix, she sighed. "I need to finish up with them, you're a distraction. Why don't you go home and let Penny out and I'll be home as soon as I can."-
  39. Covet: "Okay, Drive home safe, It's raining Cats and Dogs out there. Don't bring any of them home either." He said implying to said cats an dogs, not the 13 year olds. He took the CD and walked over to put his shoes back on and his jacket so that he could get out to his Jeep and blast her music all the way home.
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