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- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Server logger started.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Game Version: v1.19.8 (Stable)
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.19
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS) [Kernel]
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Event] Launching server...
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Event] Server v1.19.8, network v1.19.8, api v1.19.0
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Event] Loading configuration...
- 12.7.2024 20:31:17 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Loading savegame
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Loaded existing save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild, Playstyle Lang code: surviveandbuild-bands, WorldType: surviveandbuild-bands
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Savegame /home/tavinho/VintagestoryServer/data/Saves/gaymer.vcdbs loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Start discovering assets
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 25 base assets in category lang
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 24 base assets in category config
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category sounds
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 95 base assets in category shapes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 21 base assets in category textures
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 3 base assets in category entities
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Found 170 base assets in total
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Event] Building assets...
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] /home/tavinho/VintagestoryServer/Mods
- 12.7.2024 20:31:18 [Notification] /home/tavinho/VintagestoryServer/data/Mods
- 12.7.2024 20:31:19 [Notification] Found 103 mods (0 disabled)
- 12.7.2024 20:31:19 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, bettercrates, bloomeryfulldrops, chiseltools, decor, dirtyoldsack, driedpeat, driftersbelongunderground, easysod, extrachests, fancyskyfix, HumanSkinTones, immersivecorpsedrop, juicyores, lastingarmor, meatup, millwright, moreicons, moreclay, moremolds, MoreTorchHolders, MoveLikeKaji, natseasystonebricks, nocharcoallost, nodrifterthrowing, oildeposits, OresAPlenty, primitivesurvival, qptech, rope-bridges, scatastrophe, superfuelresumed, swordz, temporal_gears_stack, thatchexpanded, easytorchlight, translocatorengineeringredux, untamedwildsursidae, usefuldrifterloot, vichnybackpack, game, animationmanagerlib, apeseedbagpatch, egocaribautomapmarkers, bedspawnv2, betterfirepit, betterruins, carryon, chickenSit, commonlib, composter, coolinbarrel, easyprospect, electricity, expandedfoods, fixhandbookclutter, hangingbaskets, herbarium, hydrateordiedrate, medievalexpansion, metalunittooltip, meteoricexpansion, mobsradar, moreanimals, morepiles, nocokelost, particlesplus, petai, rivers, thecritterpack, usefulstuff17, vehicleslib, versionchecker, creative, vsimgui, survival, vsvillage, xlib, metalrecovery, bullseye-continued, captureanimals, cats, configlib, dhyp, electricityaddon, em, extraoverlays, feverstonewilds, hidenotrot, jonascyclezero, onestick, playercorpse, simplewinddirection, stonequarry, treetapping, vanity, wildcrafttree, wolftaming, xinvtweaks, xskills, bricklayers, statushudcont, xskillscatchablepatch
- 12.7.2024 20:31:20 [Warning] [hangingbaskets] Is a Content mod, but .cs or .dll files were found. These will be ignored.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:20 [Notification] Instantiated 221 mod systems from 97 enabled mods
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] [commonlib] Config CaptureAnimals.Config, CaptureAnimals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] [commonlib] Сonfig ExtraOverlays.HealthBarRenderConfig, ExtraOverlays, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null skipped (mod is not enabled)
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] [commonlib] Config PlayerCorpse.Config, PlayerCorpse, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] [Bullseye] Starting Harmony instance
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@/home/tavinho/VintagestoryServer/assets/creative/, modorigin@/home/tavinho/VintagestoryServer/assets/survival/, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,,, mod@EasySod,,, mod@Immersive Corpse Drop (1.19).zip,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mod@Rope Bridges v1.1.0 for,,, mod@Swordz, mod@temporal_gears_stack,,,,, mod@UsefulDrifterLoot,,,, mod@Auto Map Markers (1.19).zip,,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 1040 external assets in category blocktypes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 702 external assets in category itemtypes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 301 external assets in category lang
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 987 external assets in category patches
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 134 external assets in category config
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 183 external assets in category sounds
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 6492 external assets in category shapes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 3945 external assets in category textures
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 1801 external assets in category recipes
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 1014 external assets in category worldgen
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 178 external assets in category entities
- 12.7.2024 20:31:21 [Notification] Found 272 external assets in category compatibility
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Error] Failed to load language file: pt-br.json
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Error] Exception: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'skills-desc', line 33, position 2.
- at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParsePostValue(Boolean ignoreComments)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read()
- at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateDictionary(IDictionary dictionary, JsonReader reader, JsonDictionaryContract contract, JsonProperty containerProperty, String id)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
- at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
- at Vintagestory.API.Config.TranslationService.Load(Boolean lazyLoad) in VintagestoryApi\Localization\TranslationService.cs:line 82
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] started 'Millwright' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] started 'Primitive Survival' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] Tis but a flesh wound!: Server
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] started 'Translocator Engineering' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] [Auto Map Markers] Patched methods: OnGettingBroken, OnGettingBroken, OnInteract
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] started 'Composter' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] No Mod Config specified. Falling back to default settings
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] Medieval Expansion Mod v3.13.1 loading
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:22 [Event] Reading 'Feverstone Wilds' Config
- 12.7.2024 20:31:23 [Notification] [Config lib] Configs loaded: 6
- 12.7.2024 20:31:23 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 96 assets added, 128 assets replaced.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:27 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebrick.json) in bricklayers:patches/survival-recipes-grid-stonebrick.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients, but then 'S' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
- "C": {
- "type": "item",
- "code": "clay-*"
- },
- "L": {
- "type": "item",
- "code": "stone-*",
- "name": "rock",
- "allowedVariants": [
- "andesite",
- "chalk",
- "chert",
- "conglomerate",
- "limestone",
- "claystone",
- "granite",
- "sandstone",
- "shale",
- "basalt",
- "peridotite",
- "phyllite",
- "slate",
- "bauxite"
- ]
- }
- }
- 12.7.2024 20:31:27 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 5353 patches total, successfully applied 5034 patches, missing files on 333 patches, unmet conditions on 2445 patches, had errors on 1 patches
- 12.7.2024 20:31:27 [Event] [xlib] Initialize skills
- 12.7.2024 20:31:28 [Event] [xlib] Registered 11 skills (0 disabled) and 142 abilities (0 disabled).
- 12.7.2024 20:31:28 [Event] [xlib] Initialize effects
- 12.7.2024 20:31:28 [Event] [xlib] Registered 34 effects and 0 effect triggers.
- 12.7.2024 20:31:32 [Notification] Loaded 8734 unique items
- 12.7.2024 20:32:09 [Notification] Loaded 64084 unique blocks
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Notification] Loaded 997 unique entities
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Event] 14 cooking recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Event] 3 mixing recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:10 [Event] 1555 kneading recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:11 [Event] 653 simmer recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-stainlesssteel in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-stainlesssteel cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-titanium in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-titanium cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-mithril in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-mithril cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-adamant in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-adamant cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-orichalcum in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-orichalcum cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-aithril in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-aithril cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-stainlesssteel in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-stainlesssteel cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-titanium in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-titanium cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-mithril in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-mithril cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-adamant in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-adamant cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-orichalcum in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-orichalcum cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-aithril in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'chiseltools:decorative anvil': Output Block code chiseltools:chiseledanvil-aithril cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code easydecor:sodslab-up-ns-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:13 [Error] Grid Recipe 'easysod:recipes/grid/easysodroofing.json': Output Block code easydecor:sodslab-up-ns-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-bismuthbronze contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-iron contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-steel contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-blackbronze contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-gold contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-silver contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:leather-brown in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code vichnybackpack:backpack-brown-meteoriciron contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code game:leather-brown
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-kimberlite in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-kimberlite cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-obsidian in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-obsidian cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-suevite in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-suevite cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code hangingbaskets:hangingflowerpot-raw in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'hangingbaskets:recipes/grid/hangingflowerpot.json': Output Block code hangingbaskets:hangingflowerpot-raw cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code electricityaddon:drilltip in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code electricityaddon:edrill contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Item code electricityaddon:drilltip
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:oar-crude-petrified in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:crude wood oar': Output Item code wildcrafttree:oar-crude-petrified cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:boat-raft-petrified in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:wood raft': Output Item code wildcrafttree:boat-raft-petrified cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-guajacum-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-guajacum-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-saxaul-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-saxaul-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-chlorociboria-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-chlorociboria-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-petrified-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-petrified-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-guajacum-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-guajacum-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-saxaul-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-saxaul-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-chlorociboria-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-chlorociboria-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-petrified-n-closed-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:14 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewngate.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfencegate-petrified-n-closed-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-guajacum-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-guajacum-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-saxaul-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-saxaul-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-chlorociboria-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-chlorociboria-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-petrified-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-petrified-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-guajacum-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-guajacum-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-saxaul-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-saxaul-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-chlorociboria-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-chlorociboria-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-petrified-ew-free in Grid recipe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:15 [Error] Grid Recipe 'wildcrafttree:recipes/grid/roughhewnfence.json': Output Block code wildcrafttree:roughhewnfence-petrified-ew-free cannot be resolved
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Event] 4082 crafting recipes loaded from 1291 files
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code swordz:excavatorhead-iron in smithing recipe swordz:recipes/smithing/heads/excavatorhead.jsongame:ingot-iron
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code swordz:tunnelerhead-iron in smithing recipe swordz:recipes/smithing/heads/tunnelerhead.jsongame:ingot-iron
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code electricityaddon:drilltip in smithing recipe electricityaddon:recipes/smithing/drilltip.jsongame:ingot-steel
- 12.7.2024 20:32:17 [Event] 648 smithing recipes loaded (3 could not be resolved)
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Event] 482 clay forming recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Event] 45 knapping recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Barrel recipe barrel recipe machines:recipes/barrel/cable.json, ingredient machines:liquidrubberportion does not define a litres attribute but a quantity, will assume quantity=litres for backwards compatibility.
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Event] 1158 barrel recipes loaded
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown1-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown2-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown3-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown4-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown5-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown6-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-grown7-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leavesbranchy-placed-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown1-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown1-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown2-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown2-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown3-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown3-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown4-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown4-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown5-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown5-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown6-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown6-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown7-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-grown7-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-placed-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-crimsonkingmaple in Block game:leaves-placed-crimsonkingmaple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown1-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown2-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown3-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown4-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown5-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown6-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-grown7-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-birch in Block game:leaves-placed-birch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown1-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown1-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown2-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown2-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown3-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown3-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown4-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown4-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown5-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown5-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown6-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown6-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-grown7-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-grown7-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-oak in Block game:leaves-placed-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-oak in Block game:leaves-placed-oak
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown1-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown1-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown2-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown2-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown3-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown3-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown4-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown4-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown5-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown5-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown6-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown6-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-grown7-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-grown7-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-maple in Block game:leaves-placed-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-maple in Block game:leaves-placed-maple
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown1-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown1-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown2-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown2-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown3-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown3-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown4-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown4-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown5-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown5-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown6-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown6-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-grown7-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-grown7-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-pine in Block game:leaves-placed-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-pine in Block game:leaves-placed-pine
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown1-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown1-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown2-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown2-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown3-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown3-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown4-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown4-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown5-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown5-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown6-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown6-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown7-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-grown7-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-acacia in Block game:leaves-placed-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-acacia in Block game:leaves-placed-acacia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown1-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown2-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown3-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown4-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown5-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown6-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-grown7-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kapok in Block game:leaves-placed-kapok
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown1-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown1-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown2-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown2-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown3-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown3-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown4-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown4-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown5-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown5-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown6-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown6-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown7-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-grown7-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-placed-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-baldcypress in Block game:leaves-placed-baldcypress
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown1-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown2-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown3-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown4-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown5-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown6-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-grown7-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-larch in Block game:leaves-placed-larch
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown1-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown1-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown2-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown2-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown3-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown3-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown4-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown4-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown5-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown5-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown6-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown6-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown7-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-grown7-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redwood in Block game:leaves-placed-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redwood in Block game:leaves-placed-redwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown1-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown1-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown2-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown2-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown3-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown3-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown4-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown4-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown5-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown5-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown6-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown6-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown7-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-grown7-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ebony in Block game:leaves-placed-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ebony in Block game:leaves-placed-ebony
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown1-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown2-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown3-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown4-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown5-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown6-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-grown7-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-walnut in Block game:leaves-placed-walnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown1-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown1-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown2-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown2-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown3-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown3-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown4-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown4-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown5-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown5-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown6-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown6-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown7-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-grown7-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-placed-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-purpleheart in Block game:leaves-placed-purpleheart
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-grown-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed1-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed2-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed3-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed4-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed5-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed6-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leavesbranchy-placed7-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluespruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-bluespruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-wiliwili in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-wiliwili
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-alder in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-alder
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sourwood in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-sourwood
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-cedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-cedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-spruce in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-spruce
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-douglasfir in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-douglasfir
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-tuja in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-tuja
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-redcedar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-redcedar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-yew in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-yew
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-kauri in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-kauri
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ginkgo in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ginkgo
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sycamore in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-sycamore
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-honeylocust in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-honeylocust
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-dalbergia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-dalbergia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-umnini in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-umnini
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-banyan in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-banyan
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-elm in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-elm
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-beech in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-beech
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bearnut in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-bearnut
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-poplar in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-poplar
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-guajacum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-guajacum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ghostgum in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ghostgum
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-ohia in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-ohia
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-satinash in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-satinash
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-bluemahoe in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-bluemahoe
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-sal in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-sal
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-mahogany in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-mahogany
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-saxaul in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-saxaul
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-catalpa in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-catalpa
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-jacaranda
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-empresstree
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-spruce-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-spruce-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-spruce-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-spruce-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-cedar-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-cedar-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-cedar-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-cedar-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-douglasfir-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-douglasfir-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-douglasfir-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-douglasfir-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-dalbergia-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-dalbergia-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-dalbergia-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-dalbergia-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-tuja-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-tuja-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-tuja-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-tuja-ud
- 12.7.2024 20:32:18 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
- 12.7.2024 20:32:57 [Event] started 'More Piles' mod
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Event] Initialising systems...
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Notification] Hello from template mod server side: swordz:hello
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
- 12.7.2024 20:32:59 [Notification] [Bullseye] Applying server-side Harmony patches
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Event] 29 baits loaded [captureanimals]
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Started 199 systems on Server:
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSyncHarvestableDropsToClient
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (rivers):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.RiversMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.NewGenTerra
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.GeneratePartialFeatures
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.GravelGen
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.GravityBlocksPass
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Rivers.InitialClay
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemExplosionAffectedStability
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCommandHandbook
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemOreMap
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSnowballs
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.DisableRecipeRegisteringSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (commonlib):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] CommonLib.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (bullseye-continued):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Bullseye.BullseyeSystemConfig
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Bullseye.BullseyeSystemCore
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Bullseye.BullseyeSystemCoreServer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Bullseye.BullseyeSystemRangedWeapon
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (configlib):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ConfigLib.ConfigLibModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ACulinaryArtillery.ACARecipeRegistrySystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (bettercrates):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] BetterCratesNamespace.BetterCrates
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (chiseltools):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] chisel.src.ChiselToolLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (extrachests):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ExtraChests.ExtraChests
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'Immersive Corpse Drop (1.19).zip' (immersivecorpsedrop):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Egocarib.ImmersiveCorpseDrop.ImmersiveCorpseDropMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (millwright):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Millwright.ModSystem.MillwrightSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (MoveLikeKaji):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MoveLikeKaji.MoveLikeKajiModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (nocharcoallost):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] NoCharcoalLost.NoCharcoalLost
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (oildeposits):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] OilDeposits.OilDepositsMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.TreeHollows
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (qptech):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModdedFirePit
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.HVACEnvironmentUpdater
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.TextureTestLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.EntityHopper
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitStoker
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.FirepitUnloader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.IceBox
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.QPTECHLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.networks.FlexNetworkManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.AniTestLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.BEBlockSeekerLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.LoadPowerSink
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] qptech.src.misc.MBTLoader
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (scatastrophe):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Scatastrophe.SCore
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Scatastrophe.Harmony.HarmonyPatches
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Scatastrophe.Compatibility.XSkillsCompat
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] BalancedThirst.Systems.PoopNetwork
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'Swordz' (swordz):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] swordz.swordzModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (translocatorengineeringredux):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] TranslocatorEngineering.ModSystem.TranslocatorEngineeringMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (animationmanagerlib):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] AnimationManagerLib.AnimationManagerLibSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'Auto Map Markers (1.19).zip' (egocaribautomapmarkers):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Egocarib.AutoMapMarkers.MapMarkerMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (bedspawnv2):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] BedSpawn.BedSpawnModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (betterfirepit):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] BetterFirepit.Program
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (carryon):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] CarryOn.CarrySystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (chickenSit):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ChickenSit.ChickenSitModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (composter):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Composter.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (coolinbarrel):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] coolinbarrel.coolinbarrelModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (easyprospect):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] EasyProspect.EasyProspectModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (electricity):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Electricity.Electricity
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] EFRecipes.EFRecipes
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (herbarium):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] herbarium.Herbarium
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (hydrateordiedrate):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] HydrateOrDiedrateModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (medievalexpansion):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] gates.src.MedievalExpansionMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (meteoricexpansion):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.RegisterCommands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.RegisterEntities
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Utility.RegisterConfig
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Systems.MeteorSpawner
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Systems.ShowerSpawner
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Items.RegisterItems
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.EntityRenderers.RegisterEntityRenderer
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Entities.RegisterBehaviours
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.Blocks.RegisterBlocks
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MeteoricExpansion.BlockEntities.RegisterBlockEntities
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (moreanimals):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MoreAnimals.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (morepiles):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MorePiles.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] MorePiles.HarmonyPatches
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (nocokelost):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] NoCokeLost.NoCokeLostMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (petai):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PetAI.PetAI
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (thecritterpack):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] thecritterpack.Utility.RegisterConfig
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (usefulstuff17):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] UsefulStuff.UsefulStuff
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] UsefulStuff.GasHelper
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (vehicleslib):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] VehiclesLib.VehiclesLibMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (vsvillage):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] VsVillage.VillageCommands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] VsVillage.VillageManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] VsVillage.VsVillage
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] VsVillage.VillageGenerator
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (captureanimals):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] CaptureAnimals.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] CaptureAnimals.BaitsManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (cats):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Cats.Cats
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (dhyp):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] DontHitYourPets.DontHitYourPetsModSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (electricityaddon):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] ElectricityAddon.ElectricityAddon
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (feverstonewilds):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] FeverstoneWilds.FWildsCore
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (onestick):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] onestick.src.OneStickSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (playercorpse):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PlayerCorpse.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PlayerCorpse.Systems.Commands
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] PlayerCorpse.Systems.DeathContentManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (simplewinddirection):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] SimpleWindDirection.SimpleWindDirectionSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (stonequarry):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] StoneQuarry.Core
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] StoneQuarry.RockManager
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (treetapping):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] TreeTapper.TreeTapperMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (vanity):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Vanity.VanityMod
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (wolftaming):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Wolftaming.Wolftaming
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (metalrecovery):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] AnvilMetalRecovery.MetalRecoverySystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (xlib):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] XLib.XLeveling.XLeveling
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] XLib.XEffects.XEffectsSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (xskills):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] XSkills.XSkills
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] XSkills.LatePatcher
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] Mod '' (xinvtweaks):
- 12.7.2024 20:33:00 [Notification] XInvTweaks.XInvTweaksSystem
- 12.7.2024 20:33:02 [Notification] Server map set
- 12.7.2024 20:33:02 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'machines:plate' output tool-item: 'machines:pipewrench'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'machines:plate' output tool-item: 'machines:pipewrench'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'swordz:metal haft' output tool-item: 'swordz:pernach-lead-copper'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'swordz:metal haft' output tool-item: 'swordz:tunneler-steel-iron'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'swordz:zweihander crossguard' output tool-item: 'swordz:zweihander-iron-iron-blunt'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'swordz:zweihander crossguard' output tool-item: 'swordz:zweihander-meteoriciron-meteoriciron-blunt'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:03 [Warning] [metalrecovery] Duplicate recipie 'swordz:zweihander crossguard' output tool-item: 'swordz:zweihander-steel-steel-blunt'
- 12.7.2024 20:33:04 [Event] [metalrecovery] tallied 328 smithables totaling 8681 metal units from 648 smithing recipies!
- 12.7.2024 20:33:04 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
- 12.7.2024 20:33:04 [Event] Starting world generators...
- 12.7.2024 20:33:17 [Notification] Reloaded 90 tree generators
- 12.7.2024 20:33:17 [Warning] Block patch Nr. 194: Unable to resolve block with code feverstonewilds:seaweedbulb-section. Will ignore.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:17 [Warning] Block patch Nr. 195: Unable to resolve block with code feverstonewilds:seaweedbulb-section. Will ignore.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:17 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:33:17 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Handling Console Command /stats
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Version: 1.19.8
- Uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 0 seconds
- Players last online: 120 seconds ago
- Players online: 0 / 16
- Memory usage Managed/Total: 3370.9Mb / 4875.4 Mb
- Loaded chunks: 0
- Loaded entities: 0 (0 active)
- Network: 0 Packets/s or 0 Kb/s
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 512000, 114, 512000
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Event] Begin game ticking...
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Entering runphase RunGame
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Event] Begin searching for PMP and UPnP devices...
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Successfully loaded 93 waypoints
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] Starting server threads
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Event] Servidor dedicado now running on Port 42420 and all ips!
- 12.7.2024 20:33:18 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:24 [Event] Device with external ip found. Created mapping for port 42420!
- 12.7.2024 20:33:24 [Notification] Server Advertising enabled. Attempt to register at the master server.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:24 [Notification] VerifyPlayerAuth is off. Will not register to master server
- 12.7.2024 20:33:24 [Notification] Registering to master server...
- 12.7.2024 20:33:25 [Notification] Master server response status: ok
- 12.7.2024 20:33:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2100ms to complete.
- 12.7.2024 20:33:54 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 1
- 12.7.2024 20:34:00 [Event] Client disconnected.
- 12.7.2024 20:34:21 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 2
- 12.7.2024 20:34:23 [Notification] Client uid TpOoY01MeccS1zapXsefPC6h attempting identification. Name: ForeverGood023
- 12.7.2024 20:34:23 [Notification] Delayed join, need to load one spawn chunk first.
- 12.7.2024 20:34:23 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
- 12.7.2024 20:34:23 [Notification] Entity behavior liquidencumbrancee for entity game:player not found, will not load it.
- 12.7.2024 20:34:23 [Notification] Placing player at 512343,3 116 511848,23150830076
- 12.7.2024 20:36:05 [Event] ForeverGood023 [::ffff:]:51032 joins.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:06 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:18 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 11 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] Offthread save of 46 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] Offthread save of 3 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:19 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 20:36:51 [Notification] Handling Command (ForeverGood023) /genbackup
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Offthread save of 136 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Offthread save of 141 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:41:20 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Offthread save of 128 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:21 [Event] Offthread save of 139 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:46:22 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Offthread save of 151 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Offthread save of 145 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:51:23 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Offthread save of 143 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Offthread save of 146 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 20:56:24 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Offthread save of 112 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Offthread save of 140 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:01:26 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Offthread save of 116 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Offthread save of 140 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:06:27 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:07:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,002913737
- 12.7.2024 21:07:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0014568716
- 12.7.2024 21:07:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,025185872
- 12.7.2024 21:07:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,0125929415
- 12.7.2024 21:07:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,030753907
- 12.7.2024 21:07:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,015376955
- 12.7.2024 21:07:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,03632194
- 12.7.2024 21:07:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,018160969
- 12.7.2024 21:07:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:07:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,058594074
- 12.7.2024 21:07:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,029297039
- 12.7.2024 21:08:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06416211
- 12.7.2024 21:08:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,032081053
- 12.7.2024 21:08:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,06973014
- 12.7.2024 21:08:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,034865066
- 12.7.2024 21:08:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,075298175
- 12.7.2024 21:08:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,037649095
- 12.7.2024 21:08:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:38 [Notification] Message to all in group 0: Uma tempestade temporal pesada está se aproximando
- 12.7.2024 21:08:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08086621
- 12.7.2024 21:08:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,04043311
- 12.7.2024 21:08:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,08986784
- 12.7.2024 21:08:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,044933915
- 12.7.2024 21:08:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:08:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,11213998
- 12.7.2024 21:08:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,056069985
- 12.7.2024 21:09:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,117708005
- 12.7.2024 21:09:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,058854
- 12.7.2024 21:09:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,13998014
- 12.7.2024 21:09:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,06999007
- 12.7.2024 21:09:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,16225228
- 12.7.2024 21:09:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,08112614
- 12.7.2024 21:09:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,18619466
- 12.7.2024 21:09:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,09309733
- 12.7.2024 21:09:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,2084668
- 12.7.2024 21:09:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1042334
- 12.7.2024 21:09:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:09:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23073894
- 12.7.2024 21:09:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,11536947
- 12.7.2024 21:10:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,25301108
- 12.7.2024 21:10:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,12650554
- 12.7.2024 21:10:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,27528322
- 12.7.2024 21:10:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,13764161
- 12.7.2024 21:10:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,29755533
- 12.7.2024 21:10:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,14877766
- 12.7.2024 21:10:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,31982747
- 12.7.2024 21:10:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,15991373
- 12.7.2024 21:10:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3420996
- 12.7.2024 21:10:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1710498
- 12.7.2024 21:10:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:10:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,36437175
- 12.7.2024 21:10:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,18218587
- 12.7.2024 21:11:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,3977796
- 12.7.2024 21:11:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,1988898
- 12.7.2024 21:11:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,42005175
- 12.7.2024 21:11:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,21002588
- 12.7.2024 21:11:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Offthread save of 125 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:28 [Event] Offthread save of 140 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:29 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:11:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4423239
- 12.7.2024 21:11:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,22116195
- 12.7.2024 21:11:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,46459603
- 12.7.2024 21:11:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23229802
- 12.7.2024 21:11:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,47016406
- 12.7.2024 21:11:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23508203
- 12.7.2024 21:11:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:11:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:11:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:12:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4757321
- 12.7.2024 21:12:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,23786604
- 12.7.2024 21:12:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4812923
- 12.7.2024 21:12:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24064615
- 12.7.2024 21:12:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,48684603
- 12.7.2024 21:12:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24342301
- 12.7.2024 21:12:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,49238706
- 12.7.2024 21:12:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24619353
- 12.7.2024 21:12:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,4979157
- 12.7.2024 21:12:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,24895784
- 12.7.2024 21:12:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5199144
- 12.7.2024 21:12:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2599572
- 12.7.2024 21:12:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:12:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:12:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:13:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5418623
- 12.7.2024 21:13:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,27093115
- 12.7.2024 21:13:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5862129
- 12.7.2024 21:13:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,29310644
- 12.7.2024 21:13:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,60818
- 12.7.2024 21:13:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,30409
- 12.7.2024 21:13:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,63009864
- 12.7.2024 21:13:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,31504932
- 12.7.2024 21:13:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:35 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:36 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:37 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:38 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:39 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,65196973
- 12.7.2024 21:13:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,32598487
- 12.7.2024 21:13:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:40 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:41 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:42 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:43 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:44 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:45 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:46 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:47 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:48 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:49 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,67381674
- 12.7.2024 21:13:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,33690837
- 12.7.2024 21:13:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:50 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:51 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:52 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:53 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:54 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:55 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:56 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:57 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:58 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:13:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:13:59 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:14:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,6956159
- 12.7.2024 21:14:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,34780794
- 12.7.2024 21:14:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:00 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:01 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:02 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:03 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:04 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:05 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:06 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:07 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:08 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:09 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,74800324
- 12.7.2024 21:14:10 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37400162
- 12.7.2024 21:14:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:11 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:12 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:13 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:14 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:15 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:16 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:17 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:18 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:19 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7555179
- 12.7.2024 21:14:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,37775895
- 12.7.2024 21:14:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:20 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:21 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:22 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:23 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:24 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:25 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:26 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:27 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:28 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:29 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,7609388
- 12.7.2024 21:14:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,3804694
- 12.7.2024 21:14:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,79335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:30 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,39667562
- 12.7.2024 21:14:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,79335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,39667562
- 12.7.2024 21:14:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,79335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:31 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,39667562
- 12.7.2024 21:14:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,79335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,39667562
- 12.7.2024 21:14:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,71335125
- 12.7.2024 21:14:32 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,35667562
- 12.7.2024 21:14:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,5533512
- 12.7.2024 21:14:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,2766756
- 12.7.2024 21:14:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,39335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:33 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,19667561
- 12.7.2024 21:14:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,23335123
- 12.7.2024 21:14:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,116675615
- 12.7.2024 21:14:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] 0,073351234
- 12.7.2024 21:14:34 [Warning] [scatastrophe] -0,036675617
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Offthread save of 113 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Offthread save of 140 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:16:30 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 11 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Offthread save of 164 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Offthread save of 140 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:31 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:21:44 [Notification] A Player requested new view distance: 64
- 12.7.2024 21:24:31 [Notification] Message to all in group 0: Uma tempestade temporal pesada é iminente
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Offthread save of 117 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Offthread save of 57 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:26:32 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:30:03 [Notification] Last player disconnected, compacting large object heap...
- 12.7.2024 21:30:04 [Event] O Jogador ForeverGood023 saiu.
- 12.7.2024 21:30:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1469ms to complete.
- 12.7.2024 21:30:04 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:30:18 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1435ms to complete.
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Offthread save of 0 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Offthread save of 1 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:31:34 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Offthread save of 0 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Offthread save of 0 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:36:35 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Offthread save of 0 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Offthread save of 0 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:41:36 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Offthread save of 0 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Offthread save of 0 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:46:37 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:49:54 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 3
- 12.7.2024 21:49:56 [Notification] Client uid TpOoY01MeccS1zapXsefPC6h attempting identification. Name: ForeverGood023
- 12.7.2024 21:49:56 [Notification] Delayed join, need to load one spawn chunk first.
- 12.7.2024 21:49:56 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
- 12.7.2024 21:49:56 [Notification] Entity behavior liquidencumbrancee for entity game:player not found, will not load it.
- 12.7.2024 21:49:56 [Notification] Placing player at 512349,4149017578 116 511850,29460117186
- 12.7.2024 21:50:27 [Event] ForeverGood023 [::ffff:]:51555 joins.
- 12.7.2024 21:50:27 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Offthread save of 21 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Offthread save of 1 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:51:38 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:53:23 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 4
- 12.7.2024 21:53:24 [Notification] Client uid GNf78tkRCqxgQmFVCzS0qkYI attempting identification. Name: saito0107
- 12.7.2024 21:53:24 [Notification] Delayed join, need to load one spawn chunk first.
- 12.7.2024 21:53:24 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
- 12.7.2024 21:53:24 [Notification] Entity behavior liquidencumbrancee for entity game:player not found, will not load it.
- 12.7.2024 21:53:24 [Notification] Placing player at 512355,1567660156 117 511916,69999990234
- 12.7.2024 21:53:25 [Event] Client disconnected.
- 12.7.2024 21:54:33 [Notification] Message to all in group 0: A tempestade temporal parece estar minguando
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Offthread save of 46 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Offthread save of 27 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 21:56:39 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 21:58:47 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code game:grain-{flax|spelt|rye|sunflower} in mouth inventory accept stacks
- 12.7.2024 22:00:03 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 5
- 12.7.2024 22:00:04 [Notification] Client uid GNf78tkRCqxgQmFVCzS0qkYI attempting identification. Name: saito0107
- 12.7.2024 22:00:04 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
- 12.7.2024 22:00:04 [Notification] Entity behavior liquidencumbrancee for entity game:player not found, will not load it.
- 12.7.2024 22:00:04 [Notification] Placing player at 512355,1567660156 117 511916,69999990234
- 12.7.2024 22:00:54 [Event] saito0107 [::ffff:]:60714 joins.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 9 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Offthread save of 155 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Offthread save of 137 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:01:41 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Offthread save of 209 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Offthread save of 142 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:06:42 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 22:07:29 [Notification] Handling Command (saito0107) /waypoint remove 15
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Event] Offthread save of 168 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:11:43 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:11:44 [Event] Offthread save of 138 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:11:44 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 22:13:11 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 6
- 12.7.2024 22:13:12 [Notification] Client uid GNf78tkRCqxgQmFVCzS0qkYI attempting identification. Name: saito0107
- 12.7.2024 22:13:12 [Event] saito0107 joined again, killing previous client.
- 12.7.2024 22:13:12 [Event] O Jogador saito0107 saiu.
- 12.7.2024 22:13:12 [Notification] Was about to finalize player ident, but player is no longer online. Ignoring.
- 12.7.2024 22:13:44 [Event] Client disconnected.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:32 [Notification] Last player disconnected, compacting large object heap...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:34 [Event] O Jogador ForeverGood023 saiu.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:34 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via TCP, assigning client id 7
- 12.7.2024 22:16:34 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1469ms to complete.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:34 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:35 [Notification] Client uid GNf78tkRCqxgQmFVCzS0qkYI attempting identification. Name: saito0107
- 12.7.2024 22:16:35 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False. Server control privilege is True
- 12.7.2024 22:16:35 [Notification] Entity behavior liquidencumbrancee for entity game:player not found, will not load it.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:35 [Notification] Placing player at 512356,3000000119 116 511902,2287067611
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Offthread save of 143 chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Offthread save of 82 map chunks done.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:45 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:48 [Notification] Message to all in group 0: <strong>Admin:</strong>SERVER SHUTTING DOWN IN 10 SECONDS. Saving map...
- 12.7.2024 22:16:58 [Notification] Handling Console Command /stop
- 12.7.2024 22:16:58 [Notification] Message to all in group 0: Console Admin iniciou o desligamento do servidor
- 12.7.2024 22:16:58 [Event] Console Admin shuts down server.
- 12.7.2024 22:16:58 [Notification] Last player disconnected, compacting large object heap...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] Server stop requested, begin shutdown sequence. Stop reason: Shutdown via server command
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] Entering runphase Shutdown
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] [metalrecovery] Persisting configuration.
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] [Bullseye] Unpatching and disposing of Harmony
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] Unregistering from master server...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved player world data...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved map regions...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved map chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved loaded chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved generating chunks...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] Saved savegamedata...2
- 12.7.2024 22:17:00 [Event] World saved! Saved 44 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] Shutting down 6 server threads...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] Killed console thread
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] All threads gracefully shut down
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] Doing last tick...
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] Stopped the server!
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Notification] Shut down command executed
- 12.7.2024 22:17:01 [Event] Deleting port map on device with external ip
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