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Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed.
  2. at liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( ~[liquibase-core-3.4.2.jar:na]
  3. at liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase.close( ~[liquibase-core-3.4.2.jar:na]
  4. at liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibase.afterPropertiesSet( ~[liquibase-core-3.4.2.jar:na]
  5. at com.mycompany.myapp.config.liquibase.AsyncSpringLiquibase.initDb( ~[classes/:na]
  6. at com.mycompany.myapp.config.liquibase.AsyncSpringLiquibase.lambda$afterPropertiesSet$31( ~[classes/:na]
  7. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  8. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  9. at ~[na:1.8.0_60]
  10. Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed.
  11. at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection.checkClosed( ~[postgresql-9.4-1203-jdbc42.jar:9.4]
  12. at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection.setAutoCommit( ~[postgresql-9.4-1203-jdbc42.jar:9.4]
  13. at com.zaxxer.hikari.proxy.ConnectionProxy.setAutoCommit( ~[HikariCP-2.4.1.jar:na]
  14. at com.zaxxer.hikari.proxy.HikariConnectionProxy.setAutoCommit( ~[HikariCP-2.4.1.jar:na]
  15. at liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( ~[liquibase-core-3.4.2.jar:na]
  16. ... 7 common frames omitted
  18. # ===================================================================
  19. # Standard Spring Boot properties.
  20. # Full reference is available at:
  21. # application-properties.html
  22. # ===================================================================
  24. spring:
  25. profiles:
  26. active: dev
  27. devtools:
  28. restart:
  29. enabled: true
  30. livereload:
  31. enabled: false # we use Grunt + BrowserSync for livereload
  32. datasource:
  33. driver-class-name: org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource
  34. url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:3306/bowl
  35. name:
  36. username: postgres
  37. password: root
  38. jpa:
  39. database-platform: com.mycompany.myapp.domain.util.FixedPostgreSQL82Dialect
  40. database: POSTGRESQL
  41. show_sql: true
  42. properties:
  43. hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache: true
  44. hibernate.cache.use_query_cache: false
  45. hibernate.generate_statistics: true
  46. hibernate.cache.region.factory_class: org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory
  47. data:
  48. elasticsearch:
  49. cluster-name:
  50. cluster-nodes:
  51. properties:
  52. path:
  53. logs: target/elasticsearch/log
  54. data: target/elasticsearch/data
  55. mail:
  56. host: localhost
  57. messages:
  58. cache-seconds: 1
  59. thymeleaf:
  60. cache: false
  62. liquibase:
  63. contexts: dev
  65. server:
  66. port: 8080
  68. # ===================================================================
  69. # JHipster specific properties
  70. # ===================================================================
  72. jhipster:
  73. cache: # Hibernate 2nd level cache, used by CacheConfiguration
  74. timeToLiveSeconds: 3600
  75. ehcache:
  76. maxBytesLocalHeap: 16M
  77. mail: # specific JHipster mail property, for standard properties see MailProperties
  78. from: test@localhost
  79. metrics: # DropWizard Metrics configuration, used by MetricsConfiguration
  80. jmx.enabled: true
  81. spark:
  82. enabled: false
  83. host: localhost
  84. port: 9999
  85. graphite:
  86. enabled: false
  87. host: localhost
  88. port: 2003
  89. prefix: test
  91. spring:
  92. jpa:
  93. open-in-view: false
  94. hibernate:
  95. ddl-auto: none
  96. naming-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringNamingStrategy
  97. messages:
  98. basename: classpath:/i18n/messages
  99. mvc:
  100. favicon:
  101. enabled: false
  102. thymeleaf:
  103. mode: XHTML
  105. security:
  106. basic:
  107. enabled: false
  109. # ===================================================================
  110. # JHipster specific properties
  111. # ===================================================================
  113. jhipster:
  114. async:
  115. corePoolSize: 2
  116. maxPoolSize: 50
  117. queueCapacity: 10000
  118. #cors: #By default CORS are not enabled. Uncomment to enable.
  119. #allowed-origins: "*"
  120. #allowed-methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
  121. #allowed-headers: "*"
  122. #exposed-headers:
  123. #allow-credentials: true
  124. #max-age: 1800
  125. mail:
  126. from: test@localhost
  127. security:
  128. rememberme:
  129. # security key (this key should be unique for your application, and kept secret)
  130. key: 7ba7d54b8c54ee10147cf46baa898c4cb7b4a597
  131. swagger:
  132. title: test API
  133. description: test API documentation
  134. version: 0.0.1
  135. termsOfServiceUrl:
  136. contact:
  137. license:
  138. licenseUrl:
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