

Jul 19th, 2022
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  1. <Donco> lol
  2. * ogrom quit. (Client closed connection)
  3. Ross havin been dead 3 times have no problem believing in resurrections
  4. <etti> lol
  5. <Raven`X> Were you dead for 3 days?
  6. <UndeadLazarus> Donco: obviously you don't have the indwelling of the holy spirit to guide you a proper understanding
  7. <Ross> no, just a couple of hours
  8. <etti> lol
  9. <Doc-> <------ only been dead one time, and only a couple of minutes
  10. <etti> biggest crock i have ever heard
  11. <Ross> drs resurrect ppl in emergency rooms each day
  12. <Raven`X> I'll be glad to get back to work.
  13. <Ross> how's the pop-corn
  14. <etti> lol
  15. <etti> why is Ross pm'ing me
  16. * depressed19m_ joins the channel.
  17. * Profound sets mode +v depressed19m_
  18. <Ross> if ppl have inalienable rights, they must have given to us by an alien
  19. <Ross> the Alien Who deposited life on this planet gave to each the right to choose how moronic one can be
  20. <Ross> dont be obsene etti
  21. <etti> your pm's are obscene
  22. <etti> grow up
  23. * Ross sets mode +b etti!*@*
  24. <RenaissanceM_FreeMsEmmy> Ooh, Do share!
  25. * etti was kicked by Ross (troll another day).
  26. <RenaissanceM_FreeMsEmmy> Ross: Reason for the ban, please.
  27. <Ross> you're no judge here
  28. <RenaissanceM_FreeMsEmmy> Yes, but you're an op here.
  29. <Ross> and you can quit trolling for Ms_Emy
  30. <RenaissanceM_FreeMsEmmy> And the channel rules allow us to ask for a reason for your actions.
  31. <Ross> we dont have to put up with your crap
  32. * RenaissanceM_FreeMsEmmy was kicked by Ross (troll somewhere else).
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