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Mar 7th, 2013
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  1. <jurov> mircea_popescu , is there any place for mpex chinese/pakistani users to inquiry about the outage?
  2. <mircea_popescu> jurov here basically.
  3. <jurov> one dude came and seemd completely out of his mind
  4. <mircea_popescu> have him join the chan it can be explained to him.
  5. <deadweasel> which one?
  6. <deadweasel> Rick___?
  7. <jurov> yes. he's gone now.
  8. <mircea_popescu> awww that poor dude was sending me crazed messages too.
  9. * fishfish|AFK has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz)
  10. <mircea_popescu> but to sum up the situation, cause i imagine many people are curious :
  11. <mircea_popescu> mpex consists of a trade server and webservers which the users talk to.
  12. <mircea_popescu> if you look at it practically these webservers are practically proxies.
  13. <mircea_popescu> there is five of them sharing two gigabit uplinks through a balancer.
  14. <mircea_popescu> the first time mpex was ddosed in january the attack took out the actual datacenter top level router.
  15. <mircea_popescu> there were two more layers of routing to get to the router that handled the webservers.
  16. <mircea_popescu> now, the reason admittedly was that the thing was a little old and kidna loaded. but still.
  17. <mircea_popescu> so at that time i split the tubes up north/east, and started a bunch of proxies
  18. * detro (~detro@ has joined #bitcoin-assets
  19. <mircea_popescu> jurov was hosting one, for instance.
  20. <mircea_popescu> since the attack started yesterday a total of 100+ of these were taken offline.
  21. <mircea_popescu> granted, it's not easy to blow up a small shared setup like that.
  22. <mircea_popescu> but somebody did have the determination to spend a day and a half looking for them, setting up the ddosing for them individually bla bla.
  23. <mircea_popescu> the thing with that system is that it works by division. if there's 100 of them there jurov can stay online.
  24. <mircea_popescu> if there's 9 left the remainder ddos is available to hit him
  25. <mircea_popescu> i could allow anyone to start a proxy right now, the trade server is fine, etc. the problem is
  26. <mircea_popescu> you'd be nuked in half an hour or something, and it's just hassle.
  27. <imsaguy> mmm, shake n bake
  28. <mircea_popescu> right.
  29. * sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets
  30. <mircea_popescu> now, a humongo 10gb dedicated solution is being set up as we speak
  31. <mircea_popescu> i had this sort-of prepared, but not actually provisioned and ready because the shit is expensive
  32. <imsaguy> so you're having more babies to win the war?
  33. <mircea_popescu> basically.
  34. <Diablo-D3> heh
  35. <mircea_popescu> imsaguy the alternative is handle mpex trades by email.
  36. <Diablo-D3> email, the original next generation mail queue
  37. <mircea_popescu> yep.
  38. <imsaguy> how about mpex trades via telnet?
  39. <imsaguy> :D
  40. <mircea_popescu> to what ip ?
  41. <mircea_popescu> see, mail is diffuse.
  42. <imsaguy>
  43. <mircea_popescu> lol
  44. <Diablo-D3> I wonder if that makes uunet the original original message queue
  45. <mircea_popescu> Diablo-D3 prolly.
  46. <imsaguy> how about mpex over irc?
  47. <Diablo-D3> fuck we need uunet back
  48. <Diablo-D3> that shit was baus
  49. * toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets
  50. <imsaguy> let freenode get ddos
  51. <imsaguy> I hear they like that
  52. <mircea_popescu> imsaguy the problem is irc doesn't handle pgp so well
  53. <imsaguy> yes it does
  54. <imsaguy> ask gribble
  55. <mircea_popescu> (and i don't think they have enough to cope, but maybe)
  56. <Diablo-D3> I could name a box "chicks" and name a user "i"
  57. <imsaguy> :)
  58. <Diablo-D3> and it'd be funny
  59. <imsaguy> people pastebin the pgp
  60. <imsaguy> feed the bot the raw url
  61. <imsaguy> simple as pie
  62. <mircea_popescu> imsaguy yeah. last i talked to nanotube he was like "i don't want this in production handling opm"
  63. <imsaguy> I'm not saying graft onto gribble
  64. <imsaguy> I'm saying clone
  65. <imsaguy> steal the concept
  66. <mircea_popescu> dawg...
  67. <mircea_popescu> fuck you srsly.
  68. <mircea_popescu> why didn't i think opf that
  69. <imsaguy> dee oh gee
  70. <mircea_popescu> people can just paste a pastebin link or w/e
  71. <Diablo-D3> oh em gee
  72. <imsaguy> derp
  73. <mircea_popescu> lol
  74. <imsaguy> and then the bot filters anything not formed as url
  75. <imsaguy> thats the first line
  76. <mircea_popescu> imsaguy wanna code an irc proxy for me ?
  77. <imsaguy> second line is it only parses text
  78. <Diablo-D3> mircea_popescu: dude, just use perl
  79. <mircea_popescu> all you have to do is take urls from people and feed them into server as pgp strings
  80. <imsaguy> no, just fork gribble
  81. <mircea_popescu> so fork gribble, i dun care.
  82. <imsaguy> the code for reading pastebin to gpg
  83. <imsaguy> its already written
  84. <mircea_popescu> im trying to hire you over here ;/
  85. <imsaguy> what's it pay?
  86. <imsaguy> gypsie man
  87. <mircea_popescu> pm.
  88. <jurov> waitwhat? ppl will publish urls to encrypted orders on irc to be picked up by mpoe bot?
  89. * Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets
  90. <mircea_popescu> jurov yup
  91. <mircea_popescu> i like this chan, srsly.
  92. <mircea_popescu> ppl are facepalming left and right around me
  93. <imsaguy> working on it now
  94. <jurov> lol you should accept clearsigned orders, too, then.
  95. <jurov> unencrypted
  96. <jurov> moar phun
  97. <mircea_popescu> nah.
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