
Fifth Strike

Jul 18th, 2021
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  1. Princess Nabithia tells you, "I sense you wish to chastise me, Enduring Avaris."
  3. Princess Nabithia tells you, "And after I was so good as to concede!"
  5. You tell Princess Nabithia, "It seems that your senses have not entirely left you, just yet. As for conceding, you cannot fool me into thinking that you did anything other than warp your defeat into some twisted victory for yourself. I see you, Princess."
  7. Princess Nabithia tells you, "Then let us take our barbs, perhaps, to a place we might spar in
  8. person like the courageous beings we are? I invite you to the temple, for it is less wet than
  9. elsewhere."
  11. You tell Princess Nabithia, "You are not so sweet that you will melt in the rain, but I shall be the sole representative of dignity, and forgo pettiness. I will be there presently."
  13. Within a celadon-tiled workshop.
  14. Simplistic yet beautiful, this sparsely-decorated workshop is outfitted with everything needed to
  15. make tiles and pottery, as well as other handicraft designs. Graceful arches patterned celadon-green
  16. tiles form small alcoves from which an artisan can work, each outfitted with a table, clay, tools,
  17. and myriad glazes. A kiln on the southern wall allows pieces to be fired, the nearby shelving of
  18. rough wood filled with pots and tiles, with a heavy set of thongs hung on a peg to retrieve molds.
  19. Upon the northern wall, fabrics and spools of thread lay waiting beside a tailoring workshop perfect
  20. for cobbling, haberdashery, and sewing, with a comfortable bench seated beside it. Wispy silks drape
  21. about Princess Nabithia as she stands here, a haughty look in her compound eyes. You notice a
  22. variety of WARES for sale here.
  23. You see a single exit leading northeast.
  25. Princess Nabithia inclines her head politely to you.
  27. Buzzing pleasantly, Princess Nabithia says, "Good to see you in the high and dry regions of the
  28. Basin, Avaris."
  30. Flicking his wings in a sharp motion that dislodges much rainwater from their
  31. plumage, Avaris stares at Princess Nabithia for a brief moment, before he inclines his head in turn.
  32. "And yet, in such low company, Nabithia. How funny."
  34. Clicking her tongue, Princess Nabithia says, "You are in a mood."
  36. Slipping his hands behind his back, Avaris's throat vibrates with a low, neutral
  37. tone. "I wonder why that might be."
  39. Princess Nabithia crosses her arms, the silks fluttering about herself as she shrugs. "I expect I
  40. will be hearing why, shortly. You are not one to mince words."
  42. Several of the glowing, eye-like symbols that adorn Avaris's layered wings thin as
  43. they regard Princess Nabithia. "You have been meddling, Princess."
  45. Her compound eyes blinking slowly, Princess Nabithia says, "Have I ever not been, Avaris? This is
  46. not news."
  48. Antennae flicking back in a sharp gesture, Avaris replies, "You have been meddling
  49. with my affairs, which is, to my knowledge, new." He pauses, and then, dryly, says, "Unless you have
  50. been manipulating events in my life and relationships for some time, and I simply have not noticed."
  52. Raising up a hand in protest, Princess Nabithia says, "With respect, I merely placed things in an
  53. arrangement that increased likelihood of something occurring. That it did is perhaps a testament to
  54. my foresight, but I would hardly say I have hamfisted anything into your affairs."
  56. Shrugging once more, light winking off of her sidereal mantle, Princess Nabithia says, "I was asked
  57. advice, and I gave what I thought might be the best course. That it coincided with something I
  58. believe you desired was a pleasant afterthought."
  60. The ridged flare of Avaris's jaw glistens with beads of moisture as he adjusts the
  61. angle of his regard the barest fraction, the droplets refracting the light like tiny diamonds. "I am
  62. not certain that I care to be utilised as an afterthought, Princess." Exhaling a slow, controlled
  63. hiss of breath, the immense kephera rolls his shoulders in slow circles, as if seeking to ease the
  64. tension contained within them. "I will be forthright with you, Nabithia - I think I am upset with
  65. you, in a way."
  67. Taking in your reaction in a surprisingly calm and considered manner, Princess Nabithia tilts her
  68. head, antennae askew, and asks, "Tell me why, then, that I can be sure to not repeat this error."
  70. The broad, sanguine strokes of his own antennae curving down in a peculiar,
  71. twisting motion as he frowns, Avaris's chin drifts down as he searches for the right words. "I am
  72. finding it difficult to discern why. It is...A feeling. You are aware, of course, of
  73. my...Coincidental encounter with a rather unique individual of surpassing loveliness?"
  75. With a simple nod of her crowned antennae, Princess Nabithia says, "Yes. Our mutual soft-spoken
  76. friend in white, I presume?"
  78. Avaris lowers his head in affirmation. "The very same. I did not catch her name,
  79. but it is safe to assume we speak of the same woman." He falls silent, his attention sharpening upon
  80. Princess Nabithia as if he seeks to see through her to what lies within. Eventually, he asks,
  81. simply, "Why?"
  83. Princess Nabithia says, "Because she was tired, and had no recourse for herself. I expect she told
  84. you much the same. She asked me where I go to collect my thoughts and I answered her honestly. That
  85. it happened to be a place many of the Order likewise have an affinity for was something I also
  86. considered, in truth."
  88. Her antennae quirking slightly, as if considering a thought, Princess Nabithia says, "Avaris, I
  89. understand that you are a rather bulky individual, but have you ever wanted to feel unseen?"
  91. The lines of light that form the glowing markings upon his plumage bend, drawing
  92. together as the eyes narrow upon Princess Nabithia. In a level manner, Avaris repeats, "Many. I can
  93. think of but two." At the question, the curved blades of his crest glint as the angle of his head
  94. shifts. "I suppose. I retreat, rarely, when I no longer wish company."
  96. "Three," Princess Nabithia corrects briskly, though she moves on as if that matter is of
  97. particularly little import. "That is not what I mean, precisely." She clicks her tongue in thought,
  98. emitting a low hum, before saying, "It is the sense of standing in a crowd, but being unnoticed,
  99. rather than hiding in solitude. To be present without being fully observed." She looks at you
  100. curiously, to see if her explanation has succeeded, or failed.
  102. A slight shift of Avaris's shoulder is the sole response to the correction, as he
  103. instead focused upon the explanation, antennae bent in a frown. "After a fashion. I prefer to be
  104. noticed so that I can act as deterrent, and so on, but - Yes, I grasp your meaning. I believe we
  105. touched upon that topic in one of our earlier conversations, pertaining to a particular mutual
  106. acquaintance of ours."
  108. Nodding in assent, again thinking, Princess Nabithia says, "But suppose you had a heavy birthright,
  109. something that forced all others to treat you differently no matter their station. And your only
  110. recourse to be treated otherwise was to feign being someone you are not."
  112. Considering the matter with a tilt of his head, Avaris utters a brief, quiet sound
  113. of comprehension. "Yes. I can understand that. To escape the pressures placed upon you merely for
  114. existing as who you are, for a time, and experience the freedom of anonymity."
  117. The antennae that crown Princess Nabithia bob vigorously as she nods, clearly at last pleased with
  118. the success of her explanation. "I believe she merely needed a moment to experience stepping out of
  119. that birthright, when it got too heavy," the kephera says, her normally nimble words now taking on a
  120. slow, planned quality, like someone setting up a series of dominos carefully before tipping them.
  121. "And I knew you would respect that decision, even if you recognized her for who she was."
  123. Her words now a low, pleased buzz, Princess Nabithia says, "And I was not wrong in that."
  125. The severity of Avaris's frown deepens at this, his head drifting down and to one
  126. side as the faint sound of shifting chitin rasps from behind his back. "I feel as if I intruded upon
  127. an exceedingly rare moment of freedom, Nabithia. Even if it was not my intent, having myself present
  128. would weigh her down." The azure of his eyes dulls, the hue darkening as he says, softly, "She
  129. looked so alone, Nabithia. So very tired, in the rain."
  131. Emitting a strange, humming sound, Princess Nabithia crosses her arms once more, her voice
  132. surprisingly gentle as she asks, "Would it have been kinder to allow her to remain alone, then, in
  133. that state?"
  135. It is a long time before Avaris answers, the intervening span filled instead with a
  136. troubled silence as he wrestles with the question. Withdrawing his upper right hand from beneath the
  137. heavy cloak of golden feathers, he turns it so that he can study the gleaming plating of his palm,
  138. the points of his claws glinting in the light. At last, he admits, in a small voice, "I do not know.
  139. I think that is what is troubling me. I wish you would have arranged it so that someone else was
  140. there, instead of..." He gestures at himself with a vague swipe of his barbed hand. "This."
  142. Her compound eyes flicker from your barbed hand, Princess Nabithia assesses the kephera's sharp
  143. -edged plating in silence, humming again as she seems to process the discomfort inherent in the
  144. single, final word. "You are so convinced you are capable of doing nothing but harm," she says at
  145. last, "and yet I do not believe you harmed at all, in your encounter."
  147. A brief, bitter laugh thrums out from Avaris's throat at this, as he lowers his
  148. hand to his side. "When ever touch draws blood, you eventually learn what it is you are." Shrugging
  149. the notion away, he says, "Doing no harm is not the same as healing, or helping in any way. I think
  150. she needed someone else, someone...Softer. Better at mending, at comforting others."
  152. With a gentle shake of her head in disagreement, Princess Nabithia says, "I do not know. I find
  153. sometimes she does better in company that is capable of surprising her."
  155. Princess Nabithia says, "She understands soft, healing words. She wields them herself often. It is
  156. possible they would merely pass over her like water over a smooth stone."
  158. The subdued, layered chorus of his voice turning wry, Avaris says, "Possibly. She
  159. has certainly spent enough time in the company of healers, that they should have attempted assuaging
  160. her many wounds. I expect they were met with little success." Lifting his head, he returns his gaze
  161. to Princess Nabithia, studying the other kephera for a time. "I am sorry for being upset with you.
  162. It just felt..." He shrugs, passing his hand through the air in a loose motion. "I don't know.
  163. Conflicting."
  165. Her antennae drooping slightly, Princess Nabithia says, "On the contrary, Avaris, I am grateful for
  166. your honesty. I hope you know I would never desire to harm you in any manner. Even shunning you at
  167. the Lady's command was... something I found difficult, even though I know it was all for your
  168. benefit, in the end."
  170. Bowing slightly, the gesture oddly formal for the normally flippant priestess, Princess Nabithia
  171. says, "You are allowed to be upset for me, for I thrust you in an unexpected situation believing I
  172. understood your feelings better than you. This was an unkindness, no matter the goodness of my
  173. intent."
  175. Lifting a placating hand, Avaris's words grow kinder, his manner soothing. "I would
  176. never think that, Nabithia. I know that you have a great heart, and a noble soul. I just...Get
  177. sensitive, I suppose, when it comes to others touching upon my relationship with her." Waving the
  178. bow away in a hurried manner, he says, "Ah, please, do not do that. All is well. I should not have
  179. been upset."
  181. Exhaling heavily, Avaris passes a hand across his face. "I am sorry for forcing you
  182. into a situation that upset you, with the shunning. I was very unkind to you in that. I should have
  183. considered your feelings more, before rushing off."
  185. Rising once more at your request, Princess Nabithia nods, though her sincerity shines through in her
  186. resolve. "Then we are agreed that even when we are poor friends, we remain friends who desire to do
  187. well by each other," she says, the words a fervent buzz.
  189. Princess Nabithia says, "I had not realized how it affected you, in truth. Particularly when I
  190. received your thanks from our mutual friend regarding the encounter."
  192. Inclining his head in firm agreement, Avaris offers Princess Nabithia a slight bow
  193. of his own. "Agreed - Though I will say that you have never been a poor friend to me. The intent is
  194. what counts." The spears of gold that thrust up from his pauldrons rise in a slow shrug, as he says,
  195. "Why would you have considered such, really? You were concerned for her, as you should ever be. You
  196. could not have known I would be there."
  198. Her palm upturned in confession, Princess Nabithia says, "But perhaps I hoped someone might be, and
  199. was willing for that individual to be you, hm?"
  201. Princess Nabithia says, "Thoughts can be strange things to sit in alone for too long. They can stray
  202. to dark places, even for those with the greatest light and conviction to guide them."
  204. Lowering his head to stare at his hands, which he turns about in a disinterested
  205. study of the barbed joints and adamant plating, Avaris utters a quiet, non-committal sound. "I do
  206. not know why you would have thought I would be a good option." He curls his fingers inwards,
  207. squeezing them into a brief pair of gleaming fists. "It...Was strange, you know. It was...I
  208. have...Dreamed of..." Faltering, he trails off into silence, lost in thought as he stares at his
  209. hands.
  211. Princess Nabithia places her hands behind her back, antennae alert as she listens, seeming content
  212. to patiently await your thoughts to calm and settle before responding.
  214. As he looks upon the glinting edges of his fists, a peculiar thing occurs within
  215. Avaris's seven azure eyes; They simultaneously grow darker, dimming in hue and vibrancy, while faint
  216. glimmering motes of light twinkle to life, like stars within the night sky. "I think...I think that
  217. a man should not taste of paradise, when he knows he cannot stay there." His words are slow,
  218. halting, as if he seeks to express something that he is not entirely certain of himself.
  220. It is at this faint admission that understanding seems to dawn at last on the kephera, who nods,
  221. politely choosing not to acknowledge the subject beyond saying, "I had not considered that potential
  222. difficulty lying in your path." Princess Nabithia looks at you thoughtfully, then says, "You are so
  223. quick to condemn yourself to suffering, but seem far more afraid of what makes you happy, in truth."
  225. Relaxing his hands, Avaris allows them to drift down to his sides, as if forgotten.
  226. "Ah. I am not good at happiness. It slips ever between my fingers, like..." A brief, rough laugh, as
  227. he gestures about the temple. "Well. You know." With a shrug that is not at all convincing in its
  228. carelessness, he says, "I will be content when I feel I serve well. That is all. Nothing else
  229. matters."
  231. Clicking softly with a gentle consideration, Princess Nabithia agrees, "There are many I can think
  232. of who struggle with happiness, in truth. Would we could solve this little quandary for all who
  233. suffer it." At your shrug, she asks, "And do you feel you served well, then? During that meeting."
  235. Dipping his chin in agreement, Avaris turns his hand aside in a slight gesture. "I
  236. do not. Oh, I did not botch it, I think, which is a blessing - But I do not think I served well. A
  237. few startled laughs will not help her much, when she is ailing as she is."
  239. A puzzled cant to her head as she tilts it, antennae quirking, Princess Nabithia says, "What do you
  240. expect of yourself, precisely? To ward away the entirety of the burdens that weigh upon her
  241. shoulders?"
  243. Princess Nabithia says, "That seems a steep task to assign an Elder, much less a single shard."
  245. Immediately, Avaris replies, "Yes." There is a beat, and then, with a displeased
  246. vibration of sound, "I know that, in truth, but...I do not feel I have managed to lighten the
  247. burdens she bears at all. She will not let me take any from her, though I know there are some, at
  248. least, that I am strong enough to shoulder."
  250. His antennae flexing down, Avaris amends, "At least...That is what I hope. Perhaps
  251. there are none, and I overestimate myself."
  253. Princess Nabithia assesses you with a single antennae curved in a question mark, humming in thought.
  254. "You are, I think, incapable of seeing success on a smaller scale, for you always seek to land among
  255. the brighter stars in your aspirations. Even fainter, twinkling jewels shine, too, Avaris."
  257. The words a gentle, soft buzz, Princess Nabithia says, "She was alone in her thoughts, and you
  258. distracted her from them, for a time. That may not be as significant a thing as you desire, but it
  259. is a kindness. And one that she rarely accepts."
  261. Flicking the notion aside as one might a worthless scattering of glass baubles,
  262. Avaris's voice is even as he says, "One does not celebrate the first ten steps taken when intent on
  263. climbing to the summit." Sighing, the shivering sound resigned, the kephera lowers his visored face
  264. into his hand, nodding as he relents. "I know. It is not enough, Nabithia. She suffers, still."
  266. With the puzzled vexation of one friend worrying for another, Princess Nabithia says, "What do you
  267. suppose she made of the encounter? You are so focused on what you wish to have happened, rather than
  268. the reality that occurred."
  270. Princess Nabithia says, "I worry focusing too much time craning your head to look at the distant
  271. mountaintop is preventing you from seeing where you are clearly."
  273. Taken aback by the question, Avaris's head draws back as he lowers his head,
  274. antennae bending at opposite angles as he looks at Princess Nabithia, briefly at a loss. "I...Have
  275. no idea. You know that I am not capable of judging what she thinks." Vaguely puzzled, he waves his
  276. fingers about in a loose, vague manner. "She said many times that I was strange, and that she was
  277. enduring my nonsense. Bemused, I suppose, as she ever seems to be with me."
  279. Her pleasant voice a harmony of encouraging buzzes, Princess Nabithia says, "Do not merely focus on
  280. what was said, Avaris, but what was felt. You said she laughed, yes?"
  282. Antennae furrowing in a faint frown, Avaris nonetheless nods, albeit reluctantly.
  283. "Yes, but solely because I was presenting odd questions to her. She was still most serious, and I
  284. think I upset her with one, at least."
  286. Shrugging once more, her wispy silks shimmering with the movement, Princess Nabithia says, "She did
  287. not seem upset when she returned."
  289. Dryly, Avaris observes, "She rarely seems anything other than composed and calm,
  290. Nabithia. That is not saying a very great deal."
  292. Princess Nabithia says, "Did she appear that way to you, then?"
  294. Voice resonating with choral harmonics, you say, "She appeared worn down and overwhelmed. She was
  295. kind enough, even so, to indulge my nonsense for a time. I distracted her thoughts from dwelling on
  296. what weighed on her, for a time, as you said. That is all."
  298. Clicking softly once more, as if returning to a previous thought, Princess Nabithia says, "You think
  299. so meanly of such a thing."
  301. Avaris lifts his shoulders in a brief shrug. "It is not something to think highly
  302. of. Anyone could have accomplished the same, and likely with more success. A dancing monkey would
  303. likely have had much the same effect, I imagine."
  305. Voice resonating with choral harmonics, you say, "You are very insistent that I think I have
  306. rendered some significant service, and I do not understand why."
  308. Princess Nabithia says, "I think laughter is an all the more precious thing, when you have been
  309. bereft of it awhile. She has spent many days and nights lost to labour, and to feeling the prying
  310. eyes of those who doubt her intentions, or misunderstand them. She repeatedly asks for all to bear
  311. Fortitude even as she clings to it herself. I think this brief respite was much needed, even if you
  312. believe your actions low enough for a monkey to have accomplished."
  314. Her turn to take on a dry tone, Princess Nabithia says, "And she is not one much given to delighting
  315. in monkeys, I think."
  317. Lifting all four of his hands up in a gesture of surrender, Avaris says, "I will
  318. not argue with you further, my friend. If I have provided some meager measure of solace for her,
  319. then that is well, and good. As for monkeys, well. You would know better than I."
  321. Humming out a single, sharp note of frustration, Princess Nabithia says, "For someone who so desires
  322. for her happiness, you seem unwilling to give yourself a moment's consideration for having
  323. contributed to it."
  325. Princess Nabithia says, "And I would wish for you to have such moments recognized by yourself, for I
  326. know how much they mean to you, my friend."
  328. Sighing, Avaris moves one of his hands in a placating gesture, the motion gentle.
  329. "Please do not grow angry with me, Nabithia. It has been too long since we have spoken in person,
  330. and I would not sour it further." Lowering his arms, he rubs at the polished chitin of his thighs in
  331. an almost nervous gesture, as his eyes glitter with fitful sparks of light, the attempt of a smile
  332. warming his voice - Albeit poorly. "I have missed you. We do not need to ever talk of me and how I
  333. frustrate you."
  335. "I have missed you, too," Princess Nabithia says, her words lacking any bite or anger, merely
  336. stating a simple fact for what it is. She smiles as well in return, her expression almost perplexed
  337. as she acknowledges the mirrored immobility of your thoughts and your features, as she says simply,
  338. "She was smiling when she returned. I thought you should know."
  340. The curved blades of Avaris's crest blur, so swiftly does he snap his head up to
  341. look at Princess Nabithia, the statement yanking the attention of every one of his glowing eyes as
  342. he takes a half-step forward. His voice is hesitant, but limned by a disbelieving sort of
  343. hopefulness as he asks, "Truly?"
  345. With a solemn nod, her expression devoid of any jest or teasing, Princess Nabithia says, "She had
  346. not appeared that way when she first left, either. Yet she seemed lighter, somewhat, upon her
  347. return. Smiling, rather than downcast and mired in thought. As if amused by a passing thought that
  348. returned to entertain her, from time to time. It is a small thing, as you say. But I do not think
  349. she viewed it so."
  351. A hand drifts up to Avaris's burnished chest, though the fingers miss their mark
  352. and simply make vague, small grasping motions as he listens, with the air of a man being told he has
  353. won a great fortune, and not daring to quite believe it. "Ah." The sound is soft, almost a sigh, as
  354. his shoulders lose a subtle tension, easing as they lower a few degrees. "Ah. That is...That is
  355. well. I am...Glad, for her."
  357. "Yes. I am glad, too," Princess Nabithia replies, the rosy colour of her carapace seeming to warm
  358. with fondness as she listens to you. "You are not all sharp edges, my friend. I hope one day you
  359. know this about yourself."
  361. Uttering a soft laugh, the sound free of bitterness, Avaris lowers his errant hand
  362. in a relaxed wave. "And you chide me for having impossible aspirations." The response is kindly in
  363. its teasing, lacking in any true bite. Lowering himself in a graceful bow, he says, tone coloured
  364. with undisguised affection, "Thank you, Nabithia. You are my very best friend, and I adore you. I
  365. appreciate all that you do for me, when I am so maddening, at times."
  367. Humming gently, Princess Nabithia says, "I do not think mine so impossible, no. But perhaps I am an
  368. optimist in that way. I am happier with my rosy-tinted compound eyes, I think." She seems to glow
  369. with delight at the gentle teasing, as if in her natural element as its loving target. "You are most
  370. welcome, Avaris. You are my best friend as well, even if you are a walking helmet who refuses to
  371. paint his emotions on himself. It only makes learning them more of an adventure, I think."
  373. A snorting sort of laugh escapes from Avaris before he can clap his hand over his
  374. visored face, straightening. He clears his throat, the sound vibrating with quiet laughter as he
  375. shakes his head. "I have had the most frightening premonition of you laying in ambush for me with
  376. makeup at the ready." Azure eyes returned to their usual, bright hue, they glitter with a twinkling
  377. sea of brilliant motes of light as a clawed finger is lifted to point at them. "You see?" he says,
  378. somewhat loftily, "A smile. Behold it, with your rosy-tinted compound eyes."
  380. Princess Nabithia peers at you on tiptoe, her antennae wriggling as she considers the 'smile,' as if
  381. seeking to mentally photograph it and file it away for later. "I see," she says with her own
  382. loftiness, begrudgingly accepting the validity of the gesture with a solemn nod. "Perhaps I will
  383. stay away from Meliashmore for awhile, then. So long as I can tell when you are well, my friend."
  385. Helpfully, Avaris sinks down to his haunches, so that Princess Nabithia does not
  386. have to strain to look upon his 'smile', such as it is. "I am relieved that my humble expression has
  387. met with your royal approval, Princess." The remark is dry, but lacking in rancor. Turning a wrist
  388. aside, his voice softens as he says, "You are so very good to me, Nabithia. I will try to be better
  389. for you. I promise." Rising smoothly, he tips his head towards the exit, stating, "I think I have
  390. taken you from your duties for long enough. We wouldn't want the Isles to fall into chaos without
  391. your silk-clad, iron-gauntleted touch, now, would we?"
  393. "Hmph!" Princess Nabithia snorts.
  395. Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
  397. Tut-tutting with a single finger, Princess Nabithia says, "You are so kind and then resort to
  398. teasing. You lower my defenses then strike. Fifth strike, Avaris."
  400. Princess Nabithia says, "I shall have to report on you at some point and learn the penalty for
  401. insulting the dignity of an Immaculate."
  403. With a surprisingly wicked laugh, Avaris lifts his own finger up, flicking it about
  404. as if parrying a blow. "That simply makes me better at this than you are, Nabithia. Keep up, my
  405. dearest friend, or I shall leave you as a pile of very regal, rather fetching ribbons."
  407. Voice resonating with choral harmonics, you say, "A medal of honour, perhaps, for striking at the
  408. dreaded tyrant of the Isles."
  410. Even as Princess Nabithia appears indignant and haughty, there is a clear joy to her outrage, which
  411. she returns to as a cat might delightedly pounce upon a poor helpless mouse she had freed from her
  412. grasp moments prior. "It shall not be long until we find something to spar over again, indeed," she
  413. agrees, humming pleasantly. "For if I am a tyrant, then you are the naughty mastiff that escaped
  414. from the fenced in courtyard, and it is my duty to bring you to heel."
  416. Princess Nabithia says, "Lest you scare the birds and the anchoresses, of course."
  418. Massive talons clicking upon the floor as he turns to leave, Avaris says over his
  419. shoulder, "So eager to lose again, and so soon? Truly, it is you who is the glutton for punishment
  420. between the two of us, not I." Wiggling his fingers at Princess Nabithia in a careless wave, he
  421. says, "Of course. Time for me to slip under the fence again, for a time. Watch the birds and the
  422. anchoresses for me, won't you? Especially our little dove."
  424. Princess Nabithia says, "Certainly. Thank you for taking care of her for a little while, and keeping
  425. her safe from the rain."
  427. Princess Nabithia bows at the waist, her starlit silks fluttering with the movement.
  429. In a calm, sincere tone, Avaris replies, "Always." Catching the motion of Princess
  430. Nabithia's bow, he turns long enough to return one of his own, then straightens, striding
  431. purposefully away once more.
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