
AiE:There is no trust - Chapter one, starting fresh.

Apr 17th, 2012
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  1. >You slowly gain consciousness as you here two male voices approach you
  2. >"I've never seen anything like it. Its shape is pretty grotesque."
  3. >"Lucky you then, you get to carry it back to the prison with us."
  4. >You gain your vision for just a split second to see the face of the person who's carrying you.
  5. >Well, better yet, the thing that's carrying you apparently.
  6. >Whatever it is, it looks back at you, disgusted.
  7. >You can feel that you're being taken somewhere.
  8. >You open your eyes one more time trying to gather your surrounding as quickly as possible.
  9. >Damn, that sun is really bright. All you see is buildings surrounding you.
  10. >And horses? They look like they’re worried about something. They’re all staring at you?
  11. >With that last thought, you drift back into your unconscious sleep being taken to an undisclosed location.
  13. >You awake once again laying on a cold, hard floor. This time, you’re not going to let yourself slip back into your coma.
  14. >As you lift your head to view your surroundings, you are greeted by two horses that look much different than the ones you caught on a quick glance when you awoke before.
  15. >”Ah, you’re finally awake” the large white horse said.
  16. “Who are you, where am I, and why can you talk?”
  17. >The dark blue pony turns from the white one, “Shouldn’t we be asking who you are and why you’re here?”
  18. >The white one begins to talk again. “Luna, shouldn’t we treat our ‘guest’ with more respect than that?”
  19. >Luna? You know you’ve seen these two horses somewhere before but your brain is too fuzzy to remember.
  20. >”We are the royal pony sisters. We are the rulers of the kingdom of Equestria. You are currently in the caves beneath the castle in Canterlot.”
  21. >Ponies? How the hell are they talking?
  22. >”Anything else you would like to know before we start asking you a few questions?”
  23. >Your mind is too jumbled up tripping all over itself trying to piece things together. Like how or why you got here.
  24. “I’ve got too much to ask. You should probably go first.”
  26. >The horse (pony?) named Luna shoots up at this. “What are you? You have such an odd shape? I have never seen anything as strange as you.”
  27. “Maybe we should get introductions out of the way. The name’s Anon and who are you to be calling me ‘odd’. Talking horses aren’t very common. Or horses with wings and horns.”
  28. >”Well, they are around here. Although, most only have a horn, wings, or neither. Also, we are not horses, we are ponies and demand to be addressed as such. So tell me now, what exactly in Equestria are you” Luna replies harshly.
  29. “I am a human.”
  30. >They give you blank stares.
  31. “You know, homo-sapien?”
  32. >More blank stares. They look at each other, give a nod and turn back to you.
  33. >”We have never heard of such a species in the kingdom before” The white pony states. She slowly approaches you.
  34. >”Due to your ‘odd’ look and strange appearance in my kingdom, I may have to do a small series of checks on you to check whether or not you are friend or foe” she says.
  35. >Her horn slowly glows as you are enveloped by a bright light.
  36. “What the hell are you doing!? Put me down!”
  37. >You slowly rise off the ground. Your body starts to tingle slightly and you protest against the force field, wildly jerking around.
  38. >”I’m just using a rather difficult spell and would appreciate if you didn’t move around so much. It doesn’t make it any easier and I would rather not hurt you during it” she replies with her teeth somewhat gritted.
  39. >With that, you stop jerking immediately hoping she will not hurt you in any way.
  40. >”Do not worry, it will not harm you as long as you keep still like that. It just determines you character.”
  41. >She slowly lowers you to the ground with a serious look on her face.
  44. “Shouldn’t I be the one to give you that look? You said yourself, you could have just hurt me badly.”
  45. >”Ah, but as long as you did what I said, you would be fine. Now let’s move on to the results of that test”
  46. >"So sister, what was the result? By the looks of it, we may have some trouble with this one." Luna asked as she observed the white pony's facial features.
  47. >”Seems he could possibly be troublesome. He seems meek overall and not looking to do harm to anyone, but there is a strange ‘energy’ surrounding him. It feels kind of chaotic”
  48. >”Shouldn’t we dispose of him as quick as possible then Celestia?”
  49. >With that comment, you finally speak up.
  50. “Kill me!? Why do you need to kill me, didn’t you hear the big white one-“
  51. >”Celestia’s my name, and I would appreciate if you use it.”
  52. “Alright then, didn’t you hear Celestia, she said my morality was good.”
  53. >”It still doesn’t mean that there could be trouble. Especially since you’re such an odd creature, you could easily be hiding some kind of trick” Luna spat back.
  54. >”For now Mr. Ehm, excuses me, what did you say your name was?”
  55. “Anon”
  56. >”Alright Mr. Anon. While my sister and I discuss what we are going to do with you, I feel that you should at least be treated as a guest in this palace. But I will warn you, if you do something to prove to me that you aren’t a good pony at heart-“
  57. “I’m not a pony, I’m a person”
  58. >”Ah, yes. Well a good person at heart then, I will not hesitate to restrain you. I will have you let out of this area and escorted to a guest room. Guard, could you please come in here and escort our guest Anon to his room.”
  59. >Almost immediately, a guard almost 2/3rds the size of Celestia comes rushing in having been called. After staring at you for a second, he gives you a scouring look and tells you to follow him.
  60. >As you are being taken to your temporary room, you realize that you really are in a castle. You enter what appears to be a banquet hall. You notice a few glass window panes with very intricate designs on them.
  61. >After looking at them a little closer, one of them has 6 ponies trapping another in a force field. The next pane over has the same ponies hitting another creature with rays. You swear you’ve seen them somewhere before.
  62. >”Why did you stop walking? Quit admiring the glass and get moving” the guard demands.
  63. >You both continue walking towards your destination.
  64. “Those glass panes had some interesting markings on them. Mind if I ask what they were about?”
  65. >”Yes I do mind. Stop talking and just follow me like you were told to do.”
  66. >This ponies manners are terrible. Hopefully not everyone will be such assholes.
  67. >After ascending a few more spiral staircases, the guard interrupts your thoughts.
  68. >”Alright, we’re here. No idea why the princess would give something like you a nice suite, but this is where you’ll be staying for now. Food will be bought to you.”
  69. >With the mention of food, you remember you haven’t eaten for day(s)? Cue stomach growl.
  70. >”I’ll have someone send up food for you.”
  71. >Just as you are about to ask a few questions about your surroundings, the guard slams the door in your face.
  72. >Yah, ponies are definitely assholes.
  73. >You amble your way around the room, feeling the soft fabrics on the king size bed, going into the bathroom to see the marble floor and sink.
  74. >You finally make your way over to the window and take a look out.
  75. “Holy shit, this view is amazing! “
  76. >The suite you are in is one of the high towers of the castle. Must have been why there was so much walking.
  77. >You also realize that the castle is part of a mountain. As you look to the left and the right, you don’t see a single thing except mountain cliffs at the city’s edge.
  78. >The city and its citizen’s bellow seem insignificant as your eyes glaze over the valleys that stretch into the horizon. You swear you could see across the world from here.
  79. >The full moon also helps to lighten things up for a better view of the designs of the buildings.
  80. >Even if the view is beautiful, you have to return to your more serous thoughts. How did you get here? Where is here?
  81. >You try to think as hard as you can where you even came from, but nothing comes to mind. It’s all just a foggy haze.
  82. >You can’t remember very much about where you came from, just the basics about being a human.
  83. >You can’t remember anything about having any connections. It’s all just a blur.
  84. >One more thought comes to your mind. How can you prove to those two leader ponies that you are an overall good person?
  86. >Just then, you hear a knock on the door.
  87. >”Sir, I have come with your food,” you hear the stallion (?) say through the door.
  88. >You walk to the door and open it. You’re greeted by a much shorter pony with a tray in his hoof. He seems to be concentrating fairly hard on not dropping the tray. He opens his eyes and his expression instantly changes to a look of disgust and anger.
  89. >”I didn’t know we were serving abominations in the castle now” He spits out as the tray almost falls.
  90. “Thank you for bringing me my food. Seems you ponies have no manners.”
  91. >You almost slam the door is his face with anger as you turn to the platter given to you by the rude stallion. You make your way to the small table off near the window and pull up a chair.
  92. What the hell is this shit?
  93. >The silver platter has a few choice flowers that you might see in a field or a bouquet. Alongside them is a small pile of hay and a slice of cake.
  94. I’d rather starve than eat this shit. Well most of it.
  95. >Your stomach will take just about anything right now. The cake disappears in a matter of seconds. After putting the lid back on the platter, you open the door again and set the platter outside.
  96. >You turn back to your room and decide to sleep for the night.
  98. >The sun is shining through the same window you were admiring the moon from last night.
  99. Why aren’t there curtains for that window?
  100. >You groggily get up and go through most of your morning routine as if it were another normal day. Once wide and awake, your thoughts and memories of yesterday come back to you. Slowly, you start feeling a little depressed being a foreigner in a land you don’t even know the name of.
  101. >After walking what feels like one-hundred miles in a circle around your guest room, there’s a knock on the door.
  102. >”Sir, the princesses are ready to see you now” a rather pudgy looking guard says opening the door.
  103. >Just like the last 3 ponies, this one’s facial features change completely after seeing you.
  104. >”Although, why the princesses would want to see you is beyond me.”
  105. >Not wanting to start your day off being attacked by an angry pony, you quickly follow the guard without complaining.
  106. >You walk back the path that you followed up there the night before, passing the panes of glass that catch your attention once again. For some reason you can’t shake the feeling that you’ve seen the oddly shaped creature before.
  107. >Instead of taking a few flights of stairs downwards, you are led in another direction. The guard stops you at two large doors. They are decorated in ivory and gold with very intricate designs of two ponies, one below the sun and the other below the moon.
  108. >”Try anything odd whatsoever and we won’t hesitate to kill you.”
  109. “I’ll remember that.”
  110. >The guard standing at the door moves to open one while the guard escorting you opens the other. The room that is beyond the doors is probably one of the biggest rooms you’ve seen in your life. A regular ballroom doesn’t have shit on this.
  112. >At the end of the room, you see both ponies, Celestia and Luna, from yesterday sitting on what appear to be thrones.
  113. >”Ah, welcome Anon to our courtroom. How was your night, I assume you found your lodgings to be adequate?” Celestia asked.
  114. >You quickly make your way over to the two of them.
  115. “Yah, the view outside was great. The full moon made it perfect.”
  116. >With that comment, Luna perks up slightly. Odd.
  117. “But I was kind of wondering what the deal was with all of your servants and guards. They were saying some rather rude things.”
  118. >”Hmm, I may have an explanation for that. Do you recall the conversation we were having yesterday in the dungeon? About the strange chaotic energy you seem to have.”
  119. >You nod your head and wait for a moment as Celestia thinks.
  120. >”The easiest way to put it is that the energy affects those around you. Their bodies feel that energy and it puts them a little on edge. Overall, because of that, they don’t trust you and see you as a monster. A creature that doesn’t belong in our world.”
  121. “I never said I wanted to be here, can’t you just somehow put me back in my world?”
  122. >”Unfortunately, I have no idea how you go here or where you came from, and I have yet to come across any magic that might be able to send you back.”
  123. “So, what you’re telling me is that I’m stuck here.”
  124. >”Yes”
  125. >Luna finally speaks up, “We have thought of a way that you might possibly be able to have the effect of that strange energy lessen while you are in our world though”.
  126. “I guess that’s better than nothing while you guys are looking for a way to get me home.”
  127. >”Glad to see you so taking this so positively. I see that my spell was right in putting you as somewhat meek” Celestia says with a small grin on her face.
  129. >Celestia explains to you what the elements of harmony are and who is in control of them right now as well as what her students current mission is.
  130. “How does this information affect me at all?”
  131. >”We believe that the best way to reduce the effect of your energy is to put you around the elements of harmony. So, we are going to send you to live your new life in ponyville with the bearers of the elements of harmony. I also feel that this would be a good experience for my student in the lessons of friendship. Of course, as soon as we find a possible way to send you back where you came, we will let you know.”
  132. “So where will I be living?”
  133. >”We will provide you with a home just on the outskirts of the town as well as bits to use as you please.”
  134. What the hell is a bit?
  135. >”We’ll send you out there as quick as possible. I have already sent a message to my student Twilight to meet you at your new home in a few hours.”
  136. >Celestia calls for the guards to quickly escort you to the chariot that will fly you to ponyville. Every pony on the way there gives you a death glare.
  137. >You finally arrive at your new home. It seems about the average size of the homes in the neighborhood that you can remember from your universe. Looks pretty cozy.
  138. >You slowly walk up to the door as the pegasi fly off back toward the direction you believe you came from.
  139. >You enter the house. After taking a quick glance around the room, you deem it to look comfortable enough. A little area for watching TV with a nice small couch. And streamers?
  140. >”SURPRISE!”
  143. >A loud cannons boom and confetti fill the air.
  144. “Oh God!”
  145. >A bunch of ponies jump out of nowhere looking at you to see your reaction. If they wanted to see you look like you crapped yourself, they succeeded.
  146. >”Hey there new-pony!” you hear a voice yell as it comes closer.
  147. “What’s going on?”
  148. >You see a pink pony with a pink main enthusiastically jumping toward you at an insane speed as well as numerous other ponies around the room.
  149. >”Oh silly, this is your welcome to ponyville party! Twilight told us about how the princess was going to send us a new friend who needed somewhere to stay.
  150. >”She said that we were supposed to greet you openly! And what better way is there to greet someone new than A PARTY!”
  151. >You look back at the streamers and the banner hanging at the entrance of what appears to be your kitchen. It reads “Welcome Anon!” in big bright red letters.
  152. >Energetic, happy, laughing. With the descriptions that Celestia gave you, this must be Pinkie Pie, the element of laughter.
  153. ”Well thanks Pinkie, I appreciate it.”
  154. >”WHOAH! How’d you know my name!? Are you a good guesser? Oh, I know! You have super mind reading powers!”
  155. “No, Celestia just told me all about the elements of harmony and the bearers of them.”
  156. >”Well, I guess that explains it. It would be cooler if you had a superpower though. Oh well, can’t have everything, right? Enjoy the party and remember to have a ton of FUN!”
  158. >A yellow Pegasus with a pink mane slowly flies up to you as Pinkie hops away to go talk to someone else.
  159. >”Oh you poor creature… did we scare you? I’m sorry.” She says with a very sad and apologetic look on her face.
  160. “Well, definitely didn’t expect to have anything like this waiting for me here. Plus, most of the people back at Celestia’s castle treated me terribly.”
  161. >”Oh… well, you shouldn’t have to worry about that here. I’ll swear I’ll be kind.”
  162. “Ah, you must be Fluttershy then?”
  163. >”Yes… but how did you know my name?”
  164. “Princess Celestia told me all about you as well as the others of your group. She seemed to speak highly of all of you. Just by the way you treated me, I could tell you must be very kind.”
  165. >You swear you here her squeak and her face turn slightly red from embracement. She mutters something about Celestia and you being too kind and quickly moves towards the corner to sit with a white pony.
  167. >You slowly make your way around the room getting many hello’s and hi’s from these strange ponies. At least they are friendlier than the ponies that you dealt with at the castle. Maybe Celestia was right.
  168. >”Look out!”
  169. >You quickly turn around to see a blur of blue and something before it smashes into you. As you slowly rise from the ground, you see a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane lying on the floor next to you. Another orange pony with a golden mane rushes up to both of you.
  170. >”Gosh dangit RD, I told you you shouldn’t be doin those kind of tricks indoors.”
  171. >That western accent gets you, and as soon as you gain your breath back, you start laughing.
  172. >”And what are ya’ll laughin about?” the mare says with a stern look on her face.
  173. “Sorry, just not used to hearing that kind of accent. It’s just a little weird to me.”
  174. >”Funny! There ain’t nothing funny ‘bout my accent!”
  175. >The pony that was on the ground next to you gets up at that with a smile on her face.
  176. >”You know AJ, he’s right, but that’s not the only weird thing about you. Bahahaha.”
  177. >The cyan Pegasus is rolling on the floor now laughing at her own little joke.
  178. >”Are you callin’ me weird Rainbow? I’m gunna get ya for that one.” She says as she knocks into the cyan pony and sends her bouncing to the floor.
  179. >”Oh, you’re going to get it for that one Applejack” she says as she bounces right back.
  181. >Both of them are enveloped by a purple light as another pony comes over to stop them.
  182. >”AJ, Rainbow, quit messing around in Anon’s house. You might break something.”
  183. >Looking at the purple mare, you quickly piece together that the one in-between the two is Celestias student, Twilight Sparkle. You’re not sure how normal magic looks, but if she’s the rulers’ student, she must be powerful.
  184. >”I apologize for them creating such a scene in your house at your party Mr. Anon.”
  185. “You can call me Anon. No need to be formal.”
  186. >Twilight looks at both of them and back at you with a sheepish grin.
  187. >”Well, maybe if RD wasn’t tryin to do anythin so dumb inside his house, none of this would have happened. I swear Twi, I was just tryin to stop her from breakin anythin.”
  188. >Both Twilight and the orange pony turn their attention to the cyan Pegasus.
  189. >”Well, I think we should at least introduce ourselves to Anon. My name is-“ Twilight says.
  190. “Twilight Sparkle right?”
  191. >”Yes, but how did you know? Oh, duh! The princess said she told you about us.”
  192. >You can’t help but giggle at the scrunched face Twilight made as she said that.
  193. >”I’m assumin she told ya about me as well then? Name’s Applejack if ya couldn’t figure it out.”
  194. >”Ah, sorry about the little bit of a mess I made” the cyan Pegasus says as she points a hoof toward a broken lamp. “Name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria!”
  195. >Fortunately, Applejack introduced herself, because if she hadn’t, you probably couldn’t have picked her out of the crowd.
  198. >”Oh, don’t worry about the lamp” Twilight says as she turns her attention to what Dash was pointing and notices it laying on the floor. Within a few seconds and some purple light, the lamp is looking like it’s brand new.
  199. >You’re really going to have to get used to this crazy magic stuff while you’re here.
  200. “Thanks Twilight Sparkle.”
  201. >”Feel free to call me Twilight. From the story the princess gave me about you, you seem to be doing at least okay at adjusting to what may be your new life here.”
  202. >Both AJ and Rainbow walk away not want to listen to this conversation anymore. They go back to arguing at each other.
  203. “Well, Celestia and her sister said they should be able to find me a way to get home, it just may take some time. Guess I can look at it like a nice vacation.”
  204. >She chuckles, “You should come by my library some time. I have some questions I want to ask you and I may be able to give you some material to help you fit in better around here. I may even be able to help you with questions as well.”
  205. >Your stomach makes a very loud growl and you give her a sheepish grin.
  206. “Sorry, haven’t had much to eat since Celestia and Luna found me. Where is the food table?”
  207. >She points a hoof towards the kitchen, “Just go through that doorway over there. Don’t forget about my offer to you. If I can help in any way, feel free to come and ask.”
  208. >Twilight quickly goes off in the direction of where Dash and AJ headed. You slowly make your way over to the kitchen with ponies of all colors, shapes, and sizes say hello and welcome you to the town.
  210. >After what feels like three hours, you finally make it to the kitchen. You see both Fluttershy and who you would guess was Rarity at the food table picking and choosing. You make your way up to the table.
  211. “Hey again Fluttershy, and you must be Rarity.”
  212. >”EEEPP!” Fluttershy turns around quickly to see who said her name with a scared look on her face.
  213. >”Oh, sorry Anon. You just snuck up on me and scared me.”
  214. >”Hello anon, pleasure to meet you. Fluttershy told me that you herd all about us from Celestia.”
  215. “Yes, she did.”
  216. >”Well then, I bet you can guess who I am, hmm? Come on, come on, take a guess.”
  217. >It seems like Fluttershy wants to take the back seat in this conversation as she backs behind Rarity slightly, once again fitting Celestias description of her.
  218. “I’ll place my bets on Rarity.”
  219. >”Oh right you are Anon.”
  220. You quickly speak before she says anything else.
  221. “Celestia spoke highly of your artistic designs. I think she said that they were the most popular up and coming designs in Canterlot.”
  222. >With those words her face just lights up. “Oh my, I’m not all that much. Although I will say I was the feature dress maker in the royal Canterlot wedding.”
  223. “Seems you must have an impeccable taste in design then. Celestia also said you may be able to help me with my cloths.”
  224. >”Oh yes, most definitely. Although, with your odd shape, it may take a little longer than normal for me to produce something for you. Just stop by my shop tomorrow morning and I’m sure I can help you with your clothing problems.”
  225. “Alight, I’ll do that.”
  226. >With that, Fluttershy speaks up as well “Oh yes, if you need my help as well Anon, I might be able to do something for yo…”
  228. >Your stomach growls very loudly again.
  229. >”Oh my, sorry Anon. You must be hungry and here we are, keeping you from eating. Come on Fluttershy, we should leave Anon to his food.”
  230. >Both Fluttershy and Rarity walk back towards the living room and leave you to your food.
  231. >You turn back to the food table after grabbing a plate and realize that it’s just a wider variety of what you got in the Canterlot castle. Flowers, hey, grasses, cakes, pies, and sugar, sugar, sugar. You feel like your stomach is about to explode so you grab what you think might be edible for you with the flowers and some of the cakes as well as a glass of water.
  232. >You leave the kitchen taking small bites of the flowers you grabbed. The taste is pretty bitter. Good thing you have this cake to wash it down. You slam all the flowers in your mouth and quickly swallow them down and slam the cake just a quick.
  233. >God, your stomach is going to hate you. It just wanted a nice balanced meal, and here you are jamming plants and cake down your throat.
  234. >The party starts winding down as many of the ponies have already left. The only ones left at the mares in control of the elements of harmony. They all offer you help in cleaning up with the remnants of the party.
  235. “Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.”
  236. >”Oh don’t worry about it, I was the one who made such a huge mess anyways with all the CONFETTI” Pinkie says as she throws another handful from who knows where.
  237. >”We’re supposed to be cleaning up this mess Pinks, not making a bigger one! We’re done cleaning up most of it, I’m outta here, I gotta get a tiny bit of practice before bed”.
  238. >With that, Dash flies quickly out the window. Once everything is finally cleaned up, the 5 mares bit you farewell and leave.
  240. >With the time left you slowly explore your house. It’s pretty bare, but the living necessities were given to you. You even have a spare guest room. Guess Celestia wanted you to be able to decorate in your own style.
  241. >You finish your nightly routine and head to bed.
  242. >With all that has happened today, you immediately black out into slumber land.
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