
30 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-09-01 0100 +cabadejo

Aug 31st, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-09-01 0100 cabadejo
  4. __
  6. +cabadejo __ I believe you and wasn't seriously suggesting that you read my Twitter though perhaps if you did you'd have a better understanding of the things I write about.
  8. Twitter is another place where people are contained and constrained. In general I was growing slowly but consistently until I hit ~50 subscribers around a year ago. Since then I gain a "follower" every week or two but then a week later lose one. Sure - they might be thinking "following was a mistake - I'll unfollow" but I am not notified nor am I able to see who these new "followers" are.
  10. If you look at my Tweets you'll see that many of them have "likes" and reshares but you cannot see who is "liking" and resharing them (beyond "likes" from NPS). There are privacy settings which allow this to be the case but has _everyone_ resharing my Tweets set their account to private?! Not impossible but it seems unlikely.
  12. The same is with g+. I was gaining subscribers every week until I reached ~255 subscribers about a year ago. Then something happened and I began losing subscribers every week until it got down to 235 where it has remained steady. Now I gain a subscriber every few days but then lose one the following day. I only know this is happening because the count continually goes up to 236 and then back down to 235. I don't get an email or notification for these "new people". (They could just be bots/spammers and g+ is shutting them down - I'm not worried about g+.)
  14. The same is happening with my YouTube subscribers. It's as though my channel has been "capped" and further growth is not possible.
  16. In my YouTube analytics you can see continual growth for my channel until around a year ago when it sharply stopped and went the other direction into the negative.
  18. I have been losing subscribers ever since though in recent weeks the losses have flattened out. Nowadays I gain a subscriber and then lose a subscriber the next day but few of these new additions ever show up in the subscriber list (nor do I get a notification for those that do).
  20. I have first-hand experience that "something happened" about a year ago which adversely affected my YouTube, Twitter and g+. That seems to be when a "policy" went into effect though most people have only begun hearing about it from popular YouTubers in recent months.
  24. __________
  25. 2017-09-01 0315
  27. +cabadejo __ After having had many years to professionally study how people interact and share content both publicly and privately over the Internet these changes are most definitely about stifling genuine dissent and controlling the message.
  29. *That is why it is important for people to not just "like, share and subscribe" but to take it one step further by actively seeking out other open-minded people and letting them know about those who are here for the right reasons.*
  31. It then doesn't matter if a channel becomes restricted, limited or blacklisted. It then doesn't matter if a person's content is scrubbed from search engines - just so long as open-minded people take on the role to actively tell other open-minded people.
  33. In 2017 it is no longer good enough to be aware of those who are here for the right reasons _but remain silent about them_ when talking to others. However, those making these changes are counting on passiveness and complacency.
  35. I am in a contained environment and my time is limited. I have my own day to day dramas. I can either write and make presentations or promote existing content. I have time to do one _but not both_ of these things and I am not very good at self-promotion.
  37. Occasionally, someone sends a private message thanking me for being there *and for sticking at it.* I am also told that they wish they'd found me sooner *before* they got "mind f_kced" by liars, attention seekers and disinformation. While I am thankful for these _very occasional_ messages I hope they are also telling others about me. Though I don't think they are.
  39. I see every person who has gotten swept up in the drama of "flat Earth", "pizza gate", "nutty numbers", "actor based reality", "ISS fakery" etc. as being open-minded but *misdirected from what matters.* There is indeed a "psy-op" and it is about targeting open-minded people. With their heads filled up with mind blow bullsh!t they can then be easily discredited and ignored by friends and family should a time come when they stumble upon good observations to point out and good questions to ask.
  41. The time and attention of open-minded people is what the relentless struggle online is for because open-minded people are a delicately thin layer between certain "forbidden ideas" and the masses of "normal people" who will take action when connected to them. But while consumed with nonsense these open-minded people can represent no meaningful threat to the lie system.
  43. *What is happening is just one step in a sequence of events that will culminate in genuine dissidents being quietly plucked from their homes in the middle of the night and made to "disappear".* Such is the fear "they" have of certain "forbidden ideas". We are not there yet - there are more steps to be taken before that reality - but that's the path the oblivious population is on.
  45. Imagine how much more effective the gestapo would be with the Internet, so-called "mobile phones" and an algorithm with access to everyone's data that runs on a network of super computers? *Genuine dissidents can be identified and _"behaviourally corrected"_ long before they have had time to realise that's what they are.*
  47. Before we arrive at that outcome there is still time to create and propagate plenty of good content and establish human networks that make it immune from an Orwellian "memory hole". But if no one helps with this - if the seemingly "concerned audience" is really just here to be entertained (passive and complacent) then the wretched outcome I've hinted at above is _guaranteed._
  49. Personally, I don't think people are worth saving and I have my own reasons for what I do but there you have it.
  53. __________
  54. 2017-09-01 0915
  56. +cabadejo __ We don't _personally_ know of anyone who has _actually_ been taken in the middle of the night and made to "disappear" but _everyone_ has heard of these sorts of *ghost stories.*
  58. Remember that the most effective way to convince someone of something is to have them come up with the idea, thought or belief _for themselves._ Without "sufficient proof" your imagination fills in the blanks *making ghost stories come to life.*
  60. Those who speak out can be expected to eventually enter a chronic state of anxiety and fear (just as someone would if they antagonised the mafia). All the lie system needs to do is provide a paranoiac with the ingredients and he or she will cook the stew. Here is an example of one such ghost story. Are you familiar with the story of "John Lang"? Read the video description and Google for what apparently happened to him: watch?v=R5acGmgBGN8
  62. That's the kind of ghost story I am talking about. Those who know about what happened to "John Lang" may now think twice before speaking out against police corruption. _Somehow it feels like that was the point._
  64. Beating dissidents is not a solution because it deepens resentment - *gives credibility to their dissenting views* - and drives the opposition underground. Murdering dissidents when they have been identified as such is also not a long-term solution because you are continually having to weed the garden. _But you need dissidents to believe that option is always on the table._
  66. *There is a better solution which comes in the form of "behavioural correction".* That is about identifying "dissidents" and "correcting their behaviour" _before_ "problems" arise. The algorithm is a weapon that can be used to improve life or _redefine_ it. It can also be used to take life by efficiently matching up killers with victims. Vigilantes with undesirables. Bullies with victims. The adversely affected will never know the true origin of the attack.
  68. You continue to say things like _"I think you are coming round"_ but _you_ haven't been keeping up.
  71. In the end, everyone will love Big Brother. Including those who are on track to star in future ghost stories that serve as a deterrent to the next crop of dissidents.
  75. __________
  76. 2017-09-01 1300
  78. +cabadejo __ I have said this before and will continue to repeat it: Almost *everything* can be _thought of_ as a "control system". Our food supply can be thought of as a "control system". Even the atmosphere can be thought of as a "control system"! The term "control system" is not an accurate term _because it can be applied to practically anything._
  80. Not only that - the term "control system" is _bland_ and nothing comes to mind when it is mentioned. It does not provide any hint as to what is happening or _how._ On the other hand - "lie system" is a descriptive term that definitely does.
  82. >>> The *lie system* is a *"best practice"* for having lies reliably accepted as truth by an audience or population _whenever_ lies are required or desired. <<<
  84. Note the word "whenever"! The lie system does not _need_ to be lying all the time as paranoid people can't help but think. The lie system need only lie _just once_ which confuses "conspiracy theorists" who repeatedly commit the "fallacy of the conspiracy theorist". The lie system *need only have _the option_ of lying* just the once! (That is an observation which makes what I am saying _utterly unique._ It's possible the lie system _*proper*_ has never told a single lie.)
  86. Because of _how_ the lie system performs its perceptual magic trick its *presentation protocol* needs to be _consistently_ adhered to. And _that_ alone is a weak-point which enables open-minded people to perceive what is materially invisible. That the lie system must _as much as possible_ withhold, cripple and obscure "sufficient proof" is its Achilles' heel. In the presentation of events and claims the lie system's behaviour _can be predicted_ and that's significant. Any so-called "truther" or "conspiracy theorist" or contrarian who is not focusing on the intentional and systematic withholding of "sufficient proof" *does not have a clue.*
  88. Here is another way to think about things. Think about the *rules* of tennis. Immediately you may think "the rules of tennis _control_ how a tennis match is played therefore the rules of tennis is a control system". Sort of but no! The rules of tennis determine *procedure* but cannot dictate the _outcome_ of a tennis match let alone how each player will play. _That would be a control system._ The _rules_ of tennis _themselves_ do not determine the outcome. *Instead the "rules of tennis" allow for a game of tennis to take place between two players.* (That's an important point.)
  90. The appropriately termed "lie system" (because it gives us an accurate hint as to what it's about) cannot dictate any particular outcome. _That would be a "control system"._ Let me be clear: *People are free to reject what the lie system presents but a tennis player is not free to reject the umpire's score!*
  92. The lie system can tell us nothing about _how_ the lie system is being used (or by whom or what). As the "rules of tennis" _allows for_ a tennis match to be played between two players, the appropriately termed "lie system" _allows for_ "farming" to take place between farmer and crop.
  94. Keep in mind that two people can play tennis for fun, for practice and of course for serious competition. And just as any two people who know the rules of tennis can play a game of tennis, anyone who knows the rules of the lie system can enact their own "mini lie system".
  96. I think part of the problem you and Mr Hill have is that you see bits and pieces of the lie system around you - _rightly so_ - but conclude that those things must be a part of the lie system _*proper.*_ (Often I need to distinguish between pranksters, criminals and the lie system proper.) I haven't really gotten started on the lie system _*proper*_ though I've dropped hints on Twitter. Too bad you haven't seen them!
  98. Before I get to the lie system _*proper*_ the "rules" need to be _properly_ laid out. I haven't done that yet!
  100. Finally - I realise that you and Mr Hill desperately want to cling to the notion of the "lie system" as a "control system". I have tried to make the distinction between the two apparent but accept I haven't been successful. I think that part of the confusion and inability to see it as I am trying to explain it is because the "lie system" _can be used *like* a control system._ Just as a _"natural liar"_ forms a "mini lie system" and successfully manipulates ("controls"!) those around him.
  102. When practically everything can be _thought of_ as a "control system" it is difficult to recognise the lie system as being anything _more._
  104. As I began - practically everything can be _thought of_ as a "control system" and until you can move beyond that you will remain stuck. I have here and elsewhere explained why "control system" _is not_ an appropriate term and why the term "lie system" is. I am happy for you to think of things as a "cabadejo's control system" or "Brian Hill's control system" but your understanding of such a (generic) "lie system" would then deviate from mine. It is no longer what Lesta is talking about and you also run the risk of introducing flaws _into_ your concept without realising it.
  106. I know what I am doing whether or not you and Mr Hill can accept it. Okay, that's enough time squandered on the _distinction_ between "control system" and "lie system"!
  110. __________
  111. 2017-09-02 0215
  113. +cabadejo __ As much as you'd like me to hurry up I am not on your time schedule. Given that people like Mr Hill continue to be stuck on _basic_ things that were comprehensively covered more than two years ago (e.g., "justified/unjustified belief" - _first principles_ of the lie system!) I am acutely aware that I need to move on and simply let go of the dead weight that's slowing me down. Unfortunately, that includes you if you are merely popping in from time to time. Either pay attention and keep up or accept you're just here to be entertained and embrace the latest mind blow which the lie system _makes possible._
  117. ____________________________________________________________
  118. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  120. Lesta on YouTube
  123. Lesta on Twitter
  126. Lesta on Google Plus
  129. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  130. What exists - exists to always exist.
  131. As it is written - so it is done.
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