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What's something you used to think was fictitious

a guest
Dec 9th, 2015
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  1. • What's something you used to think was fictitious but it turned out to be real?
  2. • not sure
  3. • Santa
  4. • Tanooki
  5. • pinapple bushes (as opposed to trees)
  6. • Emporer Norton
  7. • Roanoke Truthers
  8. • Tasmanian Devils
  9. • That comic on tumblr with the guy who was complaining he couldn't get women to read his indie comic that was represented by some faceless boobs. That was his real gripe.
  10. • Elephants being scared of mice
  11. • Belgium
  12. • moonwalk conspiracy theory (I mean, I didn't believe at first that people didn't believe it)
  13. • Can't think of anything.
  14. • Tanuki
  15. • cat milk
  16. • Ralph Steadman
  17. • Lamarckian genetics
  18. • post nasal drip
  19. • coelocanth
  20. • Donald Trump
  21. • Knights Templar
  22. • cortex
  23. • Prussia
  24. • Feminism
  25. • God.
  26. • I really can't think of anything
  27. • Goats in trees
  28. • Throat singing
  29. • Ancient Aliens (the TV show)
  30. • contentment
  31. • Conspiracy theorists
  32. • stoners
  33. • dystopia
  34. • antelope! Not ficticious, but I thought they were extinct.
  35. • People who stand to wipe
  36. • I honestly can't think of anything.
  37. • Native American genocide
  38. • Sex
  39. • The depravity of human beings.
  40. • shakespeare invented the name "jessica"
  41. • true love
  42. • Narwhals
  43. • Ligers
  44. • unicorns! I mean, narwhals.
  45. • Rampant, pervasive sexism. Ah, the blind folly of youth.
  46. • I can't think of something offhand, but my friend didn't know the Roosevelt Island Tramway (seen in Spiderman 2?) was real until I took her to ride it
  47. • North Pole, AK
  48. • Dunno
  49. • CIA selling cocaine
  50. • eels.
  51. • Jerzy Kozintsky's life.
  52. • Talladega speedway
  53. • Seahorses
  54. • God
  55. • Timbuktu
  56. • Newton's Apple Tree
  57. • back pain
  58. • Bronies
  59. • Iowa
  60. • The Pacific Northwest Arboreal Octopus
  61. • Jessamyn
  62. • evolution, big bang, carbon dating
  63. • The legend of Frances Zippo
  64. • Gila monsters
  65. • Brontosaurus
  66. • depression
  67. • most recently, pigs with blue fat - snopes says it's a thing!
  68. • Pareidolia
  69. • Can't think of a thing
  70. • soft shell crabs
  71. • The Devil's Punchbowl
  72. • The 'Soft Kitty' song from The Big Bang Theory
  73. • Cortex the mod
  74. • Nothing in my life has ever worked in that direction.
  75. • Love
  76. • The statue of Baphomet
  77. • erasable ink
  78. • Timbuctu
  79. • Little House on the Prarie
  80. • Jersey barrier mover
  81. • SMERSH
  82. • That the government is watching us.
  83. • Giant squid
  84. • Nothing
  85. • dazzle camouflage
  86. • Women with an actual sex drive.
  87. • Donald Trump
  88. • Misogyny
  89. • ?
  90. • People who are not depressed.
  91. • ebola
  92. • Goodwill toward men
  93. • No idea.
  94. • confirmation bias
  95. • I thought Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me" was about teenage lesbians for a long time, does that count?
  96. • Matt Haughey
  97. • santa claus
  98. • Crystal skulls
  99. • Ireland
  100. • n/a
  101. • Easter Bunny
  102. • Vox Day
  103. • The reason I was afraid to have sex.
  104. • Don't know.
  105. • Powered paragliding.
  106. • iceland
  107. • taters
  108. • subsistence villages situated on trash dumps
  109. • addiction
  110. • Wales
  111. • LA's subway system (this is not a joke)
  112. • People who thought unicorns were real.
  113. • So many fetishes
  114. • Shoreditch
  115. • a feminist man
  116. • Bigfoot
  117. • The Bavarian Illuminati
  118. • dragons
  119. • Johnny Appleseed
  120. • that I would grow old
  121. • huns
  122. • Love
  123. • can't think of anything!
  124. • Grace Hopper
  125. • Hypnotism, perhaps?
  126. • Area 51
  127. • evil
  128. • Baloney license (how I heard "bull only")
  129. • ?
  130. • the white light you see when you die
  131. • The mob / organized crime
  132. • Can't think of anything
  133. • Narwhals
  134. • komodo dragons
  135. • bone conduction hearing
  136. • road runners
  137. • Soul mates
  138. • Mad Money
  139. • I can't think of anything
  140. • Love
  141. • Most of my thoughts
  142. • true love
  143. • Railguns
  144. • Santorini
  145. • Edward Fortyhands
  146. • narwhales
  147. • Dire wolves
  148. • Butter
  149. • Rats being able to swim into the toiler
  150. • Scientologists really do believe in, or at least are really taught about, Xenu.
  151. • birthirs
  152. • Your mom
  153. • Ten pin bowling
  154. • chiggers
  155. • podiatrists
  156. • The golem of Prague (there's a statue)
  157. • Everything about big cities, like 6 lanes for traffic and it all bumper to bumper, I somehow thought they were depicting stuff just for TV, but it is all real.
  158. • Santorini
  159. • snuffaluffagus
  160. • I honestly can't think of anything. I can think of a lot of things I thought were real and turned out to be fictional, though.
  161. • Donald Trump
  162. • The phrase "Internet of Things." I mean, really?
  163. • Tasmanian Devil
  164. • No idea
  165. • love
  166. • chronic fatigue syndrome
  167. • People who honestly believe in shit the Bible says.
  168. • Sex
  169. • Santa Claus
  170. • Narwhal
  171. • Archaeopteryx
  172. • Unicorns
  173. • the Midwest
  174. • Dogs getting their periods - like actually bleeding when they're in heat
  175. • love
  176. • sex
  177. • TransRatFashion
  178. • Chincoteague Island, Virginia
  179. • MSG reaction
  180. • Tumbleweed
  181. • Willpower
  182. • purposeful ignorance
  183. • Trump running for president
  184. • Dragons
  185. • Sharting
  186. • honestly good religious people
  187. • can't think of anything
  188. • Donald Trump
  189. • Tammy Faye Bakker
  190. • Worms that enter your ear and lay eggs that burrow into your brain
  191. • putting garbage down a sink and flipping a switch, intentionally
  192. • Narwhal
  193. • Irrationally extreme liberals (I used to think this was a right-wing boogeyman, but MeFi proved me wrong!)
  194. • cortex
  195. • The Illuminati
  196. • That armadillos carry lepros
  197. • Pulling out is reasonably effective birth control
  198. • Robert Kardashian's career and family.
  199. • that people use two spaces at the end of a sentence
  200. • Gmail
  201. • California
  202. • Narwhal; also, romantic love
  203. • Delaware
  204. • that we never really grow up
  205. • The modern religious revival
  206. • Turducken
  207. • runner's high
  208. • actual northwest passage
  209. • dire wolves
  210. • love.
  211. • CIA assassinations
  212. • God
  213. • joni mitchell
  214. • Englebert Humperdinck
  215. • monsters
  216. • aging
  217. • American housing prices
  218. • The Ophiocordyceps fungus
  219. • trepanning
  220. • Hobbitses
  221. • The Denver airport conspiracy
  222. • Jackie akennedy reading for JFK's skull
  223. • Platypus (still not sure)
  224. • N/A
  225. • Las Vegas showgirls
  226. • Solar-powered sunbeds
  227. • Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman's marriage
  228. • allergies (e.g., to pollen)
  229. • The Heart Attack Grill
  230. • Supernumerary nipples.
  231. • Samarkand
  232. • True Love
  233. • I can't think of anything
  234. • hedgehogs
  235. • love
  236. • Stars. I was really blind for a long time before someone noticed i needed glasses
  237. • Department of Homeland Security
  238. • Your soul.
  239. • New York
  240. • Nothing.
  241. • Rob Ford
  242. • Consequences for my actions
  243. • Narwhals
  244. • God
  245. • The moon
  246. • Narwhals
  247. • Competitive Speedwalking
  248. • How much people smoke in Paris
  249. • Flat-Earthers
  250. • monotremes
  251. • reindeer
  252. • Nightshade allergies
  253. • the Spice Girls
  254. • The horrible stuff from Gamer Gate
  255. • Gay Republicans
  256. • UFOs
  257. • A cow in Florida suffocated by mosquitoes
  258. • the professional white background
  259. • santa claus
  260. • Bigfoot
  261. • big foot
  262. • Narwhal
  263. • not sure
  264. • Nice Scottish beer
  265. • seahorses
  266. • toynbee tiles
  267. • I didn't used to believe that there were real people, who thought honey was not sugar.
  268. • drake's coffee cake, one of many seinfeld references i didn't think was a real thing
  269. • great question but can't think of anything
  270. • Polyamory
  271. • hatred
  272. • Advantages of Test Driven development
  273. • nothing
  274. • Can't think of anything
  275. • Trolls
  276. • People living in the sewers etc.
  277. • Optimism
  278. • Zanzibar
  279. • Santa Claus
  280. • quantum entanglement
  281. • The Korean War
  282. • Hannibal
  283. • Donald Trump's chances of becoming President
  284. • Depression
  285. • Probably some goofy insect, nothing springs to mind
  286. • tone deafness
  287. • narwhals
  288. • ponies
  289. • Chicken sashimi
  290. • true love
  291. • narwhals
  292. • True love in a truly equal partnership
  293. • the etymology of "atonement" as at-one-ment.
  294. • Narwhals
  295. • pocket super computers
  296. • Jenkem
  297. • That thunder is the sound of lightning
  298. • True love
  299. • Can't think of a thing.
  300. • Sex
  301. • Elementary school cafeterias
  303. • Hannibal
  304. • Time travel
  305. • The Northern Lights
  306. • Flags everywhere in the US
  307. • cemeteries
  308. • biker gangs in modern times
  309. • Love at first sight! <3
  310. • sugar gluder
  311. • Narwhal. Also I thought antelopes were only in zoos until I drove through eastern Montana.
  312. • High school prom
  313. • Albania
  314. • The Republican Party
  315. • anal sex
  316. • The Bible
  317. • Green bell peppers being unripe red bell peppers.
  318. • Satan
  319. • The presence of anything in Homestuck that wasn't just a kid messing around in his house
  320. • The love of a cat, I thought cats never really loved people
  321. • Feral camels in the Central Australian desert.
  322. • systemic racism
  323. • Colonel Sanders
  324. • True Love
  325. • I didn't believe the Mitford family participated in a game called "child hunting" where they were hunted by hounds in a field. I'm still not sure if it's true.
  326. • Mens Rights Activists
  327. • Narwhals
  328. • Religion
  329. • Tooth powder
  330. • ghosts
  331. • Giant squid
  332. • Sensors under asphalt
  333. • Buffalo. (Thought they were actually extinct)
  334. • Round door knobs
  335. • Marshmallow fluff.
  336. • knights
  337. • guys sending dick pics to strangers
  338. • classism in America
  339. • The word "galumptious"
  340. • Kitty Genovese murder/story
  341. • BerenSTAIN Bears.
  342. • narwhals
  343. • bath houses
  344. • Scott Walker's wall between the US and Canada
  345. • The Cabal
  346. • Rat Kings
  347. • mass telecommunications surveillance by the NSA
  348. • Idk
  349. • Dolly Parton. I used to think her name was less plausible than Polly Darton, the Muppet version, and thus not a thing, right?
  350. • skyhooks
  351. • The cabal.
  352. • Casa Bonita
  353. • Can't think of one thing! It's usually the other way round for me – things I think are real turn out to be fictitious.
  354. • God
  355. • giant squid
  356. • People stand to wipe their fanny.
  357. • I don't know
  358. • couscous was an actual real thing
  359. • narwhals
  360. • ?
  361. • The existence of nice cats
  362. • The Onion's AV Club
  363. • Giant squid
  364. • ?
  365. • Donald Trump
  366. • grotesque corporate malfeasence
  367. • cellulite
  368. • Bacon Vodka
  369. • socialism in today's UK Labour Party
  370. • The Tea Party
  371. • Republican party
  372. • King Arthur
  373. • santa
  374. • Probably some weird social/sexual thing I'm better off forgetting
  375. • Hootie and the Blowfish
  376. • Lemurs.
  377. • Gamergate
  378. • Portobello road
  379. • Timbuktu
  380. • ?
  381. • multiple orgasms
  382. • Karma
  383. • Love
  384. • narwhal
  385. • centralia pa
  386. • Troy
  387. • Twue Wove
  388. • Cameron & pig
  389. • sex
  390. • unicorns
  391. • The Chimpire
  392. • Love
  393. • Cesarean Section delivery
  394. • Sex.
  395. • 3D printer
  396. • the kraken
  397. • the internet
  398. • Paying bills
  399. • skin cancer
  400. • Nothing is real
  401. • The Zone (sports)
  402. • happy marriage
  403. • Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  404. • true love
  405. • Children who cut off all contact with their parents
  406. • Timbuktu
  407. • "Who wants to sex Mutombo?"
  408. • NSA totally spying on us
  409. • Intelligent people who claim to have a gluten allergy.
  410. • Children actually believing in Santa Claus
  411. • those goddamn duggars
  412. • Invasive, ubiquitous government surveillance
  413. • Monstrous politicians
  414. • butts
  415. • Hibernating bears
  416. • this has never happened to me.
  417. • Gay republicans
  418. •
  419. • love
  420. • Tea Partiers
  421. • Modern-day royalty
  422. • ghosts
  423. • social justice warriors
  424. • Furries
  425. • ?
  426. • narwhals
  427. • the number of people who don't believe in science
  428. • my ability to be in a loving supportive relationship
  429. • Willful ignorance
  430. • snow berries
  431. • the possibility that George W. Bush could get elected
  432. • Berenste(a)in
  433. • menstruation
  434. • landover baptist church
  435. • rule 33
  436. • The name "Meredith."
  437. • Russian Illegals Program
  438. • Pokemon
  439. • Richard Gere's gerbil
  440. • GWB's 2004 election.
  441. • tonsil stones
  442. • don't know
  443. • Def Leppard's drummer lost his arm in a car crash
  444. • menstrual cycles synchronizing when women spend time together
  445. • Ghosts
  446. • Narwhals
  447. • New Mexico skies
  448. • The mailbox flag thing that gets used in videogames and which I have never seen anywhere else. Like, what the fuck? But actually real! Weird!
  449. • Love
  450. • My music career
  451. • sherlock holmes
  452. • video phones
  453. • I can't remember anything like that.
  454. • giant squid
  455. • human trafficking
  456. • Don't know
  457. • Evolution
  458. • there was a type of plant. but i don't remember which one it was.
  459. • Love.
  460. • Donald Trump
  461. • Left-handed people
  462. • The correct pronunciation of "biopic"
  463. • narwhals
  464. • rape culture
  465. • the etymology of "trivia"
  466. • policy debate
  467. • Narwhals
  468. • Fucking Black Mirror, episode 1. That, and actual fans for the tv show, Crystal Maze
  469. • "i'm walking here!"
  470. • People who prefer the toilet paper falling down over the back of the roll.
  471. • Nothing I can think of
  472. • human evolution (thank you Christian high school!)
  473. • Wales
  474. • Selfie sticks
  475. • Conservatives
  476. • People who prefer awful made-up gender-neutral pronouns like "ze"
  477. • Can't put my finger on anything...
  478. • That life could have plausibly arrived from another planet
  479. • chocolate cravings
  480. • ?
  481. • no idea
  482. • NSA surveillance of all communications
  483. • Danvers
  484. • The movie "The Wiz"
  485. • committed polyamory
  486. • Self-parking cars
  487. • non bigoted people
  488. • Keeping up with the Kardashians
  489. • love!
  490. • Male feminists
  491. • narwhals
  492. • Trump candidacy
  493. • china
  494. • evil
  495. • Love
  496. • Meditation
  497. • The Civil War was about slavery (due to terrible textbooks!)
  498. • unicorns
  499. • a sense of contentment.
  500. • Peter Bogdanovich's death
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