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Oct 14th, 2021
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  1. *Nolem 's physique was quite noticable superior to that of most of his kindred, yet that didn't seem to be enough. He wanted more. More power!! Brawling with those of his race most of the time had toughened him up. His chitinous plates bulged to the brim yet he knew that within him there was still much room to grow.
  3. "--A while" He would answer in response to Boreal's question before getting back to his own thoughts.
  5. Having faught for so long, the stress from fighting and dodging would weigh on his mind and become burdens to his muscles. What this mean't to normal people was that it was time for a break but to Nolem? It had meant that the workout had just began.
  7. Pouring his ki into his muscles, he would energize them back to life. This method of energizing his muscles didn't come without drawback though. The more he energized his muscles with energy to restore them, the longer he would need to actually rest when it came time for the muscles to have to naturally repair themselves via sleeping and eating. The process was also very painful after using a reptitive amount of times.
  9. Unknowingly to him though this painful method he was using to temporarily restore his muscles was in fact slowly toning his ligaments and tendons as a blacksmith would do a sword. The tempering was slowly increasing the amount of energy his muscles could accumulate thus increasing his strength
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