
Basic Marxism-Leninism study plan

Nov 30th, 2017
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  1. Basic Marxism-Leninism study plan
  3. Introduction
  4. Lenin. The three sources and three component parts of Marxism
  5. Lenin. Karl Marx
  6. Marx, Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party
  8. Historical Materialism
  9. Marx, Engels. The German Ideology, chapter 1
  11. Scientific Socialism
  12. Engels. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
  13. Lenin. What is to be done?
  14. Lenin. State and Revolution
  15. Lenin. Texts against revisionism and opportunism:
  16. The historical destiny of the doctrine of Karl Marx
  17. Opportunism and the collapse of the Second International
  18. The collapse of the Second International
  19. Imperialism and the split in Socialism
  20. Certain features of the historical development of Marxism
  21. Marxism and Revisionism
  22. Marxism and Reformism
  23. Lenin. Left-wing Communism: and infantile disorder
  24. Engels. Anti-Dühring, part III: Socialism
  25. Stalin. The foundations of Leninism
  27. Philosophy
  28. Mao. On contradiction
  29. Engels. Anti-Dühring, part I: Philosophy
  30. Engels. Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy
  31. Marx. Theses on Feuerbach
  33. Political Economy
  34. Marx. Wages, price and profit
  35. Engels. Anti-Dühring, part II: Political Economy
  36. Marx. Capital Volume I
  37. Lenin. Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism
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