
Listen to Smarty 4

Aug 6th, 2012
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  1. >You are Listen, a Smarty Friend
  2. >You and your band of stallions are currently on a quest to bring back nummies to your hungry herd
  3. >You walk in spread out in groups of two: you walk with Freddy at the front while the rear is brought up by two of your more reliable fluffies: Slugger and Trevor
  4. >Slugger is the muscle of your herd: he's an earth fluffy with pink fluff and a brown mane; he's way bigger then any other fluffy you've ever met, though he's not meanie at all and prefers hugging over kicking
  5. >You can't remember the last time you had to call him a bad fluffy; you'd actually be okay with Slugger having babbehs in your herd just to have some more toughie friends, but his special friend never seems to get pregnant
  6. >Trevor is also an earth fluffy, though nowhere near as big as Slugger, with light grey fluff and a two-tone mane: one side is orange and the other is light blue
  7. >While Trevor isn't as strong as Slugger, he is way more smarty: Trevor is the one who came up with the idea of drawing pictures to help the herd remember where nummies and wa-was are
  8. >Sometimes he gets a little too absorbed in drawing his pictures when he should be doing something else, but that's why you're around to keep him focused
  9. >You halt your party for another break, allowing Trevor to begin drawing his picture on a tree using a rock
  10. >The rest of the stallions begin nibbling at any vegetation they can find, which is fine by you
  11. >The fuller they are when they get to the nummies, the less they'll eat, and the more you'll be able to bring back to the mares
  12. >You half-listen to Freddy mumble through his story of how he came across these new nummies while staying alert for monsters
  13. >The forest, though, is strangely quiet
  14. >The familiar sounds of the birdy-monsters is almost gone, even the wind seems weaker then usual
  15. >As your group begins moving again, you start to develop a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach
  16. ---
  17. >You are Barney, a unicorn fluffy
  18. >Your herd's Smarty Friend left you, Raindrop and Ice in charge of watching the mares while he went to gather food
  19. >You were very glad to stay near the cave as a guard, as it meant you could be near your special friend Peach and your babbehs
  20. >You beam with pride as you stare at the little balls of fluff nestled up against their mumma
  21. >The two of you are currently naming your last babbeh, a solid black little pegasus filly
  22. "Bwackie?"
  23. "Aweady Bwackie in hewd."
  24. "Buggy?"
  25. "Dat icky name."
  26. "Umm… Wock?"
  27. "Dat odda babbeh name…"
  28. >You try and think of other black things you would know, thinking back to when you lived with your Hooman dadda, before he left you all alone
  29. "Wick-o'-wish!"
  30. "Wat dat?"
  31. "Is tasty bwack nummie."
  32. "Gud name fow babbeh. Otay, babbeh name Wick-o'-wish."
  33. >Peach nuzzles Licorice as the baby gurgles and reaches out for something to hug
  34. >You feel a little envious of your special friend
  35. "Can Bawney gib Wick-o'-wish huggies now?"
  36. >Peach yanks the babbeh away from you and gives you a distrustful look
  37. "Babbehs tu smaww fow Bawney gib huggies. Onwy mumma gib huggies."
  38. "Buh Smawty Fwiend seh-"
  39. "Smawty nuh mumma, Peach mumma. Peach seh nu huggies."
  40. >You turn your back on your meanie special friend and grumble
  41. >Just like the last three babbehs, you're not allowed to hug them, even though you'd be super-extra-special careful!
  42. >You stand up to start patrolling, your special friend too busy with the babbehs to even notice you leaving, which only makes you angrier
  43. >You want hugs, poop it!
  44. "Yuuhuu, Bawney!"
  45. >You look to see Lady, a cyan unicorn with a blue mane, waving at you from the other side of the field
  46. >You quickly trot over to see what she wants, glad to have a distraction from your rage
  47. "Wat Wady wan'?"
  48. >Lady raises her one leg over her face as if she is going to faint, while her other points into a thick patch of thorns with some flowers growing on the other side, speaking in a voice that even fluffies would find hammy
  49. "Wady wan' bootifuw fwowa, buh meanie thowns nu gib tu hew! If onwy dewe wewe big, stwong, bwabe fwuffy whu wuud get fow hew; Wady wuud be su… gwateful."
  50. >You look over at the thorns, they look really sharp and meanie
  51. "Bawney nu wan owwies…"
  52. >Lady drops her hooves and gets an annoyed look on her face
  53. "Wady gib speshal huggies fow fwowa."
  54. >Your entire fluffy mind stops dead and your mouth tries its best to fill in the gap
  55. "Habujewha- Buh- Buh- Bawney aweady hab speshal fwiend! Hab Peach! Hab Babbehs!"
  56. >Lady just giggles
  57. "Siwwy Bawney, nu hab tu be speshal fwiend tu gib speshal huggies! Wady's Hooman Mumma mek Wady nu hab babbehs, so Wady hab speshal huggies wen eba Wady wan'!"
  58. >Special hugs… but not being special friends?
  59. >Your mind reels at this alien concept
  60. >Lady seems to notice your weakening state and presents you with her no-nos, her butt and tail wiggling in the air
  61. "Wady gib best speshal hugs…"
  62. >You feel your resolve weakening as her scent fills your nostrils, arousing your long neglected no-nos
  63. >You think of Peach and your children…
  64. >Awhile later (about two minutes in human time) you and Lady walk out from under a bush, a beautiful pink flower adorning Lady's mane
  65. >You are covered with scrapes and cuts, your legs feel wobbly and your no-nos are stinging and chafed
  66. "Wowth id…"
  67. ---
  68. >You are Listen again
  69. >After several stopping and drawing several more guide pictures, you've finally reached the promised nummies
  70. >Before you stands a mighty shrub, teaming with delicious-looking red berries
  71. >Freddy has outdone himself this time
  72. >You haven't been able to shake your uneasy feeling, but the sight of so much food helps
  73. >Only one last thing before you let the stallions dig in
  74. "Fweddy eat any nummies?"
  75. "N-nu, wan shuw hewd. Shawe nummies."
  76. >You turn one of your band, a blue pegasus with a black mane
  77. "Wobew."
  78. "Yes, fwiend?"
  79. "Twy nummies."
  80. "Otay!"
  81. >You watch Rover happily trot over to the bush, completely oblivious of any danger he might be in
  82. >Rover is dumb, even by fluffy standards
  83. >He can't remember anyone else's name, doesn't understand the concept of numbers, and never worries about monsters or bad nummies unless you specifically remind him
  84. >You don't like it, but the only way Rover contributes to the herd is by making sure things are safe for other fluffies
  85. >Rover starts hungrily digging into the berries, smearing red juice all over his face
  86. >You wait awhile and when it appears that Rover will not be dropping over and foaming at the mouth, you instruct the rest of the stallions to start loading their fluff with berries
  87. >The male groan at not being allowed to eat first like Rover, but ensuring the entire herd has food takes precedence over feeding a bunch of whiny stallions
  88. >Besides, you have to make there be some upside to using Rover as bait
  89. >After loading everyone's fluff with nummies and staining some fluff when nummies were stored a bit too rough, you allow the rest of the stallions and yourself to eat
  90. >You bite into a berry and are surprised at how sour and tart it is, you hear several of your herd gag on the taste
  91. >Still, it tastes better then all the grass you've been eating, so you hungrily dig into some more berries
  92. >You've just about eaten your fill when you overhear Rover talking to someone
  93. "Hewwo new fwiend! Wan' nummies?"
  94. >You turn to see who Rover is talking to and your heart almost stops
  95. >Standing in front of Rover is a Bambi-munsta
  96. >A horribly giant munsta, like a giant fluffy with too long legs and too short fluff, though this one doesn't have the awful point horns like others you've seen
  97. >You had an old herd-mate who told you they were called Bambis, that he'd seen them on the glowing box and that they were super-friendly and loved to play with bunneh-munstas and birdy-munstas
  98. >Since he got trampled by a Bambi-munsta when he tried to give it a hug, you've had doubts about their friendliness
  99. >Still, you trust that the glowing box to at least give the right name for these monsters
  100. >After all, it was the glowing box that convinced you to leave the city
  101. >Your stallions give the Bambi-munsta a wide berth, one of your smarter fluffies dragging Rover away from his new 'friend'
  102. >The munsta seems uninterested in your group and instead starts nibbling at the shrub
  103. >You relax a little and quietly instruct your herd to start heading back to the cave, looks like you worried over noth-
  104. *BANG*
  105. >A loud noise tears through the air and the Bambi-munsta fall over, its head leaking boo-boo juice
  106. >You and the stallions take off sprinting, voiding your bowels and screaming at the top of your lungs
  107. >Over the screams, you think you hear voices
  108. "HELLL YEAHHH! Right between the eyes! You owe me twenty bucks, Jeff!"
  109. >Oh no
  110. >Hoomans
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