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a guest
Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. ~/Dropbox/sites/lifemap/lifemap-upload(master) $ node -v
  2. v0.2.5
  3. ~/Dropbox/sites/lifemap/lifemap-upload(master) $ npm -v
  4. 0.2.11-5
  5. ~/Dropbox/sites/lifemap/lifemap-upload(master) $ node server.js
  7. node.js:63
  8. throw e;
  9. ^
  10. TypeError: Object function (fileSystem, standardOutput, configPaths) {
  11. var fs = fileSystem || require('fs'),
  12. standardOutput = standardOutput || console.log,
  13. configPaths = configPaths || require.paths,
  14. sys = require('sys'),
  15. events = require('events'),
  16. path = require('path'),
  17. DEFAULT_CATEGORY = '[default]',
  18. ALL_CATEGORIES = '[all]',
  19. loggers = {},
  20. appenders = {},
  21. levels = {
  22. ALL: new Level(Number.MIN_VALUE, "ALL", "grey"),
  23. TRACE: new Level(5000, "TRACE", "blue"),
  24. DEBUG: new Level(10000, "DEBUG", "cyan"),
  25. INFO: new Level(20000, "INFO", "green"),
  26. WARN: new Level(30000, "WARN", "yellow"),
  27. ERROR: new Level(40000, "ERROR", "red"),
  28. FATAL: new Level(50000, "FATAL", "magenta"),
  29. OFF: new Level(Number.MAX_VALUE, "OFF", "grey")
  30. },
  31. appenderMakers = {
  32. "file": function(config) {
  33. var layout;
  34. if (config.layout) {
  35. layout = layoutMakers[config.layout.type](config.layout);
  36. }
  37. return fileAppender(config.filename, layout, co~/Dropbox/sites/lifemap/lifemap-upload(master) $
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