

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. [12:13 PM] DoctorCarwash: Hon I don't really hold anything against Liana
  2. [12:13 PM] DoctorCarwash: But what you and zaylem don't really understand is that I don't really have interest in getting back together with her
  3. [12:13 PM] DoctorCarwash: I wanna stay friends, of course. But I just...don't have interest in being romantic with her again.
  4. [12:15 PM] CycloneDusk: maybe not, but you don't want to remove her, do you...? Because That is the fear.
  5. [12:15 PM] DoctorCarwash: What do you exactly mean by removing her? XD
  6. [12:15 PM] CycloneDusk: We talked a lot last night and she is wracked by insecurities.
  7. [12:16 PM] CycloneDusk: She's afraid she'll be 'dismissed' from our hypothetical herd.
  8. [12:16 PM] CycloneDusk: now I'm not saying you should go talk to her asap
  9. [12:16 PM] CycloneDusk: I believe you SHOULD be taking this time to get your thoughts in order
  10. [12:16 PM] DoctorCarwash: I mean...I guess that depends on what that means?
  11. [12:17 PM] DoctorCarwash: I don't consider her a lover, if that's what you're asking
  12. [12:18 PM] CycloneDusk: All of us will need to keep informed and involved with the status of one another. Could you be to her as I am to zaylem? Something stable and close even if there isn't romantic intimacy?
  13. [12:30 PM] DoctorCarwash: sighs
  14. [12:31 PM] CycloneDusk: nuzzles faintly, apologetic for all the pressure...
  15. [12:31 PM] CycloneDusk: this doesn't need to be decided now though...
  16. [12:31 PM] CycloneDusk: just... just relax, dear...
  17. [12:31 PM] CycloneDusk: i know you'll keep it in mind.
  18. [12:32 PM] DoctorCarwash: I am relaxed >.>
  19. [12:32 PM] CycloneDusk: maybe isn't x//x
  20. [12:32 PM] DoctorCarwash: I don't even really understand what you're asking though
  21. [12:33 PM] DoctorCarwash: I don't care if you wanna be romantically involved with liana. It would be weird if stradi and Zaylem were, yeah.
  22. [12:33 PM] CycloneDusk: ... maybe it's because, even though I kind of phrased it as though I was asking, it isn't really a question...
  23. [12:33 PM] CycloneDusk: but really,
  24. [12:33 PM] CycloneDusk: I keep remembering
  25. [12:33 PM] CycloneDusk: how often you were left out of the loop
  26. [12:34 PM] CycloneDusk: and I never want to leave you in the dark again.
  27. [12:34 PM] DoctorCarwash: If you want me to stay friends with her. That's fine. But I think way too many things are under assumption right now
  28. [12:34 PM] DoctorCarwash: You and Zaylem maybe be assuming way too much how willing Snowy is too jump back into a ship with her and that's kind of frustrating
  29. [12:34 PM] CycloneDusk: that's an excellent point actually
  30. [12:35 PM] CycloneDusk: because, to my perception, it sounded like she just wanted liana back more than anything... and ... assumptions. yeahh...
  31. [12:36 PM] CycloneDusk: you are there with her and i mean, yeah, obviously, you know better than anyone else ever would.
  32. [12:36 PM] CycloneDusk: ... i should spend more time listening x_x
  33. [12:38 PM] DoctorCarwash: It PROBABLY doesn't help that everyone (Not just you and Zay) are trying to fix this for us
  34. [12:38 PM] CycloneDusk: clears his throat, taking a moment to correct his previous line, "rather... if I spent more time listening, and talking to you, and getting your side of things, and asking how you are, I would drastically benefit and it would bring me VAST peace of mind..."
  35. [12:38 PM] DoctorCarwash: It probably would hon.
  36. [12:39 PM] CycloneDusk: because I want to hear you, goosie dear...
  37. [12:39 PM] CycloneDusk: but it's so hard sometimes to initiate conversation >_o;
  38. [12:40 PM] DoctorCarwash: Worst part about this is I feel like a lot of drama is going to come out of it.
  39. [12:40 PM] DoctorCarwash: When I just wanna move on with my life.
  40. [12:41 PM] CycloneDusk: I think that's why I wanted to talk to you, maybe...
  41. [12:41 PM] CycloneDusk: because I felt like if I didn't,
  42. [12:41 PM] CycloneDusk: there WOULD be drama
  43. [12:41 PM] CycloneDusk: and through good communication we can potentially avoid it.
  44. [12:42 PM] DoctorCarwash: And I don't think you or zay really understand how I fully feel. You know? I'm to the point where I don't think a relationship outside of friendship would work with Liana.
  45. [12:43 PM] DoctorCarwash: There's /a lot/ of hurt feelings there
  46. [12:43 PM] DoctorCarwash: From years
  47. [12:43 PM] CycloneDusk: nuzzles carefully with a pained, but acceptant nod...
  48. [12:43 PM] CycloneDusk: I want to understand...
  49. [12:43 PM] DoctorCarwash: I know it sucks. I know it sucks for all of you.
  50. [12:44 PM] DoctorCarwash: And it's like I feel as if my hands are tied.
  51. [12:44 PM] CycloneDusk: there are ways to decrease the suck without compromising your emotional integrity, without asking you to do something terrible like pretend
  52. [12:44 PM] CycloneDusk: i just need help finding them. I know it's not reasonable to think that any one of us actually has the answers,
  53. [12:45 PM] CycloneDusk: but I believe that answers will come, as long as we are patient, and empathetic, and trust one another - as much as is reasonable.
  54. [12:46 PM] DoctorCarwash: As long as people understand my feelings on the matter and don't go "Oh well look past that! You guys have something too good to let anything get in the way of it"
  55. [12:46 PM] DoctorCarwash: No offense.
  56. [12:46 PM] DoctorCarwash: Because I have been told that before and that's just beyond frustrating and insulting.
  57. [12:48 PM] CycloneDusk: None taken and ... good gods I am so glad I didn't try to go there >_>;
  58. [12:53 PM] DoctorCarwash: Yeaahh...I fucking love Wofle to death. He gave me that speech >.>
  59. [12:53 PM] DoctorCarwash: I didn't say much because I didn't wanna hurt the guy 😒
  60. [12:54 PM] CycloneDusk: pats teh goosie softly, and nuzzles her forehead
  61. [12:54 PM] CycloneDusk: you have the patience of a saint, my dear..
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