
Explanation of Streaming Schedule

Oct 24th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Plan is to take 1 day off every 5 days instead of X every 7.
  2. Stream times as a result may be volatile.
  3. Day 0 = NO STREAM
  4. Day 1 = Super Mario Maker 2
  5. Day 2 = SMM2
  6. Day 3 = SMM2
  7. Day 4 = SMM2
  8. + bonus PC game or other Switch game streams might pop up sometimes.
  10. Likely starting time could be anywhere from 300 to 1100 each day, except for Sundays where it's more like 300 to 700.
  11. UTC -800 (Pacific Time) US & Canada.
  13. I might give each day I stream a name but for now I'll just refer to them by number.
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