

Apr 3rd, 2022
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  1. [b]Citizens of the League![/b]
  3. The Office of the Consulate is calling on [b]you[/b] to aid us in the fight against the raider menace. The raiders have swept through the region of [region]England[/region], leaving a path of destruction and grief in their wake. The League Defense Force, along with our defender allies, have made battle with the enemy for two days and nights, and we are on the precipice of victory. In order to seal our ultimate triumph, [b]we need your help[/b]. The League is calling upon you, fellow citizen, to join our righteous cause, to fly behind the iron curtain and liberate the founderless regions of the world from the iron fist of raiderdom.
  5. For the uninitiated, liberation is a simple task. All you need to do is join Libcord, a discord channel run by defender command. From there, you will be given instructions on how to prepare your nation or a puppet to help liberate a region. Do not be intimidated -- we have a wealth of experienced defenders who will be happy to set you on the right path. The operation will commence somewhere around midnight EST, so you must be available at that time if you wish to participate.
  7. [b]Here is the link to Libcord. Introduce yourself as LDF and you will be given further orders from there.[/b]
  11. This link will expire sometime after the jump. If you have it in you, and you can make the time, then your region calls you to arms.
  13. Friends, there is no more noble a cause than that of defending the defenseless, helping the helpless, and holding aloft the sword and torch of righteousness in the face of all odds. We are confident that, with your help, we will prevail. The free nations of the world are marching together to victory. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory. Good Luck!
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