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Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. command /monety:
  2. trigger:
  3. send "&aTwoj stan konta: &e&l%{hajs.%player%}%"
  6. variables:
  7. {hajs.%player%} = 0
  8. command /dajmonety:
  9. permission:
  10. trigger:
  11. add 300 to {hajs.%player%}
  12. send "&3 &a&l+ &e&l300 MONET &e"
  14. on mine of stone:
  15. chance of 1%:
  16. add 1 to {hajs.%player%}
  17. send "&3 &a&l+ &e&l1 MONETA &e"
  19. command /sklep:
  20. trigger:
  21. open chest with 6 rows named "&4&lSKLEP Z ITEMAMI" to player
  22. format slot 0 of player with 64 of steak named "&7Jedzenie" with lore "&aKoszt &e2 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajjedzenie"]
  23. format slot 1 of player with 64 of gold ingot named "&6Złoto" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajzloto"]
  24. format slot 2 of player with 64 of 17 named "&eDrewno" with lore "&aKoszt &e7 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajdrewno"]
  25. format slot 3 of player with 64 of diamond named "&bDiament" with lore "&aKoszt &e6 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajdiament"]
  26. format slot 4 of player with 3 of 322:1 named "&6&lKOX" with lore "&aKoszt &e15 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajkox"]
  27. format slot 5 of player with 64 of iron ingot named "&fZelazo" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajzelazo"]
  28. format slot 6 of player with 64 of coal named "&8Wegiel" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajwegiel"]
  29. format slot 7 of player with 64 of redstone named "&cRedstone" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajredstone"]
  30. format slot 8 of player with 64 of emerald named "&2Szmaragd" with lore "&aKoszt &&e10 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajszmaragd"]
  31. format slot 9 of player with 1 of beacon named "&5&lBEACON" with lore "&aKoszt &e10000 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajbeacon"]
  32. format slot 10 of player with 16 of 368 named "&9Perla" with lore "&aKoszt &e15 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajperla"]
  33. format slot 53 of player with 1 of 175 named "&a&lSTAN KONTA" with lore "&aMonety: %{hajs.%player%}%" to run [execute player command "/monety"]
  34. format slot 11 of player with 1 of ender chest named "&9enderchest" with lore "&aKoszt &e10 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajec"]
  35. format slot 12 of player with 64 of 98 named "&7Celgy" with lore "&aKoszt &e7 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajcegly"]
  36. format slot 13 of player with 64 of 89 named "&eGlowstone" with lore "&aKoszt &e10 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajglow"]
  37. format slot 14 of player with 64 of 20 named "&fSzklo" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajszklo"]
  38. format slot 15 of player with 64 of obsidian named "&9Obsydian" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajobs"]
  39. format slot 16 of player with 64 of grass named "&2Trawa" with lore "&aKoszt &e5 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajtrawa"]
  40. format slot 17 of player with 64 of tnt named "&4TNT" with lore "&aKoszt &e10 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajtnt"]
  41. format slot 18 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  42. format slot 19 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  43. format slot 20 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  44. format slot 21 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  45. format slot 22 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  46. format slot 23 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  47. format slot 24 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  48. format slot 25 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 26 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  50. format slot 27 of player with 1 of 310 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&l6/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e20 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajhelm"]
  51. format slot 28 of player with 1 of 311 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&l6/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e20 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajklate"]
  52. format slot 29 of player with 1 of 312 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&l6/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e20 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajspodnie"]
  53. format slot 30 of player with 1 of 313 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&l6/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e20 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajbuty"]
  54. format slot 31 of player with 1 of 160:2 named "&9&l◘" with lore "" to be unstealable
  55. format slot 32 of player with 1 of 278 of efficiency 6 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&9&lKilof 6/3/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e5000 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajkilof"]
  56. format slot 33 of player with 1 of 276 of sharpness 6 and fire aspect 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&9&lMiecz 6/3/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e4500 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajmiecz"]
  57. format slot 34 of player with 1 of bow of power 6 and infinity 3 and flame 3 named "&9&lLuk 6/3/3" with lore "&aKoszt &e4000 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajluk"]
  58. format slot 35 of player with 1 of bow of punch 3 and infinity 1 named "&9&lLuk &4&lPUNCH &c&l3" with lore "&aKoszt &e1400 Monet" to run [execute player command "/dajluk2"]
  59. command /dajobs:
  60. trigger:
  61. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  62. give 64 49 to the player
  63. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  64. send "&7Kupiles &6Obsydian ! &c- 5 monet !"
  65. else:
  66. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  67. command /dajluk2:
  68. trigger:
  69. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  70. give 1 bow of punch 6 and infinity 1 to the player
  71. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  72. send "&7Kupiles &6Luk punch 3 ! &c- 4000 monet !"
  73. else:
  74. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  75. command /dajluk:
  76. trigger:
  77. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  78. give 1 bow of power 6 and infinity 3 and flame 3 to the player
  79. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  80. send "&7Kupiles &6Luk 6/3/3 ! &c- 1400 monet !"
  81. else:
  82. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  83. command /dajmiecz:
  84. trigger:
  85. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  86. give 1 276 of sharpness 6 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 3 to the player
  87. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  88. send "&7Kupiles &6Miecz 6/3/3 ! &c- 4500 monet !"
  89. else:
  90. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  91. command /dajkilof:
  92. trigger:
  93. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  94. give 1 278 of efficiency 6 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 to the player
  95. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  96. send "&7Kupiles &6Kilof 6/3/3 ! &c- 5000 monet !"
  97. else:
  98. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  99. command /dajobs:
  100. trigger:
  101. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  102. give 64 49 to the player
  103. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  104. send "&7Kupiles &6obsydian ! &c- 5 monet !"
  105. else:
  106. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  107. command /dajtrawa:
  108. trigger:
  109. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  110. give 64 2 to the player
  111. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  112. send "&7Kupiles &6trawe ! &c- 5 monet !"
  113. else:
  114. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  115. command /dajtnt:
  116. trigger:
  117. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 9:
  118. give 64 tnt to the player
  119. remove 10 from {hajs.%player%}
  120. send "&7Kupiles &6TNT ! &c- 10 monet !"
  121. else:
  122. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  123. command /dajcegly:
  124. trigger:
  125. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 6:
  126. give 64 98 to the player
  127. remove 7 from {hajs.%player%}
  128. send "&7Kupiles &6Cegly ! &c- 7 monet !"
  129. else:
  130. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  131. command /dajglow:
  132. trigger:
  133. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 9:
  134. give 64 89 to the player
  135. remove 10 from {hajs.%player%}
  136. send "&7Kupiles &6Glowstone ! &c- 10 monet !"
  137. else:
  138. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  139. command /dajszklo:
  140. trigger:
  141. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  142. give 64 20 to the player
  143. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  144. send "&7Kupiles &6szklo ! &c- 5 monet !"
  145. else:
  146. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  147. command /dajbeacon:
  148. trigger:
  149. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4999:
  150. give 1 beacon to the player
  151. remove 5000 from {hajs.%player%}
  152. send "&7Kupiles &4&lBEACONA ! &c- 10000 monet !"
  153. else:
  154. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  155. command /dajperla:
  156. trigger:
  157. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 14:
  158. give 16 ender pearl to the player
  159. remove 15 from {hajs.%player%}
  160. send "&7Kupiles &6zloto ! &c- 15 monet !"
  161. else:
  162. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  163. command /dajec:
  164. trigger:
  165. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 9:
  166. give 1 ender chest to the player
  167. remove 10 from {hajs.%player%}
  168. send "&7Kupiles &6ender chesta ! &c- 10 monet !"
  169. else:
  170. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  171. command /dajszmaragd:
  172. trigger:
  173. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 9:
  174. give 64 emerald to the player
  175. remove 10 from {hajs.%player%}
  176. send "&7Kupiles &6szmaragdy ! &c- 5 monet !"
  177. else:
  178. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  179. command /dajzelazo:
  180. trigger:
  181. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  182. give 64 iron ingot to the player
  183. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  184. send "&7Kupiles &6zelazo ! &c- 5 monet !"
  185. else:
  186. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  187. command /dajwiegiel:
  188. trigger:
  189. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  190. give 64 coal to the player
  191. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  192. send "&7Kupiles &6wegiel ! &c- 5 monet !"
  193. else:
  194. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  195. command /dajredstone:
  196. trigger:
  197. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  198. give 64 redstone to the player
  199. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  200. send "&7Kupiles &6redstone ! &c- 5 monet !"
  201. else:
  202. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  203. command /dajbuty:
  204. trigger:
  205. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  206. give 1 313 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 to the player
  207. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  208. send "&7Kupiles &6Buty 5/3 ! &c- 1000 monet !"
  209. else:
  210. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  211. command /dajhelm:
  212. trigger:
  213. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  214. give 1 310 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 to the player
  215. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  216. send "&7Kupiles &6Helm 5/3 ! &c- 1000 monet !"
  217. else:
  218. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  219. command /dajklate:
  220. trigger:
  221. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  222. give 1 311 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 to the player
  223. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  224. send "&7Kupiles &6Klate 5/3 ! &c- 1000 monet !"
  225. else:
  226. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  227. command /dajspodnie:
  228. trigger:
  229. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 19:
  230. give 1 312 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 to the player
  231. remove 20 from {hajs.%player%}
  232. send "&7Kupiles &6Spodnie 5/3 ! &c- 1000 monet !"
  233. else:
  234. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  235. command /dajjedzenie:
  236. trigger:
  237. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 1:
  238. give 64 steak to the player
  239. remove 2 from {hajs.%player%}
  240. send "&7Kupiles &6Jedzienie ! &c- 2 monety !"
  241. else:
  242. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  243. command /dajzloto:
  244. trigger:
  245. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  246. give 64 gold ingot to the player
  247. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  248. send "&7Kupiles &6zloto ! &c- 5 monet !"
  249. else:
  250. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  251. command /dajdrewno:
  252. trigger:
  253. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 6:
  254. give 64 17 to the player
  255. remove 7 from {hajs.%player%}
  256. send "&7Kupiles &6drewno ! &c- 7 monety !"
  257. else:
  258. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  259. command /dajdiament:
  260. trigger:
  261. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 4:
  262. give 64 diamond to the player
  263. remove 5 from {hajs.%player%}
  264. send "&7Kupiles &6diamenty ! &c- 5 monet !"
  265. else:
  266. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
  267. command /dajkox:
  268. trigger:
  269. if {hajs.%player%} is bigger than 14:
  270. give 3 322:1 to the player
  271. remove 14 from {hajs.%player%}
  272. send "&7Kupiles &6Koxy ! &c- 14 monet !"
  273. else:
  274. send "&4&lBŁĄD ! : &cNie masz wystarczająco monet !"
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