
Colossus By Design: The Flash of the Zoom

Feb 20th, 2016
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  1. [Working Title]: Secrets of the New Universe
  2. [Authors]: Dr. Anna Maximoff
  3. [Subjects]: Vigilantes & Villains, The Flash, Zoom
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [Subject]: Vigilantes & Villains
  8. [Footnotes]:
  10. Ah, it's good to be back with these notes for my book. Now where was I.......... oh yes!
  12. Time to move on to these vigilantes and villains, as the general public, civil defense force, and just about anyone who's anyone calls them. It's no secret that the grand majority of them are either street punks, the mentally distraught, or some combination of the two.
  14. Of course, you'll also get your occasional rich but disturbed playboy trillionaire gone all dark-ish knight-ish. Why do I keep thinking of Barney Wayne when I say that? Well, regardless, most of the time, these guys are pretty low priority, barely even worth the time of the regular non-enhanced law enforcement personnel. It's only when post-humans or those with access to high quantities of advanced technology get involved do these guys become a legitimate threat.
  16. Oh sure, the vigilantes are usually fine when they're powered or enhanced, but they tend to completely disregard the state of their surroundings when engaging these, and I quote, "dastardly fiends". A bunch of wackos, if you ask me.
  18. But at least they're trying to fight the good fight. No, see...... it's these so-called "super" villains where things get really
  19. dangerous.
  21. Turns out that giving psychopaths access to insane metaphysical powers, advanced robotics and enhancement technology, or some combination of the two can spell REALLY BIG TROUBLE. And by big, I mean BIG. Like, terrorist-level big. Like, Order of Homo Novus big.
  23. The Civil Defense Force has enough shit to deal with regarding the organized threats. At least the Mimetics seem to be helping to keep our morale and numbers up for the time being.
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [Subject]: The Flash
  28. [Footnotes]:
  30. That crazy bastard! I still get all giddy reminiscing about it.
  32. I remember when old Eobard had that twinkle in his eye after successfully inducing Chi-to-Ki enhancement without implants in that hedgehog, granting it super speed. I really should've seen it coming.
  34. I send him off to become a world renowned metaphysicist, and in just a short few years, he does not only that, but ALSO gains super speed and the will to fight crime as, and don't get me wrong on this one since he chose the name himself, "The Flash". UNBELIEVABLE! Of course, I easily deduced that Eobard Thawne was the identity of the Flash the moment he saved me from that mugger and told me about how he was inspired by a sonic hedgehog.
  36. Good times, those. I told the world his identity, and he was rightfully pissed off. However, he grew to like the attention, and his introduction to the world at large convinced the G.U.D. that, hey, training post-humans as government agents to protect us wasn't a bad idea at all! So, we ended up with the Superhuman Registration Act. Quite a doozy that was.
  38. I think Thawne picked "The Flash" precisely because I kept calling him by his reviled nickname, "Professor Zoom". HO BOY, was I ever gonna get a nasty surprise a few months later.
  40. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [Subject]: Zoom
  43. [Footnotes]:
  45. I'd like to preface this next topic of mine with one sentence: Fuck that guy. No seriously, fuck him.
  47. NOT ONLY did he steal my pupil's nickname, but he's evil as all hell to boot, as well! I guess gaining speed from a mysterious dimension of metaphysical energy wasn't quite as unique as Eobard and I thought it was, because suddenly, here comes this black-clad monster of a speedster with blue lightning and a speed-overdosing attitude worse than a chronic alcoholic!
  49. His appearance not only clashes with the Flash's yellow with red lightning, but he's actually FASTER than my former student!
  51. What the flying douche happened there?!
  53. I don't know how, but this........ "Zoom", as he calls himself, has some ulterior motive beyond, "GRAGH, I NEED MORE SPEED, GRAGH!"
  55. I can't quite pinpoint what, but I have this sneaking suspicion that he's working on something for the Order of Homo Novus, unlikely as that may seem with their leader behind bars. Metaphorical ones, of course, since we use hard-light barriers and RE-Pulsar arc-fields.
  57. Who knows? Maybe Zoom actually IS just a super speed junkie that hates my former pupil's guts more than anything. He's a dangerous man, regardless, avoiding all attempts at capture. I just don't get it.......... if he's so powerful, why does he restrict himself to occasional hostage situations and skirmishes with the Flash in an attempt to take his speed?
  59. He's more than fast and strong enough to kill Eobard Thawne, as much as I hate to admit it, but he doesn't. Why?
  61. It hurts my brain almost as much as wondering just who Zoom is.
  63. Seriously, I have a number of possible candidates: Jay Garrick, Hunter Zolomon, Barry Allen, Henry Allen, some kinda weird clone, just a whole assortment of possible identities. It's too bad I can't just get the G.U.D. to send a Guardian Sentinel in to squish Zoom like the damn bug he is.
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