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- -- ############################################
- -- monitor_button
- -- version 0.1
- --
- -- ################## config ##################
- CtrlMonSide = "top"
- MainMonSide = "right"
- CharSymbol = "@"
- -- ################## functions ###############
- function writeEventInfo(mon, event_name, btn)
- mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
- mon.clearLine()
- mon.write(string.format("%s [ %s ]", event_name,
- end
- function writePosInfo(mon, goal_x, goal_y)
- mon.setCursorPos(1,2)
- mon.clearLine()
- mon.write(string.format("(%d,%d)", goal_x, goal_y))
- end
- -- local current_x, current_y = moveSymbol(mon, start_x, start_y, goal_x, goal_y)
- function moveSymbol(mon, start_x, start_y, goal_x, goal_y)
- writePosInfo(mon, goal_x, goal_y)
- mon.setCursorPos(start_x, start_y)
- mon.write(" ")
- mon.setCursorPos(goal_x,goal_y)
- mon.write(CharSymbol)
- return goal_x, goal_y
- end
- -- return btns-table
- function makeSixButtons(ctrl_mon)
- local names = {"reset", "up", "quit", "left", "down", "right"}
- local mon_w, mon_h = ctrl_mon.getSize()
- local btn_w = math.floor(mon_w/3)
- local btn_h = math.floor(mon_h/2)
- ----------------------------
- -- btns[1] btns[2] btns[3]
- -- btns[4] btns[5] btns[6]
- ----------------------------
- local btns = {}
- local i = 1 -- btn index
- for row=1,2 do
- for col=1,3 do
- btns[i] = {name=names[i], min_x=1+(btn_w)*(col-1), max_x=btn_w*col, min_y=1+(btn_h)*(row-1), max_y=btn_h*row }
- i = i+1
- end
- end
- return btns
- end
- function drowButtons(mon, buttons)
- for i,b in pairs(buttons) do
- local center_x = math.floor((b.min_x + b.max_x)/2)
- local center_y = math.floor((b.min_y + b.max_y)/2)
- local center_label = math.floor(string.len(
- mon.setCursorPos(center_x - center_label, center_y)
- mon.write(
- end
- end
- -- whichButton(buttons, 1, 1) => btn (btn-table)
- -- => false (don't pushed)
- function whichButton(buttons, clicked_x, clicked_y)
- local function within(min_num, max_num, num)
- return (min_num <= num and max_num >= num)
- end
- local pushed_btn = false
- for i,v in pairs(buttons) do
- if within(v.min_x, v.max_x, clicked_x) and within(v.min_y, v.max_y, clicked_y) then
- pushed_btn = v
- break
- end
- end
- return pushed_btn
- end
- -- event_name, pushed_btn = pullPushButtonEvent(buttons_table, "top")
- function pullPushButtonEvent(buttons, mon_dir)
- local pushed_btn = false
- repeat
- local event, dir, x, y = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- if mon_dir == dir then
- pushed_btn = whichButton(buttons, x, y)
- end
- until pushed_btn
- return "push_button", pushed_btn
- end
- -- ################## main #####################
- -- init main monitor
- local main_mon = peripheral.wrap(MainMonSide)
- main_mon.setTextScale(1)
- main_mon.clear()
- -- drow a charactor on main monitor
- local main_mon_w, main_mon_h = main_mon.getSize()
- local init_x = math.floor(main_mon_w/2) -- charactor's initial pos.
- local init_y = math.floor(main_mon_h/2)
- local x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, init_x, init_y, init_x, init_y) -- charactor's current pos.
- -- init ctrl monitor
- local ctrl_mon = peripheral.wrap(CtrlMonSide)
- ctrl_mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- ctrl_mon.clear()
- -- make buttons and drow on ctrl monitor
- local buttons = makeSixButtons(ctrl_mon)
- drowButtons(ctrl_mon, buttons)
- -- main loop
- repeat
- local event_name, pushed_btn = pullPushButtonEvent(buttons, CtrlMonSide)
- writeEventInfo(main_mon, event_name, pushed_btn)
- if"reset" then -- move char to initial pos.
- x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, x, y, init_x, init_y)
- elseif"up" and y > 4 then
- x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, x, y, x, y-1)
- elseif"down" and y < main_mon_h then
- x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, x, y, x, y+1)
- elseif"left" and x > 1 then
- x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, x, y, x-1, y)
- elseif"right" and x < main_mon_w then
- x, y = moveSymbol(main_mon, x, y, x+1, y)
- else
- -- do nothing
- end
- sleep(0) -- Don't delete because "monitor_touch" event is too sensitive.
- until"quit"
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