
Execution test

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. Raimie- Trypanophobia
  2. [Attention: Player 0 has entered the incorrect room. Prepare for immediate execution]
  3. The color in Raimie's face drained as she heard those words. She looked at Devon through the door, her eyes pleading for help.
  4. “Oh my, you were so eager to kill him and now you're looking to him for help.”
  5. SAYA materialized next to the girl, a sinister smile on her face.
  6. “W-Why is there an execution for me?!”
  7. “Why?”
  8. SAYA shrugged her shoulders,
  9. “I dunno. I just...execute otders. Nihihihihi!”
  10. Just then a pit opened beneath the girl, dropping her into a pile of needles. Raimie let out a horrified scream as she fumbled in the pile, trying to get out of it.
  11. “Nonononononono! Letmeoutletmeoutletmeout!!!”
  12. She tried to reach the ledge created by the pit, but as she grabbed hold.
  13. “Eyaaaugh!”
  14. She fell back onto the pit in pain, another needle having buried itself into her hand.
  15. “S-Save me...someone SAVE ME!”
  16. Raimie tried to move, but her body began to weaken.
  17. “Oh yeah, some of these needles are filled with cyanide. So you may experience some—“
  18. Raimie began to convulse, her breathing labored.
  19. “Yeah, that.”
  20. As the poison took effect, Raimie reached out to the sky—a vain cry for help—before the poison overcame her.
  21. “Mo...m...”
  22. [Attention: Player 0 has been Executed.]
  24. Kai- Karmic Retribution
  25. [Attention: Player 1 has entered the incorrect room. Prepare for immediate execution]
  26. “Kai, no!”
  27. Ichirou tried to enter the room, but the door was slammed on his face.
  28. “Ah, ah, ahhh. Can't interrupt what's set in stone.”
  29. SAYA's mocking voice echoed through the speakers, making the teen go red in fury.
  30. “Fuck you! Let him out of there!”
  31. “Ichirou.”
  32. Kai's voice was steady as he called out to his companion. Despite the prospect of his death, he didn't faulter.
  33. “Don't worry about me, I knew I wasn't going to make it out of here alive anyways. What you should be doing is trying to get yourself out.”
  34. “H-How? How can I?! I'm not as strong as you!”
  35. Kai smiled
  36. “Yes you are. You are probably one of the strongest men I've ever met. So chin up kid, and don't let that bitch bring you down.”
  37. SAYA appeared behind Kai, giving a mocking slow clap.
  38. “Are you two done having a moment? Yes? Good.”
  39. She snapped her fingers, making Kai's bracelet flash.
  40. “What's going on?”
  41. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this.”
  42. The man clutched at his chest as a sharp pain shot through it. His knees gave way, making him hunch over the ground.
  43. “Your bracelet was a modification of the old Gamepiece system the Committee had. So instead of an electrifying death...”
  44. Kai's eyes widened, realization hitting him,
  45. “You'll be going out the same way your dad killed people.”
  46. “You...twisted motherfu—“
  47. He had barely gotten the words out before a bright red pool of blood appeared beneath him. He looked down slowly and saw that his fingers were mauled by the explosion. By the time the pain registered, he was already prone on the ground, his voice dead in his throat.
  48. “You're still alive. Eh, that's why my master got rid of this execution method. It's messy and not always perfect.”
  49. With another snap of her fingers, a Gatling gun appeared and took aim.
  50. “But you know what they say: if you want someone killed right, you have to do it yourself.”
  51. She sneered as she gave the command to shoot him, filling the room with more blood.
  52. [Attention: Player 1 has been Executed]
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