
it's not gay even if the balls touch

Mar 25th, 2020
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  1. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Hello again Sister ♥. How have you been?
  2. [2020/03/22]Devout: Ah, sorry, got caught up chattering and neglected my PMs~~. I've been fine, thank you - it feels good to be back in a nunny mood.
  3. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Oh you have nothing to apologize for. ♥. Good to see you around again. Hopefully I can still stop by in person sometime to receive some blessings~
  4. [2020/03/22]Devout: Anytime you like~. I'm dreadful at updating my status, so as long as it's not set to "busy," chances are the convent is as well. ♡
  5. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Wonderful to know. I know it's a bit late sister, but I've been feeling the weights rather harder lately. Life has been...difficult to say the least. Is there any appointments available where I could stop in tonight for a visit?
  6. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Let me know if you end up having some free time this evening! Love to set something up. ♥
  7. [2020/03/22]Devout: Haaa, of course - I made the horrible mistake of running two windows at once, so poor Liruviel ended up falling to the semi-OOC wayside;;. I promise I'll let you know if the confession booth ends up vacant before I need to head off, and try to be less airheaded~.
  8. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Oh it's totally fine. ♥. Please let me know. I'd be very down to play if you're up for it. Even just something casual as a pretty boy coming to confess his sins~
  9. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Out of curiosity is that the kind of scene you think you'd be looking for? Or anything else you've been in the mood for lately cutie?
  10. [2020/03/22]Addison Johnson: Looks like I might have lost you giggles. Well I'll be on the lookout for you next time if I don't hear from you. At least I finally got to spin you ♥. Mwah.
  11. [23:31] Addison Johnson: Good evening sister how are you? ♥
  12. [23:32] Devout: Evening~. A little better, less distracted and much more equipped to take a few confessions. The convent is just terribly busy these days//
  13. [23:33] Addison Johnson: Oh I totally understand! Good to see you a bit less stress filled and busy. Do you think you may be able to hear my confession this evening?
  14. [23:41] Devout: Of course, of course. To answer your question that I unintentionally ignored last night, ah... I get a LOT of "I'm not religious owo what's Phelcyone haha" conversion-type scenes, so a partner who's already religious (even if it's in the same way most of the US, where it's more of a passive belief) whether it's to -her- Goddess or some other might be nice? I admittedly don't have many cravings though, hhhaa...
  15. [23:43] Addison Johnson: Oh I'd totally be down for that to be honest. Would you want him to have the same belief as you then? Or like, have him believe in a different religion maybe?
  16. [23:46] Devout: I could go either way but I think "reinforcing belief" would have a bit more novelty, honestly. Perhaps... he figures he might as well pop in and repent to make sure he still has a spot in heaven or whatever, but finds that the church has "changed" quite a bit since his last Mass?
  17. [23:48] Addison Johnson: Oh I like that idea a lot. He's been behind a bit in his visits to the church, and has been a bad boy lately, so he comes in to confess and reinforce his beliefs to the church and meets your...well...devil in disguise so to speak.
  18. [23:55] Devout: Yes, yes - usually it'd just be a typical confession, go in with some sins and go out with a (verbal) holy pat on the back, but Liru's got a methodology all her own for those whose vice is lust. Naturally it involves re-enacting the sins for Her to judge, or something. Total bull, but he doesn't need to know that.
  19. [23:58] Addison Johnson: Of course. I imagine Addi's been terrible in his dom ways. Getting all these cuties, who are romantically involved to well....practice a lot of adultery on his dick. SO she just needs to show him the right way ♥
  20. [00:05] Devout: Regular visits are the only way! Since her marriage to Her Grace is only symbolic and she has no vaginal virginity to take in this form, taking the burden onto herself is a noble and valid cause as long as the head nun never finds out (and she won't as long as she respects the privacy of "confessions").
  21. [00:06] Addison Johnson: Love it. That sounds fantastic. Was there anything else you really wanted to include or see? Kink wise and the like?
  22. [00:08] Devout: Mmm, not necessarily! Just for clarification - Addi's on top, yes?
  23. [00:12] Addison Johnson: I suppose we should talk about that! Honestly when I approach someone who's a usually dominant I don't have much problem subbing. I switch a lot more these days, that being said, I usually do dom with Addison. So to sum up, if you'd like to top, I have zero problem with doing that since I approached you, I try to respect my partners that way. That being said, if you don't mind "subbing" or even more of a "powerbottom" thing, I would adore that as well
  24. [00:21] Devout: I can absolutely sub! To be fully honest I use "usually dominant" as more of a "switch - relatively mild dom preference" since I'm a wishy-washy switch at heart, pff. Liruviel's themes and the kind of characters I assumed she would attract just kinda begged for the Dom™ branding but ESPECIALLY in cases like this I can -100%- see her being a bottom, if a pushy one.
  25. [00:23] Addison Johnson: Well wonderful! Honestly I wasn't expecting that, I loved the character so much I was willing to sub, but to be able to dom, that'd be even better. Though not a pushover sub, I can see her being very pushy indeed. Wonderful though!I think we're good! Are you free to get started right this second now?
  26. [00:30] Devout: Yeah! I should be around for quite awhile uninterrupted this time, too
  27. [00:32] Addison Johnson: Wonderful! Alright then. I'll throw you a starting post!
  28. [00:41] Addison Johnson was feeling understandably nervous. This was the first time he had reached out to the church in some time, having already been a believer in what they had taught. Even though Addison had been loving his life, and trying to follow the practices there had been some unfortunate complications in his actions. His libido was the main problem, as the cute boy just couldn't keep it in his pants sometime. He was weak. He didn't realize just how bad what he was doing until he had a conversation with a friend, who also was a believer and they set him straight. However, in order to be fully absolved, a trip to the church and a confession would certainly be most necessary. So Addi huffed, and puffed, and was nervous, but he went. The pretty boy dressed a lot more casually than he normally would, wearing a cute little black button-up shirt, and black dress pants which his large cock tucked away nicely inside. Still, though, the boy wore his black choker something that he was found with pretty much at all times.
  30. Addison stepped inside the church and spoke to a few people lurking around until he was pointed in the right direction, a small little confessional booth, with someone on the other side already. He waited his turn, a few moments before someone stepped out. Addison slipped on inside, combing his pretty bob and closed the curtain sitting down nervously, rocking back and forth a bit. To actually confess everything that he had done within the last year, yes it had been a year since he had been to the church was going to be....rather difficult. The list was lengthy. Hopefully, they'd be fine with summoning things up a bit, as the graphic detail and amount would be...quite heavy otherwise. A few moments of silence before he'd finally clear his throat and speak. "Uh...Hi. I'm not sure how this works exactly. I'm uh...I'm here to confess though?"
  31. [01:01] Devout: "You've taken a fine first step then, child." One could practically hear the benevolent smile in the nun's voice, her tone even and slow, likely meant to soothe the nerves and evoke the unending patience of Her Grace. "You are free to speak of anything you wish - I shall be silent and listen with Her ears, whether it takes you five minutes or five hours. When you are finished I shall respond with Her voice, and you may do with Her decision as you wish. Confessions of illegal activity will not be reported to the authorities, as this is a spiritual matter beyond the laws of mortals." With the initial spiel complete, she moved her mouth away from the mesh, straightened out her posture, and folded her hands in her lap with her gaze turned downward. Only her faint silhouette could be seen on the other side, but she could never be too careful when it came to body language. One wrong move and her plan could come crashing down.
  33. Normally these rites would be performed by priests or higher-ranking nuns, but with the new year scarcely behind everyone they were short-handed and seriously lacking in clergy. Not that the "elf" was complaining, as the wry smirk on her face would betray if anyone could see it. Confession allowed her to gauge the sins of the capital's poor believers, and depending on circumstance, encourage them to go out and do more with the assurance that they could simply come back and be cleansed. Humans truly were too prone to suggestion when it came from someone in a habit.
  34. [01:14] Addison Johnson: "Thank you, sister." Addison said, at that point realizing he was talking with a female. Not what he was expecting and he wasn't sure if that made what he needed to say better or worse. Though, his heart sunk when she finished talking. It sounded like she wanted him to be...rather specific, something that Addison was very much hoping to avoid. He cleared his throat once more. "Well. On the bright side, I'm not doing anything illegal. Immoral yes, but no illegal. I'm not sure if this makes it any better." Addison said taking one last deep breath. The pretty boy ran his hands over his pants smoothing them out. The boy was fidgeting like crazy by this point. He knew though it was time to come clean to the god, and hopefully get his conscience cleansed.
  36. "Alright. Where to begin." He said sighing. "I have sinned, greatly. In...well...immoral relations. Doing relations, not for the sole purpose of breeding, and well....engaging in relations with people are already taken." He said, not sure how to describe it any better than that. "I've also...well...been having sexual relations with people with similar...equipment to me. I've had sex in public. I've had sex in places I shouldn't. It's been. Rough." Addison said spilling it all out in one fast rant. "I can...describe anything else you need sister. That...That about sums it up though." He finished with a defeated sigh, and waited to hear her response.
  37. [01:29] Devout: As promised, she listened, standing still and affording only a couple solemn nods to communicate visually that she was alive and taking everything in, the rest of her body near-entirely unmoving, as if every cell had dedicated itself to channeling. Unbeknownst to all besides her and the deity she spoke on behalf of, the gentle smirk had split into a self-satisfied grin. "I will not press for details, child, but if you are comfortable, you may proceed. If you will take my humble opinion into account, I am curious about 'people with similar equipment' and 'places you shouldn't.' Do you mean to tell me you've engaged in homosexual relations?" Neutral, quiet, collected. Not a hint of ill judgment or will seeped into her words, only the barest minimum inflection to get across that she was asking a question or acknowledging his words. A short pause stretched between them, and she spoke again.
  39. "...Regardless of your decision, I would like to reinforce that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Any wrongdoing is dwarfed by the incredible act of humility and bravery you have showcased by coming to confess."
  40. [01:36] Addison Johnson: Addison huffed a bit as she asked the question "I...I'll answer, of course, I feel indebted to the church so.." Addison trailed off a bit before taking himself another second deep breath and nodding. "Homosexual isn't how I would put it....but sort of. Have you....Sister have you ever heard of dick girls?" Dick girls weren't exactly the most common thing in the world, and difficult to track down. Addison had a nose for them though, and there was nothing he enjoyed more than caving out one of their tight asshole's, even when they preferred to be the ones that usually did the fucking. "T..Those are the type I normally go for. When they're feminine and beautiful, but they have a dick as well. Would you consider that homosexuality? Addison said tapping his finger on his chin nervously. He wasn't entirely sure. It wasn't really a man...but they did have a dick, and there would be no chance to pro-create with one of these girls.
  42. "To answer your second question. Places I shouldn't. Public places, hidden out of plain sight. For instance, a couple weeks back, I found this dick girl at the beach with her girlfriend...I took her behind some rocks...away from her girlfriend...just out of sight and well....I finished inside her asshole." He sighed. Better to be fully truthful he supposed...
  43. [01:53] Devout: "I see. I have heard of them, as the scripture brands them as heretics and ill omens - I am not capable of passing such judgment, so I will not." Now it was her turn to fidget, knotting her fingers together and struggling to suppress the excitement threatening to bubble up and into her tone - after a few moments, she finally regained her composure and thought herself capable of speaking again. "I am also not capable of absolving you of your sins in a conventional manner, for Her eyes and ears are closed in matters regarding pleasures of the flesh. She instead trusts those matters to we sisters, whose mortal bodies are naturally tainted for their proximity to The Beast, and affords us the opportunity to break our vows of chastity for the sake of the public." Her knees rubbed together and her voice nearly faltered as she continued.
  45. "...To put it more plainly, my child: if you wish to leave these halls with a clean slate, we must re-enact your sins to the best of our ability, so Phelcyone may gaze upon them and commend you for your honesty in the face of Her Light. Therefore, if you have nothing else to confess, I only have one question: do you consent to re-enactment, or do you wish to depart with an incomplete blessing?" This was going to be great, she could feel it - the last string of had been terribly boring, housewives guilty about yelling at their children or men repenting for their involuntary erections, mistaking the purpose of confession. A true "hedonist" was just what she needed, and while awaiting the boy's answer she feared her impartial tone had started to crack toward the end.
  46. [02:00] Addison Johnson: Addison sat there in a sort of stunned silence at first. He wasn't quite sure what to say. If he heard her correctly, and he was pretty sure he did...did...did she want to re-enact what happened? That couldn't be the case at all. Addison had to be going crazy. So the silence lingered in the air for a few more moments. The girl probably panicking thinking she gave away her cover, while Addison panicked, thinking he didn't hear her right and not wanting to say something stupid. Almost a couple minutes of heavy, awkward silence filled that air before Addison finally decided to speak again. "C...Can I get myself a little clarification? Just make sure we're on the same page. What I'm about to say might be...a bit...sacrilegious so if what I'm saying is not what you meant or just plain wrong then I apologize..."
  48. He looked into the room and bit down on his lip. "A...Are you...Sister are you a dick girl?" He said matter of factly, brushing his hand through his hair. "Are you also...well...are you also asking me to do to you what I did on the beach that day? Are you asking me.." He leaned forward, closer to the window his voice a lot more hushed at this point. "Are you asking me to fuck your ass, and dump my seed into you?" The boy bit down on his lip softly, his tongue coming out and circling around his lip. God he always did want to fuck a nun...in a fucking church? He could feel his dick throb in his pants, and that slight natural musk starting to rise and waft up between them in the air.
  49. [02:15] Devout: "You are correct on at least one front, child - the Goddess has nothing but respect who are honest about their hedonism, or else confession would not exist. As such, I am asking for you to have intercourse with me in a public space. As for the adultery... well, let's just say I'm married to the Church and say I'm cheating, yes? It's all for the sake of simulation anyway." A low, gentle hum filled the booth for a moment, as if she were pondering her next action, and eventually she settled on leaning close to the mesh. "If you wish for me to put it less vaguely as you have, I will. In the interest of absolving your sin, I want to take you into a public place - for the sake of convenience, somewhere on the church grounds - and pump me so full of your seed your balls feel empty and my head feels nearly devoid of Her teachings... Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself. My 'equipment' as you put it will remain a secret until I get a proper answer, but I will say for the sake of accuracy it will be anal." Growing impatient and feeling her own shaft beginning to twitch to life beneath the habit, the elf pressed as close to the mesh as she properly could and accidentally let something rather out of character slip. "I'll ask again. Do you wish to ream me until I'm begging you to make me pregnant, or do you want to walk away with an erection that'll surely get us both in trouble?"
  50. [02:22] Addison Johnson: Addison let out a bit of an audible gulp as she finished that last part. She was either psychic or could see through the mess, but his erection was starting to get in a rough spot. Twitching and throbbing, and pulsing inside his pants. So much so, that he could even feel a little bit of his thick pre-seed starting to leak out against his underpants as he bit down on that lip a little harder. "I uh...yes. Yes. I...I want to fuck your brains out sister? I want to take your ankles, pin them to the back of your head and ream your holy asshole until I've dumped enough of my thick seed in you to make you wash it out for weeks." He said, his hand now grabbing his fat erection and giving it a couple of soft little pumps with his hand, that came along a groan. "I...It seems a little cramped in here though. Did you say the church grounds? So...So where exactly? Are we going to do this?" The pretty boy said. "W...Wait." He said giving his head a shake. "I'm not trying to be well...conceded or anything but uh..y...you're not really old or anything are you? Can I see you?" Addison said slowly leaning forward a bit further. She didn't SOUND old, but you could never know sometimes. The last thing he wanted was to agree to this and have some 85-year-old woman walkout. Then it was either pissing off god or going through with it. Neither was a good example.
  51. [02:38] Devout: Finally, after all this time, he gave her a valid reason to release a light, airy laugh, a resounding ufufu that spilled forth from her ceaselessly smiling lips the whole time she fidgeted with the locking mechanism on the screen, unlatching the stubborn old lump of rust and finally managing to push it open, slowly as not to make a creaking noise that would alert the others to her awful breach of policy. With their appearances revealed to each other, it took a bit of willpower for her not to express surprise at his feminine appearance given the vulgarity and frankness with which he spoke. In pursuit of this she leaned over the divider to allow her breasts to spill over the thick sheet of wood. In the process, with his face so close anyway, she stole a quick peck on the lips as if teasing him for being so concerned.
  53. "I assure you, my calling you 'child' is merely a formality. I may be chronologically older due to elven longevity, but I don't think I'm that much of a hag." Her composure was back and her serene, self-assured smile had returned, but those emerald eyes kept flickering downward toward the burgeoning erection in his pants, and her tongue involuntarily slid out over her lips. "I would love to absolve your sin in the booth, but the line is far too long for me to do so in good faith; I will need to appoint a substitute. Slip out the left-side entrance near the pews and wait for me in the courtyard, behind the tall hedges. Nothing but woods borders that fence and the groundskeeper has already been through today, so with luck our actions will be between us and the Goddess... assuming you deem me worthy of such a privilege, uhuhu."
  54. [02:44] Addison Johnson: Addison felt that dick throb even more. Heavy, giant pulses as it looked like someone stuck a full sausage into his pants, or some socks, or....something. It really didn't belong on this short pretty boy that was for sure. Addison wasn't willing to let her go quite so quickly though. While his eyes were focused on those massive breasts of hers, Addison leaned his pretty face back forward and stole another kiss, this one just a little bit longer. His lips pressing up against the nuns, his tongue spilling out to lick around just the inside of her mouth, as he let out a very soft moan into those lips. His teeth bit down on the bottom of her lips softly, sucking it into his mouth for a moment for a quick slurp before finally backing that head away. He needed to see if she was for real.
  56. After that shameful display, not another word was said, assuming that would answer her question. He slipped out of the confessional booth, doing great care to hide the erection that was practically bulging out of his pants at this point and made his way in the courtyard. The trip seemed to take forever, and the wait for her would be even longer no doubt. Once he found the hedges he slipped on behind them and started to undo his belt poppoppop, but, he stopped at the very last one before the belt came off. "W...What if this is a trap.." He muttered to himself as he groped that bulge in his hands. He'd wait to see her arrive before he took off his pants. It was settled. It wouldn't be the first time Addison had been caught with his pants down and he certainly wouldn't want the next to be at a church.
  57. [03:04] Devout: Liruviel returned the kiss in kind, nearly forgetting herself in her attempts to entangle their tongues and ensure that her libido was real too, even if everything else she had fed him up to this point was a blatant lie. Over the course of a few agonizing minutes she closed and locked the screen, apologized to the throng for the inconvenience while she sought another listener, found one in one of the young friars milling about checking the pews, and at long last emerged into the courtyard, where she snuck up behind her mark just in time to hear him pause at that last hole. Seeing an opportunity, she surged forth and "attacked" with a rather amorous hug, her tits pressing flush against his slender back and her hands going straight for the half-undone belt, pulling it apart and releasing a breathy sigh of relief into his ear.
  59. "I was half-afraid you wouldn't come, what with how sensitive the presence of my kind is. Many of our older confessors would recoil at the sight of a 'knife-ear,' but after seeing this--" With the belt undone she found it exceedingly easy to slip her hand straight down into the waistband and spread her fingers out to grope and massage the colossal bulge. "--I'm not sure I would have let you get away regardless. I haven't been untucked in weeks for fear of the traditionalist old guard affixing me to a stake, and finding someone who likes such an accursed form... in return, I must ask you to be secretive about my selfish desire to see myself milked dry by the sensation of their cock stirring up my insides."
  60. [03:10] Addison Johnson: Addison was caught off guard with the hug, almost jumping out of his skin, however once he felt the heavy tits of the nun push into him, it caused the boy to relax a bit, and melt into her. "O...Oh." He stammered out. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, normally this was his bread and butter, but something about her being a nun....however a lot of that was starting to fly out the window when he felt that hand sticking into his pants and his mammoth bulge getting groped by the nun. This was almost too much for Addison as he let out heavy groan and shuddered, feeling a massive wad of pre-jizz squirt out of the head of his cock right onto the nun's hand. Almost close to something pre-mature. He had to calm himself down take a heavy breath, he then turned to the nun with a smile.
  62. "You really think I wouldn't come. I'm...Nnnf. I haven't been this riled up in a while." Addison said his hand slipping around to Liruvie's doughy ass and giving it a nice hard squeeze. He then started to pull and tug at his pants and his underwear until they hit the ground with a thud. That massive ivory piece of meat came thwacking out against the boy's thigh, thick, pencil vein's crossing all over the beast and nearly rock hard. Addison was a smidge over a foot long, and it looked positively massive on his tiny frame, hanging down far too low. His giant cum filled nuts churned heavily as he groaned grinding against the nun's hand. He then turned to herself and nodded. "I....I promise. I'll keep your secret if you keep mine..."
  63. [03:24] Devout: "Ah!" A gentle gasp slipped unconsciously from her throat at the sudden spurt, followed by a giggle that trailed off when she was finally allowed to behold his full size; she had seen all manner of cocks and outlandish sizes in her true homeland, but seeing such a thing on a human... She began to wonder if the heady scent of his musk was preventing her from smelling some sort of supernatural tell, because this seemed like. No time to dwell on it, though. Not when she was smearing her palmful of slime on his fat shaft to clean her hand a bit in preparation for the real event, making sure they were facing each other before she gathered up the sides of her habit, bunched it up about her waist, and pulled down her featureless white cotton panties, inviting her own shaft and balls to spring free from betwixt her meaty thighs.
  65. Their lengths were very nearly equal, his an inkling longer, but their thicknesses and shapes were hardly comparable; hers was smooth and middling in girth, only possessing a couple prominent veins that looked like capillaries in comparison, and her hairless balls could hardly fill a palm put together. Seeing them together invited another violent twitch, and just as a rivulet of drool began to bead on her pristine pink head she stepped forward and pressed the two pulsing lengths flush against one another, releasing a shuddering moan of her own in response to the surge of heat. "Why would I... hnngh. Share it? Confessionals are confidential, and I would hate to share something like this. Though I am reminded of a saying, what was it again? Size means nothing if you can't use it?" A jeer, of course, one whose consequences she couldn't even begin to fathom.
  66. [03:32] Addison Johnson: Addison let out a low growl as the two massive cocks smacked up against each other and just fucking throbbed. He could feel his pre-splurting out on hers, and some of hers starting to leak out on his as he bucked his hips forward softly. "F...Fuck. That's good." Addi groaned, his hands sticking to groping that fat ass of hers, constant little kneads and squeezes. That last thing though...Addison took that as a personal attack. So he grabbed the nun by the hair and smiled. "I hope you understand sister, I can get a little...rough sometimes." Addison smiled before shoving his lips back on hers, Soft wet and sloppy kisses and this time, now they had a bit more privacy, even though it really wasn't, he started to jam his tongue straight into her mouth, finding hers and tangling up with it. Little needy thrusts continued as Addi started to make his move.
  68. As their lips were locked Addi pushed on forward and started tugging the nun to the ground below them. He was more gentle then he normally would be, on account of her being...well... a fucking nun, but the gentleness would wear off the second he had her where she wanted. "Have you ever been fucked in a mating press sister?" He said finally breaking the kiss and starting to hike up her outfit further, as he grabbed her ankles and started pushing them back, and back and back as the nun sat on her back. "I hope you're flexible. T...This might take a bit." the boy said, the entire time his heavy cock thwacking against a meaty thigh, or back on her cock, the boy would hump forward trying to get a bit more friction between the two of them. "Let me..mm...let me show you exactly how I use it. Purely to absolve my sins of course." He said with a wink.
  69. [03:47] Devout: "I certainly hope Her Grace is wa-aaaahh~tching, because I don't think I'll be able to do this twiii~~ice..!" Of course she was flexible, it would be foolish to engineer the perfect body fit to your specifications and not make it as limber as possible - the myriad of crying mewls and moans (that she made no effort to suppress) came not from contorted strain, but from the powerful pulse of their cocks frotting together. A bit of mental duress too, eyes locked on her own abdomen and getting a perfect visual of just how large he was, the goliath draping over her abdomen and giving her a sneak peak at the yet-untouched depths of her new body she'd be exploring today. "I would ask you to be gentle, but I don't think that would be very accurate to how you wrecked that poor girl behind the rocks, now would it?" A sly smile played across her lips while she knotted her hands into the grass and desperately tried to rock her hips despite the strange position her legs had been forced into. "...And I wouldn't be a very good devotee if I weren't able to withstand this much, right?"
  70. [03:56] Addison Johnson: Addison grinned happily as he felt that massive cock of his start to rub up against her ass cheeks, as she was fully stretched into the air. "You are nice and limber. This is good." Addison grunted as he started sawing that dick back and forth, feeling it start to rub against her tight asshole. The boy let out another little shudder, nibbling on the bottom of his lip. "You're correct. I really...unf....I really re-arranged her asshole to put it lightly sister. I hope you understand that when I fuck you into a drooling mess." He said as he started to shove his hips forward and greedily hump as he could feel that massive tip starting to get accepted in by her tight asshole. "I...If I mash your prostate you might jizz in your face like the last girl. J...Just keep your mouth closed." He sighed as he started to sink a little bit further inside of her. That thick rigid cock throbbing and starting to bulge, as a couple of inches greedily slurped inside as he started to lap his dick further and further in. Addison moaned, and looked around nervously for a second, to make sure that no one was coming. Fuck this was easily the wrongest thing he ever did, but he had never felt so horny in his entire life.
  71. [04:15] Devout: Despite her best efforts to protect it (in the interest of her facade, of course), Liruviel had lost her anal virginity in this body thanks to the whims of a particularly lecherous priest... but even if she had the whole clergy inside her at least once each, nothing could have prepared her for those first couple inches, the spreading feeling causing her to instinctively clamp down around his intruding cockhead and a few more thick beads of pre to start forming on the head of her own, which dribbled straight onto the breasts of her presently very wrinkled habit. Additionally, her own soft moan joined the chorus and found itself accented by the heaving of her lungs, the sheer heat causing her to break out in a terrible sweat all over her body. The long sleeves of the habit suddenly became much less comfortable, but she still found it within herself to respond to his remark with a self-satisfied smirk.
  73. "Mm, and why would I do that, when I can get you to do it for me?" With a bit of a stretch, she managed to grab hold of the back of his shirt with a scrabbling grab and coax his head downward, puckering her lips in an exaggerated fashion to make her desire more clear. "Can't have you filling the courtyard with those moans of yours, child, or Father will have to come out and investigate. Her Grace may not mind, but that old curmudgeon might have a heart attack if he saw me about to get broken in by someone with a bigger dick than his, you know?"
  74. [04:29] Addison Johnson: Addison wasted no time in slurping his lips right back on hers, even when in this position the nun was still her dominant herself, demanded what she wanted and taking it by force. "N...Nfff fair enough." He said smashing those lips back into hers, and making sure that tongue slunk back in. Sloppy hot little make out sessions between the two of them as Addi started to pump his hips a little faster now. He knew that eventually the speed, and force was going to really start, but for now, he was content with this. Sloppy tongues smashing into each other, his cute little hips starting to thrust harder and harder now, wedging in a couple more inches of that monster femboy cock inside of her. "U...unf" He pulled back for a second, letting their sloppy spit connect with each other as it bridged out, the boy grinding his hips and reaching down to stroke the side of her head.
  76. Addison sighed and then started to focus on thrusting his hips harder, the strokes getting longer, and more vicious with each jam down, getting into a rhythm now, he sunk his lips back into hers for another greedy sloppy kiss as he could feel that fat cock throbbing inside of her, and stretching, and now, starting to get deep enough that he was noticing a bulge push up against her stomach. That only empowered him to go fucking harder, well over half of that fat cock sunk into the nun as he moaned and spit into her mouth.
  77. [04:38] Devout: (( Aaaaand... as I went to start my next post I got a good glimpse at what time it is -way past the time I intended to stay up, hhaaaa. I always hate being the one to cut off scenes like this, but I seriously need some sleep - I'll probably be a bit more diligent about getting on tonight (or. later today) now that I know I've got something to look forward to, though~. ))
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