
Feb 25th, 2019
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  1. command /particles [<Text>] [<Text>]:
  2. permission: command.particles
  3. permission message: [&c&l!&f] You don't have permission
  4. aliases: /p
  5. trigger:
  6. if {activated.%player%} does not exist:
  7. set {activated.%player%} to false
  8. if arg 1 is not "wings" or "text" or "sphere" or "circle" or "spiral" or "shield" or "disable" or "bigcircle" or "tail" or "floor":
  9. send "[&c&l!&f] That particle name does not exist. Do &o/Particles &ffor a list of Particles"
  10. if arg 1 is not set:
  11. if {back.%player%} is not 0 or 1:
  12. set {back.%player%} to 0
  13. if {back.%player%} is 0:
  14. open chest with 6 rows named "&7Particles" to player
  15. set {_slot} to 0
  16. loop 54 times:
  17. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass to be unstealable
  18. add 1 to {_slot}
  19. format slot 10 of player with nether star named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fSpiral" to run [make player execute command "/p Spiral"]
  20. format slot 11 of player with sunflower named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fHalo" to run [make player execute command "/format 1"]
  21. format slot 12 of player with ender pearl named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fRing" to run [make player execute command "/p bigcircle"]
  22. format slot 13 of player with wooden hoe named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fTail" to run [make player execute command "/p tail"]
  23. format slot 14 of player with white carpet named "&fParticle Floor" to run [make player execute command "/format 3"]
  24. format slot 15 of player with slimeball named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fSphere" to run [make player execute command "/p sphere"]
  25. format slot 16 of player with iron chestplate named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fShield" to run [make player execute command "/p shield"]
  26. format slot 22 of player with 401 named "&fParticle Wings" to run [make player execute command "/p wings"]
  27. format slot 49 of player with 166 named "&7Close - Left Click" to close
  28. format slot 40 of player with red glass block named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  29. else if {back.%player%} is 1:
  30. set {_slot} to 0
  31. loop 54 times:
  32. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass to be unstealable
  33. add 1 to {_slot}
  34. format slot 10 of player with nether star named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fSpiral" to run [make player execute command "/p Spiral"]
  35. format slot 11 of player with sunflower named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fHalo" to run [make player execute command "/format 1"]
  36. format slot 12 of player with ender pearl named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fRing" to run [make player execute command "/p bigcircle"]
  37. format slot 13 of player with wooden hoe named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fTail" to run [make player execute command "/p tail"]
  38. format slot 14 of player with white carpet named "&fParticle Floor" to run [make player execute command "/format 3"]
  39. format slot 15 of player with slimeball named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fSphere" to run [make player execute command "/p sphere"]
  40. format slot 16 of player with iron chestplate named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fShield" to run [make player execute command "/p shield"]
  41. format slot 22 of player with 401 named "&fParticle Wings" to run [make player execute command "/p wings"]
  42. format slot 49 of player with 166 named "&7Close - Left Click" to close
  43. format slot 40 of player with red glass block named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  44. set {back.%player%} to 0
  45. if arg 1 is "disable":
  46. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  47. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle disabled"
  48. stopEffect id "%player%.shield"
  49. stopEffect id "%player%.sphere"
  50. stopEffect id "%player%.floor1"
  51. stopEffect id "%player%.floor2"
  52. stopEffect id "%player%.floor3"
  53. stopEffect id "%player%.floor4"
  54. stopEffect id "%player%.floor5"
  55. stopEffect id "%player%.floor6"
  56. stopEffect id "%player%.floor7"
  57. stopEffect id "%player%.floor8"
  58. stopEffect id "%player%.floor12"
  59. stopEffect id "%player%.floor13"
  60. stopEffect id "%player%.floor14"
  61. stopEffect id "%player%.floor15"
  62. stopEffect id "%player%.floor16"
  63. stopEffect id "%player%.floor17"
  64. stopEffect id "%player%.floor18"
  65. stopEffect id "%player%.floor19"
  66. stopEffect id "%player%.tail"
  67. stopEffect id "%player%.wings"
  68. stopEffect id "%player%.text"
  69. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral0"
  70. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral1"
  71. stopEffect id "%player%.circle1"
  72. stopEffect id "%player%.circle2"
  73. stopEffect id "%player%.bigcircle"
  74. set {activated.%player%} to false
  75. else:
  76. send "[&c&l!&f] You have no particles to disable"
  77. if arg 1 is "Wings":
  78. if player has permission "command.particles.wings":
  79. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  80. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  81. else:
  82. drawWings style 12, particle1 "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 0, particle2 "redstone", RGB2 245, 122, 0, particle3 "redstone", RGB3 245, 122, 0, center player, id "%player%.wings", angle 110, height 0, space 0.2, visibleRange 100
  83. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  84. set {activated.%player%} to true
  85. else:
  86. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  87. if arg 1 is "Spiral":
  88. if player has permission "command.particles.spiral":
  89. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  90. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  91. else:
  92. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.spiral0", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 1.1, density 100, height 7, effectMod 0.1, start 0, visibleRange 100
  93. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.spiral1", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 1.1, density 100, height 7, effectMod 0.1, start 0, visibleRange 100
  94. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  95. set {activated.%player%} to true
  96. else:
  97. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  98. if arg 1 is "Circle":
  99. if player has permission "":
  100. if arg 2 is set:
  101. if arg 2 is "1":
  102. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  103. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  104. else:
  105. drawSimpleHalo particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.circle1", rainbowMode true, visibleRange 100
  106. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  107. set {activated.%player%} to true
  108. else if arg 2 is "2":
  109. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  110. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  111. else:
  112. drawHalo particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.circle2", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 100
  113. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  114. set {activated.%player%} to true
  115. else:
  116. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  117. if arg 1 is "BigCircle":
  118. if player has permission "command.particles.bigcircle":
  119. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  120. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  121. else:
  122. drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.bigcircle", rainbowMode true, randomRotation false, radius 1, density 80, start 0, visibleRange 100
  123. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  124. set {activated.%player%} to true
  125. else:
  126. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  127. if arg 1 is "tail":
  128. if player has permission "command.particles.tail":
  129. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  130. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  131. else:
  132. drawNyanCat center player, id "%player%.tail", visibleRange 100
  133. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  134. set {activated.%player%} to true
  135. else:
  136. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  137. if arg 1 is "sphere":
  138. if player has permission "command.particles.sphere":
  139. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  140. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  141. else:
  142. drawSphere style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.sphere", rainbowMode true, radius 2.5, density 500, visibleRange 100, pulseDelay 1
  143. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  144. set {activated.%player%} to true
  145. else:
  146. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  147. if arg 1 is "floor":
  148. if player has permission "command.particles.floor":
  149. if arg 2 is set:
  150. if arg 2 is "1":
  151. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  152. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  153. else:
  154. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  155. set {activated.%player%} to true
  156. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor1", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  157. wait 3 ticks
  158. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor2", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  159. wait 3 ticks
  160. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor3", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  161. wait 3 ticks
  162. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor4", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  163. wait 3 ticks
  164. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor5", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .8, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  165. wait 3 ticks
  166. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor6", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .5, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  167. wait 3 ticks
  168. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor7", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  169. wait 3 ticks
  170. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor8", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  171. else if arg 2 is "2":
  172. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  173. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  174. else:
  175. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor12", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  176. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor13", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  177. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor14", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  178. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor15", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  179. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor16", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .8, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  180. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor17", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .5, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  181. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor18", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  182. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor19", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
  183. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  184. set {activated.%player%} to true
  185. else:
  186. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  187. if arg 1 is "shield":
  188. if player has permission "command.particles.shield":
  189. if {activated.%player%} is true:
  190. send "[&c&l!&f] You have already a Particle activated"
  191. else:
  192. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.shield", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 2, radius 1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32
  193. send "[&c&l!&f] Particle activated"
  194. set {activated.%player%} to true
  195. else:
  196. send "[&c&l!&f] You don't have permission"
  197. command /format [<Text>]:
  198. trigger:
  199. if arg 1 is not set:
  200. send "Arg 1"
  201. if arg 1 is "1":
  202. set {_slot} to 0
  203. loop 54 times:
  204. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass to be unstealable
  205. add 1 to {_slot}
  206. format slot 20 of player with sunflower named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fHalo: &aAnimated" to run [make player execute command "/p Circle 1"]
  207. format slot 24 of player with sunflower named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fHalo: &cStable" to run [make player execute command "/p Circle 2"]
  208. format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&7Back" to run [make player execute command "/format 2"]
  209. format slot 40 of player with red glass block named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  210. if arg 1 is "2":
  211. set {_slot} to 0
  212. loop 54 times:
  213. format slot {_slot} of player with air to be unstealable
  214. add 1 to {_slot}
  215. set {back.%player%} to 1
  216. make player execute command "/p"
  217. if arg 1 is "3":
  218. set {_slot} to 0
  219. loop 54 times:
  220. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass to be unstealable
  221. add 1 to {_slot}
  222. format slot 20 of player with white carpet named "&6Flame &fFloor" to run [make player execute command "/p floor 2"]
  223. format slot 24 of player with red carpet named "&4R&ca&6i&en&ab&2o&9w &fFloor" to run [make player execute command "/p floor 1"]
  224. format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&7Back" to run [make player execute command "/format 2"]
  225. format slot 40 of player with red glass block named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  226. if arg 1 is "4":
  227. set {seechat.%player%} to true
  228. send "[&c&l!&f] Write in &oChat &7&o[Without any ""/""] &fthe text you want to display. To disable type ""&ostop&f"" in chat"
  229. on quit:
  230. make player execute command "/p disable"
  231. on script load:
  232. loop all players:
  233. if loop-player is op:
  234. send "[&c&l!&f] Particles &oConfiguration &freloaded" to loop-player
  235. send "[&c&l!&f] Skript made by - zProHD -" to loop-player
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