

Oct 31st, 2016
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  1. Iximaz (CR 29)
  3. This dark-haired angel holds a quill in her right hand and a longbow in the other.
  5. CG Medium outsider (angel, chaotic, extraplanar, good)
  6. Senses: darkvision 60ft, low-light vision
  7. Aura: primal (30ft), protective
  9. ==Defense==
  11. AC 37, touch 28, flat-footed 23 (+9 armor, +4 deflection, +13 Dex, +1 dodge)
  12. hp 757 (34d10+570); regeneration 20 (epic and evil)
  13. Fort +26, Ref +32, Will +25
  14. DR 15/epic and evil, SR 40
  15. Resist: electricity 30, fire 30
  16. Immune: ability damage, ability drain, acid, charm, cold, compulsion, death effects, energy drain, petrification
  17. Defensive Abilities: improved evasion
  19. ==Offense==
  21. Speed: 50ft, fly 60ft (average)
  22. Melee: +5 impact mithral elven curve blade +52 (2d8+24/18-20/x3)
  23. Ranged: +5 adaptive distance evil outsider bane composite longbow +54 (2d6+28/19-20/x3)
  24. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)
  25. —Constant: Detect Evil, Discern Lies, Gravity Bow
  26. —At Will: Greater Teleport, Rage, True Strike
  28. ==Statistics==
  30. Str 30, Dex 36, Con 40, Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 28
  31. BAB +34, CMB +47, CMD 67
  32. Feats: Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Pinpoint Targeting, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Shot on the Run, Dodge, Weapon Focus (bows), Two-Weapon Fighting, Multiattack, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Deft Maneuvers, Powerful Maneuvers, Improved Critical (bows), Critical Focus, Blinding Critical, Weapon Specialization (bows), Greater Weapon Specialization (bows), Greater Weapon Focus (bows), Staggering Critical, Critical Mastery, Greater Disarm, Iron Will
  33. Languages: Common, Celestial, truespeech
  34. SQ: agile striker, master archer, seed of life
  36. ==Special Abilities==
  38. Agile Striker (Ex): Iximaz adds her Dexterity modifier to all damage rolls, instead of Strength.
  40. Master Archer (Ex): Iximaz gains Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Pinpoint Targeting, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, and Shot on the Run as bonus feats. In addition, she can perform bull rush, trip, and disarm combat maneuvers with ranged attacks. This ability also functions as Cernunnos’ perfect archer ability (Bestiary 4, pg 88). She counts as a fighter (level = CR) for the purpose of feats.
  42. Primal Aura (Su): Iximaz radiates courage and determination, automatically ending any fear effect and dispelling effects that cause sadness or despair (such as the Crushing Despair and Terrible Remorse spells) within its area. All morale bonuses within Iximaz’s primal aura (such as those from a barbarian’s rage) are doubled.
  44. ======
  46. Iximaz was an ordinary human in life, ostracized by her peers for her love of fantasy. Yet despite the mockery and viciousness of her peers, she rose above it, becoming a legendary author on her world and sharing her experience and understanding with others.
  48. It’s unclear how long it took for her angelic self to become an empyreal lord; some believe that her goodness was so great that her soul immediately transcended to near-divinity; others believe that she began as an astral deva. Whatever the case, she now spreads her love of books and hatred of oppression with her worshippers.
  50. ==Iximaz’s Faith==
  52. Iximaz is the patron of perseverance, writing, and trivia. Victims of oppression, scribes of a less orderly bent than Barog’s worshippers, and voracious readers venerate Iximaz. Her sacred places are schools and libraries.
  54. Her holy symbol is a crossed quill and rose, and her favored weapon is the longbow. She grants access to the Chaos, Good, Liberation and Rune domains; and access to the Angel, Freedom, Language, and Revolution subdomains.
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