

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.382Z Cinnamon.AppSystem.get_default() started in 41 ms
  2. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.386Z loading user theme: /usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/cinnamon/cinnamon.css
  3. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.410Z added icon directory: /usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/cinnamon
  4. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.432Z Monitor 1 not found. Not creating panel
  5. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.433Z Monitor 2 not found. Not creating panel
  6. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.475Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  7. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.518Z loaded at Mon Apr 30 2018 20:11:11 GMT-0500 (CDT)
  8. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.828Z Loaded applet in 308 ms
  9. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.847Z Role locked: panellauncher
  10. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.926Z Loaded applet IcingTaskManager@json in 98 ms
  11. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.948Z Loaded applet weather@mockturtl in 21 ms
  12. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:11.956Z Loaded applet in 6 ms
  13. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.053Z Loaded applet multicore-sys-monitor@ccadeptic23 in 96 ms
  14. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.078Z Loaded applet temperature@fevimu in 25 ms
  15. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.127Z Loaded applet in 48 ms
  16. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.161Z Loaded applet in 33 ms
  17. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.202Z Loaded applet sound150@claudiux in 40 ms
  18. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.202Z AppletManager.init() started in 684 ms
  19. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.205Z Cinnamon took 872 ms to start
  20. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.557Z Adding indicator: redshift
  21. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.568Z Adding indicator: tomate
  22. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.588Z Adding indicator: ScreenCloud
  23. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.958Z Adding systray: (24x24px)
  24. info t=2018-05-01T01:11:12.961Z Hiding systray: network
  25. info t=2018-05-01T16:34:11.908Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  26. info t=2018-05-01T16:34:29.372Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  27. info t=2018-05-01T16:35:59.485Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  28. info t=2018-05-01T16:44:40.377Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  29. info t=2018-05-01T16:44:53.443Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  30. info t=2018-05-01T16:45:23.990Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  31. info t=2018-05-01T16:45:31.742Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  32. info t=2018-05-01T16:46:04.839Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  33. info t=2018-05-01T16:47:07.512Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  34. info t=2018-05-01T16:47:15.118Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  35. info t=2018-05-01T16:47:27.374Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  36. info t=2018-05-01T16:47:35.216Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  37. info t=2018-05-01T16:47:50.165Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  38. info t=2018-05-01T16:48:27.965Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  39. info t=2018-05-01T16:49:46.388Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  40. info t=2018-05-01T16:49:50.650Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  41. info t=2018-05-01T16:50:13.439Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  42. info t=2018-05-01T17:41:00.710Z Adding indicator: tomate
  43. info t=2018-05-01T22:57:34.362Z Adding indicator: steam
  44. info t=2018-05-02T14:06:44.015Z Adding indicator: tomate
  45. info t=2018-05-03T14:04:26.143Z Adding indicator: tomate
  46. info t=2018-05-04T15:51:01.015Z Adding indicator: tomate
  47. info t=2018-05-04T18:44:04.201Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  48. info t=2018-05-04T18:45:56.976Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  49. info t=2018-05-04T23:58:23.775Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  50. info t=2018-05-04T23:58:42.918Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  51. info t=2018-05-05T00:21:30.115Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  52. info t=2018-05-05T00:21:41.828Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  53. info t=2018-05-05T00:39:00.339Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  54. info t=2018-05-05T00:39:08.647Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  55. info t=2018-05-05T00:39:38.671Z PlacesManager: Updating devices
  56. warning t=2018-05-05T00:55:05.679Z While reading menu layout: Gio.IOErrorEnum: Timeout was reached
  57. info t=2018-05-05T00:55:26.290Z Adding indicator: steam
  58. warning t=2018-05-05T01:19:27.966Z While reading menu layout: Gio.DBusError: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying
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