
Maze Game ASM

Dec 29th, 2018
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  1. This is a basic maze game I created using the Assembler.
  3. TITLE Maze Game INCLUDE
  4. ;Wall = 35
  5. ;Exit = 88
  6. ;Player = 42
  7. ;Prize = 80
  8. ;Blank = 00
  9. .data Maze
  10. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,88,35,35,35,35,35,35,35
  11. rowSize = ($ - Maze)
  12. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,00,00,00,00,00,35,35,35,35,00,80,35
  13. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,00,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,00,35,35
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  17. DWORD 35,35,00,00,00,00,00,35,35,35,00,35,35,35,35,00,00,00,35,35
  18. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,00,00,00,00,00,35,80,00,35,35,35,00,00,35
  19. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,00,35,35,35,35,00,35
  20. DWORD 35,80,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,35,35,35,35,00,35,35,35,00,00,35
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  25. DWORD 35,00,35,35,00,00,00,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,00,35,00,35
  26. DWORD 35,00,35,35,00,35,00,00,35,35,35,35,35,80,35,35,00,35,00,35
  27. DWORD 35,00,00,35,00,35,35,00,35,35,35,35,35,00,35,35,00,00,00,35
  28. DWORD 35,35,00,00,00,35,35,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,35,35,35,00,35,35
  29. DWORD 35,35,35,35,80,35,35,35,35,35,42,35,35,35,35,35,35,80,35,35
  30. DWORD 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35
  31. timer DWORD 100
  32. score DWORD 100
  33. playerPosition DWORD 1480
  36. messageDirections BYTE "Use the arrow keys to move", 0dh, 0ah, 0
  37. messageTime BYTE "Time Past", 0dh, 0ah, 0
  38. messageScore BYTE "Your Score is ", 0dh, 0ah, 0
  39. startTime DWORD ?
  40. divisor DWORD ?
  41. timeTaken DWORD ?
  42. difference DWORD ?
  43. scoreStart DWORD ?
  44. prizeScore DWORD 0
  45. .code
  46. ;************************************************************************* ;********************************START**MAIN****************************** ;*************************************************************************
  47. main PROC mov edx, 0 ;Register to end game
  48. INVOKE GetTickCount
  49. mov startTime, eax
  50. GameLoop:
  51. cmp edx, 99 ;End game value equals 99
  52. je EndGame
  53. call TimerScore
  54. call ReadKey
  55. jz GameLoop
  56. cmp ah, 72 ;Up arrow key
  57. je Up
  58. cmp ah, 80 ;Down arrow key
  59. je Down
  60. cmp ah, 75 ;Left arrow key
  61. je Left
  62. cmp ah, 77 ;Right arrow key
  63. je Right
  64. Up:
  65. call UpMove
  66. call Next Down:
  67. call DownMove
  68. call Next Left:
  69. call LeftMove
  70. call Next Right:
  71. call RightMove
  72. call Next Next:
  73. jmp GameLoop
  74. EndGame:
  75. call TimerCount
  76. call Crlf
  77. call WaitMsg
  78. exit main
  79. ENDP
  80. ;************************************************************************* ;********************************END**MAIN******************************** ;************************************************************************* ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  81. TimerScore PROC
  82. call TimerCount
  83. mov scoreStart, 99
  84. mov score, eax
  85. mov ebx, ScoreStart
  86. mov ecx, timeTaken ;get incrementing time
  87. sub ebx, ecx
  88. mov edx, prizeScore
  89. add edx, score
  90. mov score, ebx
  91. add ebx, prizeScore
  92. mov score, ebx
  93. call Draw
  94. mov edx,OFFSET MessageScore
  95. call WriteString ;Call Write String procdure
  96. mov eax, score
  97. call WriteInt
  98. call Crlf
  99. ret TimerScore
  100. ENDP
  101. UpMove PROC
  102. mov esi, OFFSET Maze
  103. add esi, playerPosition
  104. sub esi, UPDOWN
  105. ;Move up
  106. mov eax, [esi]
  107. cmp eax, 00
  108. ;Open Spot
  109. je ValidUp
  110. cmp eax, 35
  111. ;Wall
  112. je Wall
  113. cmp eax, 80 ;Prize
  114. je PrizeJump
  115. cmp eax, 88 ;Exit
  116. je ExitGame
  117. ValidUp:
  118. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  119. mov eax, 42 ;move the player charater into eax
  120. mov [esi], eax ;move the character into the 2D array
  121. add esi, UPDOWN ;add the constant number 80 to the 2D array
  122. mov eax, 00 ;Move the charater into eax
  123. mov [esi], eax ;move the character into the 2D array
  124. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the player position into eax
  125. sub eax, UPDOWN ;subtract 80 from the player position
  126. mov playerPosition, eax ;Save the new player position
  127. jmp MoveDone
  128. PrizeJump:
  129. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  130. mov eax, 42 ;Move the player charater into eax
  131. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  132. add esi, UPDOWN ;Add the constant number 80 to the 2D array
  133. mov eax, 00 ;Move the charater into eax
  134. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  135. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the player position into eax
  136. sub eax, UPDOWN ;Subtract 80 from the player position
  137. mov playerPosition, eax ;Save the new player position
  138. mov ebx, prizeScore
  139. add prizeScore, 25 ;Add 25 to the score
  140. jmp MoveDone ;Move to done
  141. Wall:
  142. jmp MoveDone
  143. ExitGame:
  144. mov edx, 99 ;exit game
  145. MoveDone:
  146. ret UpMove
  147. ENDP
  148. ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  149. DownMove PROC
  150. mov esi, OFFSET Maze
  151. add esi, playerPosition
  152. add esi, UPDOWN ;Move up
  153. mov eax, [esi]
  154. cmp eax, 00 ;Open Spot
  155. je ValidDown
  156. cmp eax, 35 ;Wall
  157. je Wall
  158. cmp eax, 80 ;Prize
  159. je PrizeJump
  160. cmp eax, 88 ;Exit
  161. je ExitGame
  162. ValidDown:
  163. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  164. mov eax, 42
  165. mov [esi], eax
  166. sub esi, UPDOWN
  167. mov eax, 00
  168. mov [esi], eax
  169. mov eax, playerPosition
  170. add eax, UPDOWN
  171. mov PlayerPosition, eax
  172. jmp MoveDone
  173. PrizeJump:
  174. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  175. mov eax, 42 ;Move the player character into eax
  176. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  177. sub esi, UPDOWN ;Add the constant number 80 to the 2D array
  178. mov eax, 00 ;Move the character into eax
  179. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  180. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the player position into eax
  181. add eax, UPDOWN ;Subtract 80 from the player position
  182. mov playerPosition, eax ;Save the new player position
  183. mov ebx, prizeScore
  184. add prizeScore, 25 ;Add 25 to the score
  185. jmp MoveDone ;Move to done
  186. Wall:
  187. jmp MoveDone
  188. ExitGame:
  189. mov edx, 99
  190. MoveDone:
  191. ret DownMove
  192. ENDP
  193. ;=========================================================================ο»Ώ
  194. ;=========================================================================
  195. LeftMove PROC
  196. mov esi, OFFSET Maze
  197. add esi, playerPosition
  198. sub esi, LEFTRIGHT ;Move Left
  199. mov eax, [esi]
  200. cmp eax, 00 ;Open Spot
  201. je ValidLeft
  202. cmp eax, 35
  203. ;Wall
  204. je Wall
  205. cmp eax, 80 ;Prize
  206. je PrizeJump
  207. cmp eax, 88 ;Exit
  208. je ExitGame
  209. ValidLeft:
  210. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  211. mov eax, 42
  212. mov [esi], eax
  213. add esi, LEFTRIGHT
  214. mov eax, 00
  215. mov [esi], eax
  216. mov eax, playerPosition
  217. sub eax, LEFTRIGHT
  218. mov PlayerPosition, eax
  219. jmp MoveDone
  220. PrizeJump:
  221. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  222. mov eax, 42 ;Move the player charater into eax
  223. mov [esi], eax
  224. ;Move the character into the 2D array
  225. add esi, LEFTRIGHT ;Add the constant number 80 to the 2D array
  226. mov eax, 00 ;Move the charater into eax
  227. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  228. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the player position into eax
  229. sub eax, LEFTRIGHT ;Subtract 80 from the player position
  230. mov playerPosition, eax ;Save the new player position
  231. mov ebx, prizeScore
  232. add prizeScore, 25 ;Add 25 to the score
  233. jmp MoveDone ;Move to done
  234. Wall:
  235. jmp MoveDone
  236. ExitGame:
  237. mov edx, 99
  238. MoveDone:
  239. ret LeftMove
  240. ENDP
  241. ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  242. RightMove PROC
  243. mov esi, OFFSET Maze
  244. add esi, playerPosition
  245. add esi, LEFTRIGHT
  246. ;Move Left
  247. mov eax, [esi]
  248. cmp eax, 00
  249. ;Open Spot
  250. je ValidRight
  251. cmp eax, 35 ;Wall
  252. je Wall
  253. cmp eax, 80 ;Prize
  254. je PrizeJump
  255. cmp eax, 88 ;Exit
  256. je ExitGame
  257. ValidRight:
  258. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  259. mov eax, 42
  260. mov [esi], eax
  261. sub esi, LEFTRIGHT
  262. mov eax, 00
  263. mov [esi], eax
  264. mov eax, playerPosition
  265. add eax, LEFTRIGHT
  266. mov playerPosition, eax
  267. jmp MoveDone
  268. PrizeJump:
  269. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  270. mov eax, 42 ;Move the player charater into eax
  271. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  272. sub esi, LEFTRIGHT ;Add the constant number 80 to the 2D array
  273. mov eax, 00 ;Move the charater into eax
  274. mov [esi], eax ;Move the character into the 2D array
  275. mov eax, playerPosition ;Move the player position into eax
  276. add eax, LEFTRIGHT ;Subtract 80 from the player position
  277. mov playerPosition, eax ;Save the new player position
  278. mov ebx, prizeScore ;Move the score to the register
  279. add prizeScore, 25 ;Add 25 to the score
  280. jmp MoveDone ;Move to done
  281. Wall:
  282. jmp MoveDone
  283. ExitGame:
  284. mov edx, 99
  285. MoveDone:
  286. ret RightMove
  287. ENDP
  288. ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  289. Draw PROC
  290. mov dh, 0 ;Set maze position X
  291. mov dl, 0 ;Set maze position Y
  292. call Gotoxy ;Call Go to X Y
  293. mov ebx, OFFSET Maze ;Move the maze 2D array into ebx
  294. mov ecx, 0 ;intialize the counter
  295. PrintLoop:
  296. mov eax, [ebx] ;Move the indirect value of ebx postion 1 into eax
  297. add ebx, 4 ;Move to the next offset position
  298. inc ecx ;Increment the counter
  299. call WriteChar ;Write Character
  300. cmp ecx, 20 ;Compare for end of row for each 20 positions
  301. je NextLine
  302. cmp ecx, 40
  303. je NextLine
  304. cmp ecx, 60
  305. je NextLine
  306. cmp ecx, 80
  307. je NextLine
  308. cmp ecx, 100
  309. je NextLine
  310. cmp ecx, 120
  311. je NextLine
  312. cmp ecx, 140
  313. je NextLine
  314. cmp ecx, 160
  315. je NextLine
  316. cmp ecx, 180
  317. je NextLine
  318. cmp ecx, 200
  319. je NextLine
  320. cmp ecx, 220
  321. je NextLine
  322. cmp ecx, 240
  323. je NextLine
  324. cmp ecx, 260
  325. je NextLine
  326. cmp ecx, 280
  327. je NextLine
  328. cmp ecx, 300
  329. je NextLine
  330. cmp ecx, 320
  331. je NextLine
  332. cmp ecx, 340
  333. je NextLine
  334. cmp ecx, 360
  335. je NextLine
  336. cmp ecx, 380
  337. je NextLine
  338. cmp ecx, 400
  339. jne PrintLoop
  340. jmp Print
  341. NextLine:
  342. call Crlf
  343. jmp PrintLoop
  344. Print:
  345. call Crlf
  346. mov edx,OFFSET MessageDirections
  347. call WriteString ;Call Write String procdure ret Draw ENDP
  348. ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  349. TimerCount PROC
  350. INVOKE GetTickCount
  351. sub eax, startTime
  352. mov divisor, 1000 ;milisecs div divisor
  353. mov edx,OFFSET messageTime
  354. call WriteString
  355. mov timeTaken, eax
  356. call WriteInt ;Call Write String procdure
  357. ret TimerCount ENDP
  358. ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================
  359. END mainο»Ώ
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