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Nov 2nd, 2021
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  1. I would like to serve five terabytes of data.
  2. 00:02
  3. No problem, we are Google. Five terabytes is so little that I've forgotten how to count that low.
  4. 00:09
  5. Great! I'll use appengine, that will be easy.
  6. 00:12
  7. Very easy. Just register an appengine account, write a little Python, write unit tests,
  8. 00:19
  9. write a regression test, write an end-to-end test, create a CL, pass the submit queue,
  10. 00:25
  11. get the CL approved, wait for the build to go green, and submit it.
  12. 00:29
  13. Great, that will only take a week.
  14. 00:32
  15. By the way my, data is generated by an internal cron job- will that be a problem?
  16. 00:37
  17. This is Google. You'll need to store the data in a bigtable.
  18. 00:40
  19. That's kind of a pain but I suppose it's worthwhile for a production quality service.
  20. 00:45
  21. You call that production quality? I made a more robust production quality
  22. 00:49
  23. service squatting over the toilet this morning.
  24. 00:52
  25. Why is appengine and bigtable not production quality?
  26. 00:57
  27. Oh sweet lord in heaven. What happens when a PCR hits your serving cell?
  28. 01:02
  29. A PCR?
  30. 01:03
  31. Planed change request.
  32. 01:05
  33. This is Google. You need to replicate your data across multiple bigtable cells.
  34. 01:10
  35. How do I do that?
  36. 01:11
  37. Just purchase quota in two bigtable cells.
  38. 01:14
  39. Done. Now is my service production quality?
  40. 01:17
  41. You are so funny. Did you make sure that both cells are in different PCR zones?
  42. 01:23
  43. I didn't realize I had to worry about that. Why didn't you tell me?
  44. 01:27
  45. Look, I just want to serve 5 terabytes. This shouldn't be hard.
  46. 01:31
  47. It's not hard. This is Google. By the way, make sure you file a ticket to replicate your cells.
  48. 01:38
  49. Done. Now is my service production quality?
  50. 01:41
  51. If you're Yahoo, sure. This is Google. You need to fail-over cleanly between PCR zones.
  52. 01:49
  53. Just launch into both cells and create a corp GFE DNS entry to point between the two instances.
  54. 01:55
  55. I am beginning to hate you. But fine, I will do that. Now is my service production quality?
  56. 02:02
  57. Only if you think your users are scum. Do you? Do you think your users are scum? Why do you
  58. 02:08
  59. hate your users? How will you know when your service goes down? Have you set up monitoring?
  60. 02:14
  61. I just want to serve five terabytes. Why is this so difficult? Fine,
  62. 02:20
  63. I will write something in Diplomat; I've heard good things about Diplomat.
  64. 02:23
  65. Did you give your borg jobs the appropriate names for diplomat?
  66. 02:27
  67. Sweet jesus, you have got to be kidding me. Never mind then, I'll just use borgmon.
  68. 02:35
  69. Good. Just modify someone else's borgmon code and you're good to go.
  70. 02:40
  71. You just need to find someone with borgmon readability.
  72. 02:43
  73. Who has borgmon readability?
  74. 02:45
  75. No one has borgmon readability. Just me, but I don't have time to review your code.
  76. 02:51
  77. I will give you a peer bonus if you review my code.
  78. 02:53
  79. One peer bonus? I don't get out of bed for less than three.
  80. 02:58
  81. That's not very googly, but fine. Three peer bonuses. Now review my 20 lines of borgmon code.
  82. 03:05
  83. Looks good to me.
  84. 03:06
  85. I need approval.
  86. 03:07
  87. Approval costs three more peer bonuses.
  88. 03:09
  89. If you weren't a staff software engineer I would
  90. 03:11
  91. cut you open like a wet bag of groceries and play hopscotch with your entrails.
  92. 03:16
  93. Fine, now approve my CL.
  94. 03:18
  95. Done. By the way, did you remember to purchase quota for the cell where borgmon will run?
  96. 03:24
  97. I am going to quit my job. My next job will be making your
  98. 03:27
  99. vital organs universally accessible and useful.
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