

Mar 7th, 2016
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  1. *Ryusei || His legs carried him as fast as he could away from the deathtrap that was that cave, tearing streaming down his face all the while and shouting at the top of his lungs. Three people had died because of him. Because in the face of a foe he thought unbeatable with a strength that couldn't even match up to weakest of foes, he ran. Instead of helping those he could, Ryusei ran, leaving them behind for dead in hopes of saving himself.
  3. He expected them to hate him- No, he wanted them to hate him. Instead, even in their weakened state, they continued to fight - not to win, but to save him. Bordon, he continued crawling toward the giants even though it meant doing so ensured his death. Kano, who when seeing that a giant had hurled a stalagmite at the retreating Ryusei in hopes of killing him instantly. jumped in the way and stopped the attack even though it meant sacrificng himself. Jackson, who struggled to rise and fight again even though his body demanded he did otherwise.
  5. Three brilliant souls, snuffed out before they were given a chance to fully shine their light..
  6. And all so that Ryusei may live. Ryusei, a coward who ran away instead of fighting to save his saviors lives. Ryusei, a coward who couldn't even save his mother a week prior when bandits attacked, forced to retreat alongside his brother, Ryusei, who..-
  8. He burst into the town, tears still trailing down his face and his body coated in a mixture of blue and red blood. He didn't get very far before his haggard sprint sent him falling, crashing to the sand face first and sliding a foot before he came to a stop.
  10. And there he remained, pushing himself onto all fours whilst he punched the ground with all of the strength he had, shouting over and over again.
  12. "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!"
  14. Did he really deserve to live when three aspiring heroes fell in his place?*
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