
Fluffy Town - 2

Mar 28th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous Fri 01 Jun 2018 18:08:09 No.16123333 | /trash/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Despite himself keeping his distance this entire time, Anon can't deny the minuscule spark of pride.
  4. >All in all, he hadn't offered a particularly large amount of aid to the creatures, only a few hours total a week if he had to put a number on it, and yet they were surviving.
  5. >They had created a community in a way, a structure, with only a little guidance from him.
  6. >After one of the new babies had been snatched away by an owl, the adults began setting up watches during mid-day when the young were out and playing.
  7. >Anon often spotted a male sitting on top of one of the trash bag homes, staring with narrowed eyes at the sky.
  8. >Whenever there was a shadow in the sky or a scary sound, the adult would squeak a warning, and the babies would quickly run for shelter.
  9. >once, a feral dog had come into the yard while Anon was carrying groceries towards the house, and had gone for the fluffy ponies, but as soon as it clamped it's jaws on one of the girls legs, the rest had come charging out, scaring the mutt off.
  10. >Anon had looked up what to do with the mangled limb, and stumbled across some torture vids about removing legs.
  11. >They certainly weren't pleasant, but they at least revealed a process and aftercare to assure the fuffy's survival.
  12. >At this point, the ponies had come to trust Anon enough not to question him when he took the mare into his kitchen.
  13. >After giving her some Benadryl in way of anesthetic , Anon went about cutting the destroyed limb off, cleaning the stump, and stitching it up.
  14. >She was sad to awake missing a leg, but was glad she still had three to run and play on.
  15. >Anon made sure to rub antibiotic ointment on the stub everyday until it was healed.
  16. >The fact that the fluffies had created a designated shit and pissing spot away from their homes without further guidance from him probably helped her not to get an infection.
  17. >Their better diet might have helped, too.
  19. >In search of keeping the little herd fed beyond table scraps and old food, Anon would buy twenty pound bags of simple rice for seven dollars, and would often steam a large bowl for the fluffies every night.
  20. >He had also found a cheaper place to buy apples, picking up the ones deemed too unattractive for stores for pennies on the pound.
  21. >It was plain, but the fluffy ponies didn't complain, though one of the newer once tried to ask him for sketties and called him daddeh to boot.
  22. >He ignored it and heard the first female to live there explain that the nice human wasn't their daddeh and that he didn't like being called that.
  23. >A few days later, Anon made spaghetti for himself, and took a plate outside for the fluffies to share.
  24. >He could hear the festivities even after he went inside.
  25. >By the time the fall had come around again, Anon had found an assortment of strays of varying ages, and brought them to what he had come to call Fluffy Town.
  26. >The original dog house with the heater shared among them as the best shelter, and those who were sick or hurt were usually moved their to recover.
  27. >There were a few more box homes stuffed with raggedy blankets, and Anon had even converted a large refrigerator box into a home that many fluffies could congregate in, which became something like a town hall.
  28. >Anon himself had become something of a hero to those working the animal shelter, seeing as he kept many of their kettles empty of fluffy ponies, and had even begun offering him discounts on the surgeries he often came in to have done to new fluffies moving onto his property.
  29. >As for the fluffies themselves, the oldest had come to terms with the removal of their reproductive abilities, and often comforted new comers through the process.
  30. >There were always plenty of babehs that needed mammehs and daddehs, they'd say, and even though they couldn't make their own, they could be their for those other babbehs that Anon occasionally brought in.
  32. >Year after year, Anon continues to collect and watch over the fluffy ponies of his budding town.
  33. >It eventually grows to about six dozen strong.
  34. >By then, Anon is still aloof, but, on rare days, he goes out and sits, and the fluffy ponies swarm their guardian.
  35. >The fad of fluffy ponies as pets has faded much from the peak of their first release.
  36. >There are still plenty of them out there, but they certainly aren't something people pick up on whim anymore.
  37. >Most who are bought are done so by loving homes who don't intend to let them run wild.
  38. >Combined with his efforts to collect and fix as many as possible, and the number of strays in his town is effectively zero.
  39. >Secretly, Anon is proud of this, as small as an impact it is, and when he sees the first citizen of his little town die at an old age, he isn't terribly sad.
  40. >He had no doubt that the little guy would have died years ago without this little haven, and is confident that he lived a full life.
  41. >The fluffies themselves are sad, but they all watch and say goodbye to their friend and family as Anon buries him.
  42. >Soon, Anon realizes, this would be the fate of Fluffy Town.
  43. >A slow, quiet, and content end.
  45. >Pink Blue, named for her coat and mane, rests with a smile in a sunbeam.
  46. >She looks over the land that has been her home for as long as she remembers, watching the younger fluffies playing, and sighs.
  47. >She was the first fluffy to settle here with her babehs, watched over by Nice Mistah (Dadeh, but not to his face).
  48. >She was so scared and tired back then, frightened by the world and for her babehs, but always hoping for happiness.
  49. >And she found it, along with so many others.
  50. >She has watched this home grow along with her family, and has raised many babehs, but now there are no babehs that need caring for anymore.
  51. >She knows that soon, she will be napping in the ground along side Black Yellow, one of her oldest friends.
  52. >She hopes to say hi to him, and the others there.
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