
Gem list jupiter

Jan 16th, 2014
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  1. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static# ls
  2. EMPTY.txt my-new-platform-140114/
  3. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static# cd my-new-platform-140114
  4. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114# ls
  5. authorize.php index.php MAINTAINERS.txt sites/
  6. cache/ INSTALL.mysql.txt misc/ themes/
  7. CHANGELOG.txt INSTALL.pgsql.txt modules/ update.php
  8. COPYRIGHT.txt install.php my-new-platform-010114.make UPGRADE.txt
  9. cron.php INSTALL.sqlite.txt profiles/ web.config
  10. drushrc.php INSTALL.txt README.txt xmlrpc.php
  11. includes/ LICENSE.txt* scripts/
  12. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114#
  13. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114# gem list
  15. *** LOCAL GEMS ***
  17. addressable (2.3.5)
  18. bigdecimal (1.1.0)
  19. breakpoint (2.0.7)
  20. bundler (1.3.5)
  21. bundler-unload (1.0.2)
  22. celluloid (0.15.2)
  23. chunky_png (1.2.9)
  24. coderay (1.1.0)
  25. color-schemer (0.2.8)
  26. compass (0.12.2)
  27. compass-blend-modes (0.0.2)
  28. compass-normalize (1.4.3)
  29. compass-rgbapng (0.2.1)
  30. compass-validator (3.0.1)
  31. css_parser (1.3.5)
  32. em-websocket (0.5.0)
  33. eventmachine (1.0.3)
  34. executable-hooks (1.2.6)
  35. ffi (1.9.3)
  36. fontcustom (1.0.0)
  37. formatador (0.2.4)
  38. fssm (0.2.10)
  39. gem-wrappers (1.2.4)
  40. guard (2.2.5)
  41. guard-compass (1.0.0)
  42. guard-livereload (2.1.0)
  43. guard-shell (0.6.1)
  44. http_parser.rb (0.5.3)
  45. io-console (0.3)
  46. json (1.8.1, 1.5.5)
  47. listen (2.4.0)
  48. lumberjack (1.0.4)
  49. method_source (0.8.2)
  50. minitest (2.5.1)
  51. multi_json (1.8.4)
  52. oily_png (1.1.0)
  53. pry (
  54. rake (
  55. rb-fchange (0.0.6)
  56. rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
  57. rb-inotify (0.9.3)
  58. rdoc (3.9.5)
  59. rubygems-bundler (1.4.2)
  60. rvm (
  61. sass (3.2.13)
  62. sass-globbing (1.1.0)
  63. sassy-strings (1.0.0)
  64. singularitygs (1.1.2)
  65. slop (3.4.7)
  66. susy (1.0.9)
  67. thor (0.18.1)
  68. timers (1.1.0)
  69. toolkit (1.3.8)
  70. yajl-ruby (1.2.0)
  73. =====================
  75. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/all/themes/om4_150114# ls
  76. bower.json* Gemfile* images/ logo.png* process/ template.php*
  77. config.rb* Gemfile.lock js/ sass/ templates/
  78. css/ Gruntfile.js* libraries/ package.json* screenshot.png* theme/
  79. fonts/ Guardfile* libraries.make* preprocess/ sfnt2woff/ theme-settings.php*
  80. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/all/themes/om4_150114# gem list
  82. *** LOCAL GEMS ***
  84. addressable (2.3.5)
  85. bigdecimal (1.1.0)
  86. breakpoint (2.0.7)
  87. bundler (1.3.5)
  88. bundler-unload (1.0.2)
  89. celluloid (0.15.2)
  90. chunky_png (1.2.9)
  91. coderay (1.1.0)
  92. color-schemer (0.2.8)
  93. compass (0.12.2)
  94. compass-blend-modes (0.0.2)
  95. compass-normalize (1.4.3)
  96. compass-rgbapng (0.2.1)
  97. compass-validator (3.0.1)
  98. css_parser (1.3.5)
  99. em-websocket (0.5.0)
  100. eventmachine (1.0.3)
  101. executable-hooks (1.2.6)
  102. ffi (1.9.3)
  103. fontcustom (1.0.0)
  104. formatador (0.2.4)
  105. fssm (0.2.10)
  106. gem-wrappers (1.2.4)
  107. guard (2.2.5)
  108. guard-compass (1.0.0)
  109. guard-livereload (2.1.0)
  110. guard-shell (0.6.1)
  111. http_parser.rb (0.5.3)
  112. io-console (0.3)
  113. json (1.8.1, 1.5.5)
  114. listen (2.4.0)
  115. lumberjack (1.0.4)
  116. method_source (0.8.2)
  117. minitest (2.5.1)
  118. multi_json (1.8.4)
  119. oily_png (1.1.0)
  120. pry (
  121. rake (
  122. rb-fchange (0.0.6)
  123. rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
  124. rb-inotify (0.9.3)
  125. rdoc (3.9.5)
  126. rubygems-bundler (1.4.2)
  127. rvm (
  128. sass (3.2.13)
  129. sass-globbing (1.1.0)
  130. sassy-strings (1.0.0)
  131. singularitygs (1.1.2)
  132. slop (3.4.7)
  133. susy (1.0.9)
  134. thor (0.18.1)
  135. timers (1.1.0)
  136. toolkit (1.3.8)
  137. yajl-ruby (1.2.0)
  140. ==========================================
  141. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/ ls
  142. drushrc.php files/ libraries/ local.settings.php modules/ private/ settings.php themes/
  143. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/ gem list
  145. *** LOCAL GEMS ***
  147. addressable (2.3.5)
  148. bigdecimal (1.1.0)
  149. breakpoint (2.0.7)
  150. bundler (1.3.5)
  151. bundler-unload (1.0.2)
  152. celluloid (0.15.2)
  153. chunky_png (1.2.9)
  154. coderay (1.1.0)
  155. color-schemer (0.2.8)
  156. compass (0.12.2)
  157. compass-blend-modes (0.0.2)
  158. compass-normalize (1.4.3)
  159. compass-rgbapng (0.2.1)
  160. compass-validator (3.0.1)
  161. css_parser (1.3.5)
  162. em-websocket (0.5.0)
  163. eventmachine (1.0.3)
  164. executable-hooks (1.2.6)
  165. ffi (1.9.3)
  166. fontcustom (1.0.0)
  167. formatador (0.2.4)
  168. fssm (0.2.10)
  169. gem-wrappers (1.2.4)
  170. guard (2.2.5)
  171. guard-compass (1.0.0)
  172. guard-livereload (2.1.0)
  173. guard-shell (0.6.1)
  174. http_parser.rb (0.5.3)
  175. io-console (0.3)
  176. json (1.8.1, 1.5.5)
  177. listen (2.4.0)
  178. lumberjack (1.0.4)
  179. method_source (0.8.2)
  180. minitest (2.5.1)
  181. multi_json (1.8.4)
  182. oily_png (1.1.0)
  183. pry (
  184. rake (
  185. rb-fchange (0.0.6)
  186. rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
  187. rb-inotify (0.9.3)
  188. rdoc (3.9.5)
  189. rubygems-bundler (1.4.2)
  190. rvm (
  191. sass (3.2.13)
  192. sass-globbing (1.1.0)
  193. sassy-strings (1.0.0)
  194. singularitygs (1.1.2)
  195. slop (3.4.7)
  196. susy (1.0.9)
  197. thor (0.18.1)
  198. timers (1.1.0)
  199. toolkit (1.3.8)
  200. yajl-ruby (1.2.0)
  201. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/ ruby -v
  202. ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
  203. jupiter:/data/disk/o1/static/my-new-platform-140114/sites/ date
  204. Thu Jan 16 17:02:48 UTC 2014
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