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Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. Hello Sarah. This seems like it might be possible, but there are a few hurdles to overcome. Here's roughly how it could work and some problems you might encounter:
  3. - You have to get the data into ActionKit, so you'll need to make a petition targeted at congress. Be sure to turn off confirmation messages so they don't get emailed.
  5. - You need to load the signer data into ActionKit using the API, filling in the petition.
  7. - Then you'll need to develop a new PDF template which includes the valentine's images.
  9. The last step may prove challenging - ActionKit's AKID scheme includes the mailing ID the user clicked through on (if they clicked from a mailing) so it's not a static value for each user. If you mailed out on different mailings for the valentines then there are multiple possible AKIDs for each user. One option would be to strip out the user ID from the AKID on your system and rename the files, which will make them easier to reference from your PDF template.
  11. Finally, I'm concerned that even if all your tests go well you might find that ActionKit can't create PDFs of the size required here (images are heavy compared to text). We've had capacity problems with our PDF generator in the past - it's something we're working on but we don't have a fix ready now.
  13. So, all in all - seems like it just might work but it's definitely on the outer edge of possible and could face some significant problems along the way.
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