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Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. Game 1
  2. RockHardMeeps: i am badeed
  3. RockHardMeeps: Why
  4. RockHardMeeps: Would you stun
  5. RockHardMeeps: So early
  6. RockHardMeeps: You're an ape
  7. RockHardMeeps: And i'm not touching your lane again
  8. RockHardMeeps: Thought Veigar's brain worked
  9. RockHardMeeps: But he stunned you when I wasn't even close
  10. RockHardMeeps: Jax
  11. RockHardMeeps: you're trolling
  12. RockHardMeeps: You could've saved us both
  13. RockHardMeeps: And stopped your Ornn
  14. RockHardMeeps: From getting those kills
  15. RockHardMeeps: Instead you afk farmed and fucked yourself
  16. RockHardMeeps: I mean Jax took my role and is trolling
  17. RockHardMeeps: So I'm not having fun unless I'm making you useless
  18. RockHardMeeps: Glad you bm every chance you get
  19. RockHardMeeps: Because you're angry I'm ganking you
  20. RockHardMeeps: The audacity to say no to that
  21. RockHardMeeps: idc
  22. RockHardMeeps: I'm having fun cucking you
  23. RockHardMeeps: We're not winning with this Jax and kog
  24. RockHardMeeps: LOL
  25. RockHardMeeps: You
  26. RockHardMeeps: let
  27. RockHardMeeps: Him
  28. RockHardMeeps: Killl
  29. RockHardMeeps: Us
  30. RockHardMeeps: Because
  31. RockHardMeeps: We
  32. RockHardMeeps: Got
  33. RockHardMeeps: A
  34. RockHardMeeps: Kill
  35. RockHardMeeps: Then you let ornn walk down
  36. RockHardMeeps: And kill us both
  37. RockHardMeeps: Instead of following
  38. RockHardMeeps: And possibly
  39. RockHardMeeps: Kill him too
  40. RockHardMeeps: LOL
  41. RockHardMeeps: It would've bene
  42. RockHardMeeps: 1 v 3
  43. RockHardMeeps: You're a trash can who I'm gonna mute if you're trying to make an excuse
  44. RockHardMeeps: Didn't think you'd just walk in and int
  45. RockHardMeeps: Otherwise I would've backed
  46. RockHardMeeps: Gottem
  47. RockHardMeeps: Could've just ward hopped over his wall
  48. RockHardMeeps: You ape brain
  49. RockHardMeeps: Boy
  50. RockHardMeeps: I have more farm than you
  51. RockHardMeeps: Actually you konw what
  52. RockHardMeeps: Not worth my words
  53. RockHardMeeps: Because you were dead
  54. RockHardMeeps: :)
  55. RockHardMeeps: I can already tell you're like 12
  56. RockHardMeeps: You did 2/3rds of my hp with that Ezreal
  57. RockHardMeeps: Oi
  58. RockHardMeeps: Fuck off
  59. RockHardMeeps: This champion is actually broken
  60. RockHardMeeps: Riot nerf
  61. RockHardMeeps: What a monkey
  62. RockHardMeeps: xd Riot
  63. RockHardMeeps: xd
  64. RockHardMeeps: I'm legit 1 v3ing their carries
  65. RockHardMeeps: and you're just cleaning up Ornn 3 v 1
  66. RockHardMeeps: Better on me
  67. RockHardMeeps: :)
  68. RockHardMeeps: You nearly 1 shot me
  69. RockHardMeeps: I don't agree with 1.1k damage q
  70. RockHardMeeps: Can't tell if Ornn or Ezreal trolled harder
  71. Game 2
  72. RockHardMeeps: I can't believe this
  73. RockHardMeeps: Alright
  74. RockHardMeeps: Nasus tp'd
  75. RockHardMeeps: out
  76. RockHardMeeps: this game lbows
  77. RockHardMeeps: Ashe
  78. RockHardMeeps: E
  79. RockHardMeeps: Or
  80. RockHardMeeps: Look
  81. RockHardMeeps: At
  82. RockHardMeeps: Gromp
  83. RockHardMeeps: You're trollign me
  84. RockHardMeeps: wtf is that range
  85. RockHardMeeps: And how the fuck did you guys know I was there
  86. RockHardMeeps: No you didn't btw
  87. RockHardMeeps: This game can go suck a dick honestly
  88. RockHardMeeps: You shouldn't have backed Annie
  89. RockHardMeeps: Like I pinged
  90. RockHardMeeps: kys
  91. RockHardMeeps: ANNIE
  92. RockHardMeeps: YOU
  93. RockHardMeeps: CUNT
  94. RockHardMeeps: Can we
  95. RockHardMeeps: 9x
  96. RockHardMeeps: Annie
  97. RockHardMeeps: Literally
  98. RockHardMeeps: Walked past me and Galio and Trist
  99. RockHardMeeps: To the gulag you go
  100. RockHardMeeps: Casually giving free inhib to 4 low hp targets
  101. RockHardMeeps: Casually trying to fix your inting prior
  102. RockHardMeeps: hehehaha can't think of anything else to say so I bring up score
  103. RockHardMeeps: ?
  104. RockHardMeeps: When did I say
  105. RockHardMeeps: You know what
  106. RockHardMeeps: With what you just said
  107. RockHardMeeps: Makes me bleive
  108. RockHardMeeps: Any words I throw at you
  109. RockHardMeeps: Are pointless
  110. RockHardMeeps: Because your iq is too low
  111. RockHardMeeps: Outplayed gtw
  112. RockHardMeeps: btw
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