
Gen 3 Proto Dex Entries

May 21st, 2020
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  1. z_poke
  2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Dummy
  5. Newly discovered Pokémon. Currently under investigation.
  7. 277
  9. The bump on its back is formed from bones. The bump gets bigger as it ages; as it gets bigger and bigger, its body grows heavy and its movements become slow. // shares parts of Sapphire Camerupt and Numel. "Eruption Pokémon", same as final Camerupt.
  11. 278
  13. It puts all manner of things in its beak, provided they fit. It is can sometimes be seen putting small Pokemon and Eggs inside and carrying them. // similar to final Ruby Pelipper, same species name as final
  15. 283
  17. When in a rush, it throws its tail and uses it as a lasso to fling its whole body. The record for such flights is said to be 10 meters. // very similar to final Sapphire Azurill, same species name as final
  19. 284
  21. It matches its body's colors to its surroundings and doesn't move for several hours. When its prey approaches, it extends its long tongue to catch it. Its tongue movements are so fast that they are hard to see with the unaided eye. // similar to final Sapphire Kecleon, same species name as final
  23. 285
  25. It uses Water Gun from the blowhole on the top of its head. It loves to crawl up onto beaches and startle people. When its body dries out, it weakens. // I thought this was Lombre, but it's Wailmer! similar to final Ruby, same species name as final.
  27. 288
  29. On clear days that follow rains, they assemble in puddles in great numbers. By releasing oil from the tips of its legs, it gains the ability to walk on water in a manner that resembles sliding. // Surskit but slightly rearranged from final, same species name as final
  31. 290
  33. It lurks in the darkness of caves, lying in wait to ambush its prey. No matter how dark it is, it has eyesight strong enough that it can make out pebbles 100 meters away. // Sableye; same species name as final
  35. 292
  37. It is said that it is born from earthen dolls that have were bathed in cosmic rays and came to harbor life. It has no legs and moves by floating through the air. // similar to final Ruby Claydol; same species name as final
  39. 294
  41. It has a habit of picking up small Pokemon that it finds - not only its own children - and letting them ride on its back. It brushes its teeth by chewing on hard objects. // "Child Carry Pokémon"
  43. 299
  45. When one is lost in a forest, it is said to sound its horns to show the path home. Seeing it during this time is supposed to lead to happiness. // judging by other dex entries, concept evolved into Kricketot. Shares Flygon's species name.
  47. 312
  49. No matter what you ask it, it responds "why not?". Otherwise, it waves its tail left to right. When it hits the ground, it's a sign that it's angry. // Wynaut. Responds "is that so" but I localized it to match with the name here lol. Same species name as final
  51. 313
  53. Near identical to final Ruby Duskull, but actually mentions Duskull's name. Same species name as final
  55. 314
  57. Using its hind legs, it digs a hole and crawls backwards into the sand. It lives underground for long periods of time, so its eyes are weak. If objects fall down onto it, it reflexively bites them. // Trapinch; same species name as final
  59. 316
  61. Its large wings stir up strong, fast, 30 meter [per hour?] winds. Legends suggests that it blew away clouds and brought people the light of the sun. // "Great Hawk Pokémon"
  63. 317
  65. It lives in the vicinity of ponds and sleeps 18 hours a day. It has a friendly personality, but it attacks foes after its flower with the poisoned spikes on its head. // second half similar to final Roselia; same species name as final
  67. 318
  69. It uses the hollows of its body to make a beautiful, resounding cry. When mad, it shifts its cries into a supersonic range that people cannot hear and blows away those around it. // I'm dumb; I thought this was Kricketune but it was Chimecho! shares its final species name. who knows why this Pokémon is so far back in the index
  71. 319
  73. Absorbs nutrients from tree roots. It lives in the earth where it is dark, so it is not fond of sunlight. It emerges from the ground at night and roams around. // similar to parts of final Ruby and Sapphire Nincada; same species name as final
  75. 321
  77. Inhabits rocky shores. It is a skilled diver and goes down as far as 100 meters to catch its prey. It swims well, but moves slowly when on land. // "Seal Pokemon", so this is one of the Spheal line, but none of them have this name in final.
  79. 342
  81. Same as final Ninjask; species name here is "Ninja" rather than "Shinobi" in final.
  83. 343
  85. A mysterious Pokémon that has a body but no soul. The halo above its head is thought to be its true body. It levitates to move. // Shedinja; same species name as final
  87. 344
  89. Using the leaf on its head, it floats in calm lakes. Small Pokémon that get on it are startled when it suddenly moves. // Lotad but different from any final; same species name as final
  91. 345
  93. same as final Ludicolo bar small word choices; "Tangled Feet Pokémon"
  95. 347
  97. It digs holes in mines and settles down there. It loves coal and iron ore. Although usually friendly, it becomes intimidating when it sees people coming to take its coal. // has elements of final Sapphire Lairon, but reference to coal may have been split off into Torkoal's final concept. "Steel Pokémon"
  99. 369
  101. It is incredibly smart and understands human language. It has the power to change its appearance by wrapping its body with its glass-like feathers to reflect light. // very similar to final Sapphire Latias, which uses "bend" over "reflect". Same species name as final
  103. 370
  105. It is incredibly smart and understands human language. It is a mystical Pokemon that has the special power to make others see any image that comes to its mind. // similar to final Sapphire Latios. Same species name as final
  107. 372
  109. Loves Berries. It marks Berry trees using the hard fur on its back. If its berries are taken, it flies into a rage and does not calm down until they are returned. // Zigzagoon! Same species name as final
  110. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  111. z_poke_a
  112. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  113. 252: Treecko R
  115. 253: The scales on its arms have come to resemble wings. It flies through the air in a gliding fashion. A living fossil from the dinosaur age. // same species name as final Sceptile
  117. 255: Torchic R
  119. 257: By flapping its wings, it generates high-temperature Heat Waves that turn plant matter into char. It can barely see in dark areas.
  121. 258: Mudkip R
  123. 277: Similar to above 277 but "there are even cases where it becomes unable to move"
  125. 278: Pelipper R
  127. 282: Its expression is always the same, so one cannot tell what it is thinking. When stared at, it can sometimes become uneasy. // "Black Rock Pokémon"
  129. 283: Azurill R
  131. 284: Same as above Kecleon
  133. 285: Wailmer R
  135. 286: Nocturnal Pokemon that gets active when the sun sets. It likes to jump out of rivers all of a sudden and startle people walking by. // resembles final Lombre Ruby; "Mischief Pokémon"
  137. 288: Same as above Surskit
  139. 290: Its eyes have developed from living in darkness. It has eyesight strong enough to distinguish different coins from one another 100 meters away, even in complete darkness. // Sableye. I have no idea why coins are referenced here.
  141. 291: It is feared and referred to as "The Gangster of the Seas". Its sharp teeth grown back in quickly when broken and it uses them to shred boat hulls and put holes in them. // Resembles final Sharpedo Ruby
  143. 292: Same as above Claydol
  145. 294: A Pokemon that spins its tail and rolls it up to make a cradle. It lets its young ride in it and raises them. Occasionally, other Pokemon get mixed inside. // "Child Carry Pokémon"; see above
  147. 296: Shroomish R
  149. 297: A Pokemon that lives in warm regions. It often acts as part of a group; when three of them congregate, it tends to get loud. // "Tokonatsu Pokémon"; "Everlasting Summer Pokémon" or "June / July Pokémon" depending on how you want to interpret
  151. 298: It takes a lot of water into its body and sprays it out like a shower while rotating. Convenient during the hot days of summer. // "Shrub Pokémon"
  153. 299: Same as above "Kricketot"
  155. 305: Using its horns, it absorbs the electricity from lightning. Recently, it seems that it's learned that it can absorb electricity from outlets in homes. // "Imp Pokémon". Why make this if Elekid existed?
  157. 306: The moss growing on its body feels amazing to touch. However, since this is an energy-draining moss, it is for one's own good to avoid carelessly touching it. // "Peat Moss Pokémon"
  159. 307: Fond of humans, it is frequently seen riding on their heads. It appears as if they have a cotton hat. // resembles Swablu Ruby
  161. 312: Wynaut R
  163. 313: Duskull R
  165. 314: It lays quietly in a mortar-shaped hole, waiting for its prey to fall in. It has a habit of biting anything it licks. // since when does Trapinch have a tongue? Cursed image
  167. 317: Same as above Roselia
  169. 318: Very similar to final Chimecho
  171. 319: Similar to above Nincada but removes reference to absorbing nutrients from trees
  173. 321: Similar to above mystery seal but specifically mentions rolling on land, so likely Spheal based on that
  175. 322: Poison sweat seeps out from its pores. Can taint a clean lake in an instant. Releases a stench strong enough to make one's nose shrivel up. // Swalot based on other entries; resembles Swalot Ruby. "Drawstring Bag Pokémon"
  177. 323: Same as final Tropius, but all instances of "fruit" are specifically "banana" here; "Banana Pokémon"
  179. 325: It stabs its tail into the ground and absorbs water. Its legs are weak, so it can only move one meter per day. // Sunflora2, even less mobile boogaloo. "Flower Pokémon" - you can tell they got real creative
  181. 327: Huntail R
  183. 330: Hariyama R
  185. 331: It strums the balls on the disc on its head with its tail to generate tones. The tone seems to change depending on the size of its body. // "[Musical] Scale Pokémon"
  187. 334: A Pokémon that loves to let people ride on it as it flies. It flies silently, so it feels great to ride. When it gets tired, it floats in the sea and rests its wings. // "Sightseeing Pokémon"
  189. 335: Skitty R but specifically "small moving objects", identical otherwise
  191. 336: It appears lazy, but once it gets walking, it has the willpower to walk several kilometers. // Numel based on category name, which suggests that it was probably going to be a bit more camely
  193. 342: Ninjask R // "Ninja Pokémon" here rather than "Shinobi Pokémon" in final
  195. 343: very similar to Shedinja Ruby
  197. 344: It floats on water using a leaf. It paddles using its four legs, but it doesn't have flippers so it's not very fast. // Lotad, but given the following one I'm not sure what happened with this line at all.
  199. 345: Each Tapple has different spots on its body and it seems that no two patterns are the same. When it hears upbeat music, it breaks out in dance. // Do you like Spinda-Colo-adas? "Tapple" is the name used here (Tappuru); batman on discord suggested it is a combo of "tap" (the dance) and "topple"; (pine)apple may also have found its way in there. The tap connection grows stronger with Mr. Rime (which quite clearly tap dances) in later generations having Tangled Feet. I would like to note that the category name ("Tangled Feet Pokemon") is literally "plover (chidori) legs" in Japanese, and the previous dex entry ("Lotad") makes specific reference to paddling twice using the same word ("mizukaki"). A mizukaki-chidori is specifically this bird, which may offer more (non-Kappa-related) explanation for why Ludicolo has a beak - it was originally literally a bird and slowly worked its way out of the bird motif. Spinda also learned Petal Dance over Teeter Dance at some point, which strengthens the association between it and the Grass-type Ludicolo bird it would split off from.
  201. 346: Lunatone R // (note lack of Solrock)
  203. 347: Above Lairon / Torkoal sans first sentence. Notes specifically that it is territorial in final sentence.
  205. 350: It is documented to change its appearance when evolving, but the cause for doing so is unknown. Center of attention among Pokemon researchers. // "Lottery Pokémon"
  207. 359: Absol R
  209. 362: Is constantly on the move. Lacks a [permanent] home. It constricts its opponents with its long body and attacks using its sharp beak. // "White Dragon Pokémon". Seems to be Taikuun, which minibug on the discord noted is probably derived from 滞空 (taikuu; to stay in the air)
  211. 368: First sentence of Poochyena Ruby (+ the statement that it is brutal) followed by second sentence of Poochyena Sapphire
  213. 369: Latias S
  215. 370: Latios R
  217. 372: Zigzagoon R
  219. 374: The scales on its arms have come to resemble wings. It flies through the air in a gliding fashion. A living fossil from the dinosaur age. // yes, this is a copypaste of 253. "Archaeopteryx Pokémon". Sceptile was once a fossil Pokémon!
  221. 382: Lives in thick forests. It has a large body, but is good at making fine turns, allowing it to deftly pass between trees. // "Dragonfly Pokémon". Either proto Yanma evo or proto Masquerain.
  223. 385: Its long feelers are extremely sensitive. By sensing small changes in the way the air flows, it can divine its opponents' thoughts. // "Red Spider Lily Pokémon" based on the other dex entry set, it reminds me of a mix of Kirlia and Lileep. Probably the former?
  225. 392: Lives by pure ponds and lakes. When night falls, its tail begins to glow and it communicates with its comrades by varying the light's strength and turning it off and on. // Volbeat. This is literally "tail"; note that a firefly does not have a tail and that "Tail Glow" is specifically called "Firefly Light" in Japanese
  227. 393: When spring comes, it emits a sweet scent from its tail; the scent attracts Volbeat. The stronger the smell, the more Volbeat attracts. // similar to Illumise Ruby
  228. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  229. z_poke_b
  230. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  231. 252: Treecko S
  233. 253: Its scale wings are extremely strong and sharp. They are strong weapons that rip apart iron plates. They roam in groups of about 10. // same species name as final Sceptile. Some raptor influences here as well, evidently. Veeeeery slight resemblance to Sceptile Ruby, potentially just by coincidence
  235. 255: Torchic S
  237. 257: Every few years, its whole body is engulfed in flames and it regrows its wings. A strong-willed Pokémon that never gives up no matter how many times it loses. // [anime theme plays in background]
  239. 258: Mudkip S
  241. 277: A Pokemon with a relaxed nature. However, when it gets angry, it blows 1000 C magma out of the hump on its back. // 1200 for Numel in final lol
  243. 278: Pelipper S
  245. 282: When its body is wet by rain, it can be seen rubbing its body with leaves to polish itself. It seems that it becomes satisfied when it has a black sheen. // "Black Rock Pokémon"
  247. 283: Azurill S
  249. 284: Its body is usually cold, but gets warmer when it changes color. The zig-zag on its stomach is the only thing that doesn't change. // Kecleon
  251. 285: Wailmer S
  253. 286: Very similar to final Lombre Sapphire bar addition of "very" in final // "Mischief Pokémon"
  255. 288: Surskit S
  257. 290: Both of its eyes shine like gems. It is feared because it is said that people drawn to that beauty have their soul stolen. // Resembles final Sableye Ruby. Interestingly, it does not explicitly say that its eyes literally are gems.
  259. 291: Sharpedo S
  261. 292: Claydol S
  263. 294: A fleet-footed Pokémon that can run 50 meters in 7 seconds. It sometimes drops its children, though. It brushes its teeth by chewing on hard objects. // "Child Carry Pokémon"; see above
  265. 296: When it gets mad, it shakes its body and scatters poison spores from its head. A strong poison that could make even a pro wrestler bedridden for three days. // Similar to Shroomish Sapphire. Ah yes, measuring strength of poison in pro wrestlers, just like the measuring of electricity strength in Indian elephants
  267. 297: It is said that if you give its head petals to someone you love one-sidedly, your love will be granted. If you try to take its petals, it gets violently angry. // "Tokonatsu Pokémon"; "Everlasting Summer Pokémon" or "June / July Pokémon" depending on how you want to interpret
  269. 298: Drinks 100L in a day. If the water it has stored in its body gets low, its the leaves on both of its hands wither. // "Shrub Pokémon". Specifically noted to have 2 hands here, if you want more imagination-inspiring deep lore about a sprinkler Pokémon
  271. 299: It swings its head from left to right to make a beautiful xylophone-like tone. It communicates with its comrades by [alternating] this tone's scale. // As mentioned above, strongly resembles Kricketot but also has elements of the Whismur line.
  273. 305: Appears in places struck by lightning. Its horns fall off and regrow once a year and it seems that the bigger they are, the more it is respected by its peers. // "Imp Pokémon". Resembles part of final Manectric Emerald, perhaps by coincidence.
  275. 306: Often found in moist, shady areas. It blooms pretty, yellow flowers, but they have a trash-like stench. // "Peat Moss Pokémon"
  277. 307: It loves to clean off its own body as well as other Pokémon with its cotton-like wings. If its wings get dirty, it washes them in water. // resembles Swablu Sapphire
  279. 312: Wynaut S
  281. 313: Duskull S
  283. 314: Its large jaw has the power to break even boulders. An extremely stubborn Pokémon that doesn't release anything it bites. // GIVE TRAPINCH JAW LOCK
  285. 317: Each individual has flowers with different colors, so there are a lot of people that seek out rare colors. Often seen in the vicinity of pristine ponds.
  287. 318: It drifts with the wind. In windy conditions, it wraps its tail around tree branches and waits until the wind calms down. // Similar to final Chimecho Sapphire
  289. 319: Using its sharp claws, it scratches tree roots and extracts nutrients and moisture. It uses its feelers to get a sense of its surroundings. // Identical first sentence to Nincada Sapphire
  291. 321: When it walks on land, it very quickly starts to roll. On hills, it has trouble stopping once it gets rolling. A Pokemon that is fond of people. // Spheal
  293. 322: Very similar to final Swalot Sapphire // "Drawstring Bag Pokémon"
  295. 323: It flaps the leaves on its back to fly through the skies. A Body Slam from its hefty body can flatten even a sturdy truck in one shot. // resembles second half of final Tropius Sapphire
  297. 325: It has the power to read people's hearts. Raised by cheery people, it grows fast and blooms pretty flowers. // "heart" could be "mind" or "soul". "Flower Pokémon"
  299. 327: Huntail S
  301. 330: Its chubby body is a chunk of muscle. Said to be the strongest among Pokémon, it can carry a 10-ton truck with ease. // similar to final Hariyama Sapphire
  303. 331: Lives in small ponds overrun with aquatic plants. When its comrades assemble, they get up on waterfronts and play upbeat music. // "[Musical] Scale Pokémon". Perhaps also had some relation to Ludicolo, given reference to ponds and upbeat music.
  305. 334: It has a calm nature and dislikes conflict. It has cells in its horns that work like magnets, allowing it to take the role of a compass. // "Sightseeing Pokémon"
  307. 335: Lives in holes in trees. It capricious and struggles to bond with humans, but it has a cute face, so it's very popular as a pet. // Similar to Skitty Sapphire
  309. 336: A glutton that doesn't stop eating once it starts. It is lacks sensitivity to the point that it does not notice if it's hit, but it can't tolerate even a second of hunger. // takes parts of Numel Ruby
  311. 342: Ninjask S // "Ninja Pokémon" here rather than "Shinobi Pokémon" in final
  313. 343: Its body feels absolutely no pain. The halo above its head is thought to be the true form of this mysterious Pokémon.
  315. 344: Lotad S
  317. 345: It is thought that two Tapple with exactly the same spot patterns do not exist. Its shaky stride resembles dance. // "Tapple"; "Tangled Feet Pokémon". Very close to Spinda Ruby. See zpokea for more comments
  319. 346: Lunatone S // (note lack of Solrock)
  321. 347: Covered in steel armor from head to tail, it can counter any attack. // Lairon
  323. 350: Its mode of life is largely unclear. It does not have a visible mouth or ears; the only thing about it that is known is that it responds to light and sound. // "Lottery Pokémon"
  325. 359: Absol S
  327. 362: Its whole body is covered in white scales. When it flies, the scales fall off, making a sparkling belt of light in the sky. // "White Dragon Pokémon". Seems to be Taikuun.
  329. 368: First sentence of Poochyena Sapphire + Its legs are short, so it can't run very quickly.
  331. 369: It is kind and dislikes conflict, but once it gets angry, it releases great power. Always traveling with Latios. // Latias
  333. 370: A calm Pokémon, it listens obediently to people it trusts. It flies through the skies faster than a jet plane. // Resembles Latios Sapphire
  335. 372: Zigzagoon S
  337. 374: Its scale wings are extremely strong and sharp. They are strong weapons that rip apart iron plates. They roam in groups of about 10. // Copypaste of 253. "Archaeopteryx Pokémon"
  339. 382: It can extract oxygen from water, so they occasionally live underwater as well. Loves eating the microorganisms in ponds. // "Dragonfly Pokémon". Masquerain is more supported here based on the reference to Surskit-esque eating of pond microorganisms
  341. 385: It hypnotizes its opponents using its dance-like movements and its deep gaze. Only female members of this Pokemon species have been found. // "Red Spider Lily Pokémon". Again, very much reminds of either Kirlia or Ralts; offers explanation for their fairly explicitly feminine appearance.
  343. 392: When in dark areas, it uses its feelers to sense for obstacles and food. Groups of them draw patterns in the sky. // Volbeat
  345. 393: Its two feelers are extremely useful. In dark areas, it uses them to read its surroundings and can even use them to carry small things. // Illumise
  346. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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