
Collaring of a Beast ~~~ Svien

Oct 9th, 2013
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  1. LianiNoelAricLianiNoelAric has joined the chat
  2. RamahHadassah has joined the chat
  3. silentARA has joined the chat
  4. LianiNoelAric: Hail sister...
  5. LianiNoelAric: Hail..Rama
  6. VexinLola: (( posting ))
  7. RamahHadassah: ((posting as well))
  8. RamahHadassah: ~The Chains that bounded the bonds arms and hands would clink together lightly as he hauled her through the Great doors of Sviens loft. "' ah good to be home"Ramah said as he pushed the bond forward with a great push. The bond was unowned and left to die, rescued from a raid by Ramah apon on of his many voyages. He had no intention on saving the beast, for the tarsh that the slain slaver carried was is main interest apon investigating the savage attack. He slew the Raiders instantly, salvaging what he could gather in their apparent failed attempt of an attack before stumbling apon the beast. She was indeed exceptional, with the potiential to become a exotic. To leave such a beast for the sleens would be a utter waste. Fastening her arms and legs in great chains, he herded her away from the carnage, taking her to his sisters city with him to collar. THe slave stumbled forward from his push as she attempted to gather what was left of her balance." I have found a rare breed of slut apon my travels "he chuckled" I wish to fit her with a collar...would yah happen to have a spare"he grinned, pressing his mighty hand apon the bonds shoulder and forcing her to the ground in an a instant"~
  9. LianiNoelAric: -Liani sitting in the Loft of Svien...she as word sent that she is need to witness her First Ax collaring a new girl to she walked in accompanied by her personal guards Caden and Vlad she states "it is a bit cold in here....get the fireplace going as the guest have arrived" taking her cloak off she would walk to the throne sitting down..realizing she is far later than she intended to be "Hail Jarl Rama First Ax of Svien..Sissy " her voice was soft and angelic...yawning..for she was up feeding her littlest baby Arwyn...Liani would take a seat "send word to Kimi of of our Favored Four bonds to come to me" looking towards Vlad as he says...focusing back on Ramah.."let me see this girl that you must collar" grins waitng for his smart reponse...she was wearing a blue dress with mesh over it...her skin was flawless...still a bit bigger than she was but fit for having triplets two moons she would wait to see what her First Ax had to he collared this bond...-
  10. VexinLola: -her hazel green eyes would focus on the city around her getting to know Svien well as now this would be home to her, Lola unawear of things to in her here but still feeling or ease, her hand brush along her side as she walks her grown flows with each step , yet feeling the cool breeze upon her face would be new along with her dark red hair resting upon her shoulders, Lola has traveled many places but knowing the feeling of home again is quite coming back to her, Lola walking from the Library from there her nose would have been stuck in books for many Ahn , she see a few citizens crossing her path on the way to see her sister at her loft but mainly keeping quiet non the less as yet Lola would not still be use to the North weather , as she enjoyed the warmth and cozy of the fair, coming close to where her sister would be her steps small but strong , her body carried tall but yet graceful, making her way to the door as she reachs out her hands tend to shake a little but soon Lola knows that she will get use to the changes in her life she has made, taken the door handle as she opens , the door would make a loud creek sound but pays no mind to that as her other hand takes the gown lifting up slightly as she steps up to close the door behind her, Lola eyes would move around the room to adjust from the outside , she would see her sister smiling face to only her hear greet the second she stepped into the Loft- " Hail Sister , I hope you are feeling quite all right ?" - speak softly but loud enough that her sister may have heard her seeing another that was in the loft as well that she know the man from earlier as Jarlshe keep her steps light getting closer to find a sit next to her sister as she would not be rude to the Jarl keepinghe soft tone as befroe - " Hail Jarl and I hope your day has found you well ?" - taken her seat at the time her hand presses against her gown tucking under her knees , leaning back to make her self cozy and to hope that she will soon get warm -
  11. silentARA: The past days seemed all a blur though she had nothing but time to look back upon them. The heavy chain that held her arms tightly bound continued to bite into her skin though tightened skilled enough to not break it, clinked lightly as she walked while the bonds that held her hands together so tight too sang their soft and well known song. She was thankful for the furrs and the camisk she adorned to still be awarded to her for the travel to this great place. The blues of her eyes wished so deeply to look about and take in where this unfamiliar warrior had brought her, though in listening to His words to others, she knew she was to be His. Her heart slammed at the thought and her mind raced with questions of the unknown that usually accompanied such a situation. She wondered of Him, but quickly cleared her mind as it mattered not before her thoughts were interrupted from a gruff and unexpected push from behind almost causing her to fumble to the floor. She bit back a gasp and her bonds grew slightly louder as she missed a sstep, but ensured her self to not fall with discracefully. She swallowed hard listening to the angelic tone of a Woman further into the warmth of the room, and she couldn’t help but tremble beneath the heavy hand that landed upon her shoulder. Silently, she awaited her fate and tried her best to not show her fear. Her shoulders squared, not only to fix the image of her stumbling self, but also at the words the woman spoke of wishing to see her. Her eyes remained low for the moment though she knew she would not be able to keep it that way for long.
  12. RamahHadassah: ~"OF COURSE MY DAY HAS FOUND ME WELL his dreads would shake with each shake of laughter that would ensue from hsi core"...come sister...look at this beast..she the southerners would say...remarkable "grasping her chin he yanked her towards himself wildly, completely and utterely controling the bond. He knew well taht she would learn ttp respect free this day if she did not. "I wish to collar da beast....I will need a color"
  13. RamahHadassah: (sorry wrong post lol)
  14. RamahHadassah: ~"OF COURSE MY DAY HAS FOUND ME WELL his dreads would shake with each shake of laughter that would ensue from hsi core"...come sister...look at this beast..she the southerners would say...remarkable "grasping her chin he yanked her towards himself wildly, completely and utterely controling the bond. He knew well taht she would learn ttp respect free this day if she did not. "I wish to collar da beast....I will need a color"
  15. RamahHadassah: ((>.<.))
  16. RamahHadassah: ~"OF COURSE MY DAY HAS FOUND ME WELL his dreads would shake with each shake of laughter that would ensue from hsi core"...come sister...look at this beast..she the southerners would say...remarkable "grasping her chin he yanked her towards himself wildly, completely and utterely controling the bond. He knew well taht she would learn ttp respect free this day if she did not. "I wish to collar da beast....I will need a color"
  17. RamahHadassah: (sooo this is weird))
  18. RamahHadassah: (i completely posted something on word but its not posting))
  19. VexinLola: (( writing on like a not pad then posting it here ))
  20. silentARA: (hmmm.. I dunno. Word and I have a love hate relationship.)
  21. RamahHadassah: yeah))
  22. RamahHadassah: ((first time its screwed me over lol))
  23. VexinLola: (( mine tends to do that too lol ))
  24. RamahHadassah: ~"OF COURSE MY DAY HAS FOUND ME WELL his dreads would shake with each shake of laughter that would ensue from his core"...come sister...look at this beast..she the southerners would say...remarkable "grasping her chin he yanked her towards himself wildly, completely and utterely controling the bond. He knew well taht she would learn ttp respect free this day if she did not. "I wish to collar da beast....I will need a color"
  25. RamahHadassah: ((im just write it out quickly))
  26. RamahHadassah: ~OF COURSE MY DAY HAS FOUND ME WELL his dreads would shake with each shake of laughter that would ensue from his core"...come sister...look at this beast..she the southerners would say...remarkable "grasping her chin he yanked her towards himself wildly, completely and utterely controling the bond. He knew well taht she would learn ttp respect free this day if she did not. "I wish to collar da beast....I will need a color" he snapped his fingers, catching the attention of every slave and sevant in the loft."Bring me a Collar..."he looks closely at the bonds neck ands whispers into a oncoming servants ear the the measurements of the collar he needed. Ramah would bend over slightly, grabbing the bond by the bulk of her golden strands, levitating her slightly off the ground~...its time..."he whispered into her ear before retrieving the collar that was brought to him by the servant, unlatching it in his hand as the pins would fall to the floor~
  27. RamahHadassah: ((there we go))
  28. silentARA: (-smiles and posts timidly in her own Word, hoping to have no incidents as well-)
  29. VexinLola: -Lola tend not to over think things , her gown yet wet at the bottom from the snow covered ground , she has a bit of a shiver to her body, knowing the heat off the fire would warm her soon, her back rest against the tall chair as her hands rest upon her lap as she sits so quietly to hear that Jarl Ramah was here to collar a new girl , as she would have not noticed the girl upon entering but then Lola never payed any attention to any beast, knowing she had walked in on bussiness as remains quiet , in a bit of joy that she had taken a book for the library to read til her home would be finish as well knowing it may be of some Ahn that her things would actualy make it to her but wishing that she would have waited on asking about there day knowing that it should come first, her hand grabs the book that was carried with her from the library to here she flip through the pages from where she had stopped to red once more , Lola knows her nose would always be in books as that seem to be where it is now these days, hearing at that time Jarl Ramah speak as he would talk about the girl she could dont nothing but let a small laugh as she would not care to much for any girl, Lola looks up to show her attention on the Jarl when he spoke as he would conduct his bussiness on collaring the beast -
  30. VexinLola: (( some times it bites ya in the butt when you least want it too lol ))
  31. RamahHadassah: ((sorry guys if my post are a little at work and my concentration is...split))
  32. silentARA: Laughter. A joyous sound to be heard though one of menace when from such a large beast of a Man. It was the callused fingers that grasped her chin that made her eyes slam shut in a flinch from the way He maneuvered her body to do as He wished. Thrown off balance with her arms and hands tied, she remained at the mercy of this man whom was to be her Jarl. She searched for any sign of kindness and though He handled her as a Man would handle any mere slave, it was the way He spoke to His sister that made her think that perhaps this would end up working out far better than she had ever thought when the raiders invaded her village. Her chest rose and fell faster now in small pants from beneath the camisk she wore, and she couldn’t help but swallow hard at the nearness of Him. Her head tilted uncomfortably so for a moment as He inspected her throat no doubt measuring her up for His own collar that showed true when His voice spoke such numbers to a passing slave to fetch. It was then that she couldn’t help but gasp when His hand took full hold of the thick golden locks that cascaded down around her face, pulling her seemingly weightless form almost completely off the floor. The hold on her hair stung and with her hands bonded behind her back, she could not hold to His wrist to keep some of the weight off her head. Her eyes stung in reflex to the sensation though she dared not allow any proof to spill over. Instead, the blues of her eyes remained behind tightly slammed lids and her chest panted even heavier as she remained at the utter discression of this room of Free somewhere in the great Gorean North.
  33. LianiNoelAric has left the chat
  34. RamahHadassah: (she fell asleep lol))
  35. RamahHadassah: (lola you still with us?)
  36. VexinLola: (( i figured she would ))
  37. silentARA: (:) poor thing. )
  38. VexinLola: (( that i am ))
  39. silentARA: (-smiles to her in appreciation-)
  40. silentARA: *Her
  41. VexinLola: (( -seeing the smile returns one with a slight nod - ))
  42. RamahHadassah: ~his massive hands would cuff the back of her neck as he bent upward to face his menacing hazel hues. He would laugh at the lack of attention the Free woman whom he was introduced to earlier would take in the event."So i take it...that this collaring doesnt hold your interest huh?"he spoke to her, smiling all the while" Well maybe i should give you a better view of then "His teeth would bare as a grin played acrossed his face. Looking down to the bond he smirked for only an ihn before leading her infront of the free woman by the neck to entertain his apparently bored guest of Svien. Moving the beast was ease, her body would shuffle forward, stumbling with each large step that Ramah took. He smiles as he threw the bond before her feet, the rings that rest along the edge of the collar would chim with each suttle motion the Jarl would make. She spilled to the floor as he approached her instantly, his massive figure overshadowing her small petite frame with no effort at all. Ramah chuckled as he look toward the free woman, his right hand would cuff the back of the bonds head, he would slowly encirle the cold steel around her thin, fragile, neck. He jerked her forward aggressively, allowing the woman to view the sheer dominace and disregard he had for the bonds life. He knew she was worthless but he knew she could become something more as well. He wanted the Free to see the eyes of the beast as her freedom became stripped from her as the latch of the collar slowly clicked shut. For each pin that was fasten in the holes of the collar to insure that it remained locked, was like a second lost in time.~
  43. RamahHadassah: with ease*))
  44. RamahHadassah: chime*))
  45. VexinLola: -her fingers trace along the book feeling the edges, hearing the slaves making much noise to aid the Jarl in his collaring , yet her eyes looking back and forth to what is taken place , crossing her ankles as her foot taps along the floor lightly . The books she has been reading throught out the day have had nothing but the Northern terms as Lola would not be to her full knowledge as it has been some time for her but at least home with her sister , she knows that the southern slag to her speach would surely show to all in the room but still no word would escape from her lips til the Jarl would have the beast under his collar , such of things moving about for one but no need for her she keeps her mind on her book reading lightly at that he would speak of her lack attention to the collaring but to that she knows on how all this plays out for such a bond as the gril now pulled forward place at her feet , Lola would close the book placing in her lap as she see the massive figure stand before her her head back look up to pay no mind to the girl she answer him to his question he stated - " Well the intrest is yours Jarl, I do not prefer such of a beast" - Lola's voice soft as always her eyes focus on his while she spoke - " But i say you may have my attention now " - her hands rest upon her lap as the book lays underneathe them , her figners still tracing the pages -
  46. RamahHadassah: ((;p))
  47. VexinLola: (( Hey no tongue action ... lol ))
  48. RamahHadassah: ((PPPPPPP))]
  49. silentARA: (haha.. that was awesome)
  50. VexinLola: (( well that is a lot of action ........ and ty ))
  51. VexinLola: (( lol ))
  52. RamahHadassah: ((im going to make this Companion some day...))
  53. VexinLola: (( who might that be ??))
  54. RamahHadassah: ((you..))
  55. silentARA: Holding still, she could only breath and listen to the way her Jarl to be spoke to the other Free Woman in the room, and flinched subtlety as He started marching her towards Her. Once closer, she whimpered from the shove He gave that lead her to be thrown to the floor at the Woman’s brilliant hem line. With her arms tied like so, Ara could not help the way the side of her temple hit the solid floor. His deep threatening chuckle made her tremble in fear as she remained before Him and felt His hand cup the back of her head. It was then that she felt the cool steel slip around her throat. A familiar sensation, though the warmth it encompassed was unparalleled. She swallowed hard as it tightened and clicked into place in it’s own unique way. The finality of it all making her take a deep breath that was instantly cut short from the way He jerked her up so harshly to display her to the Free Woman. His captured and enslaved beast. The blues of her eyes opened then, to half lidded slits to look upon the Woman before her, such fear laced in what was visible of her eyes though the Woman cared not only looking above her to the towering Gorean Man whom was now, . . her Jarl.
  56. VexinLola: (( yes i knwo i am a smart ass at times ))
  57. RamahHadassah: ((thats perfect.)))
  58. VexinLola: (( well its me either love it or leave it ))
  59. RamahHadassah: ((we will get to those roads with we cross them....))
  60. VexinLola: (( only time will tell Ramah ))
  61. RamahHadassah: ((aye..))
  62. VexinLola: (( brb going to the kitchen to get me somthing to drink ))
  63. RamahHadassah: ((alrighty))
  64. silentARA: (of course. )
  65. RamahHadassah: ~a moment of silence was heard after the woman offered her undivided attention to Ramah. He smiled as he slid his fingers into the inners of the collar, yanking the beast instantly off the ground and onto his shoulder like the brute that he was. "....Now that i have yer attention..."he paused, moving slowly towards her his right knee would bend, meeting the ground so that he made full contact with her own eyes"...I wish to keep it more then the books you so enjoy reading" he snatched at her book playfully before standing to his maximum height" Life is to be inside of a book all must find thrill's to satisfy those inner urges to truely live..." he looked ot her softly before retracting himself fully"....Those books can only give yur so much..."he rolled his shoulder, adjusting the bond that was placed their to its dead center so that she may not tumble off. Slapping her ass loud with his blistered palms he would move forward slowly, his boots heavy along the floor. Turning back, his eyes would scan the woman, followed by a smirk that was almost in the form of an approval"...we will meet again" he said to her softly" until then...let yur many books became your companion~
  66. RamahHadassah: full line of sight**))
  67. VexinLola: ( back )
  68. RamahHadassah: (wb)
  69. VexinLola: ( ty )
  70. silentARA: (welcomed return)
  71. VexinLola: ( ty )
  72. VexinLola: -her dark red hair tosses back as she give him the attention and focus , as her hazel green eyes looks closely to the him studing the figure of the Jarl which but Ahn's ago they would have meet , Lola eyes would not move from his as the beast has no need for her, knowing that the beast stay at her feet , her hands continue to rest on the book , yet giving the attention to the Jarl as he would stand infront of her, Lola's body would not move but keep that focus on him seeing him bend to one knee continue hearing him speak would not butt in to allow him to have her attention as then feeling his hands as snatching the book from her lap but at that time she would let out a light laugh to him shaking her head at him as she raises giving such a site , befor he would leave with out at least a good by , Lola would speak her voice would never change - " Well Jarl Ramah my books or for my knowledge and i am sure i have plenty more books then just that one " - taken a second as she smile to him her cheeks raise but her focus still remains the same - " as for my book as a companion they tend not to have such tempers Jarl , with that when I find one worthy of my full attention I would not need for these books " - as then seeing him with the smirk that was placed upon his face she would take a second - " I am sure we will meet again ....... matter of fact i am certain you will have my attention when our paths cross again "
  73. silentARA: There was a pause that seemed to last forever. She did not know if the Woman would strike her, and she feared as much in the moment until she felt her Jarl`s scratchy pad slip beneath her collar and yank her up effortlessly. It hurt, the pain bit through her neck where she found herself choked for a moments time before her breathing continued on normally in her upside down state. She was on his shoulder, the outter rim of it that always dug into the hip bone in such a way. She wanted to grab hold of Him to keep her balance and not fall, but her hands remained bound and she was fully at His mercy while He lowered Himself to taunt the beautiful Woman in His threatening yet . . . . intimate way. She could only pray He did not let her fall for that would hurt far worse than her temple did. After an exchange of words, He righted Himself and her upon His shoulder making her feel far more secure before feeling His palm land with a hard slap to her back side. Her flinch went unnoticed of course or uncared for, but the sting of His hand left a throbbing bite upon her left cheek that she knew would be bearing His mark under the fabric that shielded it. The cool air was felt then, biting into any of her exposed skin, though she felt far warmer than before entering what felt like ihn ago. Her eyes closed as she bounced along upon His massive shoulder, with thoughts of her new Jarl swimming in her head.
  74. RamahHadassah: ~he smiled at the freewoman as he turned about, fulling confident after the Free Woman would insure him that her attenion would remain with him apon their next meeting"ahh...i cannot wait then" he said with a smile as he carried his bond away, through the large that would would emerge from.~
  75. RamahHadassah: fully*))
  76. VexinLola: (( thank you been some time for rp .... i been away way too long ))
  77. silentARA: (Thank YOU. It was an absolute pleasure to RP with You. :) )
  78. RamahHadassah: ((...i have to say you remind me of someone i long ago adored))
  79. VexinLola: (( i am sure i will see more of you as well ))
  80. RamahHadassah: ((as a freewoman))
  81. RamahHadassah: (( you presense is just like hers))
  82. VexinLola: (( Well i have been away for some time ...... i hope that was a completment ))
  83. RamahHadassah: ((then i hope "adored" doesnt mean anything negativelol))
  84. VexinLola: (( Oh that it doesnt, and i am glad i feel that hole in some way lol ))
  85. VexinLola: (( fill* ))
  86. RamahHadassah: ((lol
  87. VexinLola: (( spit it out Ramah .... LOL ))
  88. RamahHadassah: ((was there a bubble above my head O.o))
  89. RamahHadassah: ~swats at it~
  90. RamahHadassah: missleading bubble >.<
  91. VexinLola: (( Yes i had a pin i could have popped it ))
  92. RamahHadassah: NOOO
  93. RamahHadassah: you leave meh bubbles alone
  94. RamahHadassah: ~grabs his bubble~
  95. VexinLola: need to pop them bubbles
  96. RamahHadassah: <.< asshole....
  97. VexinLola: Yes everyone has one .. in time i may be yours
  98. VexinLola: -laughs-
  99. RamahHadassah: i like the sound of that...
  100. RamahHadassah: i actually do..
  101. RamahHadassah: its been awhile sense i been excited about a free woman
  102. VexinLola: Well i am happy i am pleasing .... as it been some time i have had a run at a Free man
  103. silentARA: It was a pelasure meeting You, Mistress... but.. I have to be in a classroom in some hours so...... my crazy ass better get SOME sleep. lol
  104. silentARA: Thank You kindly for allowing this tohappen before You.
  105. VexinLola: It is fine , its always enjoyable for a lovely rp
  106. VexinLola: you may add if your Jarl allows it
  107. RamahHadassah: of course...
  108. silentARA: :)
  109. silentARA: thank You Mistress. -bows head respectfully and can't help the beaming smile that she offers to her new Jarl.- Thank You for tonight. I will not let You down.
  110. silentARA has been sent a friend request.
  111. RamahHadassah: i know you ont
  112. RamahHadassah: wont*
  113. RamahHadassah: i NEVER choose half ass bonds anymore
  114. VexinLola: lol well i hope not a whole ass is alot better
  115. VexinLola: lol.
  116. RamahHadassah: lol
  117. silentARA: lol
  118. VexinLola: sorry had to toss that in there
  119. silentARA: that was awesome!
  120. silentARA: ok ok.. night night
  121. silentARA: :P
  122. silentARA has left the chat
  123. VexinLola: there is that tongue again .... lol
  124. RamahHadassah: tongue isnt all bad...
  125. VexinLola: No that its not , if its used well
  126. RamahHadassah: we then i can use it however i wish...~chuckles~
  127. VexinLola: -laughs- now that may be a plan i can jump on
  128. RamahHadassah: awkward seating
  129. VexinLola: oh the chair
  130. VexinLola: or all the chairs
  131. VexinLola: but at least i have full view -grins-
  132. RamahHadassah: lol
  133. RamahHadassah: is that right..
  134. RamahHadassah: you know i am not the type of guy to hold back ...
  135. RamahHadassah: so be careful with your words...
  136. VexinLola: call it like i see ... nor i the type of girl
  137. VexinLola: i am sure you might have picked up on that
  138. RamahHadassah: of course...
  139. RamahHadassah: hence the reason i said You will be my future FC...
  140. RamahHadassah: i will not take no for an answer...
  141. RamahHadassah: i am an ambitious fellow
  142. VexinLola: Oh i might have to toss that no just to get a raise
  143. VexinLola: lol.
  144. RamahHadassah: ohhh yeah huh...
  145. VexinLola: Well its has been some time that a man truely gotten a good raise out of me much less get my attention
  146. RamahHadassah: Raise as in some type of reluctance?
  147. VexinLola: yes.
  148. RamahHadassah: if you didnt i would be pissed.
  149. RamahHadassah: i dont need a weak FC
  150. RamahHadassah: or a tender mouth one
  151. VexinLola: OH dear i am far from that
  152. RamahHadassah: good
  153. VexinLola: some times my lips tend to be loss
  154. RamahHadassah: i need a companion tha can shoulder as i might
  155. VexinLola: loose*
  156. RamahHadassah: and if your lips are lose allow then them to be with the RIGHT people...
  157. VexinLola: oh i know .... as some times i do know when to keep my own
  158. RamahHadassah: ...i have an uncanning ability to sense the sub in people...
  159. RamahHadassah: and i sense it deeply in you....
  160. RamahHadassah: you arent a full domi are you?
  161. VexinLola: I only subbmitt to the one that takes my heart
  162. VexinLola: as he would only hold that key
  163. VexinLola: but then again all woman have that side to them
  164. RamahHadassah: hmm...
  165. RamahHadassah: not all..
  166. RamahHadassah: i have met some fierce ones...
  167. RamahHadassah: but i have found a medium
  168. VexinLola: oh but do know that we all have the sub in us one way another
  169. VexinLola: some just hide it well
  170. RamahHadassah: aye...they did...but they were fierce
  171. RamahHadassah: i have seen you on here before
  172. VexinLola: it takes the right guy or even girl to bring it out
  173. RamahHadassah: you have added me
  174. RamahHadassah: im not sure if i ever saw you rp...
  175. VexinLola: No i dont think we rp before
  176. VexinLola: but we have meet
  177. VexinLola: i was once Tatrix of Venna ... Yes from the south
  178. RamahHadassah: hmm
  179. RamahHadassah: did i ever come to your city?
  180. VexinLola: i believe once before
  181. RamahHadassah: im a true nomad
  182. RamahHadassah: nevertheless we will meet again
  183. VexinLola: hmm
  184. VexinLola: Yes i will count on talking with you again
  185. RamahHadassahRamahHadassah : you should
  186. RamahHadassah: you have my eye
  187. RamahHadassah: until then...i will see you soon
  188. VexinLola: OH dont take me lightly -grins- as taken my kindness as my weakness would not be good ...... lol
  189. RamahHadassah: listen
  190. RamahHadassahRamahHadassah : you must have me mistaken with...
  191. RamahHadassah: one of these 2 bit Jarls here
  192. RamahHadassah: i didnt ask for a nice FC
  193. RamahHadassah: i want a strong stern one...
  194. RamahHadassah: :)
  195. VexinLola: lol ..... OH and it is noted
  196. RamahHadassah: i am alot to follow...
  197. RamahHadassah: but i have to go
  198. VexinLola: I might as well rest myself
  199. RamahHadassah: ~Nods~ i shall see you in th eam
  200. VexinLola: that you will
  201. VexinLola: I will be the one with the book to her nose
  202. RamahHadassah: and ill be taking it every chance i get...
  203. RamahHadassah: ~waves and winks~
  204. RamahHadassah has left the chat
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