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a guest
Jan 18th, 2020
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text 4.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. monsterUI:
  2. {
  3. enable:true
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  63. animation:
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  68. highlight:
  69. {
  70. enable:false
  71. focus:
  72. {
  73. enable:true
  74. precedence:5
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  77. {
  78. enable:true
  79. precedence:4
  80. }
  81. target:
  82. {
  83. enable:true
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  85. }
  86. lastDamaged:
  87. {
  88. enable:true
  89. precedence:2
  90. }
  91. onlyMonster:
  92. {
  93. enable:true
  94. precedence:1
  95. }
  96. }
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  100. precisionRagePercent:0
  101. precisionStamina:0
  102. precisionStaminaPercent:0
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  107. bRenderAction:true
  108. bRenderSize:true
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  113. bRenderRage:true
  114. bRenderRagePercent:true
  115. bRenderRageBar:true
  116. bRenderStamina:true
  117. bRenderStaminaPercent:true
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  138. staminaVisibleDuration:1800
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  140. statusVisibleDuration:1800
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  142. {
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  144. shape:[[0,-5],[1,-5],[1,1.5],[0,1.5]]
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  156. length:350
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  164. {
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  167. length:350
  168. bRenderBackground:true
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  173. }
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  176. spacing:[0,10]
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  195. }
  196. colors:
  197. {
  198. name:"#FFFFFFFF"
  199. size:"#FFFFFFFF"
  200. action:"#FFFB00FF"
  201. hpText:"#FFFFFFFF"
  202. hp:"#FFFFFFFF"
  203. hpBar:"#00FF00FF"
  204. rageText:"#FFFFFFFF"
  205. rage:"#FFFFFFFF"
  206. rageBar:"#FFFFFFFF"
  207. staminaText:"#FFFFFFFF"
  208. stamina:"#FFFFFFFF"
  209. staminaBar:"#FF2D00FF"
  210. hueShiftPer100PercentageChange:0
  211. }
  212. textHp:"HP"
  213. textRage:"Rage"
  214. textRaging:"Raging"
  215. textStamina:"Stamina"
  216. textFatigue:"Fatigue"
  217. textCrownMini:"[Mini]"
  218. textCrownSilver:"[Silver]"
  219. textCrownGold:"[Gold]"
  220. }
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